IgoreVanDorn's Journal


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2 entries this month


Where to Start

04:04 Sep 01 2007
Times Read: 641

Where to Start...

My first real topic and it was a struggle to really choose what to tackle first. So I am going to start with that struggle and lightly tap on a few of the many issues I have with mankind.

I debaited about religion and all the various avenues I coudl take with that. I could start in on a rant about how the catholic church is the world's largest cult or that organized religion is one of the corner stones leading to the destruction of mankind or that all religions are needed because of mankind's need for "something" greater to be at fault when things go wrong....but, I will save thoe for another night. Each with their own due and many more beyond those.

My next thoughts were history and the re-writing of traditionally beleived accurate accounts. A rambling discussion about major world events perhaps or my own views on current history and the mark we are leaving for our children's children to see. But again, I figured I would get into those on another day.

So I settled on.....starting fresh. Or, as my title states: Where to Start.

I just joined VR ten days or so ago. I liked the premiss of the site and the various people I have met. I have thought long and hard about the image I want to portray here. As it is, I am a very secretive person. Rarely does anyone find out more about me than you could find doing a simple internet search. Even this very journal entry is something totally new for me. I've never blogged before....

So this is where I will start.

Many years ago I lived in a small town in the midwest. My parents owned a large 100 year old (at the time) Victorian style home. As a kid, it was great. Big rooms, plenty of yard space and nearly everyone in town thought it was haunted. What could be better?

As I sat in the family room one Saturday morning watching cartoons and eating Honeycombs cereal I realized that I was being watched. As I looked up I saw a little boy. He was dressed much as you might think a boy from the late 1800's might be dressed when he was ready to go to church. He wore a navy blue outfit that included nickers with tall white socks and big black shoes with buckles in the front and a rather loose fitting sailor style top. The outfit was complete with a large wide brimmed blue hat.

Odd. I didn't know anyone that looked like him. And I really couldn't understand why he was standing in the doorway to the family room. Then he simply vanished.

I wasn't scared. I didn't run to mom and dad crying. I sat there, disappointed actually that we didn't get a chance to play.

Well. He came back. Often.

His name was Tommy.

And we had a summer of fun playing tag and hide and seek. I would often see him in the yard before I was even done with breakfast and would bolt out as soon as my cereal was done.

After that summer, I didn't see him for years and years. We will get to his return into my life in another journal entry.

But this. Is where it all started. You might think that I am plum out of my mind. You may be able to relate.

What I know is: I wouldn't be who I was today, if it weren't for my friend Tommy.




First Impressions

03:30 Sep 01 2007
Times Read: 644

First Impressions...

This being my first journal entry, I will set the tone for my entries after this. I will "title" my ranting after I'm done and basically make up a catchy headline to lure folks in to read it.

Truth in advertising? Nope.

But I do promise that every headline will remotely in a loose fitting kind of way to the subject matter.

What I'll talk about? Everything. I intend to tackle all the topics that my 2 hour a day commute to work inspire in my mind. Everything from global warming to religion to why people are lazy to why I dislike mankind.

So, if you don't like something I've stated in my journal rantings...feel free to write down your complaint on a piece of paper. Then bend over. And shove your opinion of my opinion squarely...into my mail box so that I can point and make fun of it later.

Just always remember, it is only my opinion. Although I will most likely beleive that I am right...put up an arguement, try to convince me otherwise.

So hold on. It is bound to be a bumpy ride.



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