Isashra's Journal


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2 entries this month


07:39 Sep 08 2007
Times Read: 664

Greetings to all whom read this, this is my story.

One chilly night, when the moon was full and just beginning to rise on the horizon, I came into this world. It was the eve of Halloween, commonly known as All Hallow’s Eve where I am from. My mother labored for hours with me to get me to pass from one world to another. My birth was her greatest achievement, and her last. She passed shortly after I came into this world.

My childhood was not as other children’s. I was born of society, placed in a well known house and had every amenity available to me. I was separated from the other kids and was told repeatedly that I was better than them and not to allow myself to be brought down on the social ladder by being seen with commoners. This may seem harsh to everyone reading this but in my time it was normal. This being as it was, I had a very lonesome childhood. I had teachers and chamber maids to tend to me and make sure that I was well kept. It was ordered by Father to keep me safe from harm; therefore I had a keeper of sorts that followed me around endlessly for the duration of my time there. My Father was in and out of the household. Yes, I can remember him bringing me home gifts from his travels and sending word every now and again that he was fine. But he was never really there, not as he should have been, by me at least. My childhood to me was spent very much in solitude; therefore I am what I am today.

Now as I grew, I wanted adventure and excitement just as any young boy does. By this time it was getting increasingly hard for my Keeper to actually keep up with me. I had made it into a game actually, how long could I get him to loose me. This, of course, made his job increasingly difficult. Not that I really cared, I was bored with him a long time now. He had become more of a bother to me and I no longer found him fun. So when Father came home from one of his extended trips, I made it a point to make my Keeper loose me. It was fun at the time but little did I know that my next one could not be lost. My father got furious when he found that my Keeper lost me and he made it a point to let everyone in the house know. The whole time I was upstairs listening to the commotion that had been caused. The next day my X-Keeper had his things packed and was waiting for a carriage outside. He did not even say goodbye to me when I walked past him. When my Father caught me looking at him he made me look ahead and keep walking. This is where I learned my great people skills, ignore them and eventually they will go away.

My new Keeper showed up in two days time. Until he came to the house my Father would stay with me and keep me safe from harm. Those two days with him were unbearable to say the least. As soon as my new Keeper showed at the house, my Father left on business that lasted him the next three years. The first few days were interesting to say the least. I got to learn things about my Keeper and he seemed honestly interested in me, actually learning about me. This key little fact may not seem like much but it honestly impressed me. All the other people around me were just caretakers; they had no interest in me other than that. But this man, he wanted to get to know me. To me that was beyond all comprehension.

My new Keeper and I got to know each other good in that first year. I found myself not wanting to play those childish games that I had with my former keeper. There were no secrets that I kept from him, nor him from me, so I thought. One night we were walking out in the perimeter of the house and I noticed that there seemed to be something weighing heavy on his mind. When I asked what bothered him so, he said he missed home very much. That was all I needed to hear. I called up to the main house and got the horses ready for our travels. That night we rode all night long and took cover during the day. At first this struck me as odd, but then I reasoned it was somewhat cooler at night and easier to ride. The trip lasted us three solid nights of hard riding before we entered his home on the first night of the full moon.

When we entered his house I was astonished that any looked as grand as ours. To my way of thinking we were the only family of society around. My Keeper noticed this and a big smile came across his lips. He explained to me that there were others as privileged as I, just in other areas. Our stay at my Keepers province was only a few days long, but in those few days I learned a lot. I met a man that he called Father, but I did not understand why because his Father looked just as young as he did to me. It became apparent in later years why that was.

The ride back to my province was an energetic one, filled with jokes and laughs. It was not until we reached the perimeter of my house that things turned to a serious conversation. He asked me of things that I had no idea about at the time; things I thought were tales for children. He told me of night walkers called vampires. Not the scary ones that you would bring to mind but real ones. Needless to say I was apprehensive at the least. I think I even scoffed at him for believing such nonsense. I did not mean to hurt his feelings but could tell straight away that I did. The rest of the ride up to the house was in silence. To me that was the most unbearable thing to have happened.

It was a full two days later before my Keeper talked to me again. When he did he explained that things were not always as they seemed and I should never scoff at what I do not understand. I took everything that he said to me to heart and never forgot it. He gave me a lot to think about, to reevaluate. That’s when all the questions started. Almost every day for three weeks I hounded him with questions about every five minuets until he was so exhausted by them that he told me he would ask his Father to come down for a visit. Two weeks later his Father came over to the house and was answering questions for me. This continued for at least a month’s time, every night questions and sleeping by day. The other caretakers were a little more than annoyed when they had to change their schedule to fit around ours, but I had no cares about it. I was learning.

At the end of his Father’s stay with us it was again my birthday time. With my own Father being gone I hardly celebrated anymore but this year my Keeper insisted upon it. He and his Father threw me a huge party inviting everyone within riding distance to come celebrate. For the celebration was for two things instead of one, it was in celebration of All Hallow’s Eve and the day of my birth. The party went on until the stroke of midnight and then the ceremony began. I was excited for this was the first year for me to see a real ceremony. Before the clock struck the last chime I was asked to make a decision. All of the other gusts had left and the maids were a long time in bed. My Keeper and his Father asked me if I wished to be like them. Much to my surprise I accepted their offer.

The next night I awoke in my bedchambers with my Keeper by my side. He told me to stay in bed and rest for it would do me good, he would tend to my needs for the night. The next night I awoke and his Father was there as well. I smiled to see them both there and when I asked them about food (feeding had already been explained to me) they both smiled and told me to get dressed so we could go hunting. That first night of hunting was so exhilarating for me. I will never forget the first time I tasted blood, how it made my heart race and my senses sharpen. I wanted to capture that feeling and keep it with me forever. To me there was no better thing in the world.

The next three years I was taught a whole new set of rules and expectations. The other caretakers in the house had all but given up on me and no one had heard from my Father in a while. (I later found out that he had perished while away on his business trips, evidently a heart attack) So I was left to my Keeper for the better part of my teenage life. He taught me about the clans and the Veil. About how it should be protected at all costs. Everything a young blood needs to know. Those years were great to me. He let me venture out on my own to hunt and to grow into my own person. I didn’t have to live by traditions anymore, society as I knew it was no longer a part of my life. That was the hardest lesson for me to learn. That I did not have to abide by the rules formally set upon me. I learned new freedoms and new restraints. I had new abilities that I knew not before, new strengths and new weaknesses. I was having a great time learning all these new things, until I came home late one day and saw what used to be my house.

I was out late that night. The sun was barely creeping above the horizon as I came over the hill in front of my house. When I reached the top, I pulled the reins hard back to stop the horse then I drove my heels in his buttocks hard to drive him home. I stopped at where the entrance used to be, all that stood left was the two pillars that marked where the gate was. The house before me was in shambles, a smoking pile of rock and ash. I dismounted my steed and walked slowly to the carnage. My heart sank as I looked around at the rumble of my former home. I saw things that I had played with, marred and tossed aside, like they had no other meaning in life. I found clothes of the maids strung about everywhere. I found pictures, portraits of my family, burned beyond recognition. I knelt beside what used to be the front door and picked up pieces from my childhood. As I made my way through the carnage I started a separate pile, a pile for the tings that could be saved. Swords that hung on the walls, family heirlooms, scraps of portraits that were still recognizable and childhood treasures that I still held dear. But beyond the carnage of the house laid another horror, one that I was not prepared to see or wish to see again.

Making my way to the back of the house, I was lost in emotion. Confused by who would do this and why. For what reason does anybody have to do this, and to MY house. When I reached the rear of the pile of carnage I was stopped dead in my tracks. I fell to my knees, forgetting about the broken glass beneath me cutting into my skin. Before me stood the most appalling sight that I have ever witnessed. My Keeper, his Father and my chamber maid all hung there. They hung from crosses made of wood, thrown together for the soul purpose of hanging my family. The bases of them on fire, creeping it’s way up to lick them and take their lives. I gazed upon the three of them, unsure of what to do next. Unable to do anything. I just sat on my knees and wept.

A thousand thoughts ran through my mind. Who would do this, why, for what reason did they have. But for all the questions I had, there was no one left to answer them. I sat there until I felt the first sting of the sun on my back. Even after, I sat there and let it burn me until I could stand no more. I had been through enough pain already. I gathered what few things I had left and made my way to the back of my province. There was a cave there that I stayed in sometimes, it would suffice now. I stayed in that little cave for many moon cycles before I decided to move on from the pain of this place. I made my way to the north, hoping to find some semblance of a home. The first town I came to was inviting for a while (until they learned of my strange lifestyle) then they shunned me whenever they got the chance. Again I came to the realization that I was no longer part of society, I was outside it.

With this thought in mind I made my own ways. I found a site that lined perfectly with the equinox’s and made my home there. In time a town started to rise up around me but everyone left me to my own devices. The world started to change, and with it changed the way society thought. Remembering many lessons learned, I started out gradually, entering back into society. Each time hanging in the shadows to see how they would react, getting a few strange looks but on the whole not any major commotion. Eventually I had people come up to me for conversation. I even hosted a party or two at my house. Then came once again the hunters, those who look for a reason to hate or hold prejudice against others. Again I was forced to move away from my home (and eventually homeland).

My life has been a long one of many lessons, those taught to me and those learned on my own. It would take to much time for me to sit and write every one, not to mention it would be to long to read. My life in total spans over one thousand year’s total. A lot longer than any of you that read this can imagine So it is here that I leave you. A story of my beginning. Read it and learn, but do not weep, I have done enough of that already. Let my lessons become your lessons and then write down your lessons to become your chylds, that way, maybe when enough time passes, we can all read this and learn from one another. Be well and be kind to others, it will be returned to you.




Title to come later

07:38 Sep 08 2007
Times Read: 665

The world was ravished and torn, and I was still young. My Sire had left; there was no one to guide me. Lost and confused, I wondered through the land. Doing what I could to survive.

In the forest I took my shelter. I had found a cave that was deep to sleep in by day and I would roam at night. Finding what food I could, I was not picky about what I fed from. I had found a couple one night wanting some solitude and privacy. I had caught their sent upon my awakening and followed the trail to where they would slumber for the eve. I sat and waited for them to fall fast asleep then I snuck upon them quietly. The woman had not a chance against me. I overpowered her easily. She barley let a scream out before I was upon her, feeding from her. I sunk my twin daggers deep into her throat and listened to her heart beat slow as I drained her life from her. Releasing the woman, I turned for the male. He was poised and ready for my attack. As futile as his defense was, I do applaud him for trying. Leaving them to the wolves, I continued on through the night.

I was aware that I could not stay in the shelter of the forest forever. Eventually I would need to move. That was made very apparent one night as the villagers began to build ever closer to the edge. Clearing the trees for lumber to build with, they made my refuge smaller with every fallen tree. Packing up what few treasures I had, I left the comfort of the forest and moved towards the north. My sword was at my hip and my bow and arrows slung across my back as I made the journey.

As I approached the edge of the forest, I turned and looked back. I actually felt sadness about leaving the place that I had called home for so long. Looking ahead at what lay before me, I walked with a steady pace. I would have to find shelter before sunrise and in the immediate area I saw no hint of anything that could offer that. Walking on, I noticed on the horizon a city beginning to take shape. I looked at the sky to see the placement of the moon and gage how much time I had before sunrise. Deciding that I had enough time, I made my way towards the city.

When I reached the edge of the city I noticed what seemed to be sentinels outside the main gate. I crouched down before they could notice me, and took careful consideration about how I should approach them. Deciding to take a diplomatic approach I smile to the guards as I get near them and ask for entrance.

“I have come long and far and need to rest. Some food and shelter would be very kind and seems the very least that this vast city could provide.” I said to them.

They both look at me and then to each other and nod. I do not seem threatening to them so they see no reason to be alarmed. If only they understood looks can be deceiving. They opened the gates to allow me access and I walked through giving them a soft smile and a wink.

Once on the inside, I looked around at the marvelous sights that lay before me. The city was lain out in a wide expanse, with shops lining the streets in every direction. I noticed some taverns as I walked down the main street that would provide adequate shelter for the moment. Buggies were set on the sides of the road that bore silks and other goods that would be bought. People of every size roamed in the streets, eased by the thoughts that none would harm them in their great city. If only they knew what monsters lurked in the darkness and around corners.

I stopped outside one of the taverns and took a quick inventory of what money I had. Deciding that it would be enough to get a room and some food, I entered the tavern cautiously. I turned to close the door behind me; after all I wasn’t a rude vampire. Turning again I take a quick glace at the other patrons that were inside. There was a couple sitting in the center of the room eating a meal and talking quietly. In one corner there was a man sitting by himself drinking ale. A few were seated at the bar, drinking and talking to each other. I seem to be somewhat overdressed for this place. I thought to myself, noticing how all the others were dressed in work clothes, dusty from the day. I, however, was dressed to the nines. I was wearing a full length dress made of red silk and black trim. To keep the weather out I adorned a cloak of silver and purple velvet. I walked over to the bar and quietly asked the keep if he would be so kind to get me something to eat and drink. With a quick shake of his head he disappeared through the door to put in my order. Shortly the keep brought my dinner and drink to me, then again disappeared through the door.

I sat there keeping to myself and eating what I could of the meal. Every now and again I would notice that the man next to me would look my way. Not wanting conversation, or having the time to take such leisure, I finished my food and called the keep back. When he returned to me I asked if there was a room available, preferably one that would not let light in and stay darkened. He nodded his head yes and motioned me to follow him. A young woman then came up and took me to what would be my room. Up the stairs we went to the uppermost floor; then down a long hallway until we reached the very end. To the right there was a door, the young woman motioned for me to open it and said that this would be my room. She stalled at the door for a few seconds before I turned to her and gave her a few coins to thank her for the kindness. She quickly left my graces and returned to where she had come from downstairs.

I opened the door and looked at what would be my room for the next few days perhaps; I gently closed the door behind me and took a deep sigh. The room was dark, as I had asked for, and furnished minimally. There was just a bed in one corner of the room and a chair in the other. I went over to the bed and sat down. It was nice and firm, just as I like them. Lying down on the bed my mind drifted off to the lands I used to know, next to the war and then my life that was after. When I finally drifted off to sleep; it was restless and left me exhausted the next night.

Getting up with the rising of the moon, I looked around at my surroundings. My mind still foggy from sleep, the cobwebs started to come loose in my head. Right, I got a room last morn from the keep. Remembering where I was I gathered my things as a knock came upon my door. Upon opening, I noticed that it was the girl from this morning; the one that had shown me up. She stood in the doorway with clean and fresh linens to prepare my room with. I nodded to her and set a few more gold coins on the table beside the bed, then made my exit. All but flying down the stairs, I hurriedly made my way to the tavern below. Looking around at who was there, I went back to the keep and inquired how long a travel it was to the next settlement. After looking at me puzzled, he informed me that it was a three day journey. “But, why would you wish to leave?” he asked. Shrugging my shoulders, I turned and made my way out into the city.

Out in the night’s clean air, I took a deep breath. Being in the room, although nice, was confining to me. I had spent far too long on my own and away from the city. I had thought to myself as I made my way down the street. This night however, I had noticed something different about the people. It was more of an unspoken unease than anything. They were more withdrawn, talking in whispers that only my keen ears could hear. Walking past a group of citizens, I heard them talking about a murder right outside the walls of the city. A couple was killed, but the strange thing about the situation is that on their mauled bodies they found what appeared to be puncture wounds. A soft smile crossed my face as I realized that they were talking of the couple, lost in their love, that I had fed from. I quickened my pace and found a blacksmith shop. While waiting for the keeper of this establishment to make himself known to me, my mind wondered. If they only had a clue as to what evil they had let into their city. A night stalker. How long can I stay here before it is known and they run me out with burning torches? I was shaken out of my thoughts by the voice of a woman. Turning I see that she had come up behind me. Not a very smart idea, in fact a good way to get really hurt. I thought to myself as a smiled at her. “Hello, I was wondering if your dearest husband was around for me to speak with.” I asked. Returning my gesture, she turned her head and yelled for the man. “Nope, no one here but me.” she said. “My husband, as you kindly detected, is actually my brother. Whom of which has left me this rat hole to run in his absence.” she replied. What a winner! I tried to hide a smirk as she delicately explained the situation. “Well then, perhaps you can help me. I was looking for some more arrows that are adept to be used for hunting. Also, if you could my sword has become dull over my last journey and needs sharpening.” I explained. “But there is a trick to sharpening it. It is not a normal steel sword you see.” I pulled it from the scabbard that shielded it. “You see the ruins inscribed on it? Those are there to protect it from other’s hands. No one can wield it but myself. Therefore, if you can show me where I may sharpen it, it would be very kind.” The lady looked at the sword and reached her hand out. Feeling the magick resonate from it she drew her hand back and showed me the sharpening wheel. “I shall return with your arrows shortly.” she said, and then made her exit. Sitting at the wheel, I start it rotating and lay the edge of my sword against the block. After a few moments, she returned with the arrows and placed them at my feet. Once I was finished, I picked them up and went to the counter to pay her for her trouble. Before leaving I turn to look at her, “Perhaps he will return soon.” I offered. With a huff that said everything it needed to, she disappeared through a door to the back and I walked out the front.

The next stop was a small shop that sold clothing. I walking inside and sought out the keeper of this establishment. From seemingly out of nowhere, a woman approached me. “May I offer some help M’Lady?” she asked. Turning on her I nod, “Yes, I have been traveling long and have far to go yet, but am in desperate need of something more comfortable.” I said. She nodded her head and disappeared for a few moments behind a curtain. I took the time to look around in her absence. Finding some finery that was worth a second look, I picked up a few that I was interested in and took them to the counter. The lady keep returned with something in her hands and laid it on the counter before me. I nodded in acceptance. “How much?” I asked. Looking over all that was on the counter, I laid some coins on the down, three silver and three gold. She nodded and took the linins to be wrapped. Without so much as a word, she brought the clothes back, wrapped nice and neat for easy travel, and placed them in my arms.

So far the people here seem to be real winners! I thought to myself as I returned to my walk through the town. Definitely not friendly folk. Coming to the center of the town I noticed a huge fountain in the middle of the street. A sent caught my senses, the smell of blood. Looking around to detect a source, I see nothing. But it is definitely there. Maybe a street brawl happened recently. Walking up to the fountain, I take a seat on its ledge and look into the water. There was a red film mixing with the water. Oh this can’t be good! I thought to myself as I looked closer and found the body of a boy in the water. Dominus! This can’t be good for me, a newcomer to this city and a few habits that are sure to be considered strange at best. I quickly got up and looked for somebody to assist when a lady screamed out. “Killer! She killed a child and left him in the water.” Yep! Time to go! I though as I quickly spoke a charm to shield myself from the eyes of others and made my way through the rush of flocking people and guards, to the city walls and through the gates. I could hear her crying out “Witch! Murderer!” as I hastily left.

Reaching the outskirts of the city, I pause a moment to catch my breath. Looking back, I remember the words that were shouted as I left. Witch….Murderer…. I chuckled to myself as I turned and walked towards the East. Well the got the murderer part right, the Witch is new to me though. Never thought myself of the sort. Mystic…yes but witch…laughable.

I traveled East for many moons, sleeping where I could be day and traveling at night, before I found a place that suited me fine. One eve, as I came atop the ridge line of some mountains, I happened on a valley. Now this is nice! I thought as I nodded my head in approval. Everything was fresh grown; the grass was full and green. A few trees scattered about that would make a good home; well sheltered from the elements. Very nice indeed. I made my way down the side of the ridge and into the valley. More than enough room for little me. I smiled as I walked; ideas rolling in my head about where I wanted my home, how big shall it be, which was will I face it. “What shall be used for the making?” I asked out loud, to no one in particular. “Of course it will have to be of the finest materials. But where and how to get those.” more ideas. Feeling hungry at the long journey, I set myself on the bottom limb of a tree I and waited patiently for something to come along that would be good to catch. Silently, motionlessly I waited; then when the time was right, zip went an arrow straight away into a deer. Without hast, I jumped from the limb and started to prepare for my first meal in my new land, my home. I skinned the deer with a small blade that I found on my travels, and then set the skins out to dry in the sunlight as I took my rest. Then, I gracefully cut the meat away in reasonable sizes and got my flask to keep the blood in. While I was gathering wood for a fire, I noticed a pack of wolves traveling about. Gathering enough for a fire, I set the wood ablaze, starting to cook the meat.

With the smell of food in the air; the pack came as close as they dared; without getting personal. I took a chunk of food from the fire and tossed it in their general direction. It was not hard to notice the Alpha, he was the first to pick it up and run. Seeing now which one I needed to make friends with, I laid out the rest of the carcass for them to finish, I definitely did not have use of it nor a way to store it before it would ruin. I drank from my flask and then placed the top back on. Once finished, I began to look for a place to sleep for the day, a more permanent home. Finding a cave, I make my way back to the darkest part and get settled in as the daylight begins to creep over the horizon.



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