JedixMasterxCheryl's Journal

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00:53 Sep 13 2006
Times Read: 680

No man or woman is powerful of him or herself. I know this. You can too. What we've always mistaken for power in another is only the overpowering false belief that someone else holds the keys to our happiness.

No one else holds the keys to your life. As this awakening dawns within you, your new understanding will also reveal a brand-new view of the world around you.

People you once thought of as powerful will be seen as weary pretenders who need you to complete their charade! What a wonderful, liberating surprise! And from the seed of this special insight flowers the first of many new inner strengths. Let's take a personal and up-close look at three of these new powers and the insights that empower them.

1. The Power Of Self Command

Casual courage develops naturally as it becomes clear to you that the people you've always looked to for help can't really help themselves. Now you know there's no advantage in giving yourself away to others or to their empty promises.

2. The Power Of Relief

Once it's totally clear no one else can do for you what only you can do for yourself, you no longer have to live with the anxious fear that someone you were counting on may let you down.

3. The Power Of Relaxed Confidence

Since you know there's no real advantage in gaining the attention of the world around you, you can relax when around others who are always engaged in tense competition for it.

No one can give us the approval we seek, because it isn't his or hers to give. And the more we understand the truth of this higher fact, the less inclined we'll be to give ourselves away.

Seeking and receiving approval from others is like sitting down hungry to an imaginary meal. You're invited to eat all you want, but no matter how much imaginary food is served, you can never get your fill. Your hunger remains. No fictional feast ever satisfies.

But this fact isn't so apparent when it comes to our appetite for approval. We still look to others for our sense of self even though the very moment it's received, it must be renewed.

Believing we can't be happy without the approval of others is like thinking that we can't see beauty without someone else's eyes! Time and time again, we come to the same spiritual lesson: no one can give us that which can only be found within our Self. But we must transform our sensing of this timeless Truth into our personal understanding of it. We must do the needed inner work, which alone leads to owning our own lives.




16:54 Sep 05 2006
Times Read: 701

Reality is very different from our distorted ideas about it. For instance, there are many parts of us that are secretly afraid that should we earnestly reexamine our ideas about life we'd just stir up some things better left alone. However, if we don't stir them up, we'll never find out that these things we're afraid of are nothing more than "ghosts" created by our own minds. The following story illustrates this lesson for us:

It all happened in a quiet west Texas town called Turnaround during the years of the Great Depression. This little town really seemed quite ordinary, except for one thing: right in the heart of it stood an old haunted house.

Like most of the people who lived there, there were four young boys who did everything they could to avoid passing the place. It was rumored that anyone foolhardy enough to venture too close to the creaky old mansion ran the risk of being dragged into its depths by a ghoulish phantom! The boys had no wish for that kind of an adventure, so they went considerably out of their way each morning to reach one of the other streets that would take them to school. It was inconvenient, but there was no help for it. No one in his right mind would pass by the menacing house!

Allow me to break into the story and draw the psychological parallel. We all have things inside of us that we fear: haunting thoughts and dark feelings we sense are down there, but that we'd rather not face for fear they may drag us into their domain. So instead of questioning any of them, we let them work in the dark while we go out of our way to avoid becoming aware of them. Who are these unseen goblins whose presence we know but upon whose faces we won't look? Isn't anger a demon? Our discomfort at being alone, a gloomy specter? And what about that phantom fear of growing old? Instead of looking at these internal chain-rattling entities to see whether or not they really have any power to hurt us, we keep them out of sight. Like the children in the town of Turnaround, we walk the other way whenever we distract ourselves from some unwanted condition or blame some outside cause for the way we feel.

Now, the young boys in our story preferred to go the long way to school rather than challenge what they believed to be the perils of the haunted house. That is, all the boys except for one. His name was Justin. And one fateful afternoon on the way home from school, just as they were all about to take their usual detour, Justin turned to his friends and asked, "How do you know that house is haunted?"

With the exception of old stories and excitable hearsay, not one of his buddies had a real answer to his question. And this discovery made something else clear to Justin: he now wanted to know, once and for all, the truth of the matter! It took some doing, but he convinced his schoolmates to approach the haunted house with him. Sure enough, as they had all predicted, as they drew closer they started hearing strange noises. Here was proof that the house really was haunted!

But Justin stood steadfast.

"Nobody knows for sure," he told himself over and over again. With his new uncertainty as his only comfort, he ventured up the weed-caked walk toward the already agape front door.

Before he knew it, Justin had stepped inside. At first, the dim light, along with the tension of his drumming heart, caused him to jump at every strange noise. But as he bravely approached and saw through the source of each one, he soon began to laugh in amusement. There was nothing spooky in here. It was just an old house, that's all. Each howl was only the wind passing through age-separated side boards. The rattling sounds that had always made him picture skeletons performing a macabre dance was nothing more than the shaking of some loose window shutters. It really was pretty funny to think that almost the whole town of Turnaround could have been so frightened of a pile of splintering floor boards!

Justin ran out into the light to tell his friends that there was nothing to be afraid of, but not one of them went in to see for himself. Each had his reason: it was late; tomorrow would be better; so on and so on. One boy even said he knew the house wasn't haunted all along. Sure enough, the next day, none of Justin's friends wanted to appear to be a coward, so they all walked with him past the old house on the way to school. But they never stopped looking over their shoulders, and they still jumped at each strange noise until the old house was out of sight. You see, they were secretly still afraid because they had never found out the truth for themselves. Only Justin knew there was nothing in there with any power to hurt him.

It is the same with us. Only the truths that we know from ourselves can sustain us through any storm.

As events occur, we always assume that we know what they mean for us, and we immediately fall into what feels like the appropriate emotional reaction. That reaction further influences the way we view the following events, and in this way our initial negative response is "confirmed." In fact, if someone were to tell us that things were not as we took them to be, we would probably take that person as an enemy who cared nothing for us and who was, himself, a part of the threatening situation.

Because we so readily accept our interpretation of events as being correct, we rarely investigate to see if another view is possible. As a result, we do not see, for ourselves, that the goblins we fear in our inner "haunted house" are not real at all, and therefore our anxieties continue.

As long as we fail to investigate our belief that every strange noise that emerges from the haunted house is what we interpret it to be, we cannot evolve. However, if we will courageously examine every frightening specter to see if it is based in reality, we will eventually discover that there were never any thoughts or emotions that we had to fear. By striving to see ourselves objectively, we learn that all those beliefs about ourselves are not who we really are at all. All of them can be dropped.

-- Guy Finley




The Pathways in the Body for Energy Flow...

01:12 Sep 05 2006
Times Read: 708


The human body has a network of energy that can be found in many different metaphysical sects. The diagrams and definitions in this document are from the general perspective of the Jedi Order.

There are 5 major energy vortices in the human body, as well as three major energy pathways that connect each vortex to one another. First, I will discuss the 5 Vortices, seen in blue in the image below. The green are the Pathways, and will be explained in due course.


BRIDGE - Singular

Location: Bridge of the nose

The Bridge vortex is the human link to the Unifying Force. It allows the living mind to see and interpret with the Force of the inanimate. This can be seen when one does such things as awakens the Living Force in an inanimate thing. The energy is projected from the mind, and can cause feelings of a mild headache during use. It is also common for the connection a person holds to an inanimate object to be felt through the mind, through such things as strong memories.

HEART - Singular

Location: Behind Solar Plexus

The Heart Vortex is what interprets the raw emotional state of the Living Force, which is what causes the mind to associate emotions with the center of the chest, and the heart. It is here that the Living Force enters and collects most potently. When a connection is made with a living person or thing, the connection is commonly felt more in the emotions than in the mind, centered in the chest, be it a warm feeling or a cold lump, or just the physical heart racing.

CENTER - Singular

Location: Physical Center of Gravity

The Center Vortex is where the Guiding Force is found most potently in the human body. It is through this area that all movement and change happen. This is why the Guiding Force relates to this area, giving us "gut feelings" as to what we should or should not do.

PALMS - Paired

Location: Heel of the palm, where wrist meets forearm

The Palm Vortices are commonly the most powerful area towards the direct and conscious manipulation of the Force. Each person has a dominant hand, meaning that it is better at projecting than draining. They also have a passive hand, meaning that it is better at drawing the Force into it, rather than pushing it out.

SOLES - Paired

Location: Center of bottom of foot

The Sole Vortices are most effective at drawing and releasing unfocused energy. Drawing in the energy of the Force is done through the proper use of the Sole Vortices. Grounding and releasing of energy are done best through these areas also. This is not to say the Sole Vortices cannot manipulate focused energy, but it does pose a much higher level of inaccuracy.


The Pathways are that which connect each vortex to the other, framing the energy network of the human body. Each nerve and blood vessel of the body is a pathway in its own right, but there are three major pathways that will be listed, and are represented in the diagram.


Runs from BRIDGE, through the HEART, then to the CENTER


Run from the HEART to the PALMS


Run from CENTER to the SOLES

The Pathways are not one-way routes. The energy connected via the Pathways flow in spirals around one another, one going one direction, the other flowing against the former. They move in a way that is similar to a DNA model.



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