JedixMasterxCheryl's Journal

JedixMasterxCheryl's Journal


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10 entries this month

Illness - or This would be one cool thing about being a Vampire - no human illnesses...

17:14 Sep 27 2007
Times Read: 645

I just wanted to send this missive out to my family here (yes, VR is a family to me - some of the best people I know are here!) to let them know that I am uber-ill. It started a while back - but suffice to say, I finally got myself (me a Jedi Master too!) laid low.

Meh...I knew I had a kidney infection. Went to the docs today and sure enough...even I knew that the sample I gave them didn't look proper for urine: cloudy with too much blood, protien, and a highly elevated white blood cell count.

It hurts to bend over where my kidneys are. For illumination, ask becomethesea for she has lived though several bouts of me having a kidney infection since she was small so knows how ill I can get.

Wish we me a speedy recovery as I HAVE to go meet my advisors tomorrow and am off to Blair Atholl castle on Monday night for several days of research - I need to be well.




a thought at a drunken hour...

05:07 Sep 22 2007
Times Read: 659

...why can't we all just get along?

There has been a lot of drama with some of the people I know here recently...

My final analysis of the whole thing is this:

Why can't we all just get along?

you know who I am speaking to and you all know that I am like Switzerland.


I have so many other things happening and so much research to do that this is like a joke to me - but hey - this is where I spend some free time and have fun.

I thought that was the whole point?

Did I miss something.....?

Cool - you guys go have your drama - I am going over there (see that shady tree I am pointing to?) and smoke a jay.




My new stamp....

01:19 Sep 20 2007
Times Read: 673

...for the VR database is:

can vampires have cellulite?




News Update....

23:59 Sep 16 2007
Times Read: 692

Here is my latest stamp for all VR Database entries:

help me rate Buffy stuff a one...

let's see how low we can get it to go!

ha ha ha

I wonder if it will work?

But I may soon change it to just:

what the hell?

That can be taken so many ways.




Let's Make a Deal!

21:00 Sep 15 2007
Times Read: 697

When did I become the post-grad rep to the pot dealer?




If enough people...

23:20 Sep 12 2007
Times Read: 712

If enough people rated all things Buffy a one...would that be good enough to justify the rating system?

I think so.

Buffy makes me want to gag.

I have no idea why really either, I just really dislike tv and the idea of a tv vampire slayer is just too laughable.




Ratings...and even further proof why Han Solo Rules!

23:08 Sep 12 2007
Times Read: 715

So the big debate is all about ratings now and I hear that our Prince feels that even his profile isn't better than a seven...


okay well here is how I see this...

We give what we want to get. Simple as that.

No one wants to be less than perfect although we all realize that the semantics of the proposition of perfectedness put us in something of a god like status.

“Never tell me the odds!”

I have always thought that rating profiles created a bit of an advantage for those who have a PM and can see what they are being rated and have a competitive edge in either programming, learning to program or are just aesthetically talented.

“Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.”

Rating has 1) been an interesting experiment in seeing how bitch happy some people could be when confronted with less than what they felt they deserved; 2) totally fun as I love to rate people what they rate me with no comment as to why just because I can if I feel like it; 3) ludicrous to those who have real lives but still an interesting diversion; 4) drives the house/coven standing system along with favor, etc... 5) is never going to be perfect either.

“Here’s where the fun begins.”

Either way, define normal.

“I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me believe there's one all-powerful force controlling everything. There's no mystical energy field controls my destiny.”





01:05 Sep 03 2007
Times Read: 726

...we worked it out. Took a few hours and a few more tears were shed, but ultimately, we love each other. Everyone has their problems but I do love this man and really want to see us make it.

I am not sure about the porn but I think his friend may have been looking for it when he was using my laptop one day while he was here.

I mean - no way was monsta ever interested in some of the things that I found bookmarked. I was extremely worried about it too - it is one thing to have naked women on bookmarked on one's PERSONAL pc - but he knew that this was my laptop for work and I didn't think he would have done that to me.

It is water under the bridge but I will be rather vigilant from now on about this. I trust him but trust only goes so far when one sees farm animal sex as a search. Could have been from a pop up too - I am sure we have all had the endless pop ups from a porn site. lol

I am just glad to have my monsta back. He is the world to me...

him and my baby shark!

PS - got to talk to my folks today and I am SO GLAD that my dad has a few days to rest. He needed a break! 45 days straight without a day off! The man must love his job.




The latest...

20:11 Sep 01 2007
Times Read: 739

so now he texts me and wants to talk...

he also says that he never searched for that stuff on my laptop.

How did it get there then?

His online partner and his mother are firmly in my corner on this so I am surprised he even wants to talk to me...

Guess he needs to come get his stuff.

But he needs to grow up first - and like his partner says - don't let him come back to stay here - but if he is acting better he can visit.





18:06 Sep 01 2007
Times Read: 744

So I was going through my laptop that my former boyfriend was using all the time and found tons of PORNOGRAPHY which I SPECIFICALLY ASKED HIM NOT TO PUT ON MY LAPTOP there.

He was also searching (according to the history) within the past three days for things like 'Anal Sex' and 'Black Teen Sex'.

My heart is truly broken now - you see I don't like or approve of pornography at all - but what really gets me is the fact that he had such little regard for MY property that I was letting him use out of the goodness of my heart and my love for him. Especially since he was using my laptop which I have to take with me to the archives...

Where is his respect for me? I can understand if he wants to look at that garbage on HIS computer, but it almost makes me think he wanted to be discovered at this since he sort of hid it on mine.

How could I even think of taking him back after this shocker? The lack of respect is just too much...




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