Jenova's Journal

Jenova's Journal


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11 entries this month


04:02 Oct 26 2008
Times Read: 673

Well after speaking with Infernal I have a little bit better of an idea of where to go with things.

Heh. I do believe that I've found a unique solution that will power my intent and help to get rid of the disarray. I have more to figure out; the devil is always in the details.

But it will be an interesting entry. It won't go here of course. But it will be interesting indeed.




The Move- Utter Chaos

00:03 Oct 26 2008
Times Read: 680

This is going to be a long story, so sit tight...

3 years ago, the company came to New Mexico and started a unique call center full of technical support representatives designed to troubleshoot the then very new technology of PDAs in the form of Treos, Windows based and Palm based, Blackberrys, and aircards.

We moved to the new center and integrated a customer support group on one side of the building and left tech on the other side of the build, separate as a unique group of individuals that were designed to troubleshoot the most difficult call types.

Approximately one year ago, as the advanced devices became more commonplace, we started troubleshooting the more general questions about voice support. And still, our tech department was the elite, last stop before escalating to the repair bureau for final tech resolutions of all types.

Today, we completed the final move to the customer care side of the building. We are sharing only the tech calls supposedly and the center is in utter chaos.

Think of it as the middle school (customer care) being merged with the high school (technical support). We are traditionally a more organized, intelligent, and older group of individuals. Whereas prior we had been toted by the company as their elite squad, many now feel that we have been demoted. Not entirely true, but the sentiment is still there. The moved was completed last night.

I went in today on my day off to check on my 2 team members that are working today and let me tell you, the energy there is so nervous and chaotic that it's nothing short of insanity.

It's a bit of a thesis on social dynamics and integration of 2 totally different sets of individuals. Many think of us as the "stuck up former WDTS reps and sups", but the truth is, we are what we are. We are what the company hired us for initially and this change has been rough for all of us concerned.

We are now in your house and all your base are belong to us. I think it makes them at least as nervous as it makes us. Time will tell if this is a good move or a really bad one. But right now, there are a lot of disconcerted individuals. Many are feeling insulted and betrayed overall and that is going to take some undoing. Whether this hits the team's performance or not? Time will tell that too.

It has also phenomenally twisted up my energy net that I've spun around the place....





04:12 Oct 21 2008
Times Read: 686

you know, i've gotten back into a cycle of going down to the local laundromat for laundry. out of the house, but the washers are the industrial front-loader type, which makes me think somehow that my clothes are getting a better wash overall. maybe i'm just crazy. it certainly costs more to do laundry, but i suppose in the long run, it does get clothes cleaner than the crappy ones at the apartment. i really wish i had a washer and dryer at the apartment and frankly i am starting to think about settling into a home more and more.

bleh. more politics at work. trying to figure out the sides of the story is interesting at the very least. looks like someone i want is going to make the director position but you just never know until we reach the end of it. all i know is that the big-wigs are in town for the next couple of days and it's important to look good and to make a good impression of the call center if big boss is to have a chance at sticking the position permanently.

sheeze, i'm just in a constant state of energy flux these days and it's not very fun. maybe i enjoy going out more because i get to be around others' energy.




Friday night

09:07 Oct 18 2008
Times Read: 695

I'm drunk, among friends, and going to the casino for breakfast. My life is a cycle of work hard, get drunk, play pool, watch things out of my control, and eat breakfast.




profile updates

11:04 Oct 14 2008
Times Read: 714

i am not supposed to be up until 4am updating my vr profile, damn it.... i can't sleep. so what's better to do than to get on vr and write up a storm of new stuff for the profile. heh. secrets unveiled, loyalty defined. a watchtower guards in the night.





09:53 Oct 14 2008
Times Read: 715

You know you work in management when you are worried/ concerned about things at 2:52am. I'm getting to the point that I don't remember the last time I had a solid night's sleep during the week again.




Quality calibration

19:29 Oct 13 2008
Times Read: 720

Calibrations are hilarious. Care sups are fucking stupid.




Wardrobe update

03:04 Oct 13 2008
Times Read: 744

We have gone to straight up business-wear for work these days, business casual Fridays. So, I am shopping online for a few outfits for work that are going to update my wardrobe. I have a few options. But really? Petite sizes are hard to find in the snazzy new line stuff. If you know of any retailers, let me know. I am leery of JC Penny, but I'm not in the mood to blow thousands up front... so start small and start to build classic.

Suit that I want

Another suit set

3rd Suit, a 3 piece set

4th idea

From Ann Taylor:

Cute jacket


Herringbone shirt matches my nails perfectly and I have a professional taste for light blue... weird.

Pants that I like Ann Taylor is one of the few retailers that makes nice petite size clothing. You'll notice the massive price discrepancy between AT and JC Penny. I really need to go to the store and check out the quality before I decide to go rip a black hole in my bank account at AT.




Energetic Crashes x1 a Week

01:48 Oct 13 2008
Times Read: 747

Okay, I've been a member of management for 6 months now. And I have a new issue. It's been growing over time and now is becoming more and more noticeable. I go to work, burn energy like mad to stay ahead and to perform well, and then I come home and crash on the weekends. And by crash, I mean a full-on energy crash. I can't seem to stay awake and spend the majority of the weekend in bed sleeping/ recuperating. It's really starting to bug me.

I've taken to going out on the weekend nights to play pool, one of my new favorite sports by night. Really? I take the ambient energy from others and actively feed to start recovering from the week.

The job is going well, but I need to find a better way to balance out.




Images!!! Big massive huggles.

19:19 Oct 12 2008
Times Read: 772

Images has purchased a prem membership to VR for me. That is quite possibly the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a long time. Then again, considering I work in an environment of sniveling backstabbers, it's the ONLY nice thing anyone has done for me in a long time.

*sigh* Well that's not entirely true. But politics at work do indeed suck. New guns in management ready to take over the place and run anyone under the bus they have to in order to accomplish it.





08:23 Oct 01 2008
Times Read: 779

the world evolves and moves at an ever-increasing pace. my life? it has accelerated at an alarming rate. i'm not complaining about that. but it moves me into a world of office politics and dangerous crushes.

he is just f*in hot. and i wonder at the core of myself where this came from... let's see. tall, dark, handsome, educated... and in my world? powerful. ah. us leos do know how to aim high, don't we?



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