JinSato's Journal


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5 entries this month

so close

13:21 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 531

i have finally found the one to stop my search, this makes me happier than anything or anyone else possibly could. i am estatic, to be able to say that i am so close to finding some of the final pieces to the puzzle of life. so close, i can feel it, taste it.

just a little farther to go, not too much more. then i can be complete. the excitement within keeps me up at night lol. i can hardly contain myself, i really am like a child lol. i know its true, when i speak to u, i smile from ear to ear, and i cannot control my laughter.

just a little more to go, so close.




the training

19:01 Jan 17 2008
Times Read: 546

So, little Jin and I have started to do some training. What consist within the training, I cannot say. Who is it that is training us, i cannot say. All that i can honestly say is this, the trainin that we are undergoing is for two people soley, however the results may, infact, become benificiary to all around.

Details are not a thing that I am very good at... at all. Jin is the more meticulous one when it come to simple things, I just remember the unseen.

For the two that it truley concerns, do not worry. I dont know how many times i must say that phrase. I know that it is next to impossible for you not to worry, however you must relax on this one. you will have the genuine opportunity to speak with Jin everyday, if you would choose to. Vice-versa can be said as well. We will return everyday and every evening for you, our keepers.

You must always know, that though you may not see us, we will always be there trying our hardest to protect you through and through.

And to the keeper of my heart, we really need to find a good way to convince them that we should be allowed to go out on a date. ha ha ha. that dream keeps me warm on these cold nights.




a nightmare

17:57 Jan 17 2008
Times Read: 549

to say at the very least a night of nightmares, i had no sleep watsoever. it really sucked man. but the one thing that drove me insane was wat they all had in common.

all of them, so give or take 8 in an evening. they all had to do with the one i call my muse leaving. just leaving this world, and me with it. or just leaving me to die cold and alone.

this normally wouldnt bother me, cuz i would talk to her and then shed get upset with me cuz im thinking about it subconsciously, but i havent spoken to her in two days.... im going nucking futs over here.

just tell me everything will be alrite

i tend to worry u know.

thats the problem about being a semi self conscious hopeless dramatic.

i wear my heart on my sleeves, yet at the same time i am afraid for it. so wat the hell do i do.

in the end i just tend to tred on, the only difference is that i carry new scars.

and i can honestly say that with u my muse, i dont want scars, i just want to be happy...with u.





04:29 Jan 12 2008
Times Read: 554

i must say, no matter where you go, you will always find two stones. two different sides to every place. i thank those who have helped me here. ie, vr. but as i previously said, there are those who have been most helpful, and then again there are those who i just sit back and say wtf?

so ive come to a new place, a place to seek solice, within the company of others born of the nights blossom, and there are people who just question and question.

at one point i say thank you, one, just for being so blunt and to the point, but im here not for u to riddle with questions. just acceptance that i am me. take it for wat it is, but if you honestly dont like wat i offer, then simply leave it in the dust of the wakes.

and if you, for some reason or another, cannot come to terms, nor comprehend wat i am, then let it be. do not persist. know simply this, we are last of are kind, and the strongest of allies that you will find umongst both plains of reality. accept it or deny it. i honestly dont care.



04:50 Jan 12 2008

i am always here for you my love...



02:15 Jan 12 2008
Times Read: 556

in such i feel it to be a peaceful word, oblivioin. it seems to be linked with serenity in the back of my mind.

im trying to find this place oblivion. for wat reason i cannot say, but i know only this, it is my utopia. odd to think, that the common people of this day would say oblivion is a not so good place, and to be traped there is a pain everlasting. i beg to differ with them all.

i sit upon my swing in the eternal slumber, i can see all that is. however, i cannot see oblivion, and u know wat they say. that which cannot be explained, is always sought. most chastise wat cannot be explained, i simply entreat it, as though i am completely mistified by its properties.

the road is long, tiresome to say the least. i've left my swing of the over watch and now travel near and far to seek my serenity known as oblivion. i pass many, who search for solice, they know not that we search for the same thing.



04:50 Jan 12 2008

oblivion together...

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