LadyPatricia's Journal

LadyPatricia's Journal


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Death of a Vampire

16:10 Jun 11 2007
Times Read: 604

She glared at him, her eyes icy cold, thinking, thinking...

How would she do it?

Pensively she sat, keeping her body still and expression impossible to read. Staring, preparing...

He was the one who made her what she is.

But that's not all. No, if only things were that simple. She had fallen in love. Madly, deeply. And she had believed that he felt the same way. That's when she was mortal. She allowed him to bite her. And now, they share immortal life.

...Damn it. How could she have fallen for that? The words of a Vampire shouldn't have meant anything to her. They are words of desperation, words spoken in order to get the one thing that is needed to survive... blood.

Night after night they spent together, in the good early days. They made love passionately after each kill. But then, something changed.

He began not only killing, but seducing his victims. Killing alone, without her. Every night, a new beautiful woman would appear in HER bed, and that woman would soon become naught but a lifeless corpse, drained of blood.

Of course, she didn't tell him that she knew. No, he would only argue that he loved her... that he kept her around because of that. But if that was so, why would he need anybody else? Was she not enough?

If she could not satisfy his appetite, well, then he would have to starve!

He glanced over his shoulder at her, meeting her glare with equally cold eyes, but seeming to force a warm smile.

"Are you ready, my love?" said he, as though he were reading lines from a play as opposed to speaking them to his lover.

She looked at him for a while before she spoke.

"Shall we hunt together, then? We haven't done so in a long while." As she said this, she cocked an eyebrow and flashed a seductive smile his way.

His face hinted slightly at dissapointment, but nevertheless, he agreed. They slipped out silently into the night, taunting their prey from the shaddows with nameless voices, luring them into their trap.

When both were satisfied, she took his hand and lead him back to her room. Once inside, she asked him to un-lace her corset, which he did slowly, kissing her softly as he fingered the laces.

'It feels so good', she thought. Too bad this was to be the last time....

Once her clothing was off, she began undressing him, with a bit more aggression- as a matter of fact, more aggresion than she had ever used prior. This seemed to excite him in a way she had never experienced before.

'Good,' she thought, 'now he knows what he has been missing'.

The rest of the night was a picture of passion, and she was relentless. She kept going until he was exhausted. Unlite finally, he lay helpless on the bed, unable to keep his eyes open.

When she was sure he was asleep, she realized that there was only an hour until dawn. Quickly, she carried him outside to the garden. She lay him down gently, making sure not to wake him.

With a kiss she left him, whispering gently in his ear, "Goodbye, my sweet; may the pleasures of this life come to haunt you in the next."



23:48 Apr 04 2010

Wow very different story I love it.



02:25 Jun 07 2007
Times Read: 612

Looking into the mirror, she did not recognize the face that stared back at her.

The hair was the same color.

The skin a bit pallid, but of a familiarly fair complexion.

But those eyes...

They may as well have not been there. They held such an emptiness... it was almost eerie. Some say that the eyes are the windows into your soul.

But what if there is nothing there?

No twinkle of life?

All these thoughts raced through her mind, yet her expression didn't change. Not once did she turn down the corners of her lips, or furrow her brow.

She brought her long, colorless fingers slowly to her lips, only to find out one thing.

She was cold. Lifeless.

Her lips had lost their rose tint, and her hands their warmth. As she took that same hand and ran it through her long, silky, chestnut brown hair, she noticed something.

A hickey?

No, it couldn't be.

That pale work of art she met last night was too much of a gentleman. A nameless Greek God whom she shamelessly lead into her quarters, allowed him to lay his perfect eyes upon her bare and desirable curves. She remembers him pulling her close, getting lost in his kiss...

...as a matter of fact, that's all she remembers.

She looks more closely at the mark on her neck. Upon inspection she notices two puncture holes, fairly small in diameter, and frigid to the touch.

She knows what this means- she has become a demon, a monster; no- a Vampire. If she had been told this a day a go, she surely would surge into a panic.

Instead, she looked at herself in the mirror, a coy smile on her face. Tonight, she felt like a goddess. She had power, she had beauty, and best of all, she had immortal life.

Her stomach became a bit uneasy, and she suddenly became accutely aware of her surroundings.

There was someone there. But who could it be?

She turned slowly, only to find the Greek God himself emerge from the shadows. He held out his pallid hand and gazed at her with his empty eyes.

The Vampire that turned her.

She gazed back, taking in all the sights and scents she had never been able to appreciate as a human. As she approached, he smiled and she took his hand.

"Let's hunt."



23:54 Apr 04 2010

Very lovely indeed I loved how you told it so well.

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