LadyXblackXRose's Journal

LadyXblackXRose's Journal


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6 entries this month

20:05 Jun 29 2015
Times Read: 436

So i got new neighbours in March of this year. Interesting as i am now wondering just how long it takes for a demon to possess a toddler. Clearly this toddler who has certainly reached the terrible twos is still not quite done with her screaming and she has been at for a while now. Not even a little bit hoarse. I know that an adult is present as the mother is voicing her delightful opinions of her offspring every now and then complimenting her that she is a proper little fucking bitch. In between demanding that she gets her fucking arse to bed. I do believe an object or two went flying down the stairs as the toddler stomped up to her room followed by a slam of the bedroom door. Im taking a disliking to the name Tia or it could be Mia not figured that one out yet as the mothers growls at her kid a lot. Granted its not the kids fault but i can see now why some people after a period of time dislike a name so intensely.

In other news i had fun being ill over the weekend and not a single demon possessed me.......Feeling a bit better now though.




17:34 Jun 23 2015
Times Read: 453

Imitation is not a form of flattery and i dislike copy cats. Rant over with got nothing else to say on it.




17:08 Jun 21 2015
Times Read: 465

Surprisingly i thought this day would be difficult given that its fathering sunday. I thought i maybe a mess of sorts but not really. Just same day as any other. A little more clearer on some things perhaps, that being said i listened to this earlier and if it was not for stubbornness that ran deep in my dad the song posted below may have had a happier outcome. But it is what it is and all i can do is my best to avoid his stubborn streak and get on with each day as they come.




15:44 Jun 11 2015
Times Read: 492

I was trying the best way to rant about this topic without offending people who i know are dog lovers but sod it. I am a mother who loves her son just as equally if not more.

People who own a dog irrespective of what breed or size it is. Would you please KEEP you dog/s on a lead till you are in a park that designated for dogs to run off leash at their own happiness. My son at best does not like dogs one little bit. Hard to believe possibly but since he was small he has taken to panics and anxiety attacks and is scared stiff of any dog that wonders up near him. This in turn leads to me having a bad morning/afternoon and in some cases a bad day from the moment he wakes up to the moment he gets off to sleep.

Not ever kid/teenager is going to want to pet at the cute dog. Mine most certainly does not. However if my son was to unleash his meltdown on a person be it a big adult or a small child i wonder how long it take before a person complained about my parenting. Yes he has Autism but that does mean to say that i dont take precautions in how i plan my days with him if he has to be taken outside to a public place.

It works both ways. I do my best to keep my son from lashing out at strangers. How about owners of their pets do their best to keep them under control as well. Just a thought whilst my son is calming down after he has come home from lunch time walking from the taxi to his front door to be confronted by a person who owns a dog off a leash.



19:21 Jun 11 2015

There is a nice park across from my office. I use to go there everyday for lunch. It was great to get out of the office for an hour and sit in the park. Get some fresh air and enjoy my lunch hour out of the office. One day as I go to the park I notice a Dog's welcome sign. I go to the picnic table I sat out for the past year. I unpack my lunch, sit my sandwich on the paper plate, open it up to spread the mayo, I always do it like this so the bread does not get soggy. Then I hear this women behind me 'Sammy No! Sammy Stop! Sammy Stop!' Before I could blink 'Sammy' jumps on table and begins to eat my sandwich.

Dog Lady: Sir I am so sorry! He normally obeys me. Can I pay for your sandwich.

Sammy the dog: After eating my sandwich in two bites he jumps up on me with dirty paws getting my light tan slacks dirty.

Me: Lady, just get control of your dog and get it away from me. You ruined my lunch. My pants are dirty. I do not want your money.

I go back to work, hungry, pissed, dirty pants and I place a call to the Parks Department informing them what just happen. They tell me yes the parks open to dogs but people are suppose to keep them on leash. Park Dude says they were patrol the park and give tickets for the next few weeks.

I am a huge animal lover. But like your son I do not want dogs jumping up on me. Lets be blunt. Dogs lick there balls ( lucky bastards) They lick there butts, they sniff other dogs behinds... I do not want that same tongue in my face. I would suggest you calling your local Parks department and reporting the incident. I know it is not the dogs fault. It is the owners fault for not having any consideration for children around.

19:50 Jun 11 2015

Dakotah it did not happen in a park. My youngest only does half days at school due to over stimulation can again cause a meltdown.

He is taken and brought home in a taxi with an escort accompanying him for safety reason. The driver was parked out side my home when the owner of the dog was walking pass on a public path. It had my son backing back into the taxi with the escort lady and myself comforting.

The only thing i can do is report it to the local police but it would not be taken seriously enough and filed under woman with a rant get to it some time never. Who can blame them either. They should not be having to deal with this.

But yes i can see it from your point as well.

Dont get me wrong i like all animals with the exception of spiders as a pet. I know some like them just not personally for me is all.


Need a Stark to remind me Winter is coming and quick

20:16 Jun 09 2015
Times Read: 515

So Scotland got a little heated today and um yeah its like it says below lol

 photo melting_zpsrynzviou.jpg




17:21 Jun 02 2015
Times Read: 524

A close friend of mine who i have known for years had to sadly take her dog to the vets and have him put to sleep.

She had cared for him since he was a pup. A few years ago when she got married she had moved in with her in laws who have cats. So the combination didnt mix well. Her father had agreed to take the dog in.

So it was bit of a shock that when she had come back from the vets his only question her was "Was it hard to do?"

Now my friend has known me for years and that at times my brain goes into fifth gear followed by my mouth moving before i can even stop it.

Fortunately she was alright with my suggestion of booking her father in for the same procedure and asking him if he then understood.

I honestly dont get what some people are thinking when they ask questions like that. Yes of course it was hard and will be for some time.

I think though next time in my case i should perhaps place up a ban for 24hrs till after daft questions are asked so that my daft comments dont slip out.



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