LadyXblackXRose's Journal

LadyXblackXRose's Journal


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10 entries this month

19:20 Mar 28 2013
Times Read: 588

Bad day today. Went to go see the doctor a weeks follow up about my ear infection.

He has now upped my meds and put me on different ear drops.

The dosage is the maximum and so it will be putting me out of action for a week or so. But am hoping to be on here in 4-5 days. If not then it shall be after i have finished my medication and let it run its course.




09:47 Mar 26 2013
Times Read: 593

So woke up to yet more flurries of snow. Kids are in school so its not to bad. But think the teachers can handle them till Thursday as then they are Easter holidays. So my sanity shall be skipping down the road at exactly 15.00pm on Thursday and may choose to return two weeks after lol

So i am having sock issues in the house with the kids. Its baffling as to how they have all gotten holes over the last twelve days. So shall be investing in some today again.

Also have to go to the local B+Q store and pick up some paint. Im thinking of picking up some plants again as the ones i did have seem to be dying...........Also need to start stocking up on some food as well.




16:29 Mar 19 2013
Times Read: 598

So not been on much of late. My friend finally gave birth a week ago today. It was very nerve racking to say the least and a couple of complications but both mother and baby are doing well and both are now out of hospital and safely home.

Finally sent off my book that i have been writing for some time on and off over the last 5-6 years to an editor. She is liking it alot by the sounds of things and has pointed out that it needed a couple of areas with explanations as when i am writing my brain thinks faster than i type at times. Ya think! Have nearly finished my second book as well but i dont want to get to far ahead and shall wait and see what happens with the first i think.....................???

It has been snowing a lot in Scotland as well which has not helped as i had to go to the doctors this morning. My ear infection has flared right up again and is getting on my nerves. On top of that i got her to check out my right shoulder blade and yep i have torn the muscles somehow. So simple things like washing up- lifting a kettle with that arm kills me. Oh what marvelous joy it is to me today. The housework calls and i am laughing at it. Im only doing something if it is really required. Other than that it can go fly a kite.

My youngest is on a good emotion level for the last week he has only so far had one little blip which was on Sunday but he is being kind and gentle and sings the bear necessity song from jungle book which is cute but not early at 5.30am lol

My eldest is chomping to go outside but with the weather have said no. He thinks i am being over protective. I think not i just dont need a grumpy teenager at home off school with the sniffles grumbling at me that he is not well. So he is instead grumbling in his bedroom. But he will thank me for it im sure at some point lol




16:09 Mar 10 2013
Times Read: 603

So woke up to winter again. It had been snowing over night. But fortunately it has melted now. I like snow but the slushy stuff is havoc for me and my knees. Whilst most might find it entertaining to watch me trying to walk and not slip and fall i personally dont need to end up in hospital early for that awaiting operation.

So this morning was not to bad a bit quiet until my eldest mentioned it was a certain day. Mothering Sunday. I could have burst into tears right there and then but kept it together.

My neighbor popped round to see us all and my youngest went into full meltdown so had to pressure hug him.

She left after that and i cracked on with the sunday roast which is cooking just nicely :) Except the onions started to make me cry! Wish onions didnt do that cause its annoying.

My phone has been buzzing for most of the afternoon as my friend is due to go in today and be induced now that she is 9 days overdue. She is nervous and worried as hell and is panicking a lot. But hopefully some news will come through tomorrow if not tuesday.

Going to get on with the laundry and the rest of the sunday roast.




14:39 Mar 08 2013
Times Read: 613

Urgh once again little sleep last. Climbed into bed after reasurring my pregnant friend that just because she has a cold does not mean to say that the midwives wont induce her labor on Sunday. So was just about to drift off to sleep when the neighbors teenage son decided to bang up against the wall. I swear that boy does it on purpose. He either goes so fast it could make a washing machine look slow on a spin cycle or he goes so slow you where you just want to yell out "hurry up for fuck sake!" Anyhow texted his mother that he should wait till about midday when i would be out of the house to stroke his penis.

So it went quiet shortly after i heard a yelp of"mum im busy" lol

Drifted off peacefully for about an hour or so until my youngest woke up with a nose bleed. Fortunately it didnt last long and he went back over to sleep quite easily.

This morning was a bit of a mad rush as the person who comes to collect my youngest to take him to school was a little early but he made it on time. Its been a wet and cold day. Almost like spring never arrived really and we are still in winter.

Did all my shopping for the weekend and treated myself to a nutella roll. It was yummy and didnt last long but still was a good treat.

Roll on the weekend i guess :)




22:24 Mar 07 2013
Times Read: 618

Been one of those days. Unfortunately my day started off by being rudely awoken by the builders across the street. Which consisted of a day of hammering and drilling outside. So very noisey.

Plus it has been a cold day. My stomach has not been all that good but food has so far stayed down.

I didnt get much sleep last night neither due to my friend being heavily pregnant and is over due her date is now panicking as her husband is working night shifts for this week so my phone is it would appear going to be doing night shifts as well.

Finally managed to close down my fb account and set up another yay to me and no more people inviting me from church :)

Shall have a cuppa and head off to bed in a short while.




16:15 Mar 06 2013
Times Read: 621

Been a good day today again. Went out to the shops on the bus again. It has been colder today given that yesterday was meant to be the warmest day of the year so far. Does make me laugh as we are only in March. So it has been a bit colder day today. Visited a friend who was working except she was getting her ear bent by someone else who i try to avoid as much as possible. I waited browsing through the second hand books. Unfortunately nothing took my interest so after i spoke for a short while with her i left and picked up small shopping load. Grabbed my lunch on the journey back and my friend phoned me. She is becoming restless as she is due to go into hospital on Sunday as she is overdue her date now by 5 days and still no sign of active labor. So i as i was getting off the bus we were still chatting by the time i got in the house. Postman had arrived late today i noticed as i walked in. Yesterday he had posted before 9.00am. But today he was late so what bills i do have can wait till tomorrow. I was still on the phone to her well after i had put the shopping away and made myself a well earned cuppa tea. Fortunately her baby had decided to wake up and bounce on her bladder so i was saved from more baby talk. I dont think i was ever this bad when i was pregnant with of my two. But back then mobile phones were not really used as much as they are now.

So now my youngest is home and just waiting for my eldest to walk in the door and then i can order a take away. I have decided that tonight shall be take away as we missed out on Monday as i was using left overs from Sundays meal.

Hopefully this evening shall be a bit quieter and also tonight.

Living next to a center that holds youth activities has its ups and downs and well last night was a noisey down. Dont get us wrong i know kids are suppose to make a noise but not to the point of girls screaming like they are being attacked at knife point. It can be distressing for my youngest and sad to say their may come a day that some girl is attacked outside i think it is just some member attending a group and it isnt. I hope it doenst happen. But the center should control these situations a bit better than what they have been of late.




16:33 Mar 04 2013
Times Read: 627

Been a mixture today.

My youngest decided he was not going to school today. However he went after a tickle to the taxi got him in. The men that have been working on a house across the street im sure must have thought it was entertaining to see me in p.j.'s and timberland boots tickling him out the front door and being chased up the drive with him trying to tickle me back. I know the driver found it funny.

So got on with dying my hair this morning as was in need but couldnt tackle it over the weekend so that was first on the list. Grey is now covered thankfully and when i was out in town the woman at the bank complemented me on it so yay to me their. Did my bit of shopping and came home to find the neighbors friend parked outside my drive with his music blaring away. This being the person who was making comments only a week or so ago about my parenting skills. I ignored him and walked into the house. But it is tempting to ivest in long nails and battery acid. Anyhow he didnt hang round for long so sat down to a well deserved cuppa and watched some t.v before my youngest returned. His mood is pretty much defiant this afternoon. So shall be one of those days me thinks. Am fairly sure it will be as my eldest walked in with a face on him looking like a smacked arse. So either he is having girl issues or he is having a school problem. Either way shall wait for him to come to me. Time for some VR stuff and another cuppa before i go get dinner on the go.





13:31 Mar 03 2013
Times Read: 629



21:56 Mar 02 2013
Times Read: 636

So am sat here watching Battleship with my eldest. It has been the most quietest ever. Not sure if its the alien or the Rhianna thing thats got him engrosssed but heck its working lol

Personally sat and seen it a few days ago and well visually was alright. But storyline a bit obvious in certain places and of course the aliens lost what a surprise.



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