MaidenUnderworld's Journal

MaidenUnderworld's Journal


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6 entries this month

My point exactly.

18:30 Oct 31 2007
Times Read: 684

And the Waitress of Life asks: "How would you like your dish?"

My reply: "As cold as ice. As sharp as an icecicle to pierce the ignorance of humanity."

I was recently messaged with a good point on wolves. The message stated they are vicious.

My reply was that it can be good to be that way.

The wolf... a wonderful creature indeed. Half sweet natured, nurturing, and caring. Half vicious, territorial, and cunning.

To be vindictive, and cunning.... It has it's Pros and Cons.

The bad side of that is that people can be scared of this, which in turn means lack of association.

The good side, is that you will not be taken for granted if you keep your distance.

The nature of the human and the nature of the animal really is not sooo different. Entirely too many similarities.

But the animal nature is so pure in that they do not take for granted the things in life that are given to them. Human is corruption, manipulation, greed, and ultimately pathetic, rotten to the core. Sad really.

Derived from the lyrics of Korn's "Evolution"--

"I do not dare deny, the basic beast inside, its right here, its controlling my mind."




The evil one..

17:30 Oct 29 2007
Times Read: 688

My lil man is evil. lol

Only 3 months into it..and he's already evil like his daddy!

I was just holding him on my shoulder,

and he decided to "hug me" and grabbed 2 handfulls of my hair and pull.

So I'm like "Ouch ouch ouch ouch" and he scrunched up that face like he was pissed off..and he just laughed his lil ass off.

It hurt but it was funny. So I told Loki about it, and of course Loki's all laughing his ass off saying "thats my boy!!!, see, I told you he's just like me!"





Harassment Never Ends on the WWW

00:32 Oct 20 2007
Times Read: 721

I've logged on not too long ago to recieve a shitty message from another crazed VR fan, who seems to spend alot of time harassing the ever living fucking hell out of me, more than likely for his own personal shits and giggles, because he obviously does not have a life outside of the WWW.

NOT ONLY here on Vampirerave, but He's also hunted down my account on vampirefreaks which I hardly ever log into just to leave the following message on there as well as here on VR.

The following is his message:

-------------[Original Message]----------------

[BloodGod] : October 08, 2007, 07:14pm

>Incase you decide to read this

you are a stupid fucking ignorant ugly idiotic psychopathic fuckwad pretending-to-be-a-werewolf-when-you-are-really-a-cunt-bitch!:D

o and also i dont pretend to be a vampire, i think those people are fuckwads with no life:) Funny then, if he's on a vampire site!

and and third, your pictures make u look like a 13 year old idiot, maybe u even are that, people who fuck with you face the consequences? well come on baby im ready;)

well, bye:)

have a nice fucking pathetic life with your fucking pathetic thoughtsL:D:D:D:D


In regards to your comment on VF:

ohh how grown does that make you sound. Damn, you should stop and look at yourself first and foremost retard.

If you have suuuuch a problem with my pictures and the way I am... then WHY THE FUCK are you NOT harassing 98% of the people on VR for claiming they are vampires and werewolves?

Have you even checked the forums you halfwit? It isnt me who is posting shit about ohh "i grow fangs and howl at the moon" like they are.

You must be making yourself feel better? Is that the case? What do you want a fucking cookie? Acceptance? You want someone to say your such a great person with a big dick? You may not have one, but you sure are one. lmao

And I hope to hell you don't honestly for one minute think your words have any affect on me. You're simply a useless waste of space in the world.

If Im such a miserable low person, I cannot even begin to imagine what the hell you are. But you sure as hell are NOT above me.

And obviously..if I'm sooo shitty to you..then why for god's sake have YOU after ALL THIS TIME decided to hunt me down to harass me...obviously I was the one weighing on YOUR mind if you couldnt have simply just pretended I dont exist.

Wake up halfwit...this is the INTERNET...its not real life...


why the fuck is that so hard for you????

Or am I just on your mind that much?? How sickeningly sweet.


Now granted... its been well over a YEAR if not longer since I've sent or recieved any messages from this fucktard.

Sad to know, that much time has passed and still HE hunts ME down to say whatever little petty childish bullshit he wants to say.

I mean seriously? He calls me a 13 year old idiot?

Well lets see now, Im grateful for the comment, seeing as I am aging abit, its nice to know I look younger than I am. Eventually, that will pay off for me in the long run.

A cunt bitch? Well, yes I have one, and I'm grateful for that as well...seeing as I'd have to hang myself if I weren't that and had as small a dick as this retard does.

And by the way... No one ever said I was NOT a bitch. hahaha I know this...my friends know this...everyone knows this?

So, me being a bitch, really is NOT any new information.

But all in all, DON'T call me baby..seeing as, luckily, and thank each and every god/s above, I do not belong to this boy.

I belong to what is known as an actual MAN. A real MAN. One that doesn't faint like a little bitch from needles! lmao

One with a real life, who doesnt spend his time boosting his ego on the internet like this childish boy bloodgod does. Instead my MAN spends his time, quite opposite of this fucktard...BEING A REAL MAN. lmao

Come on now? Is this the BEST you got BG?

Cause seriously...you're nothing but sorry pathetic cheap gimmick. A cheap trick to boost your own ego on the world wide web, because it's obvious you dont have anything going for you outside of the internet in what is called REAL LIFE.


Apparently, I'm not the only person on here that this moron is harassing :



Email to Self

yea..well i dont fucking care..i have a life unlike u who only wants 2 get on here 2 make fun of ppl..yea,i saw ur ridiculous msgs 2 my friend MU...

u are far from a man & living a sad life..may angels rescue you from ur unhappiness...


thats my response 2 his msgs to me..lol...

he needs help..lol..

I love my Lisa! Its a sad thing that he has to harass her also. She's a great woman, and doesn't deserve any shit from such an unworthy retard of a boy.

pffft Im soo done with this dude.

it's all roasted, toasted, and burnt to a crisp DONE. hahaha




The Classic Middle Name

02:02 Oct 17 2007
Times Read: 729

It only occurred to me in the early 1990s that "Wayne" was a popular middle name among a few of the most heinous murderers of our time, e.g., the clown John Wayne Gacy (who killed almost three dozen boys and young men in the late 1970s and buried most of them beneath the floorboards of his Des Plaines, Ill., home) and Elmer Wayne Henley (sentenced to six consecutive life terms in 1974 in Houston for his role, with ringleader Dean Allen Corll, in the murders of 27 young men). I began to publish periodic lists in 1996, and soon readers made sure I never missed a one that made the news.

This is a mighty impressive (so to speak) group, and below is an alpha listing.

But first, several disclaimers: (1) I have been too unmotivated to completely update the list. Most notably, there should be more names on the list (i.e., some have been withheld because they were mere "suspects," but many of those were subsequently arrested, not to mention convicted), and there should be more, well, dead people on the list, if you get my drift. (I have only designated the executions that I know about.) Any help on those matters would be appreciated. (2) My list is only of murderers (or those charged with murder) with the middle name of Wayne. Manslaughter is not enough. Other violent crimes are not enough. It's only of middle-name Waynes who have been in the news; I have not pored over penitentiary rosters to get the old- timer Waynes. (3) Before anyone asks me, I will answer: No, I have no idea whether the number of middle- named Wayne murderers is statistically significant. I suspect that aggressive-personality fathers during the 1950s and 1960s did in fact hopefully and disproportionately name their boys after that era's icon of ruggedness, John Wayne. Beyond that, I dare not venture.

Herewith is the list, as of News of the Weird 883, January 9, 2005 (* deceased):

[This list of names is (as with everything else on NewsoftheWeird.com) copyrighted by Chuck Shepherd, with All Rights Reserved]

Timothy Wayne Adams (Texas)

Shannon Wayne Agofsky (Texas)

Thomas Wayne Akers (North Carolina)

Stephen Wayne Anderson (California)*

Joshua Wayne Andrews (Virginia)

David Wayne Arisman (California)

Timothy Wayne Barnett (Alabama)

Gerald Wayne Bivins (Indiana)

Scott Wayne Blystone (Pennsylvania)

Elvis Wayne Botley (California)

Steven Wayne Bowman (South Carolina)

Ricky Wayne Brown (Florida)

Michael Wayne Brown (Oklahoma)

Dennis Wayne Bryant (Virginia)

Edward Wayne Bryant (Oklahoma)

Estell Wayne Buck (Ohio)

Bradley Wayne Cagle (Texas)

Seth Wayne Campbell (Texas)

Darren Wayne Campbell (Oregon)

Mark Wayne Campmire (Connecticut)

Michael Wayne Carter (Indiana)

Rodger Wayne Chastain (California)*

Ronald Wayne Clark, Jr. (Florida)

Douglas Wayne Clark (Texas)

Darryl Wayne Claughton (Alberta)

Kevin Wayne Coffey (Texas)

Michael Wayne Cole (North Carolina)

Joseph Wayne Cook (North Carolina)

Billy Wayne Cope (South Carolina)

Alvin Wayne Crane (Texas)*

David Wayne Crews (Tennessee)

Donald Wayne Darling II (Alabama)

Christopher Wayne Davis (Louisiana)

Gary Wayne Davis (Kentucky)

Jerry Wayne Dean (Kentucky)

Aryan Wayne Duntley (California)

John Wayne Duvall (Oklahoma)*

Dennis Wayne Eaton (Virginia)*

Dale Wayne Eaton (Colorado)

Michael Wayne Eggers (Alabama)

Gary Wayne Etheridge (Texas)

Michael Wayne Farmer (Maryland)

Ellis Wayne Felker (Georgia)*

Matthew Wayne Ferman (Ohio)

Michael Wayne Fisher (Pennsylvania)

Terry Wayne Freeman (Illinois)

Percy Wayne Froman (Alabama)

Ronald Wayne Frye (North Carolina)*

Morris Wayne Givens (Alabama)

Richard Wayne Godwin (Oregon)

Arthur Wayne Goodman, Jr. (Texas)

Richard Wayne Gorrie (New Zealand)

Jeffrey Wayne Gorton (Michigan)

Keith Wayne Graham (California)

Coleman Wayne Gray (Virginia)*

Charles Wayne Green (Arkansas)

Christopher Wayne Gregory (Texas)

Kenneth Wayne Gregory (Florida)

Ralph Wayne Grimes (Kentucky)

Anthony Wayne Grimm (Illinois)

Randall Wayne Hafdahl (Texas)*

Conan Wayne Hale (Oregon)

Kenneth Wayne Hall Sr. (South Carolina)

Michael Wayne Hall (Texas)

Steven Wayne Hall (Alabama)

Jerald Wayne Harjo (Oklahoma)*

Robert Wayne Harris (Texas)

Jerald Wayne Harvel II (Oklahoma)

Mark Wayne Hauseur (California)

Carl Wayne Heath (Maine)

Brandon Wayne Hedrick (Virginia)

Michael Wayne Henry (Texas)

Rodney Wayne Henry (Kansas)

Donald Wayne Holt (Maryland)

Bryant Wayne Howard (Oregon)

Kenneth Wayne Jackson (Texas)

Allen Wayne Jenecka (Texas)*

Mark Wayne Jennings (Virginia)

Robert Wayne Jiles (New York)

Jason Wayne Johnson (Texas)

Terry Wayne Johnson (Florida)

Timothy Wayne Johnson (North Carolina)

Mark Wayne Jones (Ohio)

Bruce Wayne Koenig (Maryland)

Derrick Wayne Kualapai, Sr. (California)

Dudley Wayne Kyzer (Alabama)

Monty Wayne Lamb (Texas)

Robert Wayne Lambert (Oklahoma)

Jonathan Wayne Larrabee (South Dakota)

Jeffrey Wayne Leaf (Oklahoma)

Christopher Wayne Lippard (North Carolina)

Kenny Wayne Lockwood (Texas)*

Mark Wayne Lomax (Texas)

Shelly Wayne Martin (Maryland)

Donald Wayne Martin (Texas)*

Steven Wayne McBride (Minnesota)

George Wayne McBroom (Arizona)

David Wayne McCall (Texas)

Rocky Wayne McGowan (Kentucky)

Robert Wayne McMillion (Florida)

Jason Wayne McVean (Colorado)

David Wayne Mears (Michigan)

Wesley Wayne Miller (Texas)

Jimmy Wayne Miller (Texas)

John Wayne Moore, Jr. (Missouri)

John Wayne Moses (North Carolina)

Jack Wayne Napier (Kentucky)

Danny Wayne Owens (Alabama)

Bryan Wayne Padd (Arizona)

David Wayne Pallister (England)

Jeffrey Wayne Paschall (Utah)

Michael Wayne Perry (Tennessee)

Jason Wayne Petershagen (Texas)

Curtis Wayne Pope (Texas)

Donald Wayne Rainey (Mexico)

Randy Wayne Richards (Canada)

Barry Wayne Riley (British Columbia)

Robert Wayne Rotramel (Oklahoma)

David Wayne Satterfield (Texas)

Christopher Wayne Scarber (Kentucky)

Michael Wayne Sears (Virginia)

Kenith Wayne Sherrill (Washington)

Dallas Wayne Shults (Tennessee)

Mark Wayne Silvers (South Carolina)

David Wayne Smith (Virginia)

Daryl Wayne Smith (West Virginia)

Richard Wayne Smith (Texas)*

Richard Wayne Snell (Arkansas)*

Richard Wayne Spicknall (Alabama)

Randall Wayne Stevens (Illinois)

John Wayne Stockdall (Missouri)

Michael Wayne Summers (Missouri)

Gary Wayne Sutton (Tennessee)

Bobby Wayne Swisher (Virginia)*

Michael Wayne Thompson (Indiana)

Andrew Wayne Toler (Texas)

Robert Wayne Vickers (Arizona)*

Billy Wayne Waldrop (Alabama)*

Anthony Wayne Walker (Ohio)

Jerry Wayne Walker (Kentucky)

Jessie Wayne Walker (North Carolina)

Chadwick Wayne Wallace (Illinois)

Daniel Wayne Warfield (Virginia)

John Wayne Warrener (Colorado)

Alexander Wayne Watson Jr. (Maryland)

Louis Wayne Watters, Jr. (Texas)

Coy Wayne Wesbrook (Texas)

Larry Wayne White (Texas)*

Michael Wayne Williams (Virginia)

Richard Wayne Willoughby (Maryland)

Kenneth Wayne Woodfin (Virginia)

Bobby Wayne Woods (Texas)

Darrell Wayne Wright (Texas)

Jerry Wayne Wright (Tennessee)

William Wayne Wright (Texas)

[Copyright, Chuck Shepherd. All Rights Reserved.]


We found this info in a link on the rock of new orleans website.

Thought it was quite interresting.

It amused Loki in that he gave his first and only son the middle name "wayne"

I guess it just fits our family perfectly. lol




Life lessons...

17:46 Oct 14 2007
Times Read: 733

I'm finally out of the hospital now. yay.

I was abruptly thrown in the hospital Monday the 8th...the day after my birthday. Some birthday huh??

Tuesday I had surgery

They pulled out 2 abcesses. One was the size of a golfball. It turned out to be clumps of infected lymphnodes, deep inside my leg.

They were able to remove only about 98% of it because it was resting on the main artery in my leg.

I spent an entire week in there trying to recover..loaded on antibiotics and morphine.

I'm still not all back to norm yet.

I have a hole in my leg from surgery... its about an inch and a half wide and 3 inches deep.

I have to keep the hole packed with gause so it can heal from the inside out..

Pulling the gause out of it and stuffing it back in hurts like hell.

Im on bedrest.. (more like sofa rest) hahah

and just chillin out, taking life easy now, trying to get through the healing process.


My mother dropped by tonight to bring dinner for me and Loki.

(she's a good woman..she's been taking care of both me and Loki lately and helping clean our place and cook dinner and such because I physically cannot right now)

anyway...she said her and my dad caught something on TV earlier that stated that

"STAPH INFECTIONS CAUSE MORE DEATHS THAN AIDS...when compared the death rates of each infection"

How fucked up is that?? Its kinda a scary thought.

Not only was I on my death bed years ago for meningitis (and barely made it out of that).... but now surgery and this staph.

Obviously Im not doing so well here.

I'm hardly sick..but when I catch something it's obviously major shit.





16:28 Oct 08 2007
Times Read: 743

Funny how someone from the past on here can just pop up out of the blue to harass the hell out of me (again)

Im wondering if his little puppeteer sent him this way..after all she seems to pull his strings just the right way.

But then again, maybe not. I'm pretty sure he has some odd fascination with me or some shit..as disgusting as that sounds. Otherwise, why else would he bother rating me a 1 yet again and leaving a comment? (which by the way, I took absolutely no offense to)

Oh and not to mention taking his merry little time to pass by my journal as well.

Am I that interresting to this retard? I would certainly hope NOT.

Ya see.... I'm to busy actually "having a life" to bother with this dumbass who is nothing more than a fucking KID...with an online personality...obviously role-playing himself as a GOD.

Which, in real life..is FARRRRR from likely.

Gods usually aren't ugly fuckers anyway. lmfao

Like this idiot is someone important (pffft NOT)

He must see himself as important. Hmmmm

I wonder if the reality of it will ever actually hit him...proberbly not..cause boys like that tend to live in their fantasy worlds..never to see the light of reality.


Reading his journal: This dude is soo gay. He can't possibly get any more EMO. I mean seriously.... No MAN that I know would ever use the word "yayness" . Guess its typical of some stunted boys in other lands. hahaha

He has the nerve to say I'm "pretending to be a werewolf"

--What just because I take a few pics like that?? Considering my friend and I got together for project photos... he went zombie..I went like that.. I guess that means he was "pretending to be a flesh eating zombie" too

Pffft DUUHHHHH its just pictures...simple as that.

How RETARDED can you possibly get?


On top of it ALL.... This dude talks alot of shit.

Runs his mouth...how typical of a 19 yr old boy...this doesnt suprise me one bit.

BUT I find that funny as hell comming from someone who "FAINTS FROM NEEDLES" Lets hope this fucktard never gets any blood tests run!


He is afterall, nothing more than a joke in this world.



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