Maximillion's Journal

Maximillion's Journal


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2 entries this month


How far will a man with no life go to harass those who do?

22:17 Oct 25 2006
Times Read: 588

This goes head-on with my previous entry, about the stalker/degenerate known as Evangius AKA _Guardian, AKA Richard R. Stevenson.

How hard will a man with no life, who wears baggy shirts to hide his thin and unhealthy physique, or his malnutrition go to hide who he is on the inside? Or how about the fact that he comes online, professes to know all this and that, but cannot prove a damned thing beyond circumstancial evidance?

He has even gone so far as to try and hide every document in regards to me on the Delphi server. Even though it has been nearly given him an aneurysm, he resists posting ANYTHING in regards to me, because he wants to pretend that I am of no consequence, despite blowing him out of the water on a regular basis.

Everytime he has made false allegations against people, I have always proven him wrong. Everytime he went out and attacked me, I drove his ass into the ground, and put him in his place.

He has gotten so scared of my ability to put him in his place that he has went through great lengths to prevent me from posting about his lies and deceitful insinuations on the boards his most deluded minions reside in.

I mean, come on! He even put up a new chat/post restriction in his forum for 168 hours (7 days) upon first entering the forum so he could spot the names I would come in as, and prevent me from unraveling the truth about his hand in the affairs he speaks one-sided about on a regular basis.

I mean, seriously. Even the pictures he willingly shares with us reveals how sickly and thin he is. Everyone's got some degree of muscle to them, and even he has to flex (with notable strain) to try and look muscular in those pictures.

What does this tell us?

The guy suffers from low self-esteem. He tries to compensate for that by insulting people and trying to establish an Online Empire where he can manipulate people, and attain the success Online that he continually fails to attain Offline.

He has no moved to a new House here on Vampire Rave. I am wondering how long it will be until they get tired of his conniving ways, and manipulative nature and kick him out, too.

What was it he said in regards to the House of Mudadh-Alluidh?

"I have included the Shadow Hall that I wrote for the ingrates over in VR as well."


So we are ingrates because we want something of good quality, and he is not putting out anything that comes even close?

I cannot wait to see how he will burn his bridges in this new House. When it happens, he will go posting all over about how "ungrateful" and "lowly" they are, claiming it was due to some revelation he exposed about them that brought it on.

Then again, that is Richard R. Stevenson for you. A lowly, despicable degenerate unto the end.

House Eternal? Keep an eye out for this guy. I mean, seriously.

When you notice things going downhill, and people starting to make rude comments about your House, please take note that this happened about the time Evangius made his from being kicked top the curb from one House, and weaseling his way into yours.

Be wary...




Watch out for the stalker known as 'Evangius'.

04:55 Oct 25 2006
Times Read: 595

He says he knows it all, but he really does not. His #1 Strategy (derived from Sun Tzu's 'Art of War' supposedly) is to tell people enough things that can be proven as undeniably true, then to fill their heads with lies once they let their guard down.

After stalking me from IRC server to IRC server, plotting to have my offline information exposed to the public at Delphiforums.com, and lying outright about my IRL interactions with other people from that server, I've come to realize that, not only is this guy as bad as those evangelistic christians who believe everything they say is the truth and everyone else is lying...

But that this guy is a friggin stalker.

Note an entry he made in his Story column awhile back. This was actually brought to my attention by one of his so-called "friends":



Before I am gone at least on any length of time I wanted to suggest one last thing to go, the individual whose login is Maximillion here in VR.

This kid is filth. Jessa was a threat to this community because of her incredible charisma, Max is a threat because of his obsession which I think will one day lead to an offline incident with some unfortunate person or people.

No he hasn't broken any VR rules but then neither did Jessa. If you folks are smart you will rid yourselves of this kid as fast as you can. But then why listen to me, not like I know what I am talking about in regards to these predators right...?


His problem with me? That when he goes around trying to control and manipulate people, like he did to Deity and STABB666, I am the one person who refused to let him manipulate me. Regardless of whatever claims he has made against myself and Jessa, it all has yet to be proven, as he is only going on the tiny threads of credibility gained from telling maybe a FEW provable truths.

Do not let your guard down. He only tells enough of the truth to make you lower your defenses, then he will lie like a dog to manipulate you and further his own ends.

You've been warned. I've heard the loser was kicked out of his House. I can only hope it is because they were reading some of the stuff posted by victims of his manipulative games such as myself.



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