MysticalWench's Journal

MysticalWench's Journal


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2 entries this month

HIM concert

07:23 Apr 10 2010
Times Read: 589

I just got back home from the HIM concert and WOW... :) WOW from the pain I am in and WOW was it a good show... I am getting too old for concerts or I am in worse shape than I thought! If I wasn't in so much pain that would have been a perfect concert (except for the one band). The doors opened at 530 and I got there at 1230 and I was like the 20th person so that pissed me off a lot. I had my camera in my shoe the whole time of waiting in line, so I have a camera indention still in my foot :( They said you couldn't bring cameras. When they were starting the searches I was freaking out so bad. The one lady that searched did a totally half ass job but then this other lady started doing searches and she had the wand... I was freaking out but it all worked out in the end... 2 stupid girls put a hole in one of the layers of their purse and tried to sneak the camera in that way and they were caught... They had to fish it out which in the mean time other people went ahead of us again.. GRRRRRR. Anyway I will skip over the rest of waiting in line. The first band Drive A (punk band) sucked so bad and had a way too high opinion of themselves... The second band Dommin was freakin' amazing! They are on my iPod... The singer sounds just like he does on the CD... He has a very good voice. The third band We Are the Fallen, is semi like Evanescence but they seem a lot heavier... Then finally HIM came out and by that time I was exhausted and hurting, but they were so good and they played my favorite tracks. I think they played around 17 but these are the ones I remember as of now:

St. Valentine

Shatter Me with Hope

Katherine Wheel

Love, the Hardest Way

Join Me

Poison Girl

Wicked Game

Funeral of Hearts (my favorite song yay)

Disarm Me (with Your Loneliness)


the encore was Rebel Yell (they do that so good!)

Buried Alive by Love

Kiss of Dawn

uhhhhhhhhh they played more but I forget...

Since I went by myself I didn't eat or drink anything at all from the time I woke up until about 1130 PM cause I didn't want to get out of line for having to go to the bathroom.. The guys in front were cool and saved my spot when I had to get out of line for something... Now I know for the next HIM concert I will leave at like 830... geesh.

That is all for now!

Oh and I ended up with a guitar pic from Drive A (blah) and a rose from Dommin... he threw that rose hard and if it had thorns I probably would have gotten my eye poked out.. As it is I have a nasty cut on my eye lid... blah... but yay I got a rose haha




Karma sucks

03:40 Apr 09 2010
Times Read: 597

Ok, I know that title is gonna come back and bite me but i don't care... Tomorrow I am going to go see my favorite band ever, no one wants to go and the one person who would go, practically bailed on me... Then this morning when I start the Jeep the check engine light goes on... After work I take it to Auto Zone to get the free tester (cause let's face it a good portion of mechanics will take advantage of a female... I have heard some stories that really peeved me off, so I always get it checked first at Auto Zone) and it looks like i will probably have to pay an arm and a leg.... cracks in hoses, evap issues, a vacuum leak by the engine... yeah... doesn't that just figure... I don't know if this is Karma from last Saturday when I went to a Birthday party and actually had fun, or it's future Karmic payback for having fun tomorrow... When I went to Blue Man Group in January, it was a nice day, so of course I got a ticket in the mail for going through 2 tollways with an unregistered iPass... It took forever to get that fixed and straightened out... I am really glad I don't have too much fun... I average having fun at most a handful of times in a year... So far 2 for 2... I am going to start writing it down, but for at least the last few years that's how it has worked out (or at least when I started really paying attention to it).

i hate karma... i don't recall a time when i had fun and it didn't bite me back.. ugh... just ugh....

im going tomorrow if i have to hitchhike... ill probably take my moms new car into downtown chicago.. *sighs* I am petrified to take her new car into downtown Chicago... people suck



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