RosalindChoiseul's Journal

RosalindChoiseul's Journal


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12 entries this month


16:58 Dec 18 2009
Times Read: 539

I've been extremely excited about moving in two weeks, but I think it has finally hit me! I am so unprepared like I still have so much shit to do and only two weeks to do it in. Now instead of just being excited I'm getting hella nervous too.

I had therapy the other day and she says to me "you are finding a therapist and psychologist up there?" But it wasn't really a question it was more of a you really need to find someone up there because knowing you you'll probably get up there and crack. I mean that's how I heard it anyway. I think she caught my reaction though so then she's just like "you know, I really do care about you" Still I'm just thinking, thanx for thinking that I'm a nut job who's always going to need therapy and medication. ugh. needless to say I did start shopping and I have an appointment like three days after I move...

Yeah, so then I've been thinking about school... guess really that's my main concern. It is taking me entirely to long to finish school and I can't keep using my mental health as an excuse everytime I start to do poorly. Like I pride myself on school because in reality its the only thing that I'm actually good at, but then when I do get into my moods, my school work goes to hell, just like the rest of my life.

I just want to stop thinking everythings going to go badly and get back to that elated feeling that I had been having.

Oddly enough I wanted to start a club on campus and I don't know what the hell i'm thinking with that. I'm so not a sociable person. There's just so much shit going through my head right now that I don't really know what the fuck I'm doing




so frustrated!

19:18 Dec 15 2009
Times Read: 544

I'm trying to find a photographer to shoot my next set and it is seriously near impossible. I've been looking for the past two days and I'm praying that something comes open tonight before I just give up. I have a really good idea for a set themed around my birthday and well, I know that technically it doesn't have to be done on my birthday, but it would be so much better if it were. IDK...just thoughts. I've giving myself a break though. I'm going to have a little lunch then run down to the bookstore and see if I can find any interesting reads. Just my luck, I'll just end up re-reading one of my favs (actually that isn't so bad) I should probably stop rambling now though so later




New Friends

14:25 Dec 13 2009
Times Read: 549

It's been pretty awesome, I've made a ton of new friends on here which is sweet. I spend a whole lot of time on here, but then I get caught up talking to people, instead of increasing my status which is pretty much whatever, cause I'd rather have people I can talk to and relate to. So thank-you guys, you're all awesome!!





00:30 Dec 12 2009
Times Read: 557

lately things have been so crazy...well, not really, but yeah. Okay my new medications have me exhausted it all the time, so I'm kind of thinking that I'm just not going to take them anymore. I don't know though, I do kind of like the sedated feeling, I just don't like falling asleep all day. that part sucks! Oh, but I did make it out to grab a couple cute shirts





01:37 Dec 08 2009
Times Read: 562

Okay so things had been going quite well till I realized that my classes are all fucked up and so now I have to redo my classes for the next two years which means that I won't be able to apply for my grad program next fall. It was the one thing that I was looking forward to and now I just feel lost. Like I don't really know what I'm going to do with myself in then I'll be stuck up there spring and summer '12 with nothing to do. And that really hinders me since I was planning on graduating summer '11 and starting my grad program in fall now I'll be graduating fall'11 and starting my grad program fall'12....ugh!!!!!!





17:08 Dec 07 2009
Times Read: 564

well, I'm slightly excited today since I get to take a little shopping trip. it's nothing big and I'll probably only come back with one outfit and I'm destined to grab a new pair of stilettos.





22:51 Dec 05 2009
Times Read: 569

It has been another pleasant day so I can't exactly complain about anything right now. Just hoping this elated feeling can last a little longer.




having an awesome day

20:09 Dec 04 2009
Times Read: 574

okay so I've been talking to someone and today we had a very long intense conversation which leads me to think that I may how finally found someone who can treat me like I need to be treated. I'm not going to dive too deep into though, just because it's still the early stages and all and I dont want to exactly jinx myself




Tattoos "oh yeah giggidy giggidy"

00:15 Dec 04 2009
Times Read: 576

Okay so I was really exciting since I'm starting my sleeve, well half sleeve actually, but anyway I'm super excited now. Today I managed to sketch out four different designs and I know where I want them placed, now I'm thinking I should just start with the cheapest on and work my way up...





05:13 Dec 03 2009
Times Read: 580

Okay so I e-mailed one of my friends today about how awesome this site is and how things were going with my Suicide Girl photo shoot. Well this was her exact reply:

gurl what is wrong with you. you serious. Is everything going ok for you.

So...I guess I'm acting out of the norm? :) Well, I don't mind seeing how I'm actually happier now than I've been in a while...oh, well, maybe it's the meds ROFL




Another Day

19:23 Dec 02 2009
Times Read: 586

I awoke this morning after a mere three hours of sleep and was just in the most amazing mood. I'm not exactly sure the reason behind it, but I'd rather take it than leave it...

I'm planing on starting my sleeve at the end of this month so that's hella exciting! I cannot wait!!




An enertaining week

04:43 Dec 02 2009
Times Read: 589

Okay so I sort of lied, my week hasn't really been all that entertaining...In true Rosalind fashion my week consisted of me re-reading the Twilight Saga and starting Jane Eyre again sometime tomorrow. I find if really funny that my sister is so amazed at the fact that I can read four good sized books in seven days, that's nothing; that was me taking my time.

So I re-read Twilight so that I could go and see the movie this weekend, yeah, I'm a bit late. I'm not really sure why I'm going, don't get me wrong I enjoyed the movie, but playing the movie in my head while reading is bound to be so much better.

Now I'm just happy that it's December meaning the year is almost over. I've got my birthday coming up, but seriously, I'm not really all that thrilled about that...birthday's and just don't seem to get along. I am however planing an "outing." My friends are all so different from me so they tend to think I'm a little...how do you say? Weird.

I don't mind though, I just enjoy being different from them. I'm getting a pair of thigh high boot to finish my birthday outfit off and I figure with enough vodka, I'll have a perfectly fine evening...



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