Sangomancer's Journal

Sangomancer's Journal


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19:31 Nov 12 2017
Times Read: 173

Road of the Priest (Cenoquodi, Ramkht, Sen.) Priests are the leaders, mystics and guides of community. They collect, write and perform Rituals, Rites and Initiations, form Covens and Circles and keep traditions sacred and accessible. Priests are also expected to initiate new members and seek out those on the verge of Awakening or in need. Priests are almost always practitioners of some type of magic.

1. Path of the Blood priest ...
A blood priest is a literal priest and devotee of a Vampyric or other dark deity. These include but are not limited to Anubis, Osiris, Nephethys, Morrigu, Kali, Anwyn, Hades, Hecate, Sekhmet, Lilith, Tlatzolteotl, Tzcatlipoca, Hel or Hephaestus. Blood priests may take a confession of a Vampyre if they wish to give one, pass along the prayers of the community, bless havens or Temples or initiate Acolytes. Blood priests give spiritual council to Vampyres in need of such and are expected to have training in at least peer counseling and basic psychology. They are also expected to be knowledgeable about their patron deity and other dark deities and devote time and effort to creating Rites for the community. Blood priests often search out and investigate rumors of the Ageless or Undead. If an ageless or undead is ever found they trade services similar to a Companion to them. Others research means of magically or artificially extending their lifespan or developing powers similar to vampires of legend.

2. Path of the Sangomancer...
Sangomancers are Vampyre magicians, sorcerers and witches. A Sangomancer spends a great deal of time on studying magical lore and
history. They are a resource for vampyres who wish to study the occult or simply have a talisman made for any purpose. They do spells for and within the community and maintain the House's library as well as their personal libraries. Sangomancers are asked to create new spells for the House Grimoire as they are able or contribute articles and research to our database. No Sangomancer is permitted to do spells involving spirits of decay or demons. Such practice is absolutely forbidden in this house. We accept Satanists as members but reserve the right not to bestow upon them the rank or title of Sangomancer if their spells or rites involve demons or other infernal spirits. All Sangomancers are subject to spiritual examination to prove they do not use such magic to harm others. Those who break this law will be asked to submit to a penance (usually an amount of community service and a purification ritual or fine). Those who refuse or consistently repeat the offense will be cast from the House/Community, shunned and have their names and records expunged from our rosters and our hearts.

3. Path of the Keeper of the Scrolls...
Keeper of the Scrolls are our record keepers, lore researchers, website runners and document creators. The head Keeper of the Scrolls of the House is our formal Record Keeper, and is allowed a vote at House meetings. Keepers of the Scrolls are expected to remain completely neutral in all disputes within or without the house. Keepers of the Scrolls tend to be bookworms and are required to have a basic understanding of human laws. They are also expected to have a large amount of knowledge available about modern Vampyre culture, houses and beliefs. Scribes keep a record of all House members, their names, Paths, affiliations, etc. If a Vampyre is ever cast from the House, it is the Keeper of the Scrolls who destroys all references to their name in the records and burns their House Oath in the expulsion ritual. Keepers of the Scrolls are expected to be able to recognize and translate most commonly used magical scripts, and to be knowledgeable in the areas of calligraphy, formal document layout, papermaking, manuscript preparation and the like. No House member my attack a Keeper of the Scrolls for any reason as long as they stick to their oath of neutrality and uninvolvement, and all are expected to protect them. Keepers of the Scrolls are usually unarmed and commonly travel with a Guardian as a protector. Keepers of the Scrolls often function as our ambassadors to other Houses.

4. Death speaker...
A death speaker is literally a speaker for our Ancestors. They are the truest historians of our kind and often spend most of their time buried in old books of legend. Death speakers try to correct mistakes in our histories and, like scribes, keep records of lore. Many Death speakers pick a particular historical person to research and devote most of their research to that being or person. Death speakers may also research and compile mythology dealing with Vampyres from ancient cultures, and studying how
such myths impact our society today. Death speakers usually are not involved in Vampyre culture on a day-to-day basis, and many are mostly solitary. Like Keepers of the Scrolls, death speakers are mostly neutral lore keepers who one treats with respect, goes to for information and otherwise leaves to pursue their studies. Many Death speakers travel to sites involved in historical vampire lore and do research in the field as well, as quite a few are amateur archeologists.



10:25 Nov 14 2017

Nice read

01:39 Dec 10 2017

Amazing! So much knowledge to take in

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