SheDevil's Journal

SheDevil's Journal


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00:14 Aug 31 2009
Times Read: 572

You will need:


2 black candles

piece of person hair nail ect..


This spell casts a dark shadow in place of your enemie's shadow carful to remove spell youmust keep the shadow in place of yours until a full moon cycle

At a new moon take the jar with piece of person in it light the hair on fire in the jar while chanting by the heavens my enemie's shadow fades replaced by black shadow of arcana




Contaminate Water Spell

03:24 Aug 30 2009
Times Read: 574

For this you will only need water or any other pure liquid.

This spell can add any dis-taste to water. Can also harm the drinker.

Touch the water with any finger and say:

''By the powers of Water, I cause this [LIQUID] to become brackish and tainted!''

When cast, this spell will cause any liquid body to become brackish and tainted. The drinker will suffer pains for most of the day.




Summon an Evil Guardian

03:07 Aug 30 2009
Times Read: 575

Summons a protective evil gaurdian to make enemies feel scared/sad.

Chant these words while thinking of all your enemies:

Evil gaurdian come to me, float around and feel free, make my enemies feel bad, make them feel the wrath I have.




Mind Wipe

03:00 Aug 30 2009
Times Read: 576

Wipe your enemies mind of a secret

Chant this 3 times clearly

Crystal Clear Crystal Clear Clear _________'s mind of my fear Wipe their mind Clean their thoughts Cleanse their dreams This is my will so mote it be!




Destruction of the Soul Curse

21:11 Aug 26 2009
Times Read: 580

What you will need for this:

1 incense

1 picture of victim or enemy


This curse will inflict terrible pain on an enemies soul and body use carefully this is black magic and should not be used lightly

light incense then place picture of your enemy or victim in front of you and chant to the fires of hell your soul shall fly I send it screaming across the sky where it shall endure eternal pain and slowly you shall go insane you will live as fate condems but you will never find true friends and with this curse your soul i bind in deepest hell for all of time




Curse of total destruction

21:08 Aug 26 2009
Times Read: 581

A curse of total destruction that you can cast on someone you hate.

For this spell you need a clear voice and total concentration.

On a full moon at midnight, go outside to the full moon and let it bathe you in its light. Then, lift you head and stare up at the moon while chanting... ''Moon, Moon, I call upon you, Destroy (full name of target) I want him/her through, Poison his/her soul, wither his/her mind, Leave no part of him/her behind, Let them cry and be in pain, Let them lie and go insane Make him/her think he/she is scum, Make him/her wish death would come!'' Chant this two more times. This person, after this curse is cast, will be in unbearable pain, mental and physical. However, this curse will only last till the next full moon. During the next full moon you can renew this curse. Use this curse wisly. WARNING: RESPECT THE MOON OR ELSE THIS CURSE WILL NOT WORK! TREAT THE MOON THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED! Also, this curse might not work unless you really hate the person you want to cast this on.




Spell to Cause Madness

20:32 Aug 26 2009
Times Read: 582

All you need for this is a lock of hair from an enemy

It is a spell to make your enemy go insane

either weave the victims hair into a bird nest or wrap it around a growing branch of a tree.




Insomnia Spell

21:55 Aug 25 2009
Times Read: 590

All you need for this is a Black candle. This will give an enemy sleepless nights.

Light the candle. Gather your determination and chant the following while thinking of the intended victim. Oh sleepless spirits, Cast on thee, my enemy, Many restless and sleepless nights, Make the bed bugs Bite, For thee hast wronged me! Concentrate on your enemy and then blow out the candle.




Cursing an Enemy

21:50 Aug 25 2009
Times Read: 591

The following ingredients are needed

to cast Cursing an Enemy

1 Purple Candle (Spirit)

1 Blue Candle (Water)

1 Red Candle (Fire)

1 Green Candle (Earth)

1 White Candle (Air) Pentagram

Picture of person you are cursing


Lock of persons hair

First Draw a Pentagram in someplace dark and quiet. Make sure that there is nobody to distract you and nothing. This is important because you have absoulute focus. Put the Purple candle at the top of the pentagram. Put the Blue at the middle left point. Put the Red on the right Middle point. Put the Green on the bottom right. Put the White on the bottom left. After this start chanting the following.(You may say this as much as you like it doesnt matter.) ''Godess Hecate here My plea let me curse My enemy''! Now after you are done chanting Put the lock of hair from the person On there picture and Put the Athame right through the Picture. The curse is now done.




Angonizing Pain of Rain Spell

21:45 Aug 25 2009
Times Read: 594

This will make a person hurt when it rains.

just say aloud and think of the person to be cursed

Chant this aloud:

I Summon Those Beneath, To Listen to my Grief, I want him/her to feel Pain, This is Not A Game, So plz Let the Pain Rain, So Mote It Be.




Good Luck Spell

19:17 Aug 25 2009
Times Read: 597

Just say these words when the moon is full.

''Lady of luck come out of you hidden course bless you light upon me as the light of the moon shines above and in the light luck will be blessed I, when the moon is next to be full''

Works until the next full moon. If you say this every full moon you will keep your luck.




A Death Spell

19:16 Aug 25 2009
Times Read: 598

Chant 3 times:

I call upon the power of Hell Heaven and Earth reverse the effect that is birth i take you now from sight and banish you to eternal night.

Say the spell for it to work you have to really want it to happen.




Ashes to Ashes Spell

19:15 Aug 25 2009
Times Read: 599

ashes to ashes fire and thunder rise together and become one banish this evil for all the harm it has done




Hurt Curse

19:14 Aug 25 2009
Times Read: 600

If someone has hurt you then utter the following to hurt them:

You hurt me, I hurt you.

As you see, as i see.

Be a thee.

And so may it be.




Curse of Pain

19:12 Aug 25 2009
Times Read: 601

For this spell, all you need is to focus on your target.

This curse inflicts pain on your enemy.

Chant the following 3 times: You have hurt my feelings so I have repeated, you shall suffer as I have defeated!



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