ToiletDuc's Journal

ToiletDuc's Journal


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12 entries this month


08:55 Oct 29 2005
Times Read: 810

Just finished off the bottle of Jager in my freezer..... I'm definatley a bit drunk now.

I'm using my backspace key way, way too much.

I think tha tmeans time fo rbed. :)





08:39 Oct 29 2005
Times Read: 811

Heh.... Went out and shot pool tonight with some friends... had a few drinks. Came back home... had quite a few more drinks... and got into Roleplay mode in #vampires. That hasn't happened in a long, long time.

I can remember when the channel was almost nothing but roleplaying.

Highly entertaining.

Not to mention, I realized some of the lyrics from a Metallica song befit the true mentality of a Malkavian very, very well.

"Sleep my friend, and you will see, that dream is my reality."

But, I'm still pretty tipsy... and have to be up for work in 3 hours.




Weee lots of shit going on.

08:54 Oct 27 2005
Times Read: 815

Not that much of anyone actually reads this, but oh well.

Working too damn much, generally 6-8 days straight with one day off in between.

Car got broken into while I was at work, and the cd player and speakers were stolen. Not a biggie at the point, insurance is going to cover everything, with no deductible.

Lease is up on our house, and the landlord decided she wanted to sell it instead of continuing to rent it out.

So, I'm moving back in with my parents so I don't just put myself back in debt trying to come up with money for a damage deposite and first and last month's rent on another place.

But, our gas and water have already gotten turned off, and there's still a few days left until I'm moving. Not fun at all.

Love life....... still mostly non-existant, but a few odd situations that I'm not even getting into.




Great fucking day.

03:54 Oct 20 2005
Times Read: 820

Got called into work on my day off, just to deal with the damn extra people coming in rabid over the lottery being up to $340 million.

Came out from work to find one of the windows in my car broken, cd player and speakers stolen.

Then had to wait an hour for a police report, when I know they aren't going to do shit.

What next?





08:14 Oct 08 2005
Times Read: 827

I made 3 gallons of iced tea today.

Real iced tea. Because most people north of the Mason-Dixon line do NOT know how to make iced tea.

The instructions on the tea bags: Steep for 3-5 minutes.

3-5 minutes is barely enough to make the water change color, let alone actually taste like tea.

Try 25-30 minutes.

With water brought to just before boiling. If it boils, your tea's ruined.

Add copius amounts of sugar BEFORE taking it off of low heat. If it cools down too much, it's not going to be hot enough to dissolve the amounts of sugar required for really good tea.





03:45 Oct 08 2005
Times Read: 829

I have tacos. The world is good.

And pineapple salsa.

That purchase was inspired by Requiem. I was slightly hesitant. It's nummy. Very nummy.

But, it's making me question my taste in spicy food a bit. I generally stray from anything overly spicy, more because it doesn't like me then the other way around, but regardless, I don't have an extremely high tolerance for spicy food.

The salsa was labeled as medium. Below that, they had mild, and they didn't have anything labeled as being spicier then the medium, for the brand I bought.

To me, it tastes like it has almost no spice at all.

Still nummy though.

And then there's the taco shells.

I always bitch when I make tacos about the shells always falling over and dumping the innards of the taco all over the place.

I've seen plates with grooves designed to hold up taco shells.... but the taco shells I bought are a far better solution in my eyes.

They now sell taco shells that are flattened on the bottom to allow them to stand up on their own.


They do have a slightly worse tendency of falling apart while eating them though.

Still a damned good idea if you ask me.

It makes me happy.





06:28 Oct 06 2005
Times Read: 831

Women. Are deathly confusing.

Sometimes I almost wish I could get inside there heads and have a glimpse of what's going on in there.

I'm almost afraid of what I might find out though.




4am tire changes.

09:44 Oct 02 2005
Times Read: 838

As the headline suggests, I was changing a tire at 4am this morning.

A friend of mine that does a paper route couldn't get the lug nuts off of the tire to change it, so I had to come save the day.

She's definately one of the very few that I consider a close enough friend that I wouldn't have told to fuck off at 4 in the morning.

But, all in all, it was just another reminder of true friendship, even as few as I have anymore.

We hadn't seen each other in a few months, and the bond of friendship is one that doesn't fade with time.

It was nice.

On another note, I'm considering a job that will have me away from home almost all the time. It's an interesting prospect. I'm sure my family wouldn't be happy, but it's what I want that matters more then what they think I should want.

I know they only want the best for me, and I won't deny that they're often right. Something we all argue to the death about in our teenage years, and later learn how foolish some of our thoughts were.

I know there are exceptions, but I'm speaking in generalities. Your parents don't punish you and make you go to school to torment you. Really, they don't. As difficult as it is to believe, they really are doing what they believe is best for you, which is usually a hell of a lot closer then what you think is best for you as a teenager.

God, I scare myself sometimes anymore.

But, back to the job thing. My family wouldn't be happy with me being away so much, but I think the bigger thing would be that it would potentially be putting college off that much more, if not indefinatley, depending on how things work out.

If I find a job that I enjoy, and that pays well without requiring going back to college, why not?

College really is overrated in a lot of ways. It's driven into our heads throughout our younger years that we can never make anything of ourselves without going to college.

Yes, many careers, in increasing amounts, require a college education. But what if the path you choose doesn't require it? It doesn't make it any less acceptable in my mind. In a sense, I respect that more. You've found a way around the system, around what society says you have to do to be successful.

The job also seems like it could be an excellent opportunity to see the world, and save up money, potentially to be able to comfortably begin to settle down, go back to school, whatever.

I'm undecided as of now. It's a big decision to make, and one that will require a lot of thought.

High school may have sucked, but it was definatley a hell of a lot more simple then the real world.




The Rock House

05:32 Oct 01 2005
Times Read: 840

This place is a short drive from where my parents live.

It is a house carved out of a large rock. The inside is around 12 feet deep or so.

It's fairly old, and there is a very interesting story behind it, I just can't remember it at the moment. If you look, there's even a chimney coming out of the top.

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The Pumpkin Farm

05:30 Oct 01 2005
Times Read: 841

I went with my parents to a pumpkin farm today.

Generally, you get to wander through the field and pick your pumpkins out straight from the vine.

For some reason, the fields were off limits, and you had to select from the pumpkins they had put out in the yard.

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This is one of the pumpkins I picked out that I will be carving later on this month.

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It's covered in little wart-looking bumps. I like it. It has character. Must thought shall go into the best carving to compliment the pumpkin.

If anyone has any suggestions, send me a message on your thoughts.

The other one I picked out is more plain, just a fairly nicely shaped pumpkin.




Where I was raised.

05:26 Oct 01 2005
Times Read: 842

These pictures are of the property around my parent's house, as well as of the horse farm across the street.

This is where I lived from the ages of 8-20.

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Friday Night.

05:14 Oct 01 2005
Times Read: 843

It's Friday night, and I'm sitting at home. Midnight, and I'm contemplating going to bed.

I remember having a life once upon a time.

Where'd it go?



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