Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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1 entry this month

If only someone could.

20:35 Jun 05 2007
Times Read: 1,353

*Sliding into the bench seat, he glanced over at the older woman. “Miss Webb?” “Yes, and you are Mr. Martin.” He smiled, turning on the charm he used with every person he meet, taking him to where he was today. “Yes. You come very highly recommended.” She returned the smile, seeing the charm that has gotten this young man to being one of the highest paid CEO in the city. “Thank you. Would you like a drink?” They both order as the waiter step forward, the booth in a back corner, away from the prying eyes.

“You understand the service you are asking of me?” He smiled, leaning into her, making her feel like the only person in his world. She had to admit- he was good at the act. “Yes. You will give me a night to remember, and I will give you twenty five hundred dollars.” “And you understand I am in control of the night.” He moved closer, the expensive aftershave whiffs into the air, the rustle of the designer suit. “We will go where I want this to go- as I am paying the bill.”

The waiter returns, placing the drinks in front of them. He holds his up for a toast, the other hand sliding along the inside of her leg, pulling the skirt up. “Here is to an evening I will not forget.” She smiles, and clicks her glass to his, taking the glass to her lips as he did the same. “Yes. Lets how you are pleased.”

She watched as he took a deep drink, the hand at her leg sliding upward, rubbing the top of her stocking. She smiled, and started to count the minutes, pushing his hand off her leg. “Not here. I keep a low profile, as you know.” He put his hand back, pushing her skirt up even higher, baring her leg, looking down at the silk. “For what I am paying- if I wanted to fuck you right her on the table- I will.”

He took another drink of the whiskey, and she saw the true person, taking what he wanted, the pleasantry gone. She opened her legs a little, giving him just a hint that she would perform, as he wanted. He placed the empty glass down and moved into her, eyes on her breast that the silk blouse hinted at, speaking into her ear, hot breath mixing with the whiskey and his aftershave scent. “Now that is what I ….” He blinked, his face turning to look at her, his eyes becoming hooded and glazed… and she smiled at him. Her hand moves into his hair, and she tugged it sharply backwards, saying the words before he passed out. “Welcome to a night you will never forget, Mr. Martin.”

His eyes closed and he slumped onto her. She pushed him off her as the waiter came up to the table again. “Have the limo pulled around back to the alleyway, then help Mr. Martin to it.” “Yes Miss Webb.” She pulled her skirt down, covering her leg, as she finished her drink.

He awoke slowly, his body cold. Lifting his head, he opens his eyes, but darkness was all he found. He felt the cloth, and lifted his hands that were at his sides to remove it, when he realized they been restrained, bans around his wrists. He tugged at the restraints, hearing the chains rattle, but no give. “Calm down Mr. Martin. You will not be hurt.” He lifted his head at her words, trying to place her. “You have made a very big mistake Miss Webb. I demand you release me.” He was very proud his voice had stayed calm, the anger in him building. How dare this whore treat him this way?

“You are not in the position to demand anything of me. You are chained, naked to a chair, no idea were you are. Tell me- who has the upper hand here?” He turned his head, trying to remove the cloth by rubbing it against his shoulder, finding bare skin. He opens his senses and felt the cold air on his nude body, sounds of a grandfather clock ticking, and the scent of roses. He felt the cloth under his buttocks, touched the chair with his hands to find carved thick wood.

He went back to trying to remove the mask, pulling at his legs to find them chained as well. He tries to stand, stopped by what felt like a strap, around his lower stomach. “What the hell is this?” the control of his anger slipping, the words louder. “This is a night you will not forget. That is what you asked for.” Her warm hand touched his shoulder and he jerks away from her. She removed her hand and spoke softly to him “This from a man who could not keep his hands off me a few hours ago?” “Bitch you will pay for this.”

She struck his face across the cheek, enough force that it turned his head to the side. He tasted blood at his lip, and a ringing in his ear. “Do not call me that.” her own tone of anger. He licks at the blood, and turned his face toward the area were the strike originated. He stopped himself from calling her another name as it became clear just how helpless he was here. She spoke, but her voice came from the opposite side of him. “I see you have realized who has control here.” He moved his toes, feeling a bare floor below them. How does she move without making a sound?

He gave the bands around his wrists one last small tug, unable to lift his arms, the sting of them being forced into one position to long starting as he wakes up the nerves with the movement. He stopped, hoping to lessen the pain. She spoke, the tone of her voice like a song now, words coming from behind him, his hearing sharpen by the lack of sight. “There is not reason for this to be unpleasant, Mr. Martin. In fact…” he felt her lips at the side of his ear, her breath hot against the cool air. “… I can bring you bliss, if you will let me.” Her lips left his ear, and the feeling of her wet hot tongue running up the center of his neck made him shiver.

He took a deep breath, and jerked at the chains at his feet. If he can stand, he would be able to … her lips moved to the back of his shoulder, kissing the skin, her hot tongue licking in spots. As she moved her mouth to the top of his shoulder, she gave the skin a small bite with her teeth. He stops fighting the restraints, turning his face toward her, and spoke, “Let me go and I can bring you bliss, Miss Webb.” He jerks again, but not to get away, more from surprise as she licked his lips, her tongue leaving a hot trail over them.

She pulled away, and he missed her touch. “I have no doubt you can, Mr. Martin, no doubt at all. Not tonight.” He closed his eyes behind the mask, relaxed his body, knowing he would have many night with this woman. Calmness came over him at her touch, at her voice.

Her hands, hot to the cool air, traveled along his arms, moving upward to his shoulders. At the shoulders, she moved them down his chest, warming his skin were she touched. He felt his chest rise as he took a deep breath, her hands slowly travel downward as she lean against his back… and he notice her hard nipples touching his skin, little twin points. He remembers her body from before, her lush curves. With that image in his head, he enjoyed the sensations she gave his body as she moved her hands over the band at his waist, and down to his hips. She paused there, his cock twisting as it begged for her touch.

Her lips to his ear, she whispers “Now do you see the pleasure I can give you?” “Yes.” he answers, his breathing growing hard along with a part of his body. She kissed his neck, just below the ear, a tender movement…just before she brings her hands up, nails out, leaving deep scratches on his chest. He hissed at the pain, twisting in the chair, the pain… he heard her voice from in front of him. “I can also give you pain, Mr. Martin. Never forget that.” The cuss word was on his lips, but he bite it back, the pain easing as he stilled… and he noticed he was more aroused then before, his cock harden even more.

He felt her foot, bare, sliding up the inside of his calf, over his knee, and along the thigh. His mouth open as his breathing grew more labored as her foot touched his cock, moving it from side to side, her heel at his sack. Remembering how she used her nails on his chest, and her words, he held his breath. The toes played with the tip of his cock, pulling at the foreskin. Letting his head fall back, he enjoyed the delightful touch of her heel putting just a small amount of pressure downward. Her foot moved off his body and he felt the sole rub along the tip, rubbing him. He felt a small release, the sound of her delight coming in a small purr. She spread the hot juices with her foot, and then it was gone.

He lifted his head, not wanting it to end, ready to ask her to touch him when she pushed at his knees, opening his legs. He moved his hips forward as much as he could, try to make her room. Her hands lifted off him, but he felt her body heat, knew she was kneeing between his legs. The picture in his mind of her there, nude… he let out a moan. Then liquid hit him, hot…almost painful. The scent of sandalwood filled his nose, as her hand spread the oil onto his cock, mixing with his precum.

She started to use both hands…one going from the top down, the other from the base upward, meeting in the center. He let out a moan, hips thrusting upward as she blew hot air on the tip as the foreskin bared the tip. She moved her mouth to cover his tip, rolling it with her tongue. He pulled at the chains, not to get away, but to put his hands at the back of her head, force her down, bury his cock deep in her throat. Lifting her head, leaving the tip wet, he feels her move one hand upward as the other drops away. The hand at his hardness tightens on him, the oil heating as she starts to pump him. He lets his head fall back as the pleasure of her touch takes him to the edge.

Lips at the inside of his thigh something he barely notices, the touch of her nails as it follows the vein into his groin. His mouth opens as her hand tightens, the oils heating up as if he was plunging it into her hot tight body. He starts to pant, a deep grunt coming from him as her hand speeds up, tightens even more, making it more like the inside of a woman’s body. He felt his sack lift, his legs muscles tightens, and fought off the release. He pictured his body above hers, her legs in those black silk stockings at his chest as he lifted her hips up, pounding into her. She moved her other hand to his sack, cupping then pulling at him. He grunted a small scream and that is when he felt her teeth biting into him. Brief second of an sharp pain, then a release of pleasure like nothing her ever felt before. From the center of his body, it spread outward, giving his whole body pleasure, coating it in a release like known he ever known before.

He spilled his seed, her hand still keeping the pumping up, as the sharp pressure at his groin eased. He lowered his head, knowing his sperm was shooting into the air, feeling the hot cream hit his stomach, his thighs...but he also felt something more. He notices a strong sucking at the top of his leg. Using the last of his strength, he tried to move the leg, but she placed an arm under his thigh, holding it still as the sucking increasing. She slowed her pumping of his cock, his musky scent adding to the sandalwood as he felt his body relax as it would from a fantastic climax, then felt it relaxing even more. He lost consciousness for the second time that night.

Two nights later she checked the balance, and see he had transfer the money into the account. He had been taken to his home just before dawn, checked on later in the day by one of her staff. Glad to know he is alright.

A soft knock and the door open to let in a tall older man. “These came for you, Sharron.” The large crystal vase filled with two dozen roses of mixed color placed on her desk. “Thank you, Charles.” She held out her hand, and he placed the small card in it. As he exits her office, she read the card, a smile on her face.

“A night I will soon not forget. Maybe next time you will allow me to give you bliss.” She put the card on her desk, the smile leaving her face. Bliss… if only someone could.

Copyright: SKW June 2007



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