Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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1 entry this month

Coming into her powers...

21:35 Sep 13 2006
Times Read: 969

She heard the wolf’s howl…isolated from the others. The altar candles flickered as a cold wind floated over her body. She stood from the forest floor and moved to the center of her circle, waiting. She could see the lights of her home at the edge of the woods, but she did not need those meek lights to know when he joined her. A low growl behind her raised the hair on the back of her neck. She turned to see the wolf.

He was gray and silver, with a touch of black on his body. The eyes a deep yellow, showing alertness, he paced back and forth, her circle too powerful for him to break. She raised a hand, and lower her circle with these words “Let this power return to the earth” He moved, his large paws silent, toward her as she lowered her hand. She waited, as she learned, in wolf or male form- he was an alpha male. He released a low growl and she looked down into his eyes. A strong breeze moved the black silk dress, her long black hair into her face. She reached up, moving the hair out of her face as she shivered from the cold. His eyes changed colors in a way she knew meant he was happy. She would never dare tell him she thinks of it as his smile in wolf form. “Funny- you have fur on” she joked with him.

He stepped up and she felt his head against her wrist. She smiled and scratched him behind his ears, hearing his sigh of pleasure. She felt it then... his body tightens, and he steps away from her. He turned his back to her and growled. She saw him then. A young man, dressed in black, dark skin. He step forward, “Call your wolf off before he is hurt, witch.” As she felt his power washing over her, she moved backwards, “I suggest you turn around and leave.”

The wolf growled deep in his throat, stepped forward and showed his teeth. “Not till I have what I came for” And without warning he raised his arm, she felt the power build. She watched as the wolf moved thru the air, slamming hard against a tree. The only sound was the breaking of a tree branch, and his sharp sound of pain. She turned to go to him… but her hair was caught in a fist, yanked backward to stop her. How did he move so fast? “Now … let’s make this easy, shall we?” A knife was laid across her throat, making her still her movements. She felt the man feeding off her fear, her anger. Yanking her quickly backwards, he moved the hand out of her hair, to wrap it tightly around her waist, his hardness against her back. His breathing became heavier as she felt her knees weaken. She could feel him in her… pulling out her power. She took her hands to his arm snaked around her waist and used her nails on his skin thru his shirt. He hissed, and the knife cut her neck. She screamed as he moved his mouth toward the blood…

In the next second, she was face down on the ground, leaves and twigs biting into her face. The weight above her knocked the air out of her lungs, but not for long. The weight lifted as she heard the sound of tearing cloth. Kicking away from the man, she moving on her backside away from the fight. The wolf was on top, growling, snapping at the man’s throat. He moved his arm under the wolf's neck pushing the head up as he raise the knife upward, ready for a strike. “No!” She raised her arm and the wolf went thru the air, away from the man and the threat of the knife. She stood as the wolf landed on his side, but moved quickly to stand. She faced the vampire, as he stood, clutching his own bleeding throat. She held her arms out to her sides and felt the power flow back into her body she had release earlier. Her eyes changed to a deeper shade of green. When she spoke this time- her voice was full of power. “You will not harm him.” The vampire looked at the wolf, but the witch is who he needed. However, she is not threat, unlike the wolf. He took the knife and threw it… He felt his body lift and the air rush by his body... then he felt the pain. His body slams into a tree and the broken limb pierced his heart. He looked downward as the dark blood seeped out of the huge wound inflicted. He went limp as the final death took him. She sank to the ground, her power gone.

Then, she felt the hands of her werewolf at her back and knees. He picked her up as she tried to open her eyes. “Sleep witch. I am not hurt” She gave herself over to the darkness.



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