VampressKira's Journal

VampressKira's Journal


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4 entries this month

Why Mom Why?

22:23 Apr 29 2009
Times Read: 540

MY step dad got sent to jail for back child support yesterday while I was at school. I came home to my mom telling me that. Well well what do you know she invites her "guy friend" over and starts taking shots and drinking beer. Oh my god she pisses me off sooo much. Then she got dressed up and did her hair, she said she was just going with her"guy friend" to get his school papers...yeah fucking right. She said that she was going to call me and tell me to get ready when they were done so we could get something to eat and go to the store. I waited till 10pm still no fucking call. I finally gave up and went to bed for school without eating anything. The thing that really pisses me off is that she lied to me and told me she was going to pick me up and that she was just going with that dude to pick up some papers. Instead she went out and got drunk with her friend..which by the way is nothing but a disgrace and bad influence to our family. I bet you anything she spent the rest of her probably $50 fucking doller check on alcohol. Which was supposed to go towards me some tampons and toothpaste and bodywash. She's not a fucking mother...if she was, then we wouldn't be in this shit hole that we're in now. My mom has a real problem and she needs to control it because it's not only ruining her life, but it's ruining mine and damaging my emotions and she is mentally abusing me. I can't take her shit anymore...I just wish I was 18 already.





00:27 Apr 29 2009
Times Read: 547

I haven't wanted to kill anyone more than I do my ex boyfriend. He is still stalking me and he won't leave me the hell alone. I blocked him from my myspace and he's still commenting in my blog..he's finding ways to torment me and hurt me. It's really pissing me off and I can't take it anymore. I am finally happy with the one I love and he just won't leave me alone. He's going to try to break me and Ronnie up now because he thinks that if he can't have me then no one can. I sware if I ever get a hold of that bastard it will be the last time he could ever hurt me again. He is still messaging my little brother on myspace too, trying to find out shit about me. He is a fucking lunatic...but he is messing with the wrong psychotic bitch!!!!!!



00:32 Apr 29 2009

go get em hunnie give him the old one two


I Literally Freaked My Step Dad Out and It Was Hilarious LOL

09:14 Apr 06 2009
Times Read: 568


ok here it goes. my grandma is fixing her and my grandpa liver for dinner well she asked me if i wanted to drain the blood off of them and i said sure. well i did. after i did it my stepdad was sitting at the table and i turned around and licked my hand but i had rinsed it off. so my stepdad was like "you washed your hand so it doesnt count" so i was like o really. so i turned back to the liver and put my hand on it and got a whole bunch of blood on my hand then turned to my dad and licked it again. then i smiled at him with and evil grin. then he was like ur demented and then he started asking my mom and grandma if they saw what i did and i started laughing and walked into the other room. lol

then i asked him if he wanted a kiss on the cheek and he said no cuz when i licked my hand he saw the blood on my tongue and he said that hes going to start sleeping with one eye open. lmao i feel so sorry for my stepdad...i done scared the shit out of him. lol

its pretty bad when we wrestle around and i bite him so hard he starts screaming like a little girl and i freak the shit out of him by licking animal blood off of my hand and tell him different ways i would like to kill my enemies...well he does that too...actually we plot together lmao but we're not actually serious we just do it for fun...you could say its.........father daughter time.

but seriously i think i really did scare him...i feel so bad lol



16:27 Apr 26 2009

Jeez you just love scaring your fam huh? Allwell I lurves you!

19:23 Apr 27 2009

mmm love a bit of fresh blood


A Romeo and Juliet Story Without Romeo Dying

04:38 Apr 01 2009
Times Read: 551

The boy I loved and I thought loved me broke my heart on myspace through our mutual freind this past weekend. :( I kind of saw this coming because my parents wouldn't let us see or talk to each other. My dad just told me the other day that I could start talking to him again, I started crying and everything because I was soo happy that I was finally able to talk to him. Well I was going to call him tomorrow and tell him the good news, until I checked my myspace and I had recieved that message.

He had promised me that he would never cheat on me and that he would fight for us to be together and that he would wait for me. I thought I was living a fairytale that you only read about in books but I guess it was all a devistating lie. I was soo happy when I was with him and I thought it was really meant to be. Now because of my parents keeping us apart for over a month and not letting us talk to each other it forced us to break up..well him break up with me anyways. I swear a part of me has strong hate towards my parents because they watched me cry, breakdown, make myself sick, stay cooped up in the house, not talk to any of my friends, and they watched me fall apart. They didn't care whether I had feelings for him or love him, they only cared about themselves. It took a month of watching me fall apart before they decided to let me talk to and see him again and then......it was TOO late. :(

I have tried to hurt myself over it..because being without him cut a huge hole in my heart and it made me draw away from my parents. My father hated Cameron ("Romeo" the boy I love) he never wanted me to see Cameron ever again. My mother wanted to keep me from him because she thought he wasnt right for me. We tried so hard to be together...but it just wasn't enough. I would give anything to be with him again..anything.

Now my parents know hopefully not to screw things up when I say I love someone or have strong feelings for someone. Because it just causes everyone more pain and suffering and hurt.



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