Wasp's Journal

Wasp's Journal


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2 entries this month


The Subconscious is alot more powerful than you think...

00:50 Jan 19 2017
Times Read: 246

Hello all!

So recently I tried this new thing called 'dropping things'. The theory is that if (for example) when I was learning Russian, I had the pronunciation down to a tee and I was learning the odd word here and there. The grammar system, however, completely eluded me.

The persistent little cat that I am, though, I didn't stop trying to research, learn, and understand this giant haystack of a grammar system. Eventually, I put it all to the side temporarily to allow all the information I had learned to ferment in my subconscious, and engage in comparatively more menial tasks in the meantime to keep my conscious mind occupied.

About a month or so later, I was listening to a Russian artist, one of my favourite songs. All of a sudden, after complete abstinence toward learning the language...bam! A line that I'm sure translates to 'you understand' suddenly makes sense to me, the grammar casing of the verb 'understand' makes sense to me, and since then (as I've studied polish aswel lightly), Russian and Polish are slowly starting to sound more intelligible. Hoorah subconscious!

However, that was ages ago. I'm currently going through a weird stage with my music. (pun intended). I've got an alright sound but it needs something more, I've got lyrics written but no music, I've got scores written but no lyrics blah blah etc.

As music is something I live and breathe, it was a bit harder to put down than scary Russian grammar. But after some self-council, I decided to adhere to the definition of insanity rule. Let's shake up the dusty old routine and see if it spits out any results.

It's been about a week now and already I'm penning down new lyrics, playing more enthusiastically on the guitar; the interest is there again. All the nagging questions that were there are now much less shrill and the answers are so much more reachable.

The brain is an amazing thing, and that is why it is so bewildering when something as simple as temporarily turning the lights off on a project can do wonders for re-igniting inspiration.

If you need to, rely on your subconscious...trust in the dark area of your mind. You might be surprised. You may not be able to see what it's doing in the background but its power is mighty.

Know oneself and walk in dignified humility! :)

Until next time! xo



22:35 Jan 20 2017

Hy, you seem to be protected by Mnemosyne! That`s awesome. Stanley Kubrick said that the artist should address more the subconscious of the public, not to just shock the conscious.


Always a Goth at heart

02:41 Jan 17 2017
Times Read: 277

Man, I remember when it was none stop sisters of mercy, bondage pants, eyeliner and getting as wrecked as I could at the local rock bar.

Then you move out of your parents house, get your own place and suddenly before you know it you're in the rat race. Everything you earn goes on bills, tax etc. Aesthetics, music and lifeforbidden aren't even an afterthought anymore!!

I missed studying art history, poetry, and those cosy candlelit nights in my room with Toccata and Fugue in D Minor playing in the background.

So I gave in to the rat race for a while, and to be honest, I was ok. I seemed to be earning enough money, I was always busy working and using my free time to enjoy myself. My job was physically demanding but it was straight-forward. I knew what I was doing and people rarely bothered me, it was the perfect job.

Then all of a sudden 'work volumes dropped' and a load of us were laid off. I was unemployed for a while until I was employed to be a night staff member at a local gas station. I worked every Saturday night 10pm-6am as well as other shift slots that needed cover (which were usually at night). I worked there for a year until I lost my job due to depression (damn you!) and that brings us to the present day!

Working those night shifts, I came to appreciate the night and the light of the moon, I have a difficult time sleeping on a night because my body still thinks it should be awake. Becoming this way also awoke parts of me that had laid dorment since my Goth days.

Yes, I was upset about losing my job, but a belief that I (and alot of Goths I believe) held was that, for better or for worse, everything is temporary and everything decays. It's nature, that's how it works. That makes me feel better about the whole situation. Funny that, a Gothic sentiment saves the day...

And I'll leave you on that note!

Peace out!



15:14 Jan 17 2017

Brother, just because you have responsibilities now doesn't mean you can't enjoy the night life. I know it gets harder as you get older but as long as you have places close to where you live you can still Goth out. I know exactly what you mean by non stop Sisters (seen them on 8 occasions) and club wear, it was a nightly ritual for me. Now I get out whenever I can to dark clubs here in LA.

22:28 Jan 20 2017

I know what you mean! I visited that dark path myself.

One thing is interesting though, the romantic point of view was extreme. So even if life leads to decay and death, also death leads to construction and life. The blinding sun was as important as the illuminating moon. The ideal of Freedom dominated the mind of the romantic man as much as the bitter vision of Defeat of the Heroes. The genius was the slave of time but it`s work can plant immortality in the heart of everyone. So, I am not surprised that you are reborn, a modern phoenix in a pitch-black ancient world.

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