WhiteWitch's Journal


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4 entries this month



16:23 Sep 21 2013
Times Read: 445

This one has to be my most odd, odd in the fact that it combines the past with the present. The people and the architecture were from the past but the technology was from the early 2000.

It was a grand building, a hotel where you would see vast balls and galas being held. I stood off to the side as I watched people in flamboyant dresses and tailored suits walk in wearing masks upon their face. I followed in behind a couple, not being seen by the attendant and I had the sole thought of ruining the party.

I stood in the doorway to the ballroom, my mouth agape in horror as everyone stared at me.. It wasn't their stares that horrified me as it was what was on their face. What I thought at first were the masks were actually blood, sinew and bone. In some sick twisted party they wore human remains and stared at me with bright grins on their faces. One of the women beckoned me to join them and I ran, as fast as I could to the elevators behind me.

I leaned against the wall and panted hard, thinking I was safe. The attendant asked me which floor, his tone flat as if it was practiced. I breathlessly said any as I looked up at him and in horror realized that he was wearing the same kind of mask. Though his was ornately carved, the sinew curved in an intricate pattern upon his face and the blood dripping off the sides of his face as if fresh. Once the door opened I dashed out.

To my surprise I was outside, the skies were clear and there wasn't anyone around. I turned back to where the elevator was and I saw nothing. Just land all around me, a small shop dotting the land here or there. The grand building that held the macabre gala was gone.





16:18 Sep 21 2013
Times Read: 447

I remember the building first. It was stonework, very beautiful though not big enough to be a castle. The streets were cobbled as well, carriages line the roads and people seemed to be comming in and out of the building. As I went inside I noticed it was a market of sorts, but people kept looking at me oddly as if I was out of place. I grew quite a bit agitated and walked out what I thought was one of the exits, a few people followed me.

What happened next I have no rationale for, no explanation so I will just tell as it happened in my dream; As they followed me out, my hand slipped beneath my cloak. I found the handle of a short knife and stopped where I stood and waited for them to get closer. When one was within arms reach, I threw my cloak back and caught him by surprise, with the fabric around him and shrouding him in darkness I forced the knife through the side of his neck and then pulled outwards from his body. As his dying body fell to the ground, the others stepped back in horror. I could feel myself grinning, hearing the yelling of others for the police to come.

I jumped from the balcony and landed on the road at an angle so I could just start sprinting forward. Everyone parted a way for me, as if even touching me would be a sure sign of death. A few unfortunate people who didn't move quick enough got entangled with me and then were left bloody on the ground for the other people to gape in horror at.

The streets were foggy, the kind of fog that you can only see a few inches in front of you. I remember running into it, loosing myself into it as if there was nothing beyond the fog itself...





16:10 Sep 21 2013
Times Read: 451

This one started on country roads, the old kind with the wooden fences lining them to mark properties. I was at a crossroads, four houses on either side of me. I could see them distinctly, despite the stormy weather approaching. I decided to go to the darker house, it had all of its lights off and it looked as if nobody was home.

Once inside it looked dusted, as if no one had bothered to clean in awhile. A soft, childish giggle made me spin around and face what I thought was the livingroom; there stood a young girl, maybe about 9 or 10 years or so. She wore a simple dress, but her most striking feature was her face. The dirt was apparent and her eyes were a stormy faded gray. Her hair a tangled mess of a reddish brown hue. Something about her didn't sit right with me and I politely excused my self and turned to leave.

Though upon turning, the door was gone. I was faced with a hallway and at the end was another door, not like the entrance but it was ornate. I noticed as I walked to it that it seemed to be hand carved, the marks though beautiful as they were did not seem to have the fluidity of a machine carving. There were random marks coming from the work, I noticed one or two of them looked like runes but I thought it silly to myself and just dismissed it.

Something told me not to go through, whether it was my intuition or something telling me to watch out I didn't know... I turned again and there was that girl again, she had followed me and was now holding her hand out for me to take it. I studied her once more, something was off about her and I didn't trust what I was seeing at all.

I sat right where I stood, closing my eyes and whispering aloud or in my head that I knew it was a dream at this point... This was probably the first time I had ever done this, I knew all the other times were dreams but this one seemed all to real to me and I wanted to leave. The girls laugh brought my eyes back open and upon her once more, though this time her features differed; her hair was a darker red, seemingly wet with some sort of liquid. What caught my attention the most was her eyes; tendrils of yellow started to snake through them and completely over take her entire eye, she sat there and stared at me and I couldn't seem to look away.

I don't remember the end, or how I ended up waking, but looking back on this dream I still see her yellow eyes and that door. It's odd how vivid my memory is sometimes.





16:01 Sep 21 2013
Times Read: 452

This most recent one, recent as in just last night, I was in this town.. There were no landmarks that I could see, it looked small and everything was spread out. I rounded a corner and there were a small square of shops, one caught my eye in particular as the silver jewelry glinted in the fading light.

I walked in and for some reason my sight was not as good as it normally was.. Everything just a few feet beyond my vision was hazy.. I wear glasses in the waking world and I wasn't sure if I was wearing them in my dream.. The other odd thing was that everything was quiet; no birds, no insects and the feeling made me a bit edgy. I called out and my voice was small, not from fear, but no matter how hard I tried my voice seemed small and frail. The pieces were beautiful, crafted carefully and with much thought. Though another feeling was coming from them; distaste? resentment? The lines in the pendents and the way the rings curved didn't seem natural, though their beauty glistened.

After a few moments of calling out I left the store as a sickening feeling came over me. It was a mix between fear, curiosity and that feeling of dread when you know something really bad is about to happen. I ran as fast as I could, I felt weak as I rounded the corner again. I ran into the nearest house and shut the door, locking it behind me as I ran into a bedroom and cowered under the bed.

The silence ensued again, no lights and I swore I heard breathing. Not my own, as if someone else was there with me. I closed my eyes and didn't dare move, I knew it saw me and I didn't bother to see it. If it was going to kill me here, it was going to kill me regardless of whether I looked at it or not. It made no difference to me..

What happened next was a pain I could probably never describe; though if I had to put it to words, it was as if something was raking knives down my back. It burned and ripped my skin, I don't remember screaming though. Just what it felt like.

I woke up shaking, looking into the darkness of my room before laying back down once more.



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