WitchyVamp666's Journal

WitchyVamp666's Journal


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3 entries this month

not finished

18:05 Jan 24 2009
Times Read: 515

Days of new

Days of old

Days if blue

Days of gold

Slowly they pass

As I grow

In strength and in mind

In good not bad

I will win this battle

This fight to live

A fight to be free

And for me

Water moves along the path

That I walk

Wind moves the plants and trees

Fire dances in the rain

And the soil moves under the sea

I am here to stay

That I know

I am here for good

But that’s not what’s to be told

A lie

The fake

A face

This place

Water dances like flames

Wind moves the earth

Fire burns the air

And dirt on this tare

I bleed

This soul

The dirt that burns

The blood

My blood

Soaks a rose

A rose of a soul

A rose of the elements

This rose that stands for me

Slowly the petals fall away

As I fade from this place

The ocean burns the flames

Fire screams for water

Wind fills the sky

And the earth never lies

I stand before the elements

Asking for help

Asking for people

People that will speak to me

Show love that is no lie

Spread the heart of this lonely soul

Show what is

Or could be ment for me

Fire burns and water sings

Sky melts and the ground stings

This land

As it’s ment to be

It’s ment for me

I walk through clearings

I walk over the icy waters in winter

I pick the flowers in spring and summer

Standing in the woods

And in the sky

Watching the current in the streams

Water splashes

Fire steams

Wind blows

And the earth bleeds

Through the woods

Over the streams

That’s where it’s ment to be

In two natural green circles

A place to move through time

To move through space

Water never ages

Fire always burns

Wind never stops

As earth never learns

The earth I have learned

Never ends

But has never begun

Time is slow

Time is fast

Time is something that never lasts

Time speeds up

Then slows down

The end will come

And that is done

Water prays

Fire screams

Wind stings

While earth sings

As the shadows fall

I foresee

Something that is not ment to be

Things scream

And things shout

While we all pout about

We need to understand

To open our eyes

To see what’s here

And not just us

Fire and water

Sky and land

Bring us to this side of the bend

It’s time to see

It’s time to dance

It’s time to take a chance

The things I see

The things I say

Affect people in many ways

I have to watch out

I have to be careful

Or I will giveaway my secret

A clue or two is fine

They won’t know a thing

Not completely anyway

Water is clouds

Fire is heat

Wind is air

And earth is sweet

Making an understanding

A meaning

I can not do

I look at the world openly

Trying to grasp some thought

Failing at it miserably

So I look smaller

To school perhaps

To work

Or friends

Joy or love

Water moves swiftly

Fire rawrs fierce

Wind speaks to us

And earth just plays around

Looking and seeing is exactly what I love to do

Watching things grow

But never getting old

The colors of earth over flowing

Beauty every where I go

I always turn my head

To where it grows

That’s just me

Water is streams and oceans

Fire is love and heat

Wind is playful and swirls

Earth is old and young

Days so old

Years so new

Ones so young

They are so done

I walk in the places that I hide in

The ones that they can’t get to me

Places that I am fine

But I’m never safe

I am never fine

I am in hide

And shall stay here

I shall stay here




18:48 Jan 03 2009
Times Read: 522

This nightmare of time

This nightmare of space

This nightmare I can't get rid of it's taste

To never sleep

Nor die

Kill me now

Or let me live forever

I will be all that I can

For who I am

So it's either time to say good bye

Or hello

It's time to let everyone know

Where i am is so every low




Midnight Showers

17:08 Jan 01 2009
Times Read: 524

Midnight that blesses my soul

Somewhere where I can feel at home

Back in the darkest of woods

Around the trees and logs

I hide waiting for them to get to me

I wait and enjoy what's around me

The trees

And animals that play and have fun

I enjoy the thought of night

The thought of dreams

As the midnight time begins to shower me with love and hope

The rain dropes poor down on top of me

It helps hide these tears I cry

The sorrow that I have felt for much too long

Leaves me for just not that long

Just wanting to die

Or be taking away from this life that has coursed me to the ends of time

So I hope and I beg for that some one to come to me

From the times of no return and help me live a new life away from my course

Away from this time and space



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