Zodiacstwins's Journal


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Old Profile

19:17 Apr 05 2008
Times Read: 773

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Welcome to my little piece of VR and thanks for stopping in. I will add as I can and update when the mood so strikes. Hope you enjoy and rate fairly as I would do for you.

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Ok, well first I have changed this profile so many times that now I just dont know where to begin. If you want the begining go to the bottom of this profile because I know its down there somewhere. But as this is like the 20th time I will have changed it I have kind of lost track of what is here and what isnt. If at this point you have read this far I thank you for the genuine interest in what I am saying and I hope I live up to the expectations. If I dont " to fucking bad".

Alright at this point I have been on and off of VR for awhile and have seen this site grow alot, I am not on as much as some but I check in enough to keep up. I have met alot of great people on this site and about they same amount of Bitches and assholes. Fortunatly I am friendly and only sometimes an asshole, so dont worry.

Ok as you will read later I am a proud Wiccan and try to abide by the rede as well as I can. If you dont know what the Wiccan Rede is you can find it in my early journal writings.

I am a Member of a coven here and it is a great and very enjoyable group of people whom I am glad to associate with. I am constently trying to gain more knowledge or perspectives on the religion and the craft as a whole and being on this site allows for lots of points of view.

Well if you read this far I will let you rest your eyes for a min so you can enjoy a couple of pictures and quizzes but dont worry there is more to read below. If you dont like pics and quizzes " to fucking bad go read the rest then". And if my spelling is not perfect Im sorry same with grammer and run on sentences. I work for a living and mine serious time is spent on that. This is a pass time or hobbie and for as seriuosly as I take it, it is not a job so it is not perfect. Just like you I am not perfect and expect pe

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My best friend of 16 years died today, my amazing German Shepard , Huskey, Juno. I found her on Chirstmas Eve and loved her ever since. I will always cherish my Junepup and miss our walks and playful moments. She was a wonderful friend and will never be replaced within my heart. Her floppy ear and wagging tail will be a painful to have not hot on my heals. I pray that she is at play in a foot of snow her favorite time. And that there are plenty of chipmunks to annoy.

JUNO 10/92-1/07


Zillionaire Trained for Worship and Intense, Naughty Stimulation

Get Your Sexy Name

Knee Bender

People Iced:Thirty One
Car Bombs Planted:Ten
Favorite WeaponSwitch-Blade
Arms Broken:Twenty Eight
Eyes Gouged:Thirty Three
Tongues Cut Off:Nine
Biggest Enemy:Johnny Tight Lips


I'm a 28 year old Gemini, I'm a Massage Therapist and Direct Care Worker for teens. I'm about 5 foot 9 and weight 195 lbs. I'm a Member of an MMA (mixed martial arts) club. I also trained in golden gloves at one point.

Tantalizing Handsome Expert Rendering Arousing Pleasure and Intense, Sensual Touches

Get Your Sexy Name

Water changes into everything, You put water into a teapot it becomes the teapot you put water in a glass it becomes the glass, become water my friends

Bruce Lee

Take the quiz:

What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)

Shadow Dragon

Dark, evil, you are the evil breed of dragon. You lurk within the shadows of the night and attack with surprise. You prefer to stay alone, solitude is your best friend within your deep, dark cave or den.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

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Ok now lets continue.....I moved to maine about 13 months ago from a resort community in New Hampshire. I moved because I need to find more clients for my practice and more people with similar interests. The nightlife in NH was nonexistent so I left the woods for a city.

I was born in New Jersey in 1979 and lived there until 1994 when i was transplanted in New England. I attended High school and college in New england and also found Wicca during my stay here. I am a solitary Practioner of the Art and would be considered a green, since I use natural remadies to promote healing. I studied Traditional Oriental Medicine as well as many modalities of massage. I also studied Reiki and use it in my treatments. This all helps me as a person and healer. I am also a Mental Healthcare Proffesional in a direct care setting for teens with Emotional, Mental and Behavioral disorders. This is a very challenging and rewarding job.

Some of my spare time hobbies are Swimming, Hiking and playing paintball. I am a captain of a semipro paintball team ( Section 8 ). We have a few local sponsors and play in tournaments frequntly. I will post some pics of my team in my profile soon, as well as some action photo's.

I have other likes located below so feel free to check em out....Also if you read this far...Bravo for being one of the few who actually read these things. Some of My pet peaves are people who dont think before they act or speak. And stupid drivers that are always in front of me.

I enjoy dermagraphics so I have some ink under my skin and used to have some piercings but had to remove them unfortunatly due to my profession. I drive a black suv with tinted windows and a decent system.

I'm sorry Im jumping from one thing to the next but I have written my profile so many fucking times now that Im just kindda spewing all over the screen as it comes to mind. I'm a Member of the Coven of the Vampire Dove and enjoy very much my membership. I'm also attempting to become a member of the Temple of the Nine Wells ( Aquarian Tabernakle Church ) a true Wiccan worship community. I enjoy all things gothic, dress, castles and weapons. I collect all of those things in some facet.

If some of what is written within my profile seems redundant I am sorry but I know how much jumping around us ravers do. I figured I would repeat a few tidbits about myself so if you ask me a question you can feel like a real dumbass for not really reading my profile


"Pass me something Sharp and Wicked and I'll pass it back don't worry I'll pass it back."

Hey click on the axe and grab it. Get your hands bloody baby! Add it to your page or put it in a comment box. Doesn't matter where you put it just PASS THE FUCKIN AXE!

Why I enjoy the Darkness

I enjoy the darkness because you have to keep everything in balance. I work to heal people so I stay in the light. Every now and again you dabble in the darker arts to see whats out there and to tempt fate, At times. I enjoy the darkness of night because it is peaceful and calm. I always had more fun at night. I like to play in the relms of rougher sex play which some would call dark. But sometimes on the darker side of things like that you find the light. Truthfully I like to push the limits of myself as often as possible, I also push my friends to do the same. It's fun to see what the human mind can handle under extream situations. If it worries you or scares the hell outta you you should try it once so you have the memory. The mind and body can handle alot, so pushing it can really be rewarding. Sometimes my friends think Im nuts but they always enjoy the show. ( The longer you travel into darkness the better chance you have of finding the light)

oh yeah and Just like a blind midget in a Lockerroom sooner or later you'll run into the nuts. LOl .................Sorry I just love those Quotes.

I guess i should list some stuff like things I like.












Fast cars and bikes


Horror movies

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I ALSO LIKE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.



road trips





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Salem mass on halloween

and lots of other stuff

Take the quiz:

Are you cool to smoke with???(includes pictures)

Your fuckin awesome!!!

Your a cool person to smoke with, probably one of the best.Your most likely to be the one with a funny joke or a cool idea.Your a true stoner...keep on tokin' my friend.smoke two joints in the morning, smoke two joints at night, smoke two joints in the afternoon it makes me feel alright.-if you don't know this band then you got the wrong answer. ;)

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I had to add that because thats not just a like it's a love


Chinease Food





The Ocean

Vampires ( DUH)

And a shit load of other stuff that I cant think of.


Things I dont like



preppie assholes who think they are better then all

alcohol abuse

being alone

winter in New England

RAP or Country music

people who whine all the time



car repairs



sex on the beach/ sand in all those spots

Day time T.V

Flat soda

People in Corvettes/ I dont know why I like Camaros and Porsche's and stuff.

Abusive people

An empty bag

And a ton more






Linkin park

Static X

pearl jam



Alice in chains








METAL of most kinds as long as it is Turned up

Well if you wanted to know a bit more this is the spot to find out. I was born in Atlantic City New Jersey in 1979. Memorial Weekend. I lived in Jersey until my 14th year and moved to New Hampshire. My mom and dad divorced before my Memories so whatever. But Dad was never around and mom worked to much. So there was alot of alone time for me as a kid. My friends were my FAM if you know what I mean. For better or worse we did all we could. We faught and Rocked out and did all the drugs we could Eat,Smoke or sniff. We never went to school and were always hoppin rides off of something, trains, UPS trucks whatever. My best Freind Brendon and I still stay in touch but as for the rest of the crew I ran with in Jersey, who the hell knows. I was transplanted in New Hampshire In '93 and my whole life changeed, new friends new school new life. I still fucked off through High School and had to go back for half a year. To get the credit I needed. But I got it

After all that I am who I am now and I guess it happened for a reason.

Bless'd BE


See that was a little redundant as stated above but it is also important information about me and where I came from so if you missed it and ask me a question thats answer is here twice or more Im gonna tell you to read my profile. Again like I said I am only sometimes an asshole but for stuff like this It makes sense.

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory

Vampire Rave

You Are The Moon

You represent the unconscious side of life, what happens in dreams.

You are capable of great genius - but also of great madness.

Emotions tend to be primal for you, both your fears and your fantasies.

Your intuition is always right, listening to it is the difficult part.

Your fortune:

You are about to embark on a very important journey - and a very difficult one.

Some of your deepest dreams will be realized, as well as some of your deepest nightmares.

Follow your creativity and visions; stay away from your weaknesses.

You are taking a voyage to the center of yourself, and you may be pleasantly surprised by what you discover.

I love steak and cheese lottsa nasty shit. Break.com is also very fucking cool

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I Feel as if I should mention An amazing Coven outside of the rave. The Temple of Nine Wells ATC, It is a real church and needs support. If you are a Wiccan and you really enjoy the freedom of religious practice then you should really go check out their site. The were established in 1997 in Salem Mass. They have regular circle castings a few times a month.

So Mote it Be


My name is Sarah

I am but three,

My eyes are swollen

I cannot see.

I must be stupid

I must be bad,

What else could have made

My daddy so mad?

I wish I were better

I wish I weren't ugly,

Then maybe my mommy

Would still want to hug me.

I can't speak at all

I can't do a wrong

Or else I'm locked up

All the day long.

When I awake

I'm all alone

The house is dark

My folks aren't home.

When my mommy does come

I'll try and be nice,

So maybe I'll get just

One whipping tonight.

Don't make a sound!

I just heard a car.

My daddy is back

From Charlie's Bar.

I hear him curse

My name he calls

I press myself

Against the wall.

I try and hide

From his evil eyes

I'm so afraid now

I'm starting to cry.

He finds me weeping

He shouts ugly words,

He says its my fault.

That he suffers at work.

He slaps me and hits me

And yells at me more,

I finally get free

And I run for the door.

He's already locked it

And I start to bawl,

He takes me and throws me

Against the hard wall.

I fall to the floor

With my bones nearly broken,

And my daddy continues

With more bad words spoken.

"I'm sorry!", I scream

But its now much too late

His face has been twisted

Into unimaginable hate.

The hurt and the pain

Again and again

Oh please God, have mercy!

Oh please let it end!

And he finally stops

And heads for the door,

While I lay there motionless

Sprawled on the floor.

My name is Sarah

And I am but three,

Tonight my daddy

Murdered me.

!!!!There are thousands of kids out there just like Sarah. And you can help. Copy and send this poetry and maybe most of people will become more wise !!!!!

I borrowed this poem from another VR member.


Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

Please read my journal and look at my portfolio as well. I try to update them as often as I can.

which mythical creature are you(with pics n dtailed results)

you're a dragon, you like to live by yourself, you hate it when anyone trespasses in your teritory, you dont like water too much, you like to rush everything, taking things easy is just a waste of time for you, and you destroy anyone who stands on your way, when you get angry, you can lead to the destruction of almost everything, and theres nothing that can stop youTake this quiz!

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table table table td {vertical-align:top ! important;}span.blacktext12 {visibility:visible!important;background-color:transparent;background-image:url("http://img83.imageshack.us/img83/1107/bannerhnk5.gif");background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center center;width:435px; height:100px; display:block !important;font-size:0.0em; letter-spacing:-5px;}span.blacktext12 span,span.blacktext12 img {display:none;}.bbzV:after { content: "Hybrid Generator"; }

I have reserved this spot for more information that I may find pertinant to this profile. In other words I'm at a loss for words and will return at another time to fill this in with something more interesting then the babble that you are reading now. But if you are reading this then Bravo and thanks again for being interested.

'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com

Business minded and a natural leader, you are a canidate to be embraced by the Ventrue clan. You can be rather dominant with a high stamina however, you tend to have obsessive compulsive tendencies...especially when it comes to your food. You are the clan the others look to organize groups and factions. Generally princes are among this clan.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

a href="http://www.quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=18&url=http://www.quizilla.com/" target="quizilla">

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If you read it all awsome if not and you just looked at the quizzes whatever I really dont care that much. But hopefully if you wanna know more you'll ask.

Updated On 1/2/07

Well it's the new year and not much has changed yet. But for this year I think I would like very much to find my match. I have waited and now believe I am ready to have another go at it. Other then that I would like to get my practice running smoothly and a bit more Busy. I will also attempt to possibly get involved with some pro sports organization on a sports therapy leval so I could gain a bit more notoriaty.

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This is for everyone who " Rates Honestly" you can rate whatever you feel. The ratings are pointless and mean nothing to me. If you feel I deserve a low rate then fine, but I work with kids with disabilities and the only rate's that matter to me are the suicide and graduation rates that I have affected by being in there lives. The first has dropped and the second has climbed. SO if you think some number on a page that barely touches on who I am bothers me, think again. My self image is fine and your opinion means little to my life. I rate fairly and expect the same.

I rate based on individual style and time spent, I also relize that some people really dont have much to say and put lots of pics on there page. If it looks like you spent time on it you will be rated above a 6 if you have been a member for a while and there is little on your page then you get rated lower then 6. If you dont like pics and rate people low because of it, did you ever think that maybe they dont know how to explain themselves.

I have written alot on here or at least I think it is. It is all that you need to know about me. If you really want to get to know me then talk to me dont judge me by a page on the web. If all you have is the Net then judge yourself and be honest. You might just relize you need to get a life and should rate yourself much lower.

Merry Meet



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