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Torsion waves

01:00 Nov 15 2009
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04:34:46 - Oct 20 2008

Times Read: 100

*This has all been taking from Oceanne's Journal with her permission. she has also asked me to mention that this is only part of a way bigger macrocosm that she has written about. If interested i highly suggest you take a look at hers as well.*

Torsion waves

Nikola Tesla around 1900 was the first to experiment with two spiral coils (caduceus shaped). He fed the two coils with opposing alternating currents such that they would create electromagnetic fields that would be self-cancelling. Although the electromagnetic fields were cancelled out, he demonstrated that his Tesla coils were nevertheless able to transmit energy over long distances. He had actually discovered a new form of energy. Remarkably Tesla’s waves did not loose its energy at the inverse square of the distance as normal electromagnetic energy does, even over long distances there was no loss of energy to be noticed.

Tesla’s work on this revolutionary new form of energy was almost forgotten in history. It retrospect it seems his work was too revolutionary to be accepted by society in the last century, especially its application of free energy. This is why his work nearly disappeared without trace. Fortunately the same form of new energy was independently discovered in the nineteen fifties by Russian astrophysicist Dr. Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908-1983). Kozyrev’s discoveries were kept secret by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It was only after the fall of the Iron Curtain that Kozyrev’s discoveries were slowly revealed to the West. In the Soviet Union thousands of academics have delved into this subject after Kozyrev’s initial discovery of this new form of energy. Kozyrev proved the existence of the aether once and for all.

This new energy is neither electromagnetic in nature nor does it relate to gravity as it stands on its own. The new form of energy discovered by Kozyrev is a spiraling non-Hertzian electromagnetic wave that travels through the vacuum at super-luminal speeds, a billion times (10⁹ C) faster than light. Due to the spiraling nature of the wave, the wave is called a torsion wave since it traces a spiraling path! According to independent researcher David Wilcock the torsion wave also traces a perfect Phi spiral! Torsion waves are called non-Hertzian waves since they do not obey the classical theory of Hertz and Maxwell.

Einstein and Dr. Eli Cartan predicted the existence of static torsion fields in 1913 in a theory that became known as the Einstein-Cartan Theory or ECT for short. Torsion fields never got very much interest in physics until Kozyrev discovered their actual existence.

We have already discussed torsion waves in chapter 4 about the zero point field, where we mentioned that Tom Bearden discovered that the fundamental wave in the electromagnetic wave is a scalar wave. The scalar wave is the wave that remains when two opposite electromagnetic waves interfere canceling out the electric and magnetic field components, just like Tesla did. The result is a hitherto unrecognized component in the electromagnetic wave, a longitudinal wave vibrating in the same direction it is traveling. Maxwell’s classical electromagnetic wave theory that is still the prevailing theory today for electromagnetism does not allow for scalar waves and accounts for transverse electromagnetic waves only. These transverse Hertzian waves named after Heinrich Hertz, are created when electric charges oscillate from side to side in a dipole antenna. At a distance they will induce a transverse force on a charge in a distant radio receiver antenna when aligned perpendicular to the propagated direction of the Hertzian wave. Scalar waves, lacking transverse polarity, are generated in a totally different way and cannot be received with a normal dipole antenna, the antenna used in all of our ordinary electronic receivers. This is also the explanation for why this new form of energy has not been discovered much earlier. Tom Bearden’s scalar waves now get support from Paul La Violette whose sub quantum kinetics theory not only predicts the Hertzian transverse waves but also Tesla’s longitudinal scalar waves. According to Paul La Violette a monopole antenna such as a charged sphere will create longitudinal scalar potential waves when periodically charged and discharged. Scalar potential waves can and have been detected using a Bendini detector.

To prevent the misconstruing of scalar and torsion waves mentioned in this book, they are synonyms for the same wave.

Scalar or torsion waves now seem to play a significant role in explaining our physical reality. Although torsion fields are very weak they can be measured using torsion beam balances that were first developed by Kozyrev. Torsion waves create minute forces in matter and that’s how they can be detected.

Torsion fields can be either static or dynamic. Static torsion fields can take on the form of vortexes like the one mentioned in the implosion physics of Daniel Winter. These static vortex torsion fields in the fabric of the vacuum space can stay in one place for a very long period of time. Kozyrev discovered that torsion fields can also propagate through space as torsion waves at tremendous speeds at least one billion times the speed of light (10⁹ C).

He noticed that all physical objects both absorb and radiate torsion waves. By shaking, vibrating, deforming, heating and cooling physical objects they generate measurable torsion waves. Even the displacement of an object generates torsion waves that can be measured. All movement therefore from the vibrations of atoms to the orbits of our planets and stars leaves their traces in the form of torsion waves in the aether.

A very remarkable phenomenon that Kozyrev discovered by rotating gyroscopes is that they lose very small but measurable amounts of weight. Also firmly shaking objects could make objects lose weight. Now from our current understandings of physics this is quite impossible! It violates all physical laws, how can solid matter lose weight when it is spun at high speeds or shaken? If we still believe that matter is made of little hard marbles called particles, yes this would be a great mystery! However Kozyrev showed that the gyroscopes shed more torsion waves when shaken or spun, so that aetheric energy that sustains the object was shed back into the background sea of the aether. The momentary loss of aether energy accounted for the weight drop.

Dr. Harold Aspden of Cambridge University discovered a related phenomenon. He attached a powerful magnet to a gyroscope and spun it at high speeds. He measured the amount of energy required to accelerate the gyroscope to full speed to be a 1000 Joules. Now to his surprise when he stopped the gyroscope from spinning and restarted the gyroscope to spin again within 60 seconds after it stopped, it required 10 times less energy to spin the gyroscope to the same speed. The spin of the gyroscope had added extra spin to the aether that sustains the gyroscope that lasted for a while before it wore off, rather like the momentum stored in the tea of a teacup after stirring it with a teaspoon. We now know that spinning magnets are strong torsion wave generators.

Another violation of the laws of Newton with respect to torsion fields comes from Bruce De Palma. He conducted experiments where he catapulted two identical steel balls at the same speed under the same angle into the air. The only difference between the balls was that one of the balls was rotating at 27000 revolutions/minute and the other was not. The spinning ball reached far higher into the air than the non-spinning ball. By the spinning of the ball torsion fields were created that caused a slight change in the total mass of the ball. postulated that these torsion waves were generated due to the spinning of the stars. From his astronomical observations of stars using dedicated telescopes to measure the torsion wave radiation, he noticed that the star radiated this torsion wave energy from a location in the sky that must be the true position of the star whereas the visible light of the star reveals the position of the star many years ago since it took many light-years before this light reached the Earth. From this observation he concluded that the torsion wave must travel at super-luminal speeds. He even noticed that torsion wave radiation was received in a location in the sky that revealed the future position of the star! Since torsion waves travel at super-luminal speeds, they can cross the time barrier and ‘move’ into the future.

Since the Earth also radiates torsion waves and this torsion radiation is much stronger near the poles, Kozyrev’s experiments are geographical location dependant. He also noticed that his effects could only be measured during the cold periods of the year. In the summer the intense solar torsion waves interfered with the torsion waves of his experiments. Our Sun is the greatest torsion wave generator in our Solar System.

Torsion waves flow in and out of all physical matter and atoms are basically all torsion wave generators.

The counter rotating Phi spiralling electromagnetic waves in the implosion physics of Daniel Winter that spiral into the nucleus of the atom, likewise cancel the electromagnetic components of the electromagnetic waves and results in a torsion wave.

Phi caduceus scalar wave

Russian science has actually many names for Daniel Winter’s electromagnetic energy vortexes such as spin fields, torsion fields and axion fields; they are all vacuum spin fields. The doughnut and vortex structures of spiraling Golden Mean waves described by Daniel Winter are forms of static torsion fields. The spiraling into the zero still point of the electromagnetic vortex creates the following effects:

It accumulates ‘infinite’ energy due to the implosion of the waves into smaller and smaller wavelengths. The shorter the wavelength the more energy is contained in the spiraling wave. Like the tornado accumulates energy and focuses it into the eye of the tornado, the electromagnetic vortex accumulates energy into its still-point. Notice that it is the extreme spinning of air molecules in the eye of a tornado that gives it its immense destructive power.

A spin field of electromagnetic energy stores inertia (the resistance to movement). The more spin, the more inertia is stored. The same inertia effect is demonstrated by spinning tops and gyroscopes that resist any change to their momentum.

If we appreciate these two effects created by torsion fields, we may start to understand why matter and energy are interchangeable (Einstein’s famous formula E=m* c^2) and what it is that gives matter its solidness.

If we organize vortex spin fields of electromagnetic energy in the organization patterns of the Platonic solids we call an atom, we may now understand that:

Matter is a dense form of accumulated energy

Matter internally has properties of inertia that gives it mass.

So in reality, there is really nothing solid about matter. Mass is the illusion of a solid thing, it’s the Maya of the material world mentioned by the Tao. This illusion is sustained by the stored inertia in the waves and has tricked science into maintaining a false concept of inertia. We’ve always believed that inertia is an inherent property of mass, but the truth is just the opposite, the stored inertia of spinning electromagnetism in a local region of space creates the effect we observe as mass!

There is little known in Western science about torsion fields created by matter spun at high speeds. NASA has just recently launched a satellite in April 2004 to investigate the spin fields of the planets in our Solar System. Since most scientists believe that the spin field is a property of matter, they fail to recognize that it is the torsion field that creates matter in the first place. Bruce de Palma’s spinning gyro experiments proved that gyroscopes actually lose weight. This phenomenon is totally unexplainable within the current scientific paradigm, however if we understand that by spinning an object we change the overall electromagnetic spin stored in the object, we may see why it has a feeble but measurable affect on its mass.

We can now also start to see why Haisch & Rueda, discussed in chapter 4 ‘The Zero Point Field’, were able to prove Newton’s famous law of inertia F=m * a. They proved that inertia is the effect caused by accelerating mass through the zero point field. Well since the electromagnetic vortex within the atom stores both zero point energy and inertia, we’re not surprised to find a correlation here.

Static torsion fields in the form of vortexes in the aether and the spiraling torsion wave traveling at super-luminal speeds are getting more and more attention in Western science. According to some, torsion waves are the missing link in the search for a final ‘theory of everything’, Einstein’s unified field theory. It seems that electromagnetism, gravity and torsion waves are all members of the same family; they are just different forms of aether vibrations.

The most astonishing fact that may prove that a ‘theory for everything’ is within reach, is the fact that Kozyrev discovered that human thoughts and feelings are generating torsion waves as well. He has been able to measure torsion waves that were caused by sudden human emotional changes. So what Kozyrev proved was that:

Consciousness is related to aether vibrations.

Our very thoughts and emotions create torsion waves that travel at super-luminal speeds to the far ends of the universe.

Torsion waves may be the physics for telepathy, the ability of mind reading between two individuals. Since torsion wave can physically affect matter, it may also be the explanation for psychokinesis or PK, the ability to mentally change physical objects. Stage performer and spoon bender Uri Geller has always demonstrated these abilities in front of large audiences. Although many still think he was a conman, he has been experimented a lot with psychics because they believed that their abilities were genuine.

Now we may remember from chapter 3 ‘Science and Consciousness’ the research programs of Dr. William Tiller into the effects of human intention. He used test persons to imprint their intentions into his IIED device and asked them to manipulate the outcome of an experiment, for instance the lowering of the acidity of water. The IIED device was placed in a room for extended periods of time and the effect of lowering the acidity of water could clearly be measured.

After a while the IIED device could be removed from the room and the effect continued. The room had somehow become conditioned. Now the conditioning of this room may be explained by the presence of static torsion fields that were imprinted in the physical vacuum of the room by human intention! These torsion fields created by means of human intention are able to create subtle changes in matter.

In 1984, Dankachov showed that static torsion fields could also be memorized in water. Water proves to be a good medium for storing static torsion fields. The late French biologist Jacques Benveniste has proven that water is able to memorize the constitution of chemical compounds that were dissolved in it. Somehow a torsion field can be created in water that is a fingerprint of the chemicals dissolved in the water. After diluting the water a great number of times such that no possible molecules of the original chemical compounds could be found, the heavily diluted water still maintained its properties as if the original compounds were still in there. What had happened is that although no molecular traces could be found in the water, there was still the imprint in the water of the original torsion field of the chemical compounds. Benveniste also demonstrated that by simply placing a second bottle next to the first one he could copy the properties of the water from one bottle to the other. The torsion field of the first bottle of water was induced into the second!

Prof. Dr. David Schweitzer is able to photograph this memory effect of water. He has a fairly simple method to measure the water memory effect of water and the imprint they leave behind in the water. He takes a water drop and allows it to dry up at a tilted angle. Next he investigates the dried up water drop under a microscope and shows how interesting light structures become visible.

The memory effect of water may be a physical explanation for homeopathy. Many people are very skeptical about homeopathy because how can clear water that has been diluted so many times such that all chemical compounds are gone still have a medical effect? Pure water can’t have a healing effect can it? However the invisible torsion fields that are present in the water may be the reasonable explanation for this phenomenon.


The imprint of human intention into the ice crystals of Dr Masaru Emoto is yet another example that can be explained by torsion waves radiated by human thoughts and emotions. The torsion fields created by human intention are simply memorized in water. At an invisible level the internal structure of water has changed. After freezing the water these changes manifested in the different shapes of the ice crystals and were visible to the naked eye.

At Sound Energy Research they created torsion field imprints in water using scalar (torsion) wave technologies. They treated distilled water with scalar waves and a dedicated coil developed by Dr. Glen Rein. The result is structured water called scalar wave structured water™. They sent samples of this water to Dr Masaru Emoto who froze the water samples and studied the crystals. They formed perfect hexagonal structured ice crystals. This is yet another example that indirectly proves that consciousness and torsion waves are related since both human conscious intention and scalar waves seem to produce the same results in Dr Masaru Emoto’s experiments with ice crystals.

Sound Energy Research sells their programmed ‘smart’ water in bottles in three different flavors. By using different intentions they added different programming to the water. The water is said to have relaxing and healing properties.

Akasha field

Torsion waves are very remarkable waves as they never wear off, they propagate to the far corners of the universe without losing their power and in this respect they have eternal life. Torsion waves as they travel through the physical vacuum do not encounter any friction; therefore they maintain their energy. As torsion waves traverse the universe they interfere with other torsion waves. Over time they weave a tapestry of the history of all that has ever happened within the universe from the movement of the smallest subatomic particle, to the revolution of the planets, and the expansion of galaxies. Remember that torsion waves are generated by many phenomena such as the vibration or displacement of matter, electromagnetic energy and our conscious thoughts to name a few.

Torsion fields are therefore information fields as they encode everything that has left its traces in the form of torsion waves in this universe. This boils down to the recording of every little thought that was ever thought and every little move that was ever made. The interference patterns of the torsion waves form a huge hologram that permeates the whole of the universe.

Just like the waves of the seas form an interference pattern that in theory allows us to decode the movement of the ships that stirred its surface, likewise torsion waves theoretically allow us to decode the history of our universe. The only difference between the waves at sea and the torsion waves is that the sea waves eventually loose their energy as they crest at the shores. The superposition of torsion waves and their memory capacity however is limitless and eternal.

Torsion waves allow for information transfer across the universe, connecting every atom with every other atom and since torsion waves travel at super luminous speeds they could be the explanation of the non-local effects that were predicted in theory and empirically discovered in quantum physics. The information field created by torsion waves allows for a coherent whole of the universe, connecting every little atom with all other matter in the universe, informing it of its whereabouts and activity. In fact scientists are discovering a very high state of coherence in our physical universe that cannot easily be explained if the universe is a bunch of single individual parts of atoms, molecules, planets and stars that only maintain contact by separate forces such as gravity acting upon them. Quantum entangled particles keep their coherent relation eternally and are not bothered by any distance separating them whether it be a few millimeters or the distance of a galaxy. These coherent relations can only be explained if an invisible field permeates the universe that interconnects them.

The information field described above is termed the A-field by Professor Emeritus Ervin Laszlo. Laszlo in the last four decades developed an integral theory for everything; instead of specializing in one particular field, Laszlo has studied many fields of science and finally developed an integral system theory. According to Laszlo the A-field is more fundamental than energy and matter in the universe

. It’s this primordial information field that is the ground of our universe interconnecting everything with everything rendering our view of separate entities in this universe useless. In his system theory there are no separate entities at all; ‘separate’ entities that we observe in our universe are all embedded in one seamless interwoven net of connections.

The A-field of torsion waves may be new to science but its existence has been known for thousands of years in the East. The only new thing about it is that it is being rediscovered by western science. Eastern spiritual tradition has named this field the Akasha field. Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning radiating or shining, it’s a synonym for aether. Akasha is the womb of creation bringing forth every physical aspect that can be perceived with the senses according to eastern traditions. In ancient eastern spirituality the history written within the Akasha field are called the Askashic chronicles, the book of life that records everything that has ever happened or will happen in the universe. The Akashic chronicles or Akashic records contain the story of every soul that ever lived on this planet.

The Akashic records are holographic torsion fields of individuals that embed in larger holograms of groups of peoples such as nations. The holograms of nations weave the hologram of humanity on Earth and resembles what Carl Jung called the collective mind of man. The A-field or Akasha field can explain the psychic abilities reported by many people to see into the past and know about events that took place in this world that were not perceived by any personal cognitive conscious experience. The Akashic records are the storehouse of information that has been consulted by all great seers throughout the ages including Edgar Cayce.

The author of this book personally testifies that psychic gifted people are able to read the Akashic records. In the past I have been consulting a paranormal practitioner for a long time. Being born as a very skeptical person, my disbelief in the paranormal however eventually melted as I was confronted with many unusual cures that I could not explain. I also shared many experiences with other clients of this practitioner during the long waiting hours in the waiting room. During one of my consultations I handed him a photograph of someone close to me without disclosing any prior details about the person in the picture, not a single word. I simply asked if he could help this person. He held his hand above the picture to sense it while he started to reveal to me what had happened to this person in clear details and quiet explicitly explained the situation this person was in. The information hit me right in the face for I knew he was right. I was totally flabbergasted by the experience since there was no way he could know the details he was revealing to me! From this moment on I knew with absolute certainty that there was something fundamentally missing in my understanding of what I believed to be my materialistic reality.

To me this personal experience changed my skepticism about the paranormal once and for good. After my first experience I met and talked to several people with paranormal abilities. I can therefore from my own experience testify that psychic abilities to read the Akashic records are real and that indeed everything that has every happened in this world must be written in the vacuum fabric of space and time. Human consciousness is able to read this book of life.

I think everyone of us at least has had one or more experiences in his life where he or she suddenly had access to information not perceived by the senses. What we call intuition, a sudden insight or feeling that informs us about a situation, may be explained by moments of unconsciously tapping into the Akasha field and having access to information we can’t logically explain. Sometimes we just know things!

Read the articles to find out more about intuition.

Twins who are emotionally very close often keep a telepathic contact and unconsciously know about each other especially when the other twin half is in distress. Twins often have an ability called twin-pains; they are able to sense the pain of the other half in cases of, for instance, a severe toothache.

Owners of a dog know that their dogs are often mysteriously able to sense their bosses return home after a long day at the office. Animals in nature are able to sense a pending Earthquake. Hours preceding the actual quake animals start to respond very nervously as if they sense something terrible is about the happen. Earthquakes are accompanied by a tremendous release of torsion waves as a result of the frictions that occur in the Earth crust prior to the quake itself. These intensified torsion waves are most likely sensed by the animals’ consciousness and may explain their nervous behavior in anticipation of the quakes. Humanity has somehow lost its paranormal abilities that are still common in animals. During the tragic events of the tsunami that took place on the 26th December 2004, rescue workers in the aftermath of the Earthquake were amazed to find an almost complete absence of dead wildlife although there were so many human casualties. The reason may be that animals used their 6th sense and felt the impending disaster that caused them to flee to safer places in the higher mountains.

It seems our current understanding of psychic abilities and the paranormal is finally catching up. Explanations for psychic abilities have now come into the domain of science that for the first time in history is able to give a rational explanation for these abilities that have been ignored, ridiculed and dismissed out of hand for so long in the West.


For the first time in recorded human history we may have a unified theory of everything (T.O.E.) within reach that not only explains our physical universe but also connects it with consciousness, closing the gap between science and spirituality once and for all, 300 years after Descartes.

The empty space of the universe is not empty at all. It contains a spiritual energy that modern day science has rediscovered as the aether but this energy has been known for thousands of years in many ancient spiritual traditions by names such as the Chi, Ki, and Prana or Akashic energy of the universe.

This energy not only shapes the physical world moment by moment, it is also related to consciousness. Contemporary science is revealing that the firm belief in a distinction between the material and the spiritual world is false. There is no duality, the universe is constructed from one and one substance only and both the physical and mental world springs forth from this single substance called the aether. Amit Goswami, Daniel Winter and David Wilcock are a few of the scientists who have crossed the bridge between science and spirituality and who now believe that the primordial conscious energy of the universe is the first cause of creation.

The aether energy can arrange itself into basic geometrical wave patterns that were named after Plato, the Platonic solids to form matter. Almost 2,500 years ago, Plato wrote that the physical world was constructed from the Platonic solids. The Platonic solids arrange themselves in what chaos theory calls fractal patterns weaving a matrix in space interconnecting atoms with the stars. The scales of the Platonic solid shapes are different but the ratios between them are still the same (following the Hermetic principle as above so below).

The suggestion coming from quantum science that the probability waves are real waves is now believed to be true. This finally solves the enigma of the wave particle duality of quantum science. There are no particles in the universe, only waves. What we see as a particle is in fact the focal point of vibrations.

The idea that God is the light and love of this world as mentioned by many world religions can be taken literally after studies of the work of Daniel Winter. Matter is created from pure light (electromagnetic and torsion wave energy) and as we have demonstrated there is a distinct relation between love and the Golden Mean ratio (Phi) that is required to sustain matter. Since the focal point of these waves creates conscious awareness, every atom in the universe is conscious and the universe itself is One conscious being. The universal consciousness, God is all that is, he’s omnipresent and omnipotent. He’s aware of all things going on in the universe because he’s the universal consciousness.

Matter in the universe is attracted by means of Golden Mean braiding of waves towards to the zero point, the alpha and omega of creation. It is the love in those waves that creates the gravity. The late and legendary R. Buckminster Fuller the subject of the Beatles song ‘Fool on the Hill’, discoverer of the importance of sacred geometry, used to put it this way: ‘Love is metaphysical gravity’.

If there wasn’t any love in the waves that shape matter they would start to destructively interfere and the universe would collapse into a great void. God is the Gforce in Aether Dynamics and the fractal attractor in chaos theory, attracting all waves towards the center where all becomes One.

Russian scientists rediscovered Tesla’s new type of non-electromagnetic energy that travels in spiraling waves and called it torsion waves. Scientists now believe that torsion waves can be regarded as information carrying waves rather than energy waves. It was proven that torsion waves are linked to human consciousness and are created by human thought and emotions. Torsion waves are the interface between the mental and the physical world although we must keep in mind that in reality there is no duality between them.

Torsion field physics is the promising physics of psychokinesis and telepathy and shows us how the universe creates a hologram that resembles the ancient information field of the aether better known as the Akasha field. The Akasha field is the book of life that keeps a record of all that has ever happened in this universe and all that will ever happen in the future.

subjected to scientific scrutiny but they could never disprove his ability. During the Cold War Russian scientists

Kozyrev discovered that stars also radiate torsion wave energy and present a new theory about matter that agrees with Plato that the atoms are constructed from the Platonic solids. Some scientists now believe that the aether is a subtle energy that flows through all material things like some liquid, creating the material world from it. The Platonic solids are believed to be the geometrical internal structures of the atom. That’s the reason why sacred geometry is so important in this new aether theory



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