jhailakrenzel's Journal


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6 entries this month


10:24 Feb 10 2005
Times Read: 708

Hope is a thing with feathers

That perches in the soul

And sings a tune without words

And never stops at all.

And sweetest, in the gale, is heard

And sore must be the storm

That could abash the little bird

That keeps so many warm.

I?ve heard it in the chilliest land

And on the strangest sea

Yet, never, in extremity

It ask a crumb of me.





10:09 Feb 10 2005
Times Read: 709

Someone I can talk to

Someone I can trust.

Someone who will be there

When my relationships rust.

Someone who will save me,

When everything goes wrong.

Someone who will comfort me

And help me to be strong.

Someone who listens

At any time of day.

Someone who will brighten

Any sky that’s gray.

Someone who will always

Want to be my friend.

Someone who will fight for me,

Until the bitter end.

Someone who will cry with me

Whenever I am sad.

Someone who will laugh with me

Whenever I am glad.

Someone who will understand

My every weird emotion.

Someone who will always be

At my side with their devotion.

Someone who will always think

Of me before themselves.

Someone who will care for me

And put their own worries onto shelves.

Someone who will always let

Me act like the true me.

Someone who will always be

Just like I want to be

Someone who will always remain

Incredibly beautiful and true-

Someone who is my best friend.

Someone just like you.





09:58 Feb 10 2005
Times Read: 710

Every day I try really hard

to get his attention,

but no matter what I do,

I'm left with that same question...

Does he notice me?

When I look at him I see

an attractive, quiet guy.

I can't help but wonder

and ask myself with a sigh...

When he looks at me, what does he see?

I'm so excited when I see him

and I'm determined to say, "hi."

But somehow I get nervous

and the chance passes me by.

How many chances do I get?

I sit and daydream about

the life we could have together.

If only he knew I existed,

then he could be mine forever.

When will my dreams come true?

Just one little kiss

is all I would need

to ease the hurt

in a heart that bleeds.

Will I ever get that kiss?

Every night I wish

that someday he'd be mine.

I guess I'm just waiting

for God to give me a sign.

Will he ever be mine?


sad but i can really relate to this one.........

i love this poem...........






09:53 Feb 10 2005
Times Read: 711

All of my life,

I have longed for someone like you,

So warm and tender,

with a love so true.

You light up my life

with each passing day,

Now that I have found you,

I will never let you get away.

The beauty of your smile, and

the warmth of your heart.

The great inner beauty you possess,

is what won me over,

and did from the very start.

As I sit here and think of you,

the memories of how we met

are ever so strong.

You came into my life

at a time I felt so alone.

All of my life I've longed

for someone who would love me,

for whom I am and nothing more.

You captured my mind and soul,

so you, my love, you are the key

to my heart's door.

Each day we are together,

is another day in paradise.

Knowing I've finally

found someone to love me,

surely does feel so nice.

No more lonely days and nights,

for they are gone forever, never to come again.

Since you came into my life,

I have so much love to

give to you from within.

The birds are flying high in the sky,

singing melodies of love found for you and I.

My body, soul and mind

are yours until the day I shall die.

And even after then...

the memory of love we have for each other

will speak to us for all eternity.

And another page of love

will be written in history.

As days go by let's you and I

keep this love we have between us alive.

As the hair on our heads grows gray,

we will look back at these precious memories of love

with a smile.

There will be no one who

can take this love away from us.

Because in God and each other,

we will forever put our trust.

All of my life I have dreamed

of a love so true and pure,

like yours.

Now that I have found you,

throughout all eternity this

love of ours will always endure.

I know we both are human

and are prone to make mistakes.

All of our mistakes, we will work through,

for true love is our fate.

This day I pledge my love to you for always...

for better or for worse, until death do us part.

Our hearts will blend into one heart.

You and I will always be

the reality that dreams do come true.

All of my life I have dreamed of you,

Now my soul is at peace forever.

For you are here finally.





09:49 Feb 10 2005
Times Read: 712

Why didn't I listen to what they said?

When I thought about it, I was filled with dread

They told me to be careful in all I do

I didn't believe it, this couldn't be true

He said he loved me, & didn't want to hurt me

It was all a lie, now I see

If I listened to my friends from the start

He might not have left with most of my heart

I thought it was different, the love to last

How did this happen? Why did it end so fast?

I won't be the last, and I wasn't the first

How did this happen? Why am I cursed?

They said it's his loss, but I still don't see

Why? Why did he do this to me?

I'll do my best, and try to move on

Even though it feels like my heart is gone

Now I know to listen to my friends

For they will be with me in the end





09:44 Feb 10 2005
Times Read: 714

I thank God he sent you to me,

For you and I were meant to be.

We have a bond too strong to break,

We have a love no one can take.

In you, I have found a love so true,

My heart is filled with love for you.

Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat,

You make my life whole, you make my life complete.

My love for you grows more with each passing day,

The thought of your gorgeous face takes my breath away:

Those brown eyes fill my soul with happiness,

Those luscious lips I love to kiss.

The day when I become your wife,

Will be the happiest day of my life.

Even thinking of that day makes me smile,

I can't wait 'till I walk down that aisle.

I dream of that day when we'll both say, "I do"

For always and forever... I will love you.



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