kissingDeathsGirl's Journal


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Blind found love

10:04 Jul 25 2005
Times Read: 614


Lonely and hurt is all this world has brought me, sadness is my way, I can no longer see a reason to live today… I chant these words on. I only seek to be loved, by anyone of course. With this world and me it’s impossible, so I turn dark and hide from the world and the people in it. What’s the point, can anyone really tell me? Seriously, someone tell me… (In this point of the story Helena is walking through the park, it is 12 at night. She will be seeing Victor, A boy who is lonely and kept to himself, but is he more?)

“Hello” a tall dark boy walks towards me, breaking my thoughts and making me feel, well feel… well ok I'm not sure but something. “Hi”, god I’m nervous, but he is so cute. “I’m sorry but can I just sit here with you I mean I’m kind of lonely and just need someone to listen you know… can I talk to you?”Oh my it’s Victor! He is asking me, wow He never talks. “You’re willing to tell a complete stranger?” I’m questioning him now; I mean he could be one of those psychos, I barely knew him in school. “Yes, you seem very inviting to talk to I might as well ask? If it is all right to talk to you, I mean… is it?” he is so sweet, and his eyes there so innocent and sad, who can say no to him. “Yeah sure I’m ok with listening and giving my opinion” I can’t say no, I needed someone to talk to, so I might as well…


She is gorgeous, her skin pale. She is so willing to trust me, to let me have one moment with her… “Thanks a lot for listening to me, my names Victor, and yours?” I hope I don’t scare her away, she is so frail and delicate, my body is shaking, could it be because it’s cold, or is it her? “My names Helena, How are you, victor wasn’t it?” She is so kind, I can’t stop looking at her, and she is entrancing me. So dark and dead, sad and sorrowful, needing someone, needing me… “I’m not doing so great, actually right now I was thinking if I should really be here, or if there really is a reason to live you know?” I hope she can understand me, my heart tells me,,, I think I want her to love me, I feel like i need to help her, more than I think she needs to help me. “ I know exactly how you are feeling, I mean I was just thinking the same thing, if life really is worth living, I mean I would love to find one reason to live” she is so sad, I bet she is gorgeous when she smiles “why do you stare at me like that?” she asked me that? “I’m sorry it’s just, can I just say what I think of you right now?” she give me a funny look, I hope I don’t splurge this up. “Sure go ahead I mean not much to say, aren’t the greatest thing around” she laughs a little, she does have a cute smile, I smile; now I know what to say. “your eyes there gorgeous, sad and dark, Your whole person the way you are, your so dark, and your lips there just inviting, I have this feeling of just, I don’t know, I know strange I just meet you but I don’t know this feeling you give me, I want to say more but…” she is blushing now, I think she feels the same. “ wow really I mean no one has ever said that to me, your very cute and dark yourself, and I love the lip piercing” she smiles more now, flirtatiously. “It is getting late, would you like me to walk you home? I mean I don’t want anyone else trying to hurt you or anything like I just meet you and stuff but still…” I’m dragging it on now. “Yeah you can walk me home, it would be nice for the company” she gets up, she is making me quicken I can’t move…


He gives me his jacket, so sweet and charming. “Thank you so much for walking me home” I can’t believe this is the quiet boy from school, so dark and mysterious yet sweet and kind. “I’m here” I look behind me to my apartment building, disappointed I’m already there. “I guess I leave you here, it was so very nice of you to listen to me” he is so sweet maybe I can invite him in for a little bit… “Would you like to come in?” he looks up with a surprised shocked face, then it turns warm and happy. “That Would be great” he smiles and walks up to the stairs and to my apartment door. “Takes a little while to open this door, the lock is way too old” The door opens and I gesture him to come inside, he smiles and says ladies first, I blush. “Thank you sir” he closes the door and notices it very dim. “I don’t like the light sorry I prefer darkness. We both sit down; I can’t stop staring at those gorgeous lips, his eyes and his body. He seems cold, hurt he needs me, I think we both think the same. “ ummm Helena I just want to say, you give me this strange feeling, whenever I have seen you at school even right now” he give me that same feeling but what is it? “Me too I mean I feel it to” I smile giggling all nervous, what if…


She is quivering, She is so nervous, for the first time I make a women shiver for my touch. Running a hand across her cheek I move lower to her breasts, so voluptuous and full burning for me, the feeling she is making me have, more than sensual, it’s her. My hands runs down to her stomach around to her lower back. I crave her; she is my drug right now. Her lips are on mine, the ecstasy of her kiss is making my heart skip beats, this moment came from just the gaze, she moans softly, sexual so very sexual, my little frail flower, I whisper in her ear “I wont ever let anyone hurt you” she looks deep in my eyes and doesn’t let me go I stare into them, she is more than I thought, I yearn more of her, I want her as mine… I’m falling into a darkness,,, but I’m not afraid, she whispers into my ears “ have me Victor, Have me forever, I am falling with you” I look at her shocked but content, she reads me… I lay her on her back, she is mine now, this moment, and I hope it is forever. My hands run from her throat to her neck, her voluptuous breast then her… I kiss more, her body mine, will her blood be mine, her heart, I wish for more than this, will I ever have her as mine, or will she leave me,,, she pulls off my shirt kissing my neck down, my chest teasing me with passion. She makes me shake, my stomach turns yet I want more, I hold her topless, both our upper bodies revealed, I just hold her, lips lock together, I shall not have you tonight love, not until I know you feel the same,,, not until you know I love you, and I know you love me back, she holds me I hold her, the ecstasy holds us, we hold each other in our own darkness…



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