ldylioness's Journal

ldylioness's Journal


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5 entries this month

Crock of crap...

00:53 Dec 28 2008
Times Read: 638


Been raining off and on all day. Would of been a good day to spend in bed snuggling if I didn't have the younguns. Some times it came down really hard. Barn is a muddy mess to say the least. Fun Fun Fun feeding in the mud. Andy feed this evening as we have the younguns. We still have 3 bags of feed to get up there as well. 2 in the trunk and 1 in the house. Should be enough for a couple weeks I hope...

That is what work was Wednesday. They told us that morning that if we get 23 pallets out we would be able to leave early. Then they tell us we are too far behind and we have to stay all day. *blank stare* Do you know how hard it is to stand there working while everyone else is leaving? Parking lot was pretty much empty. It just isn't right. And the icing on the cake is... they came around asking if anyone wanted overtime? I'm like...OMG! I told them no, because I was babysitting and going to my step dads for dinner. The did manage to get 5 people to stay. Yes I could of used the money, but hell, Christmas eve? That just isn't right...

Today would of been my 26th wedding anniversary if me and Brian were still together. Well, technically it is still my anniversary but no celebrating going on. He didn't even call and wish me a happy so and so like he usually does. So maybe that means he is finally moving on.

me and man again

I love this picture of me and Dandy. The eye that you see hasn't turned white like the other one. God I miss riding him. He was/is so full of life. And smooth, omg he was a dream to ride *frustrated sigh*

Christmas was good. I enjoyed watching Brianna open gifts more then anything. She is my angel child. Next year Mj should be old enough to open his own. But big sis got to open them this year.

Speaking of my little man, he is snoozing on the couch right now, but he is growing like a bad weed gone wild. He is now rolling over onto his back as well as from his back to his belly. He is still having problems throwing up, so Jessica is calling a gastroligist (sp?) dr at Cardinal Glennon Childrens hospital Monday and see if she can get him in. They have tried like 3 different formulas. Although he isn't losing weight and such, but it isn't healthy for him to keep spitting up so much.

We spent Christmas eve at my step dads, then Thursday morning we went to his parents and then headed over to his grandmothers. Friday before we left me and him helped his dad, because a tree limb fell on there roof here while back.

I got myself into such a tight spot that I had to stop and a small loan company and get a $300 loan so I could get my ticket paid as well as get my meds. What is left will go towards a bill I owe next week. Hopefully Jessica can help me with the cable bill.

Some of you ask about Andy and him having money coming in. He don't. He has a lawyer working on disability. But he does get food stamps as well as medicaid. If it wasn't for him getting the stamps, we wouldn't be eating. So he does help as best he can. Yes I feel like I'm swimming upstream but I will survive. I have too.

Been working on laundry today. Got one more load to wash as well as a load in the washer and one in the dryer. So I should have it done tomorrow. Gotta get my vac from Jessica so Andy can get that done. And I need to mop my kitchen but with the rain and mud, didn't see no use right now.

I feel so lazy when I'm not working. But I did take a vac day Monday to give me 5 days off. Tried to get the 2nd off but we have inventory and no one is allowed vac days then, so I get Thursday off and have to go in Friday :o( That totally sucks, but it will only be a 3 day week, so I can't really complain. And once the new year starts, seems like you no longer have anything to look forward too. *sigh* No holiday till May and that sucks. Eh, story of my life...

I go Jan 12th to get an mri of my lower back. I still have the numbness, tingling as well as burning in my right side. PT didn't help at all. I only went a little over a week. I wouldn't of done it at all, but had to try to get the insurance to pay for the mri. And my md dr said I have some sort of thing wrong with my left elbow because it hurts when I pick up something heavy as well as burning. And I have tendinitis in my right hand *blank stare* I'm falling apart at the seams.

Should get my settlement sometime next month. Bills will be paid off finally and I hope to get me another car. I need one with heat. If it wasn't for Sherry, Brian's new girlfriend letting me use her car, some days I'd froze. I got up one morning and it was 1.5 degrees outside o.O So I took her car that day. I need to get the heater core put in it, but right now I don't have $300. Well I did have, but I had to get that ticket paid.

Speaking of Brian and Sherry, they leave out Monday to go back over the road. I think he is ready to go to work. But he isn't bothering me as much and I like that. He does let me use his truck when I need to so, so keeping things sane with him is something I work at. I help him he helps me. And I like Sherry, she is friendlier to me then Karen ever was.

I haven't heard a peep out of Brianna. She is watching a movie in my bedroom. Wonder if she fell asleep? Yep she is sleeping. I got a load of clothes out of the dryer, put a load in and now have a load getting ready for the washer. I got the sheets in the mail to do a survey, they look like dryer sheets, but they have the detergent on them as well and a green stripe at one end for the dryer sheet part. Pretty cool and they do work. Wonder what they will think of next?

I made spaghetti for dinner. And I made extra sauce so that I can freeze it. Makes for a quick meal during the week when I do that. Thought about making a chicken pot pie tomorrow. Not sure yet what I'll make.

I can't believe how long the entry is... I need to end this so I can get it copy and pasted to my other diary's as well...





Shut off...

16:35 Dec 21 2008
Times Read: 643

well, house phone is off, dsl will be next. not sure how i have it now with the phone being off, but i do. so i won't ask questions. after everything clears in my account i'll have 18 dollars left to my name. cell phone will most likely be next, then cable, and who knows, they may even get my electric as well.

let's see, what else can they shut off on me?

i'm thinking, do i feed my animals, or do i pay what few bills i can pay with what little i make? i'm at a loss here...

i had 200 on my target card, so i went and got what little christmas i could. i'd just soon skip it, but they won't let me. *cries* i don't know what to do anymore...

i want to give up...

i want to lay down and die...

i don't want to care anymore...

i'm tired of worrying...

i'm tired of trying...

i'm tired of failing...

i'm tired of wishing...

i'm tired of dreaming...

i'm tired of wanting...

i'm tired of needing...

i'm tired of living...

i'm tired of everything...

i'm just plain tired...




At a Loss!!!

00:26 Dec 11 2008
Times Read: 649

I feel so very lost... I don't know what to do anymore. I was hoping to fix it. That is no longer possible. All it does is cause heated arguments. I don't know why I bother anymore.

I am who I am...

I hate who I am...

Like my quote says "spiteful words can hurt your feelings, but silence breaks your heart" Well the silence not only broke my heart, it destroyed the friendship of so many years. I can't be fixed now. Even though it isn't my fault, I feel weighed down with this. I don't sleep well, my mind stays in turmoil. I wish for a perfect world. I get nothing but hell. I want peace and I get war. I want quiet and get loud words.

All I seem to do is want...

All I seem to get it nothing...

For me to do what I feel is best, could jeopardize everything I hold dear. Talk about a rock and a hard place. But I shall trudge forward and continue to fight for what I feel is right. Even though I'm being convinced it is wrong.

I'm a follower not a leader. Yet I feel I'm being lead the wrong way. Or I've hit a fork in the road and fear the wrong direction...

I know this is just a lot of mumbo jumbo, but you should be inside my head. There are so many things I want to say, but the are so scattered and lost I can't seem to form them into any coherent thoughts. Not ones that anyone would understand.

Ah hell, not that anyone cares...

I've never really tried to off myself. I have a daughter and 2 grandchildren that need me. But sometimes I wish I could, just to be done with all the cruel things that go on in this world...

I am my own worst enemy...

I feel I'm out to destroy myself and all I love...

I feel so lost...

I feel so alone...

I feel way too much...

I don't want to feel anything...

I hate who I am!!!





02:32 Dec 08 2008
Times Read: 651



Same time, Same place

14:23 Dec 06 2008
Times Read: 668

I just reread the last entry I've made, and to be honest, nothing has changed *blank stare* I feel as if I'm in the very same spot, just later in the year. I keep telling myself that next year will be batter, but I've done that so many years that I no longer believe it anymore.

I keep asking myself, why do I bother?



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