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What it means to be born again !!!

22:23 Jan 20 2013
Times Read: 542

some peope say born again christian . to be born again you must be a follower of christ .And to know what that means this would go on and mean very little to some .

To me we are born dead to God.

To except Gods gift of life we must first except what He did for us on the cross and ask his forgiveness . And for a long time i did not get that to ask would mean to me that it was not given to all but thats not it at all.

We ask because God wants our willingness , for us to come to terms with what He did for as all when he took on the sins of the world and Death .

So when you say born again , you are saying and talking about your soul not body .

But there is a rebirth when we except what God has done for us. For did not the bible say we were born in the image of God and then you have to ask yourself what did or does He look like we only know him as 3 in one we have God the father and then Jesus who lives in us and the holy spirit, who also is always with us so now. soul body and Jesus who is with us. but i could be wrong you know but thats what makes things so great about what i believe no matter how wrong or right one is all that matters in the long term of things is that we except the truth about Gods gift to us and stop trying to do it all on our own. For we are sinners and death is our place but though fath in Jesus we have life for always and forever. And the thing about this all is it starts with the death of the body we will know for sure then what we believed is right . well no matter what the out come , we must totaly change our ways because HIs ways are not ours and the only way we can make any change in that is to take Him for his word . And the thing about that is John said that Jesus was the word in flesh so then it would mean the same if we take Him for his word we have to believe in Jusus . Some believe that the Holy Book or Bible is not true . They only say this becasue they dont understand and they never will get it . the only way you can understand is if you are a chistian. And even that not all of the Bible is clear unless His spirit is in you and you believe the answers are from Himself and not just the Bible . For like one person said in the Bible if every thing about God were written in it , the book would be endless . But also i think some things were left out becasue we as sinners are not ready to here all the truth or ways of God. Some things of God our mind just does not get the soul is willing but the mind is weak. This is why when we die i do believe there will be no questions left to answer and you might say well that might be a big bore but not to thos that believe now it will not be. For a true believer can only be truly fullfilled when the answers of who God realy is ? and why did He do the things He did ? and How come if he ended or put an end to death why must we still die ? I believe alot of it has to do with the fact that he does not make or bend our will to His but He helps us slowly and wants us to know him personaly before we find thos answers. For now that i do know him i can say most of the answer is He is God and its HIs will and HIs will , will be done even if we dont want it to be. But here comes the twist on this , you can choose the other but you would be wrong but he still accepts us for doing so its just we then put Him out of our lives and we cant be with Him for the only way we can be with God were he is now is to except Him for who He is . All powerful . All knowing . Never sleeping . and Never changeing .





06:15 Jan 13 2013
Times Read: 553

Some say its the end of a life , i say its just the start .

Some say you good you are going to the good side.

I say good or bad its all about what your fath is when you are here on earth .

If you have no fath its like a person on a rope do you think you will go anywere . i am not sure of this . but i am sure if you take your own life it leaves a big whole in a lot of lives and it opens the door to the what ifs. If the person was not right in the head at the time , if they just could not take it anymore and just could not find the answers they seeked in life . but no matter what they have that sec when life is just about to go and then they know what they did we may not know if right or wrong but the person i believe does . and if they seek the things and find it right be fore they die then i think there might be a little hope for them . but for thos they who loved them i am not sure . Death to me can be the start fo something great or the end of something bad that is just going to keep going on bad forever and ever. for what we live we dont know the out come of it after life or even how it will take on thos who stay . I know i will miss all thos who death as tuched . but that is just it death at one time could keep you down , it could hold you and call you its own . not any more we were bought with a price. and that price was hi it came with the giving up of pure good for pure evil. and taking it all even tho it was not due .

So death has no end anymore its just how you look at it , if you see a end then i fill so sorry for you for you will miss out on so much joy . and peace for your soul has no peace with out death for the body and the soul are always fighting over what is right and what is wrong. and its all up to what you let win in the end if the good in you wins that means you gave up all you had . if the bad then that means you fought for nothing for bad death does not take for death has can not keep what it does not belong to it and death belongs to thos who can find peace before they die not after.



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