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10:46 Nov 03 2007
Times Read: 754



"STARGATE ATLANTIS" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and © by MGM TELEVISION and DOUBLE SECRET PRODUCTION in association with GEKKO FILMS and THE SCIFI CHANNEL. This transcript is written without their permission, approval, authorization or endorsement. Any reproduction, duplication, distribution or display of this material in any form or by any means is expressly prohibited. It is absolutely forbidden to use it for commercial gain. For Entertainment and Educational purposes only. No infringement intended.




ATLANTIS: MEDICAL BAY: Akana is lying in the medical bed, unconscious. McKay is asleep in the chair next to her bed. Ronon enters.

DEX: Rodney…

(Rodney is startled awake. He looks like he has just had a bad dream.)

MCKAY: What? (Looks at Ronon) Man, don’t do that.

DEX: Sorry. I was just seeing how she is doing.

MCKAY: About the same.

(Keller enters with a scanner.)

KELLER: Rodney, you don’t have to stay. I can let you know if anything changes.

MCKAY: Yeah, I know. (Wipes face.)

(Carter enters and approaches Keller)

CARTER: Have you had any luck with the bloodwork, yet?

KELLER: It seems that she was injected with some sort of nanite technology. Whatever it was, it doesn’t work anymore.

CARTER: It is inactive?

KELLER: It is old. Apparently the technology is designed to work once and then not again.

CARTER: If it is dormant, then how did she control the Wraith for all these years?

KELLER: The only thing that I can figure out is when she was connected with the queen, some of the wraith’s telepathic ability transferred to her. Either way, without the original working nanites, there is no way to duplicate the technology.

RONON: Well, we certainly can’t ask the wraith. He escaped through the stargate before we could reach the planet.

CARTER: What of the people on the planet?

RONON: Fine. No one was harmed during the escape.

CARTER: (To Keller) Please let me know if she wakes up.

KELLER: Right away.

(Carter and Keller leave the room.)

RONON: Interesting. I didn’t know you had feelings for Akana.

MCKAY: Me? Feelings for her? No. (clears throat.) I’m just here to find out about the nanites.

RONON: Right.

(Machines connected to Akana start to beep. Keller rushes in.)

KELLER: She is waking up.

RONON: I’ll go get Sam.

AKANA: (Gasps for air. Her eyes scan the room as if in a panic.) W..Where…am…I?

KELLER: You are on Atlantis. You came through the stargate with Rodney and Teyla. Do you remember anything?

AKANA: Rodney…(looks over at Rodney. He reaches over and grabs her hand.) (Whispers) I never got to thank you for the flower.

(Keller looks over at Rodney with a questioning glance. Rodney turns pale, and has a look of shock on his face. Akana’s life support machines start to beep and she passes out again.)

KELLER: Rodney, can you wait in the hall? (Yells to offscreen) I need a medical team over here.

(Rodney leaves the room.)

ATLANTIS: OBSERVATION DECK: (SUNSET) McKay is standing facing toward the ocean. He is alone watching the sun set. Teyla approaches.

TEYLA: So this is where you have run off to. Are you okay?

McKAY: I just don’t understand how her own people could have starved her to death. She was their leader.

TEYLA: They believed by feeding her only berries and not allowing her contact with the outside, she remained pure, like a saint. Rodney, they didn’t know she was going to die.

McKAY: Are you trying to justify what they did?

TEYLA: No. I don’t agree with what they did. I just think they didn’t know.

(Both stare out over the ocean. After a moment, Teyla speaks.)

TEYLA: Rodney, when the wraith was showing me those visions, he had a hold of you, too.

McKAY: I know. Don’t remind me. My chest still hurts. (rubs chest)

TEYLA: (Turns toward Rodney) I connected closely with Akana. I hate to ask, but when he had you, did you connect with her as well?

(Rodney flashback: (Background music: John Mayer Dreaming with a broken heart) Rodney is being drained by the wraith. Akana walks over and takes off her mask. She grabs the wraith’s hand and he leaves, leaving Akana and Rodney, facing each other.

Scene changes and flashes through Atlantis, Akana and Rodney working on projects together in lab, laughing. Scene where Akana and Rodney are eating a meal with team Sheppard, laughing. Rodney gets ketchup on his face, and Akana gently wipes it off.

Scene moves to Rodney and Akana having “private” dinner on a puddle jumper while it orbits a planet. Rodney gives Akana a rose. They dance with the stars floating around them.

Scene changes to Rodney and Akana standing together on the observation deck. They kiss. Rodney kneels down and proposes. (no voices, only “flashback”). Scene changes to the two getting married, and then walking through the stargate together. Scene changes to them with children, and Akana holding a baby, Rodney looking on and smiling. Scene changes to them, older, walking in a forest, hand in hand. They kiss and keep walking away from scene.)

(Rodney turns and looks at Teyla.)

McKAY: No. I never connected with her.

(They both turn back and face the sunset in silence, backs to the camera.)






12:39 Nov 02 2007
Times Read: 757

I think that it is about time that Rodney find love, don't you? This is what I wrote and how I think it will happen...


5X__ - ______________________

Original Airdate (SciFi): UNAIRED





"STARGATE ATLANTIS" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and © by MGM TELEVISION and DOUBLE SECRET PRODUCTION in association with GEKKO FILMS and THE SCIFI CHANNEL. This transcript is written without their permission, approval, authorization or endorsement. Any reproduction, duplication, distribution or display of this material in any form or by any means is expressly prohibited. It is absolutely forbidden to use it for commercial gain. For Entertainment and Educational purposes only. No infringement intended.




We open on a panned out shot of a forested area near a stargate. As the camera moves in toward the stargate, it becomes activated and Team Sheppard emerges from it. Sheppard and Dex procede to set up a perimeter. McKay is scanning the area.

SHEPPARD: (looking at McKay) Are you sure this is the right planet?

McKAY: Positive. Scans show a large energy reading coming from the North.

TEYLA: Do you know what the source is yet?

DEX: (Pointing toward the mountain behind the gate) Could it be coming from that?

The entire team turns to look at the mountain. Embedded into the side of it is a large Wraith hive ship. It appears to have crashed and has left a large indent in the tree line where it scraped the trees as it hit.

TEYLA: Wraith.

McKAY: Dead Wraith. I’m not picking up any life signs on the ship or in the area.

SHEPPARD: Okay. Then I guess we can head over there and check it out then.

McKAY: To the Wraith ship? Are you nuts?

SHEPPARD: You said yourself that there are no life signs.

MCKAY: Well, none that I am picking up. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t survivors in the forest.

SHEPPARD: Look, the ship is less than a mile from here. Continue scanning. If you pick up anything, we will head back to the gate. Besides, how often do you get to check out a crashed Wraith ship?

DEX: (Puts hand on gun and follows Sheppard into the tree line) He does have a point.

TEYLA: You can stay here if you like.

McKAY: Fine. I’m coming. But when we all get eaten, don’t say I didn’t tell you so.

(Team Sheppard heads into the forest toward the crashed Wraith Ship) (OPENING SCENE STARGATE ATLANTIS)

WRAITH SHIP. Team Sheppard walks through the corridors on the Wraith ship. There is no power. Vines from the forest have overgrown in the area and Sheppard sighs as he moves them aside in order to walk through. McKay is monitoring his scanner. Dex and Teyla follow, weapons drawn.

McKAY: The throne room should be down this hall to the right. From there, we should be able to tell what happened to the ship.

SHEPPARD: I’m guessing they fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into a mountain? (smirks)

McKAY: (rolls eyes) It’s not just that. All the Wraith we have found so far are dead. (steps over body of wraith slumped on floor. Glances down then continues walking.) The cocoons are all empty. You would think that we would have found at least one dead human by now. Not to mention that the ship itself is dead. Everything organic, everything Wraith related, is dead. This wasn’t as simple as crash-landing on this planet.

SHEPPARD: Okay, Rodney, I get it. The throne room is through this door. Can you open it?

(Dex walks over to the door and examines it. He motions for everyone to move back. He uses his phaser and blasts a hole in the door. Team Sheppard walks through the door into the throne room. Inside the throne room, they find the hive queen, dead, slumped over in her chair. The Wraith guards are also dead. Team Sheppard looks around, apparently overwhelmed by the fact that a Wraith ship and all Wraith on board are dead, for no apparent reason at all.)

ATLANTIS CARTER’S OFFICE. Col. Carter is sitting at her desk. Team Sheppard has just finished briefing her on what they found on the planet.

Carter looks confused.

CARTER: So what you are telling me is that we have found a Wraith ship that has crashed and left no survivors. Were you able to find out why?

McKAY: There are no signs of a malfunction. The ship has no battle damage. Other than the damage from the crash, there is nothing. We found no trace of anything that would have caused such a catastrophic event. It is like the ship just fell out of the sky for no apparent reason whatsoever.

CARTER: What about a virus? Could something have killed them?

SHEPPARD: Jennifer is examining one of the bodies right now.

(Carter pauses for a moment. She stands up and addresses Sheppard.)

CARTER: I want you to take the team back to the planet. Maybe you can find some clues to whatever killed the Wraith. If there is a weapon, we need to know about it. Anything that can take down an entire hive ship without a struggle would put us at a great advantage.

SHEPPARD: I’m on it.

BACK ON THE PLANET. Team Sheppard is moving through the forest in the opposite direction of the wraith ship. Rodney is monitoring his scanner. It seems that he has picked up life signs, but human life signs. The team is heading toward the source.

McKAY: I don’t know why I didn’t pick this up before.

DEX: Maybe it is broke. (Referring to the scanner)

McKAY: It isn’t broke, I don’t think. Anyway, it seems that there is some sort of low level radiation in the area of the ship blocking us from picking up anything else on the planet.

TEYLA: All of the Wraith died. How did the humans survive?

(At that moment, team emerges from forested path into a field. In front of them are small houses that look similar to early English huts. There are small wooden fences where wild hogs are being kept. Villagers are sparsely scattered throughout the town, and are dressed in sheepskin clothing similar to that of peasant wear in the later Renaissance era. In the background you can hear children laughing and dogs barking.)

(A tall man wearing a robe and leather hat notices the team and approaches them, grinning, obviously welcoming the team and happy to see them. The tall man is not appealing in appearance. Sheppard notices that he has large hairy moles on his face. He is slightly hunch-backed. As the stranger extends a hand out to shake Sheppard’s hand, Sheppard grimaces slightly, but shakes the stranger’s hand nonetheless.)

ODJI: Welcome to our village, outlanders. I am Odji, leader of this village. We are small and do not have much to offer, but you are welcome, nonetheless.

SHEPPARD: Thanks. My name is John. This is Ronon, Rodney, and Teyla. (Motions toward team)

ODJI: Pleasure to meet you. I suppose you are here about the ship?

(Sheppard looks surprised. Rodney looks intrigued.)

SHEPPARD: As a matter of fact…

(Odji cuts him off)

ODJI: I suppose it was inevitable, really. (motions team to follow) You take down a hive ship, and the whole universe is eventually going to ask how.

(Odji leads the team into town, past small huts, children playing in the street, villagers looking up at the team as it passes, smiling, then going back to their duties. The team notices that none of the people in the village are “handsome”, per se. They are all very ugly.)

SHEPPARD: Yes, that did catch our attention.

McKAY: Are you saying that your village is responsible for the hive ship crashing? (Rushes to catch up to Odji, intrigued)

(Sheppard smiles politely as they pass a group of young women, giggling. They, too, are very “ugly”, with moles and disfigurements. Sheppard turns away and grimaces slightly. Ronon snickers.)

ODJI: Not us. Akana.

McKAY: Akana?

ODJI: Yes. She brought down the hive ship. To this day, she protects our village and the entire planet from the threat of the Wraith. We know that they will never invade as long as she is protecting us.

McKAY: You mean to tell me that one person is responsible for the destruction of an entire hive ship and all of the Wraith on board?

(Odji stops and turns to look at McKay, obviously surprised by his question.)

ODJI: Surely you have heard the stories of Akana destroying the hive ship and liberating us all from the Wraith?

TEYLA: No, we haven’t, but we would very much like to.

ODJI: Of course. Please, come with me.

(Odji moves vines away from a doorway in a larger hut. He motions the team to enter. Sheppard nods and enters the building. Rodney enters next, followed by a very skeptical looking Dex and Teyla, who also nods at Odji. Odji follows after the team, and enters the hut.)

INSIDE HUT: The hut is made of clay. It has various pottery and nets hanging on the walls. There is a large fireplace and an open area for people to stand or sit. The floor is made of dirt. There are several wooden hand-carved chairs in a circle surrounding the fire pit. Odji motions for each of them to sit, and sits in a larger chair toward the center of the fire. He waits to speak until all of the team is seated.)

ODJI: Eleven cycles ago, we were all trapped aboard the hive ship. We were prisoners, fed on at random. We were goats waiting for the slaughter, unaware of each other, only awake enough to know when we were being fed on.

(Villagers slowly started to enter the building, quietly sitting on the floor, staring at Odji, listening to his story. Several villagers enter throughout the scene, sitting quietly.)

ODJI: The hive ship would travel from planet to planet, stealing people from their homes and taking them to feed on them. Eventually, they took Akana…

(The crowd gathered recites “Savior, Friend” in unison)

ODJI: They took her, her husband, and her daughter. (Raises his voice) She was forced to watch as the Wraith sucked the life out of her family, killing them one at a time. She begged them not to hurt her daughter, but they were merciless.

(The crowd gathered recites “Merciless” in unison)

(Sheppard looks around)

ODJI: She was the last from her planet. The Wraith had killed them all. Filled with anger, hate, and sorrow, her soul became that of a fireball. Rage filled her to the very core. She wanted revenge. She wanted justice.

(The crowd gathered recites “Justice” in unison)

ODJI: Soon the Wraith came and took her to the queen. The queen was going to feed on her. Akana knew it would be over soon, and was grateful.

(The crowd gathered recites “Peace Becoming” in unison)

ODJI: As the queen wraith reached her hand out across Akana’s chest, she began to drain the life out of our leader. Akana could feel the sorrow for her child, for her husband, for her people, overcoming her. The fireball of rage that was built up exploded within her. The queen was knocked backward. As Akana stood, she saw that all of the wraith had fallen. They were dying.

(The crowd gathered recites “A Death Deserved” in unisom)

ODJI: As she walked, dazed, out of the hive ship, she looked down and saw a single Wraith, laying on the floor. He reached up toward her, not out of anger, but out of begging. He, too was dying. He begged our leader to show mercy, to save him, that he might land the ship and bring them both to safety.

(The crowd gathered recites “Forgive Him” in unisom)

ODJI: Akana reached down and took his hand. She helped him to his feet, and restored his health to him. He agreed to land the ship on a nearby planet, and she agreed to let him live.

SHEPPARD: Wait a minute. You mean that a wraith survived the crash? Is he still alive?

ODJI: Of course, he lives with us here in the village.

(Dex stands and addresses Odji loudly)

DEX: You let him live? In the village with your family and your children? Why?

(Odji stands and faces Dex, smiling)

ODJI: Relax, friend. He is of no harm to us. Our leader keeps him from harming any human. It is the pact that they made long ago. He helped to rescue us from the cocoons as the ship died. Without his help, half of us might not be here. We are at peace with him, as Akana has decreed, so it is.

(The rest of the team stand.)

SHEPPARD: Speaking of which, when can we meet this Akana?

(The crowd gathered recites “Savior, Friend” in unison)

(Sheppard looks around, obviously getting annoyed with the crowd.)

ODJI: I am afraid that is not possible. You can never meet her.

SHEPPARD: Why not?

ODJI: I did not mean all of you, just three of you. The woman, Teyla, she is allowed to meet with our leader. The rest of you are not permitted.

TEYLA: I’m afraid I do not understand.

ODJI: Why, they are men, of course. Men are not allowed to look upon our leader. I have to admit, even I have not looked upon her. Only women of the village are allowed.

(The crowd begins to leave through the front entrance, leaving only Team Sheppard and Odji)

ODJI: If you wish to meet with our leader, then you must follow our laws. It is how it is, and it will not change.

TEYLA: Thank you. I would be honored to meet with her.

SHEPPARD: Now just a minute, if she did, in fact, kill an entire hive ship and the wraith on board, we need to know how. Can I at least send Rodney here with Teyla. He is our scientist.

ODJI: It is not permitted. The law is the law. I await your decision.

(Odji steps out through the door and leaves the team alone.

SHEPPARD: Then it is settled. Teyla will meet with this Akana, and Ronon and I will return to Atlantis to debrief Carter. McKay, you stay here with Teyla, try to get some more readings. Maybe you can find out how she was able to destroy a hive ship.

McKAY: No way! You are not leaving me here with a Wraith running loose in the village somewhere. Besides, I am not permitted, remember?

SHEPPARD: Relax. They said the wraith was harmless.

McKAY: Oh right, a harmless wraith. I’ll believe that one.

SHEPPARD: If he tries to eat you, shoot him. And I am not suggesting you meet with their leader. Just figure out a way to get some readings from her.

DEX: (Puts hand on McKay’s shoulder and smiles) Besides, you always said you wanted to be stranded on a strange planet with a bunch of beautiful women.

McKAY: Ha ha. Very funny.

(Sheppard turns to Teyla)

SHEPPARD: Good luck. I have a feeling you are going to be needing it.

ATLANTIS MORGUE: Dr. Keller is examining the wraith body. She just finished cutting into the chest when Carter comes in. Carter walks over to where Jennifer is standing. Jennifer removes her gloves and grabs a nearby scanner.

CARTER: Any luck?

KELLER: Well, I know what didn’t kill it.

CARTER: What didn’t kill it?

KELLER: I have determined that the wraith did

not die from any known disease. Also, it did not die of natural causes. It was not killed with any weapon. From what I can gather, it just died. So far, I have not been able to detect any reason why this wraith is not still alive.

CARTER: Did you run blood work on it?

KELLER: Yes, and everything comes back normal.

(Alarms sound and a voice is heard overhead, “Colnel Carter, Sheppard’s team is returning from the stargate”)

CARTER: Good luck, keep me informed.

KELLER: I will let you know if I find anything.

CARTER: Hopefully, Sheppard’s team has better news.

ATLANTIS BRIDGE: Sheppard and Ronon are just stepping out of the stargate. Carter comes down the staircase to greet them.

CARTER: Did you have any luck?

SHEPPARD: You could say that. There is a village not far from the crash site. Apparently, it is made up of survivors from the crash.

CARTER: Did they give you any clues as to how the ship crashed?

SHEPPARD: They say that their leader, Akana, killed all the wraith and befriended one to help land the ship on the planet. Then the leader and the wraith partnered up to save the entire population. Not too far-fetched, when you think about it.

CARTER: Where is Teyla and McKay?

SHEPPARD: Yeah, here’s the thing. Only women are allowed to visit with their leader, so I left Teyla behind to try and find out some answers. Rodney is also there, running a few scans. He is going to try to get close enough to the leader to pick up something. How is the autopsy going?

CARTER: Nothing yet.

BACK ON THE PLANET: VILLAGE: NIGHT: Teyla and Rodney are outside a large hut. It is guarded by female guards. Rodney is explaining to Teyla how to use the scanner when she meets the leader.

McKAY: It is quite simple, really, you just point this at her and press this button.

TEYLA: I think I have it, Rodney. Thanks.

(Odji approaches the guards and speaks with one of them. The Guard enters the hut then returns shortly, leaving the door open)

ODJI: (Turns to Teyla) You may see her now. She has not been well, so please keep it brief.

TEYLA: Thank you, I will.

(Teyla enters the hut)

McKAY: I guess I’ll just wait out here…

(Rodney flaps his arms at his side and looks around, as if bored)

INSIDE THE HUT: Decorated plainly. There is no pottery or nets on the wall. There is only a very large chair in the middle of the room and a fireplace. Teyla notices that the chair is bolted to the floor. From a room to the right, two women emerge, followed by a very slender hooded figure. The figure moves slowly to the chair in the middle of the room and sits down. She does not remove her veil. One of the guards reach down and fasten a chain around the chair, and one around Akana’s leg. The guard then stands back up and waits for orders. Akana looks at Teyla and addresses her.

AKANA: You have come a long way to see me, have you not?

TEYLA: I have. We were wondering how you destroyed an entire Wraith ship by yourself.

(Akana motions for the guards to leave. She remains silent until they have left and it is just Teyla and herself in the room. When she speaks, her voice is quieter now, and slightly raspy.)

AKANA: That was so long ago. The Wraith have not threatened this planet in several cycles. And I have not shared that story in even longer.

TEYLA: Can I ask you why they chain you up when you are their leader?

AKANA: I have been here so long, in this room. I do not leave it for any reason. I am not permitted visitors, other than those who bring me food and ask me for laws. The villagers have been through a lot, it is not their fault. They are just afraid of loosing me. They think that if I left they would be vulnerable to another attack. Of course, I have assured them otherwise, but here I am, nonetheless.

TEYLA: They cannot keep you here against your will. It is not right.

AKANA: Nevertheless, here I am, and there you sit. It is the law, and so it is.

TEYLA: But don’t you want to leave, to go outside?

AKANA: Of course I do. I long to see the sun, to be free, but that is not possible. My village needs me here, for their security. Besides, if I had gone, I would not be here to answer your questions now, would I? I was told you wanted to know about the wraith.

TEYLA: We need to know how they died. The villagers said that you killed them. Is this true?

AKANA: I am tired. I am old. I do not wish to relive such memories. I cannot tell you how the Wraith died. Instead, I will show you.

(Akana raised her right hand slightly off her lap. From the side room, a Wraith emerges, and smiles slightly. Without saying a word, he puts his hand up toward Teyla as if to feed. As he moves toward her, Teyla screams, and can feel herself loosing strength. Outside, Rodney hears Tayla and runs into the building. As he does so, the wraith reaches his other hand out and begins draining Rodney as well.)

(Teyla Hallucinates: Teyla sees herself as Akana. She is in a lab surrounded by humans. They are all wearing masks. They are holding Teyla down and injecting her with something. One voice says, “We must hurry, they will be upon us in moments.” Another voice says, “We need to vaccinate the others.” Voice replies, “There is no time.” Second voice says, “But the others, the children…” Third voice says, “Let us hope that she is one of the first, and can save the others”.

As the needle is removed from Teyla’s arm, Teyla feels a sharp pain throughout her body, and buckles over in pain.

Teyla then stands, and finds herself in a wraith cage. The guard is smiling at her, and she is holding his hand. He is wraith, but he says, “Do not fear, I will not let anything happen to you. You are mine alone.” Suddenly, two more wraith guards burst in and grab Teyla, punching the other wraith and knocking him onto the ground.

They drag him into the cage. One of the guards spits on the wraith and kicks him. As they leave, dragging Teyla, they lock him into the cage.

Teyla finds herself reaching back, trying to get back to the wraith now locked in the cage.

Teyla’s vision changes, and she is standing in front of the queen. Three villagers are lined up. Teyla cries out as they are slaughtered, one by one. The queen then laughs and looks at Teyla. The guards release her, and the queen holds her arm out to feed on Teyla. Teyla grabs the queen’s hand and pulls it toward her. She can feel the cold on her chest from the hand. She pulls it further into her, wanting the queen to feed on her. The queen throws her head back and sneers, hissing at Teyla. She begins to feed.

Suddenly, the queen screams. Her veins begin to surface on her skin, and she falls backward. As she lands on the chair, the lights on the ship begin to flash. The other wraith scream and begin to fall, clutching their stomachs.

Teyla runs back to the cell, but it is too late, the wraith that was left is huddled, dying. She turns and sees a wraith laying on the floor, begging her to stop. She reaches down and helps him up, and screams at him.

TEYLA: Fly, or you die, too.

(The wraith nods in acceptance and they both run toward the throne room.)

VILLAGE HUT: Teyla and Rodney are released from the wraith’s grip. Teyla grabs at her chest with her hand, coughing, a wraith standing over her. Rodney stands up and reaches for his gun, aiming it at the wraith’s forehead.

TEYLA: (yelling) Rodney, don’t shoot.

(McKay looks confused.)

McKAY: But…he… are you okay?

(McKay heads over to Teyla and reaches down and helps her up.)

TEYLA: I am fine. I know how the wraith died. We need to return to Atlantis.

(The wraith nods and leaves the room.)

AKANA: Please…don’t leave me here. You must help me.

(McKay looks at Teyla, puzzled. She runs over and begins to pull at the chains around Akana’s leg.)

TEYLA: Well, don’t just stand there. Help me out with this.

McKAY: Oh, right.

(McKay lowers his weapon and pulls out a tool and begins loosening the chains around Akana’s leg.)

ATLANTIS: CARTER’S OFFICE: Dr. Keller and Carter are in Carter’s office discussing the autopsy.

KELLER: From what I can gather, the wraith died from some sort of reverse feeding. It appears that when the wraith was feeding, it backfired, causing the wraith queen and the entire hive to shut down.

(alarms sound overhead. “Unauthorized offworld activation.” Carter and Keller run to the main deck and look at the officer.)

OFFICER: It is Teyla.

CARTER: Lower the force field.

(Teyla and McKay emerge, followed by a cloaked woman. Rodney looks extremely upset.)

CARTER: Teyla? Who is this?

TEYLA: I am sorry, there was no time. We had to bring her with us.

McKAY: I told her this was a bad idea, but she insisted. I told her we cannot have offworld visitors in Atlantis, she didn’t listen.

CARTER: McKay, please. Teyla, you need to explain yourself.

TEYLA: This is Akana. She is the reason for the wraith ship deaths. She is the key. The villagers were chaining her up like an animal. We couldn’t just leave her.

CARTER: (Turns to Akana) Forgive me, I am Colnel Carter, welcome to Atlantis.

AKANA: It is understood. You must take precautions.

(Akana takes one step forward and begins to feel off-balance. She reaches for Rodney, who catches her. She falls, unconscious.)

KELLER: (Runs toward Akana) I need a medical crew up here right now.

ATLANTIS: MEDICAL BAY: A young woman (Akana) lies unconscious in a bed. Keller is standing over her. With Akana’s veil removed, it is reveiled that Akana is in her early thirties, very long, dark hair, very stunning to look at, unlike the villagers, who weren’t. Col. Carter enters the medical bay and walks over, followed by Teyla.

CARTER: How is our patient?

KELLER: Her life signs are weak, but I have managed to stabilize her, for now.

CARTER: Any idea what happened?

KELLER: She is near-starvation. The villagers were probably feeding her enough to sustain her and nothing more. When she escaped, it was too much for her system, and she passed out from exhaustion.

TEYLA: (Approaching Akana’s bedside) Is she going to be Okay?

KELLER: Let’s hope so. I have fluids going in her now, it is up to her now.

CARTER: Teyla has updated me on the situation. It seems that Akana was vaccinated with something that causes wraith who try to feed to become ill and die. I need you to run some tests and determine if it is something we can copy and use as a vaccination for the crew.

KELLER: Right away.

(McKay enters the medical bay and walks toward the group. Keller grabs a needle and begins taking blood from Akana.)

McKAY: She looks (clears throat) different than I had imagined.

TEYLA: The villagers are from a different planet than Akana. She literally is the last survivor of her race.

McKAY: Back in the village, when you “connected” with the Wraith…

TEYLA: It was the most painful feeling I have ever had.

McKAY: But you’re…

TEYLA: Fine. Dr. Keller gave me a clean bill of health.

McKAY: Yeah, me too.

(Teyla looks toward Akana, and brushes hair out of her face)

TEYLA: You are right, she is beautiful.

McKAY: Hey, now, I didn’t say she was beautiful, she just looks…unexpected.

TEYLA: It’s okay, Rodney. (Stands) Hey, I’m going to go talk to Ronon. Do you want to sit here? The company might help.

McKAY: I’ve got some stuff to do…recalibration…tests…lots of things to catch up on.

TEYLA: Rodney.

McKAY: Yeah, right, okay. I’ll just sit here.

(McKay moves toward the chair and sits down. He looks up at Teyla as she goes to leave the room.)

McKAY: Teyla?

TEYLA: (Yells over shoulder as she walks away) You’re welcome.

(McKay smiles and takes Akana’s hand)

ATLANTIS MAIN DECK: Sheppard, Carter and Dex are on the main deck. Alarms sound. Overhead you hear, “Incoming transmission, voice only.”

CARTER: Put it through.

ONJI: (voice) This message is for Colonel Sheppard. Your crew has kidnapped our leader, and we demand her return.

SHEPPARD: Kidnapped? She begged us to take her with her.

ONJI: (voice) That does not matter. She belongs here. She is not permitted to leave. I demand you return her at once.

CARTER: Sir, this is Col. Carter. I am in charge of Sheppard’s team. We have granted your leader, Akana, asylum. We do not feel it is in her best interest to return her.

ONJI: (voice) The only interest I am concerned about is that of the village. Law demands her return.

SHEPPARD: If you are so concerned about your village, then why did you starve your leader and chain her to a chair?

ONJI: (voice) Our ways are not of your concern. She must protect us from the wraith. Without her, our village will die. (screams in background) (Onji becomes panicked) Please, we need her to return at once.

CARTER: I am afraid that she is in no condition to return. Our doctors are trying to get her stabilized.

SHEPPARD: Sounds like your wraith friend is on the rampage. Do you need assistance.

ONJI: (voice) Please. Without our leader, there is no one to control his thirst. He has gone several cycles with only pigs and small animals to feed on. You must help us.

CARTER: We will help you, but Akana stays here. Are we agreed?

ONJI: (voice) (pauses, screaming continues in background) Agreed. Please, just help.

(Carter turns to Sheppard)

SHEPPARD: I know. Sheppard, go to a planet full of people who think you kidnapped their leader and is now inhabited with one really pissed off wraith. I know. I’m on it.

DEX: Let’s go kill ourselves a wraith.

SHEPPARD: This should be fun. (Yells at Carter) You owe me, again.

(Sheppard and Dex head toward the gate, weapons drawn.)



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