scionofrequiem's Journal

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The Demon (Warning: Adult Contect: VtM Character)

03:25 Dec 10 2005
Times Read: 567

I did this post when I used to play Vampire: The Masquerade online with some buddies of mine. At the time I was playing a member of the Giovanni Clan. Just to let you all know this is made to show the darkness of the VtM series.

So please enjoy and hope you don't get to weirded out by the story itself.


By Sin

12 April 2004, 12:09 pm

In am abandoned house

“Fucking Bitch!” *Slap! The sounds of a cry is heard as a woman is slapped across the face. The woman drops to the floor of the room and sits there crying. The man, large, about 6’4, stood over her. He had dark skin, brown eyes and black hair and seemed to be currently in control of this situation.*

“If you scream I swear to god I am going to cut your tongue out bitch.”

*He leans down and grabs her by the hair and yanks her to the floor. She grabs his wrists and cries louder as he forces her to the ground by the hair and holds her to the ground, by the neck, with his other hand. The woman struggles a little while the man begins to unbutton his pants. Obviously the deed to be done here is only something out a nightmare, yet, for this poor young woman, it was real life.*

*Yet as the man went to move on top of the poor battered woman, the sounds of boards being stepped on is heard. The man quickly looks to the door and looks at a shadowed figure.*

“Who the fuckk are you?!” *The man stood there for a second trying to figure out what to do, but that one little process ended up being the one moment that the shadowed figured needed. The shadowed figured move with quick strides and with a powerful right hit’s the man across the head sending him flying into a wall and smashing into it. The man slumps to the floor, head smashed in, blood splattered everywhere.*

*The woman who was on the floor looked up to the shadow and opened her mouth to scream. Yet, as those lungs filled with air she was given a ungodly powerful kick to the side which sent her into a wall. She lost the air from the lungs, she turned in agony and pain and then the shadowed figure grabbed her, turned her on her back and then sat down on her stomach with his full weight. The man then looked down to the woman and without a word, grabs her wrists and holds them her arms up above her head with one hand. While the other hand could he heard tightening up into a ball.*

“Sorry sweet heart, your just at the wrong place at the wrong time” *The with a powerful swing the sound of his fist connecting with the face, the head then violently rock backwards smashing into the hard wood floor is heard. The man punches again, and again, and again. The man punched the woman so many times the eventually her head exploded like an over ripe melon.*

*The man looks down at the head, which now laid in skull fragments, brain matter, and cerebral fluid mixed with blood and he started to laugh. The laugh was small at first then it grew slowly into a laugh of a Psychotic individual.*

“Vae Victous” *The mans voice echoed in the house and he slowly stood up, while his left hand still held onto the corpse of the woman. He dragged her a little ways away and then let go of her wrists, the sounds of her lifeless hands hitting the floor is heard and then the sounds of the man kneeling next to her. The man moves to the woman’s lower half and hiked up the dress she was wearing and looked down at what was down there. He laughed a little and spoke is a rather dark tone*

“Watch little birdie… watch and enjoy the horrors of this world” *With that the man moves into position between the woman’s legs.*

*Within the house a spirit watches as her own dead body is now violated in ways that no human would ever do, specially to a corpse. So the Spirit screams in agony as her own body is desecrated, while the monster laughs in enjoyment*

A beast like no other… a man that the Devil never found… a monster in the disguise of a man who gives respect… Dominic Giovanni… a Demon in disguise.

He left, the house with a smirk on his face… Some times the dead ones were the best, never talk back to ya and never have to remember a name.



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