tool1991's Journal

tool1991's Journal


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17 entries this month

Still Waiting

12:52 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 719

Are we waiting for change?

To fall upon us,

Or for us to push it on others,

Am I cold?

Are you gone?




Subliminal messages,

Shh... but don’t tell mommy,

Cyber whores,

Who of course are legal,

Hidden agendas,

I’ll let you in on a secret,

That the administration doesn’t want you to hear,

But 2020 well all be dead,

But no I’m not a prophet,

Not a scientist,

But I do know that the head of office is gonna be the end of the world,

So someone help me,

Someone help the children,

So why isn’t anyone answering the teen’s pleading for help,

Sometimes we are all scared,

And paranoid,

But what about the ones who are permanently affected by this,

Now back off,

No don’t fucking touch me,

Don’t pull me back into this,

Leaving the past,

Along with the future in a time capsule,

Now where do I belong?

I got it I’ll pass out,

And either be remembered,

Or forgotten completely,

Which will it be?





12:51 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 720

Something always had to bring that memory of you up,

Flashes of your old smile,

God how do I miss the way you used to call my name,

Misery’s always with me,

When I think of how we used to be,

I can’t believe,

How much everything’s changed,

And that you couldn’t save me,

The one night I really needed you,

Anyone for that matter,

I called your name,

But all there was,

Was the sweet silence,

I’ve become so used to,

You say you’ve changed,

But I can’t believe it,

I can’t believe the lies,

I can’t keep thinking about the past,

It hurts me way too much,

Are we done here?

I thought you were here to save me from myself,

Were where you,

When I needed you the most?

You were my lover,

I thought you were in it,

For the long haul,

The many years to come,

Did you get tired of me?

So sour,

So bitter,

Are you happier now that you left me?

How happy are you?

Just turn away,

Just turn away,

I thought you needed me,

I’ll pay my own ransom and get the hell out of here,

And now it’s my turn to turn away,

Good bye baby…




Queen of the Burnt Castle

12:50 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 721

Let’s just remember,

What we had for a second,

Then let’s forget it,

Does it remind you of anything?

Forget who we are,

Forget that we have nothing in common,

Complete opposites,

Yeah you’ll completely break my heart,

What’s new?

Oh god,

I would give the world for you,

What would you give?


Let our cars collide,

Another morphine shot,

I’m the girl you always knew,

But never loved,

Funny isn’t it,

We were lovers for 2 months,

And friends for almost a year,

And now we are right back where we started,

I find it kinda sickening,

That we’re broken up,

And I still feel the pain that was there,

When we were together,

I was your dream,

Your fantasy,

You asked me to wear your ring,

And then I became your worst nightmare,

Kinda weird isn’t it?

Let’s collide tonight,

I feel the heat of the engine roar,

Let’s forget who we are,

Once more,

I’ll be the queen of your castle,

You’ll be my fool,


Play my tune,

Crash our cars together,

Lets become lovers by the site of this demotion,

Kiss me,

And let this be over,

I’m the queen of the castle,

Yet the same girl you always knew




Oh Babe

12:48 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 722

Well let’s see the situation that’s developed,

And surrounded us,

Nothings out of place,

Is there?

Watching you,

It just makes me more lonely,

Can’t you just give me a chance?

Oh pretty babe,

I’m your type just watch,

I need some help with this situation,

Don’t you understand?

Please don’t dine,

Me this one and only chance,

Oh babe,

Too good for one person,


Don’t bother me,

Oh babe,

Just give me a chance,

I can’t wait any longer for you,

Oh babe,

Let me just keep a close eye on you,

Don’t get out of my sight




Lovers Left to Numb

12:47 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 723

What did you do to me?

I can’t function without you,

When before I couldn’t stand you,

I need to find another way around this,

Take me out of these shadows,

Oh my,

You say you felt the same?

Oh my,

And now you don’t now that,

I can’t live without you,

You’re so sweet when you want to be,

I can’t live without your bitterness,

God help me find another way around you,

I need you,

But just as I knew it,

You don’t need anyone now,

But yourself,

Just cause you always need to be such a badass,

Well guess what,

I need another way,

Around you,

So why don’t you help me find it?

I can’t live my life in the shadows,


Nothings gonna change here,

Pretty little thing,

I changed all just for you,

All I’ve become is someone different,

Why can’t I just lock you out?

I need to make a pact,

With the pill bottle,

I’m too overwhelmed,

And you were way too over welcomed,

So why don’t you go home now,

That there is away around you,

And I don’t need a lover to numb,

What you left behind




List of Lovers

12:41 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 724

We always need someone to help us,

But who’s mine?

Certainly not you,

Its still the truth,

You never cared,

Only to the point of getting something for yourself,

Fucking being headstrong,

I know this is long over,

Stop this stupid game,

I’ve become numb to this,

I thought that giving you my heart would be enough,

Guess not,

Everything you ever said,

Runs through my head nonstop,

Everything you ever did,

Is breaking my heart over and over,

Goddamn it,

Why can’t you just leave me alone?

Something’s were just meant to change,

But this has changed so much,

I can’t even stand you anymore,

What have you become,

Something like my father,

Things keep getting worse,

Now we will break my heart,

Watch it shatter,

Into a million little pieces,

All my friends were right,

You are no good,

I was way too good for you,

And you just pasted up your best opportunity,

Too bad I will probably just take you back

Nothing will change,

Cept your list of lovers,

And my growing amount of pain




Learning How to Forget

12:39 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 725

Could we just forget how to love?

So I wouldn’t have to figure out,

How to say how I feel,


Could we just stop and think?

I just need to forget a few things before we go on,

Forget everything I was told as a child,

Show me all your love,

Show me all your pain,

And maybe,

We can pretend that we are lovers,

Caught in a thunderstorm,

With only a few minutes left to live,

Hold me close,

And say those three words,

That we said way too much when we were young,

Let’s carve our initials in each other’s arms,

And fall asleep as the thunders claps above us,

We’ll never wake up from this dream,

Still confused,

Feel the light in my eyes,

Your arms still around me,

We just laid here?

And the sun shines still?

Are we lovers now?

Say those three words and then we will never say them as much as we did,

When we were young,

A simple I love you,

The sun eclipses,

And this moment is over in an instant




Juliet's Statement

12:35 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 726

Stop these tears,

You aint worth them,

You aint worth my time,

Why’d I almost choose you,

Over my family,

Over my life,

In the end you just hurt me anyways,


You hear it time and time again,

I won’t hurt you,

And look at me now,


Don’t give me those damn excuses,

I don’t need them,

Phone rings,

Guess who,

Ready for this baby,




Just don’t tell me,

Just stop pretending,

That this was my fault,

That I like to argue,

You’re the one, who needs to stop,

Stop faking,

For once,

And be yourself,

Before we die,

I’ll be your Juliet,

But I know now,

There’s no chance,

Of you being my Romeo anymore,

I thought we would be lovers,

Carve our names into that nice big oak,

Well be together forever now huh?

How bout I do your name in my arm,

Or your initials,

Bet your regretting them now,

To think those matching tattoos,

To think that wasted money on that ring,

That aint even going on my finger,

Did you already return it?

Cry me a fucking river,

We just weren’t meant for each other,

Hope you have fun fucking everything in reach,

And then you will come around and try and pick me up again,

Whoa hold on,

Let me pray to god that I wont say yes,

Just let me stay on that list,

Don’t even say those nasty words,

You call me behind my back,

Why do I always feel the need to change you?

Hey maybe we aint lovers after all,

Just think of all the time we wasted on each other,

Just another girlfriend,

Whoa baby help me open the pill bottle,

I’ll still be Juliet tonight…

Just you wait and see




Do You Remember

12:33 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 727

Could we just have left it at hello?

Could this all just be over?

Have my memory erased,

Or fitting to never have you in it,


Oh god that word just makes me wanna cry,

I was always too good for you,

That’s why you had to break my heart,


That’s it exactly,

Your insecurities made you want to control,

This fear spirit,

Break it completely,

Till I wanted to die,

Then leave me,

Just to make it worse,

Not having your thoughts to cradle me to sleep anymore,

To think,

I wanted to have your child,

To think I wanted to bear your ring,

Thank god I didn’t huh?

Thank god I choose my life,

Over yours,

Thank god,

You’re not my man anymore,

If I fell down at your door,

Would you let me in then?

Would you shelter me?

And fall right back in love with me?

Or would we just sit around and talk about the past,

And how we could have made it all work?




Broken Promises

12:31 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 728

Are we really here?

Or is this some sort of figment of my imagination?

It’s happened before,

Can’t it happen again?


Nothings wrong with me,


Let everything stop,

The IV cord snap,

Watch the medicine drain,

The matrixes of my mind,

The abyss of my body,

The labyrinth of my soul,

Something needs to give,

Something has to change,

Even if it affects the future,

I feel myself change,

I feel so lonely,


I am surrounded by 30 people,

Watch them drop from this plague,

That’s slowly been streaming out of me,

Since I came out of the womb,

Let everything stop,

Please god,

Someone reach out,

Someone stop this,

I’m tired of fucking waiting,

The numerous people dieing,

Watch the number grow,





Make it all stop,


Make it all go away,

Please god,

Let it stop,

You promised,

I can’t take anymore,

Watch me hit the floor,

Followed by the room collapsing in on itself




Broken Hearted

12:30 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 729

Something tells me now,

That broken hearted,

Is the only way,

I will ever be able to describe myself,

Aint that right baby?

Couldn’t you just hold me once?

I thought I was all that you had left,

Guess not,

Can’t we cry just once more together?

However morbid that sounds,

I just want one kiss,

Kiss me down by the lake,

I forgot how ill you were that day,

We played along,

Till it made us both sick,

These games never end well,

Can’t we just ever be happy together?

First you started you wanted me now,

I wanted to wait,

Now I want you and don’t want to,

And you don’t want anything to do with me,

Aint this a shame,


Or not,

You will ask me back,

Will I say yes?

Probably not,

I like this feeling of broken heartedness,

Gives me a feeling,

Maybe someone else could help me pick up the pieces this time,

Seeing as you aren’t strong enough to,

Oh yeah and baby,

Good to hear about you and your new girl





12:26 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 730

As my bright blue eyes,

Go blood shot again,

I wonder,

How many more tears,

Will have to fall,

Before your friends believe I love you,

I prove myself time,

And time again,

To be perfectly and honestly,

True to you,

Gracefully waiting,

For another slap in the face,

From a person I don’t even know,

A long shot in the dark,

But do you not trust me either?


I’ve been true,

More true than with anyone,

Look at how much,

I’ve revealed,

I’ve shown,


I can’t do much more,

I trust you no matter what,

Never mind the photos,

Never mind the supposed stupidity,

You can trust me baby,

And just like I promised,

I won’t ever hurt you,

Even in the end if you do




A Few More Years

12:25 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 731

Fast forward a few more years,

There’s no me by your side,

Can’t depend on me anymore,

Just because I was there before,

Doesn’t mean I’ll wait here a few more years,

Over looking everything,

You ever said to me,

You never told anyone about me,

Dirty little secret,

Means nothing to you,

Does it,

I shared my body with you,

More then I ever did with anyone,

I shared my soul,

What did you share?

Just keep me in that little dark corner,

Don’t tell anyone,

Cause I wont either,

Won’t you marry me?

Won’t you father my children?

All the lies you said just to get me,

All the promises are slowly broken,

Remember Chicago?

Remember Minneapolis?

Remember Eau Claire?

Remember the past,

And look back on it,

I aint stuck there anymore,

But you are,

Did you end up marrying that girl?

Did you marry her just because you had to?

Oh yeah,

And how’s the baby?

How’s life?


You want me now?

You’ll leave your wife?

Oh really now,

Why don’t you prove it?

Of course,

Of course I’ll wait,


You took my time,

I almost took my life,

Back up a few more years then ask,

Before our two week break,

Before you lied,

Before everything you ever did,

That makes you,


And me,

Still nothing,

But somehow you found love in me,

Oh no,

You won’t find love in me,

For you anymore,

No it’s all gone,

So why don’t you do the same,

And leave already?




Whoa Baby

12:23 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 732

Whoa… take a step back,

Don’t say another word,

We’re different completely,

I knew this was coming,

But somehow I wasn’t expecting this at all,

We’re left sitting here for 2 weeks,

Someone needs to come around and take you,

That’s for sure,

I was expecting this,

But damn baby,

Tell me how I went from fiancée to friend?

Damn baby,

Is this how things were supposed to go?

Go find another nice girl,

Since you’re such a bad boy,

Why don’t you break her heart too?

Why’d I want you so badly?

When I knew you would just hurt me?

All my friends knew it too…

What was I thinking?

Do I just like heartbreak a little too much?

Just another one down on your list?

Or just another left in your paragraph,

To be reopened,

Whoa… watch out heartbreak,

Here I come,

Two weeks?

Fuck that… you said yourself,

None of that friend’s bullshit,


Here we are,

Am I left alone once again?

Help me grow,

Or just leave me the fuck alone,

My Mosoloem of ex’s

Your insecurities making me sick,

Losing myself,

Falling again,

Remember my promise?

Remember yours?

No broken hearts ever again,

Well then,

What am I right now?

Dive baby,

Dive baby,

And stop being so goddamn selfish

Is it bad I still love you?

Stupid cupid,

I don’t need anymore of you,

Get me off my knees,

I’m so much stronger then you,

So this is just another fuck off song,

In a long list of songs,

No doubt,

I won’t think of you down the road

Is it bad I still love you?

And want another chance,

I thought I knew you,

Guess not…

Whoa Baby




The Vixen

12:17 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 733

What am I?

A play toy?

The vixen is no one’s play toy,

A creature,

Stuck in her own twisted game,

Won’t someone get her the fuck out of here?

Pills silence her,

Just a little,

Half human,

Half goddess,

Scratch that none human,

None goddess,

But what does that leave for the vixen to be?

A slave to humanity,

A slave to emotions,

She can’t leave that human part of her behind,

Does this make the vixen,


Or is she still a goddess unborn?

She will become herself,

A beautiful butterfly,

She will become so beautiful that the world wishes to touch her,

But they cannot reach the butterfly with its multicolored wings,

The vixen will let her guard down once and only once,

A human will touch her beautiful wings,

Making her unable to fly once again,

But will this human treat the goddess,

With love and affection?

Or hatred and contempt?

For she is too beautiful to be tied to one mortal human,

Will her wings be spread so lovely,

Or will they be ripped off by one lonely,

Cowardly man?




Techno Beats

12:16 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 734

Techno beats,


Forgotten beats,


Enemy lines,

Will be drawn,

Fall in the middle,

Act innocent,

You’ll be the first to go,

Prove to me your worth sparing,

Fuck that,

Loaded God Complexes,

And a click click boom,



Oh babe,

Crimson tears,

Fucking years,

Watch me go underground,

Malicious behaviors,

The disturbing truth,

Is the one you never knew?

Fuck the pass,

Bring on the future,



Don’t kid yourself,

You’re a disgrace,

And you won’t be remember,

So why don’t you just go kill yourself,

Fall into place,

Intruders in this peace loving home,

Now let’s not forget the Sabbath day,

Because it’s the day we sabotage the fucking Vatican

Now tell me how do you feel?




Strong Women

12:15 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 735

Oh god,


You have no idea,

What your little angel’s been doing,

Now do you,

Don’t you trust me?

Oh baby,

I wouldn’t,

Fuck cheating,

When I can do much worse,

Burn babe,

Burn with the same fire used,

Watch our photos go up in flames,

Watch our past fall apart,

And then our future will go right along with it,

I’ll smile and play along for another few weeks,


Just like you did,

Fuck those silk sheets,

Fuck those razors,

No dose,


So do your jail time,

For all the abuse,

And baby call me,

When it’s all over,

Like I said fuck cheating,

I can do much worse to you,

And you say you’ve never heard of a strong woman?

Well get ready cause you just broke one’s heart,

And be ready for hell,




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