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A Fate Unseen

07:07 Apr 06 2008
Times Read: 550

A Fate Unseen

by Dechovia Wilson

Chapter one

Tiffany ran her hands threw her long brown hair. She could feel the stub of little ears protruding from her head. A child from the last group the “ Grown ups” brought in stood in the senter of the rom shakeing and crying. Tiffany sighed heavly. “ Not agin, when are they gonna stop this.” She sighed as she stood . She steadliy walked over to the children eyeing each one as she pasted them. In the group of five there was only one girl. She seemed to be the only one not sobbing. She did however hold a small bear in her hands. “ Look , I know you kids a frighten, but your okay. You'll all surive if you just do what they tell you and dont fight them at all.” Tiffany pointed her slider finger at the men who were now walking out of the room. Each of the kids turned there heads to cath a glimps of them. A boy with light red hair and a pair of green pajama's on stepped up to Tiffany pulling on the sleves over tattered clothing. “ What are they going to do to us?” He asked in a small whispered. The boy couldnt have been more then 8 years olds. “ well it's hard to say in the case of you. My group was the fist to be brought here and we were all fused with fox DNA. There's no telling what they might do to you, but like I said dont fight them on it......”

Tiffany was intruppted by the smell of what was to be dinner being brought down the stairs of the buliding. Her stomach began to twist and turn in hunger. “ Have any of you kids eaten?” She asked quickly. The group of kids she had lived with for the last ten years were already beging to crowd around the door . Like rabbed dog's they began to snarle at each other. Each of he children shook their heads . “ I want you to stay over here and wait till I get back.” they nodded their heads and backed futher away from the group of ravinous teenagers. The door opened and a man holding a large tin full of scaps came in. He kicked at the kids with his feet as they clawed at his legs. The fighting began when he dumped the tin the qickly ran to the door locking it behind him. Many of the kids began to claw and bit at each other as the faught for the scaps of food. Tiffany spotted three sandwhiches that hadn't had much mold on them she quickly raced toward them a boy who had aprrently spotted them to chagred at her . When she refused to give them up he dug his claws into her arms. She let out a loud howl. “ Let go!” He grolwed as he sank his teeth into the depth of her right shoulders. Tiffany cried out, hopeing that some one she had befriended would come to her rescue, but they were to busy with fighting to their on food. They boy grabed two of the sadwhichs from her hands and took off to a corner in the room that he had made for himslef. Tiffany took the one she had left the ran off back to the kids. On her way she snagged two apple cores and two pieces of molded bread. When Tiffany reached the kids her shoulder and arms was covered in blood. The kids stepped fback terrifed. “ Dont worry, this isnt what you use to, but you gonna have to deal with it.” The food fell from her hands as she sat down. She tore the bottom of her blue jean pants and rapped it around her shoulder. The one girl in the group held out her had showing a a pick ribbon that she had been wearing in her hair. Tiffany took it and smiled. She took a pice of cloth from her pocket that had alrdy been covered in blood. She took it over to a small area were there was a bucket of rain water. She poored some on to the cloth ccleaning off all the blood she could. When she was done it was nothing but a pale pink.

When she got back over to the kids the one sandwacih had been eaten and apple cores and bread to. She asked each kid if they had gotten their share. They nodded their heads. “ You need to get some rest, your gonna have a ruff day tomorrow.” She said as she poited to a section of the room that she had mad out to be hers. It was covered with blackets to keep her warm if she sleept in. Their were already two people in the bed when the children got their. “ Eric, Josephine this kids are gonna need my bed for the night.” Tiffany said as she shook them trying to wake them up. Josephine yawned sitting up. “ Tiffany I dont see why you bother takeing the new comers in. I mean look at you! You don;t eat enough when it's just us and when ever they bring them in.” She said growling as she glared at them “ You dont eat at all, this is the 3 group this month.” Josephine shook Eric form his sleep then got up and headed over to a cot that was no more then three feet away. Eric groglly got up and joined her. Tiffany sighed as she tucked the kids in. Each one huddled with the child next to them as they trided to dirft into a peace like slumber.

When Tiffany woke the next morning the children had already been taken to lab. Eric and Josphine came over to her holding what left of last nights meal. “ Eat this. Your gonna nedd it for tonight.” Tiffany cocked an eye brow as she took the food. It was molded bread and cheese. “ For tonight?” She asked as she put pices of the bread in her mouth. “ Whats happening tonight?” Eric placed his fingers onher lips then looked around to make sure that no one else was looking or listen to them. “ Thats to our wolf princess Josphine, we found a way to get out, we can only go a few at a time, but it's a sure fire way to get some of us out.” Tiffany's eyes widen at what she was hearing. “ Dont you know what will happen to any one that is caught!” She halfed yelled. Eric and Josephine shurged their shoulders. “ I would rather be dead the spend another six years in here.” Josephine said pulling he black hair from her face. “ Beside's Eric and I are expecting and I dont want my kids to end up like Cherlye's and Kenithen. They took their baby and killed it!” Tiffany lowered her head. She knew what wuld happened to Eric and Josephine if they noticed that she was pregnat. They would do uspeasble things to them and then kill the baby to examine it. “ Fine, but who's all leaveing?” Eric poited a finger at the three of them. “ I knew it, can we take some of the children? They wont last a day with out some one to take care of them.” Eric shook his head. “ You know as well as I that the only reason we can leave is because of the new comers, the “ Grown ups” Will be to foced on them to worry about us and they will only notice us gone when they come to give us our shots and thats in another month.” Tiffany frownd. “ I see you point, but how do we know what lies on the out side of the point of these walls?”

“ Remember when we thought that Josephine had been killed, well she had actually gotten out for three days then snuck back in.” Eric said as he smiled, “ I think the night she came back was when we got our little gift.” He said placeing his rough hand on her stomach. “ Alright smart one's.” Tiffany said.” I'm not gonna go if I cant take one of those kids, i'm sure they wont miss just one, after tonight they wont, even bother with them until maybe a week.” Eric and Jhospine both sighed. “ Fine. But if we get caught their not gonna care that you draged the kid along their gonna kill it to.” Joshpine said. Tiffany shrugged her shoulder. : I would rather try and get them out of here, even if it's just one, then we can try...” Eric cut her off. “ We? We?! After we get out.” HE siad pointing at himslef and his mate.” Were not comeing back, we're staying gone. I cant risk looseing wither one of them so after we get away your on your own.” Tiffany lowered her head. “ I understand, but eric be remined who took care of you when you got here, and whom was willing to loose their life for the shake of yours.” She said as she got up and went over to the area were the children were staying. For now she would have to find some one that would look after the kids that would be left behind.

That whole afternoon was spent finding people to take care of the four kids left over. She maged to have them all put with people that would take good care of them as long as she promised to come back and save them. It was 8 pm when the chlidern retured. Each of them had a name tag with numbers on their wrist, Tiffany admittly cut them off when she saw them. An hour after feeding time and they had all been feed she sat them down to talk with them. “ Okay, i'm gonna trust that you kids can be good for these people behind me because they will be taking care of the four of you. I want each of the boys to pick one of them people behind me and I want you to stay with them till I get back with help.” She said looking at them sternly.f The one chlid that had been brave ernough to speack spoke up again. “ We're are you going, And why cant we all go?” Tears began boiling up in the chlidrens eyes even the girl whom hadnt cried before. “ I dont know were i'm going and i'm only takeing her. She wont be able to last as long if I left and took one of you boys, your just gonna have to understand that and trust that I will come back for you.” She said looking at them setrly. The boys nodded their heads, understanding the descion that she had made. “ Alright, for now I want you to get some rest, we're leaveing a little before dawn.” The other chldren went off with those who were going to be keeping them till help could arrive. Tiffany lead the chlid over to her bed and had her lay down. Tiffany how ever stayed up trying to figure out what they were to do when they got out. Tiffany had never been out side these walls, not once. But the chlid on the other hand did seem to know a bit about the world outside since that is were she had come from. A little before mid night Joshpine cam over to to were Tiffany had been siting for a while. She had brung over a few rats that she had manged to find and kill while over in her part of the room. Tiffany sniffed the air hungrly not realizeing how hungry she was she snacthed one of the rats form her friends hand then brought the food up to her lips tearing into the rats flesh. She didnt know what she had eaten till all what was left was a tal and a few clumps a fur. “ This is degradeing....” She growled as she greedly took another rat and bit into it. “ Yeah, I know but look at use....all of use....we are animals even tho we look human. We have resorted to trying to eat or week and speaics that fight in the wild that are now in here fight. And this...” Josphine held the rat up “ This taste like normal food to use its a delcusy to us.” When she finished what she wa saying she bit into the rats flesh tearing off a chunk of it. “ I swear if I ever figure out who did this to us I will kill them.” Tiffany said growling while stareing at her bloody hands. “ Tiffany, you know as well as I that killing them will be mercy to them. But for now you need to rest. You look tired.” Joshpine kissed Tiffany's forhead then walked over to her bed were Eric was waiting. She wacthed them kisses then turned away. A look of pure sadness crossed her her face.

“Hey, Tiffany?” a girl with bright red hair and pale bluee eyes rang. Tiffany waved the girl off then rolled over on her side. “ Go back to bed Roselina. Feeding time isnt for a while.” Tiffany said groling. Before she could say another word a red tail sliped arounder her leg urgeing her to turn around. When she opened her eyes she was meet with a light kiss on the lips. “ Rosa....lina.” Tiffany stammpered. The girl pulled back slowly. “ I know feeding time isnt for a while...i wanted to show you some thing. Look!.” She said pointing to her head. Tiffany's eyes widen, were their had been nothing before now their were two fox ears on her head. Tiffany ran a trembleing hand over Rosalinas ear. When Rosaelina let out what seemed to a be purr she pulled her hand back and laughed. “ They are senstive to touch.....just like your tail.” Tiffany laughed. Her face seemed so peaceful as she looked at the girl now standing before her. “ So what do you think? Dont they look good?” Rosaline asked. Her tail waved behind her and her ears stood perked up. The's girls face twisted into a frown when Tiffany burst out laughing, “ How rude!!!” She yelled stomping her feet. This only made her laugh even more. The other people that were in their group stared at Roselina then laughed witch only made her face reder. “ Your just jealouse cause you olny have stubebs for tails and ears!” She yelled at them all. Before she could strom off Tiffany grabed her hand and pulled her into her embraced then kissed her softly. “ I'm sorry its just that your happy about some thing that is being done to you by no will of your own.” Rosaline forwned. “ I know that none of us really wanted this to happen, but look at this way, some of use were orpahns that no one wanted we may being tested on but at least we are getting food and some how have made a faimly of sorts, I mean look almost every one here has found some one that love out of this so its not a complete waste. And if we get out of here we will have a faimly.” She said smile. Tiffany smiled and kissed her again, just as the door on the other side of the room opend and a man with a gun stepped in...........

“ Tiffany! Tiffany!” Some one yelled in a hused whisper, slowly Tiffany woke form her sleep her cheeks were tear stanined and her grunts from being woken seemed to be straiened . When she looked up she was Eric hovering over her. She admittly got up and wiped her face she iknew that she had been cryin by just seeing the look on Erics face. “ Tiffany...” Eric began he stoped when he noticed her turning away in shame. “ Wake the girl up, Joshapine is waiting.” Tiffany nodded her head then went over to the bed. The girl was alreay up and waiting. “ It's time to go.” Tiffany said horely. The girl facecal exprisson changed whe she heard the strain in her voice she lightly ran her had along Tiffanyis throat then looked at her. “ It's okay now lets go.” Tiffany said takeing the shidls hand. The two of them slowly walked over to a passage way that had been hidden by a old blaket. Joshapin was waiting on the other end already, but eric was hear. “ It's this way.” He said pointing threw the tunnal. Tiffany nodded then headed threw holding the girls hand. Just as the reached the end a loud yell was heard from behind them.



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