voodoo's Journal


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Helpful Tid Bits

03:23 Feb 21 2006
Times Read: 640

Tuck a bit of apple in your money clip or wallet to prevent your cash supply from running dry.

To encourage the sale of a house, smudge the rooms w/ a mixture of cinnamon & bladderwrack.

Rue, ginger or lavender strewn near bird nests protects the occupants from cats.

Comfrey placed in the shoes or luggage ensures safe travels

Carrying a rowan leaf close to the body is said to keep one safe from mishap & accident.

To keep the memory sharp, either carry a pansy on your person or inhale the fragrance of its essential oil daily.

When burned as a smudge in the bedroom, peppermint bring prophetic dreams.

To protect children from accidents & mishaps, have them carry a small charm bag of wintergreen at all times.

A few grains of barley strewn under the door mat keeps evil & negativity from entering the home.

Borage flowers bring courage, motivation & swift action to those who carry them.

Drinking a tea of clover leaves & flowers is said to strengthen the psyche & the powers of clairvoyance.

Planting tansy around the outer perimeter of the home keeps it free of ants.

To attract fairies plant lily of the valley & St. Johns wort on your property.

Anoint the 4 inner corners of the mail box with a bit of bayberry oil to receive money in the mail.

A tea brewed of ground ivy provides instant relief from toothache.

An acorn carried in the right-hand pocket promotes good health & longevity.

To keep your home free of anger & hostility, hang a daisy over the door.

To seal the portals in your home from negative energy, squeeze the juice of half a lemon down each drain.

Keep unwanted visitors away from your home by rubbing a little patchouli oil on all outer doorknobs.

If you have a tendency to talk too much, wear brown to curb the urge.

Wearing black, red or purple to a job interview increases the chance of employment.

The Irish believe that if you walk around a fairy hill nine times, you’ll be granted admittance.

To keep pets from straying beyond home boundaries, bury a photo of them in the yard or in a house plant.

To remove a wart, rub it with an ash leaf under the Full Moon, saying “Leaf of ash tree, take from me the wart which is now under thee.”

Moving into new living quarters during the Waning Moon ensures that the time spent there will be peaceful.

To bring wishes to fruition quickly, make requests beneath a birch tree in the name of Mother Earth.

When growing sage, cut it back frequently; it’s said that allowing the planet to bloom brings ill fortune to both gardener & family.

To relieve a minor headache, rub mulberry leaf over the affected area.

Planting 2 silver maple trees in front of a home ensures harmony for all who dwell there.

Wear orange clothing to increase personal motivation & productivity.

To prevent fairy mischief, scatter 9 dimes on your property in each of the 4 directions.

Wearing the essential oil of sweet pea keeps the dishonesty of others at bay.

Planting a border of chrysanthemums around the garden keeps bugs from eating the other plants.

A small pillow stuffed with dill weed & left in the crib eases crankiness in babies & promotes sound sleep.

Inhaled just before going to bed, anise seed is said to keep nightmares at bay.

To relieve sunburn, apply a vinegar made from balm of Gilead.

The juice of fresh jewelweed gives instant relief from poison ivy when applied to affected areas.

Carrying a bit of feverfew on your person repels bees.

Oil of clove, when applied to the affected area, gives temporary relief from toothache.

Amaranth is said to promote the power of invisibility when fashioned into a wreath & worn on the head.

Drinking 3 cups of chamomile tea per day helps to curb cravings for nicotine.

Place a bay leaf in your cash register to bring in new business.

Should unwanted visitors come to call, turn the household broom so the bristles point toward the ceiling; unwanted guests will leave posthaste.

Rosemary, when added to any incense & burned, promotes happiness in the home.

Carry or wear a sprig of vervain to protect against physic attack.

Fill a charm bag w/ hops & tuck it inside your pillow to promote sound sleep.

Used as a protective device since medieval times, tassels & fringes are said to confuse & distract malevolent spirits.

When burned as incense, thyme is said to facilitate answers & advice from loved ones on the other side of the veil.

An aloe vera plant growing in the kitchen protects against burns & house fires; the juice of its leaves also heals burns quickly.

To protect the home from negative energy & evil spirits, smudge the rooms w/ wood betony.

In Scotland, thistles are hung over doorways as a protective device against all manner of attack.

Hazelwood bark is said to relieve rheumatism when rubbed over the affected area.

To dream of your true love, wear honeysuckle or sleep w/ it under your pillow.

Carrying or wearing a sprig of mistletoe imparts freedom of mind & encourages the bearer to make independent decisions.

While it’s bad luck to point at the Moon, staring directly at her face is said to brings good fortune.

European mistletoe was once used by gypsies as a charm to protect against sorcery.

To increase the odds of gambling success, rub chamomile between your hands before playing games of chance.

To ensure prosperity during the coming year, eat at least 1 serving of black-eyed peas & cabbage on New Year’s Day.

Careful on sharing an apple on Feb. 29th; legend says that it will make both parties fall irrevocably in love.




Witches' Creed

03:42 Feb 20 2006
Times Read: 642

Hear now the word of the Witches, the secrets we hid in the night,

When dark was our destiny's pathway, That now we bring forth in the light.

Mysterious Water and Fire, The Earth and the wide-ranging Air,

By hidden Quintessence we know Them, and we will keep silent and dare.

The birth and rebirth of all Nature,the passing of Winter and Spring,

We share with the life Universal, rejoice in the Magical Ring.

Four times in the year the Great Sabbat returns and the Witches are seen,

At Lammas and Candlemas dancing, on May Eve and old Halloween.

When daytime and night time are equal, when sun is at greatest and least,

The four lesser Sabbats are summoned, again Witches gather in feast.

Thirteen silver moons in a year are, thirteen is the Coven's array,

Thirteen times at Esbat make merry, for each golden year and a day.

The power has passed down the age. Each time between woman and man.

Each century unto the other, ere times and the ages began.

When drawn is the Magickal circle, by sword or athame of power,

It's compas between two worlds lies, n the land of shades of that hour.

Our world has no right to know it, and the world beyond will tell naught,

The oldest of Gods are invoked there, the great work of Magic is wrought.

For two are the mystical pillars, that stand at the gate of the shrine,

And two are the powers of Nature, the forms and the forces Divine.

And do what thou wilt be the challenge, so be it in love that harms none,

For this is the only commandment, By Magick of old be it done.

Eight words the Witches Creed fulfill:

If it Harms none, Do what Thou Will!



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