Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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35 entries this month


16:53 Aug 31 2007
Times Read: 996

last 10


Aug 31 2007 - 12:16:13

'There is no such user' "What The Fuck!"




damn court system.

15:13 Aug 31 2007
Times Read: 997

damn court system.

stupid motherfuckers maintain I gave a statement to the police: and thats what their records say. I didn't.

I gave the statement to the audit fella working for the NHS




..a day and a half, before lunch.

14:12 Aug 31 2007
Times Read: 999

been suppoened to appear as a witness for the prosecution in a case of theft and I don't have the money to attend.

well in lieu of getting arrested for non-attendance, this Friday I phoned up the witness care unit, to find out what'll happen next: before I went toi sign on.

well, the caseworker who'd been dealing with me had been on holiday and then a car crash: and I'm told, I am needed.

All of that before signing on.

And as of yet, I still don't have the money to go.

I did though have a party to look forward to, in the evening, held for the cast and crew of the film I was in, during which we'll ideally see more edited scenes from it.




...a prosecution witness?

00:20 Aug 31 2007
Times Read: 998

Just before I left for voluntary work, I’d said goodbye to a few people.

Lotlitamarie had said, “..take care.”

I’d raised an eyebrow and replied, ‘thank you.’

As it transpired, her suggestion to be cautious had been well founded.

The team leaders Mother’s had a stroke and may be dying.

And though we generally cook for about thirty, or so, about fifty turned up, many of them were drunk: and I was serving the meals at the doors.

I don’t think I’ve been sworn at so many times in one evening.

As it is, I’m still wondering whether I’ll be arrested for non-attendance at court next week, as I can’t afford to go: and that’s after I’d been the assured the travel warrant that I need to get there to be a prosecution witness.




and rumbly tumbly

20:26 Aug 29 2007
Times Read: 1,007

after the injection

and the filling

before the gold

cap went back,

my mouth is so

effin sore.

so sleepy

and rumbly

tumbly hungry.




...through the medium of television.

18:19 Aug 29 2007
Times Read: 1,009

It is rare in this life that one can say that you have witnessed history being made.

I think of three occasions ‘off the top of my head’ when I have done so.

The first was the moon landing, which I watched with my classmates, on a televion, specially brought in on castors for us.

The second was when they brought down the Berlin Wall, which I saw on BBC 2 in an extended edition of ‘Newsnight.’

And the third: Today, at tea-time I saw on television, the unveiling of a bronze statue of Nelson Mandela in Parliament Square, near statues of many illustrious Britons.

A humble man, he had dedicated in to the many victims of oppression, particularly in his own country.

I have been fortunate indeed to witness such things, through the medium of television.




a moment of Now

00:54 Aug 29 2007
Times Read: 1,013

I should be gone, but I'm here.. which could be decribed by some as a state of being, as it is.. I lost a tooth, woke a while ago: and, have my gigs on, as I had a migraine!




Man and Superman

00:37 Aug 29 2007
Times Read: 1,017

..look up superman in the dictionary.

he was originally the idea of a felow quoted in 'Andromeda'

the philosopher who gave rise to the idea of the Aryan supreme being.

the fellow who gave Hitler his idea, much later on..

Friedrich Neitze. ... behold the superman":

Friedrich Neitze was aroundf many years before Hitler, who latched onto the idea of a supreme being through his writings.

The fellow wasn't a fool, although Hitler became a madman.




The Shadow

00:20 Aug 29 2007
Times Read: 1,019

There are some who say this character was the progenitor of The Batman.

a radio series Bob Kane might've listened to.

"Who knows what Evil lurks in the hearts od Man..?

The Shadow knows..!!"


..very early pulp fiction, as well.




an honour, a curse?

18:28 Aug 28 2007
Times Read: 1,023

I have just been made coven assistant.

by default I guess.

no-one else wanted the post! *laughs*

saying that, I respect Satinmist, so will try my best, for her.





17:52 Aug 28 2007
Times Read: 1,024

bah! the memory stick.. a Sony 128 doesn't fuction properly:and, until I have a new one, I'm back to camera-less! sugar-fuck!




"..happy happy, joy joy."

14:31 Aug 28 2007
Times Read: 1,032

"..happy happy, joy joy."

Thanks to my friend Mandy and a visit to Eazibus, where shere manages her husbands firm: I now have a digital camera again!





old apple trees.

23:18 Aug 27 2007
Times Read: 1,040

I felt crappy when my Dad removed the apple trees from the back garden, one by one, as they got older.

I alway's said: "I'll do that with you, when you get older." I never did.

Poor sods, I'm still here.. being 'helpful.'

Now it's my intention to plant at least one apple tree,

in the back lawn before I die.

So, I will leave something when I go.

not a bad thought at all...

..as a testimonial to a life, a tree is a good thing to be.




...shit, don't some people ever listen.

01:23 Aug 27 2007
Times Read: 1,058

The one who wanted me to join mySpace sent me a nasty message, after deleting her VR account.Then left me a message, which I've just read: more of the same in the message.

So I said, "you're a drama queen"

and deleted her address from messeneger.

Now she's trying to send me a message.

Next it'll be an email.

Shit, don't some people ever listen.




..at their own rate.

00:23 Aug 27 2007
Times Read: 1,062

Some people, more depressed than I can be, or more obsessed than I have been, continue to write the same stuff interminably.

I can think of several, who do exactly that.

And it's so frustrating when you read it, as you feel like saying, 'Move on,' while knowing how crass that phrase is. Everyone, myself included, has to learn, at their own rate.

Trouble is.. some, choose never to learn.




..a creative individual.

02:19 Aug 25 2007
Times Read: 1,072

I was talking with Lazarusad in the Vampbox; and as we talked about the nature of the individual and creativity, a journal entry slowly took form: “I've avoided legal drugs after being hooked on ‘em.. manic they labelled me.. cha, I wonder why?

I look around me, at all I see and I can see why someone should be using drugs, prescription, or non-prescription. There’s enough reason to.. Would they have put Dali on drugs? Hell yes!

Van cough? Yep In fact every creative.. every free thinker.. Dega.. DeVinci.. Think about it... these people were brilliant, and today we would have them on drugs... yet, these thinking types are "individuals" and do not cater to the trends of the masses, so are not a commercially viable financial prospect, short term… yet, the genius of their individuality lives on.”




..sworn at.

23:01 Aug 23 2007
Times Read: 1,079

I got sworn at, at voluntary work: and it shouldn't have been a big deal, but it was.

I mean, He got there just as we were closing up,

And I don’t expect people to say ‘thank you’ every five seconds, but I do get thrown still, when someone swears at me..,




off to 'the Pool'

12:00 Aug 23 2007
Times Read: 1,083

here before physio on the hand

..just to see what I can see:

then, off to 'the Pool'

on a blue sky, sunny day

to annoy anyone who

shows up at the soup kitchen.

I'm looking forward to the walk

home from hospital.. down the





...my frustration.

13:08 Aug 22 2007
Times Read: 1,091

Having met someone through VR, whose company I enjoy on VR and Yahoo and with real pleasure, on the phone, I was ever-so disappointed last night.

Of late they’ve taken to suggesting that I join MySpace, not once, or twice, but thrice: and when I’ve explained that their profile is the nearest I’ll get to it, she just repeated its ‘advantages’ to me, all over again; completely disregarding all I have said.

In fact, they’d called me stubborn, which I think is rich, as they’d chosen not to listen to me saying, “you’ve said this all before” then said it all again.

In the end, after a series of messages, where she’d repeated what she’d said on the phone, I been rendered incredulous at the fact she’s chosen to ignore what I’d said, yet again.

And then when I’d said how I’d felt, she’d said I was ‘bitchin.’

If that’s how I was perceived, it was with good cause, after all, she’d been preachin to me, like I’ve experienced a Mormon doing. And that’s just out of order, I think.




...the juvenile machinations of the ratings game

23:36 Aug 21 2007
Times Read: 1,094

Other than my journal, which I go to take pride in, through the stories and poetry I have put out to be read, I take a degree of satisfaction in producing a portfolio with a lot of variety to it, with varied imagery and photographs.

So it was I read the comment left by one young man, in which he informed me I’d been rated low as he couldn’t find anything interesting un my photographs.

Well, out of interest, I checked out his portfolio, two photo’s, that’s all.

Now I’ve never been one for the juvenile machinations of the ratings game played

Some here. But, where this fella was coming from, I just don’t know.

Grant you, I felt slighted.

But, when it comes down to it, I’ve seen what he’d produced in his portfolio and whereas I didn’t rate him as he did me, I do find the ratings game played by some here so incredibly childish.

And that said, I can see why a few people I’ve grown to know have left VR, as some of the individuals here, can be childish little bullies.




‘Bloodrayne’ ~ the film

14:19 Aug 20 2007
Times Read: 1,101

‘Bloodrayne’ ~ the film

Based on the Majesco video-game, entitled ‘Bloodrayne.’

Bloodrayne is a redhead Dhamypre, wearing a cross: “who only wants to kill vampires,” as she asserts in an early sequence in the movie, which contains strange creatures and traps, associated with the game, the film is loosely based on.

She is in pursuit of the vampire who raped and killed her Mother Rayne is informed, by a tarot-reading gypsy (Geraldine Chaplin.)

There is throughout the movie, the necessary gore quotient and copious blood-letting, as Rayne bands with Vladimir (Michael Madsen) Sebastian (Matt Davis) and Katarin (Michelle Rodriguez) in Brimstone, a secret organization, to aid her in the quest to find the three talismans of Vampire legend: and kill Kagan, who wants to join them for his own purpose, power.



As my friend John had said, “It has to be good, Michael Madsen is in it.”

Then again, he also asked me, “Have you ever seen a film where Michael Madsen lives?”

As to Ben Kingsely? (or, ‘Ghandi’) what more can I say about one of Britain’s foremost actors? Except, he excelled as Kagan, the Vampire Father of Bloodrayne.

Incidentally, Meatloaf, the singer has a role in the film, as a somewhat salacious Vampire, surrounded by naked young women.

As I noted his name in the cast list, I noted the surname he used, ‘Aday.’


Kristanna Loken

Michael Madsen

Matt Davis

Michelle Rodriguez

Will Sanderson

Geraldine Chaplin

Udo Kier

Meastoaf Aday

Michael Pâre

Ben Kingsley

and Billy Zane




‘The Void’

13:31 Aug 20 2007
Times Read: 1,103

‘The Void’

Later this year, (in November 2007) the large Hadron Collinder will be fired up. The film ‘The Void’ shows Amanda Tapping (Stargate) as the daughter of the man who dies in an early particle accelerator experiment. Adrian Paul plays the man she uses to infiltrate the Filodyne Corporation run by Malcolm McDowell’s character, who is seeking to repeat it.

The film suggests the nightmare scenario of what may happen – suggesting that we’re either to be blown up, or have all life consumed by a black hole.

As the films plot unfurls through a series of sinister events, there are intrigue and deaths, as she tries to prevent the experiment-taking place.

‘The Void’


The film seems like an excuse to provide a vehicle for Ms. Tapping, since the demise of Stargate and Adrian Paul (Highlander- the t.v. series) in a story based loosely on what could be man’s downfall, presented in a story that tries to be a thriller, yet isn’t very thrilling.

The film does give Ms. Tapping the opportunity to try and change her ‘Stargate’ image, with a kit-off scene with Adrian Paul, whilst giving her the opportunity to ‘save the world’ in true ‘Stargate’ fashion, once again: and, heroically push Mr.Paul, in a wheelchair through flames, as they attempt their escape.


Amanda Tapping

Adrian Paul

Malcolm McDowell




what was school like, for you?

14:22 Aug 17 2007
Times Read: 1,108

School wasn't a challenge..

I did average in most things!

I had a breakdown on my 11 plus.

was given the choice at 11 what type of schhol I wanted to go to, grammar, or secondary.

in the end, my fencing master, also the head of the catering dept. brought in some assesors to measure my IQ transpired, I had a high potential IQ




Thirty years ago The King Died.

14:28 Aug 16 2007
Times Read: 1,114

Thirty years since the death of ‘the King:’ and I still recall well how I found out that he’d died. My brother had a habit of listening to the radio beneath bedcovers and so heard the news, before I had. In fact, he’d heard about the death of Elvis Presley as I’d slept, then dashed into my room, shouted, ‘Elvis is dead!’ then rushed out.

Aren’t little brothers great?

I wrote this memory recalled, just before watching Elvis and Anne Margaret dancing together in ‘Viva Las Vegas,’ which led me to remember why I liked him so much.

Man, did he have screen presence, a marvellous voice and smouldering eyes: and Anne Margaret was pretty good, as well.




Group picture

22:00 Aug 15 2007
Times Read: 1,120

I have four group pictures and wanted to make one. Thankfully they were all taken at the same time, so over an hour or so.. did a head swap or two, until I got the image I wanted.





21:50 Aug 15 2007
Times Read: 1,121

Yesterday, Tuesday, I was hyper as wotsits. Had little sleep and the rushes i saw were cool.. except that when I made a mistake my voice had called all high-pitched. Of all the bloopers they could've shown, why show that??

yep, I was moderately mortified.

In the scene, I couldn't remember the characters name. It's mine...




..in answer to a question about my depression.

15:08 Aug 14 2007
Times Read: 1,136

I am/or can be, an emotional depresive.

yet, I don't need medication and most of the time, as long as I channel my angst, I'm fine.

Better than fine in fact, as that emotional angst can be a useful tool toward creativity.




'E' for Emo, or Emotional??

14:32 Aug 14 2007
Times Read: 1,140

After awhile on the pc and a very bright day and after hassle with Yahoo messenger I had a bad migraine: then when I got back to VR all the people I’d been wanting to talk to had gone.

Well, in the end I went to bed very thoughtful, as I did have a very interesting chat later that night.

I’d picked up on something said in the Vampbox and tried to be pleasant to someone, who I later learnt calls themselves an ‘Emo.’

Now call me naïve, but up until last night, I thought that was this ere labelled manic-depressive was an ‘Emo,’ being short for emotional.

Then I found out from someone I respect, that Now, Emo are those who threaten to hurt themselves, if they don’t get their own way.

As I say, I’m a depressive and find that intolerable. I have a neighbour just diagnosed with bowel cancer and these ‘kids’ threaten to cut themselves for gain.

All I can say is that we’ve given them so much, over the years, they Now expect whatever they want, whenever they want and if they don’t get it, they threaten to cut themselves.

Funny, when I tried to kill myself I didn’t tell anyone about it, or threaten to do it.




The hedgehog in The Dew

14:19 Aug 14 2007
Times Read: 1,141

I’d been on VR rather too long and thought I’d missed putting out the milk bottle.

So having shut down the computer I’d dashed through to the kitchen, where I’d made my Earl Grey for the morning, locating the medicine dispensing cap, with the money in I’d need for our door step delivery.

Before I went to put the money out, I had eased the curtain aside, to look out at the moonlit front lawn.

A movement caught my eye, a small dark shape, scuttling slowly across the drive then into the shadows created by the tree on the verge. The hedgehog kept to the shadows, snuffling its nose in the early morning dew, as it walked across grass.

Having put the money in the empty milk bottle, I put the plastic cap on top and then opened the front door and had put the bottle out in the loop my Fathers attached to the wall and then retired to bed.

As I lay there, waiting for sleep to come to me, I heard the clatter of milk bottles just outside, as the milkman left a bottle for us and I’d looked at the clock: it was eight minutes past two, in the morning.

Now I know what time he makes his weekly delivery.




'retire at the age of 25!'

23:57 Aug 06 2007
Times Read: 1,164

Call me a peacenik, I don’t mind. But, I just watched a documentary about missile development and heard the Trident 2 described as America’s finest. Then as an answer to this missile the Russians produced the Topol, something or other; and the narrator says: “..and both are survivable!”

Huh, the worlds destroyed and the missiles survive!

I mean, what the Hell.. since the 1970’s just how much has been spent on missile development? I might suggest, enough money for every man and woman in the western world to retire at the age of 25!





23:45 Aug 06 2007
Times Read: 1,165

I’m getting frustrated. The filming pointed out that I like to 'do'

I mean, I like to create, make things; do things. But it’s the acquisition of money that predominates our capitalist system and without it you seem to be a no-one.




“why do we choose the politicians we do?”

23:35 Aug 06 2007
Times Read: 1,166

Whereas I realise that most of us are pay check to pay check families, the people who make the decisions that rule our lives are not in our world: not with the money that they 'earn' and I use that word very loosely.

I’ve been wondering, “why do we choose the politicians we do?”




Day 10 ~ Last Day

01:16 Aug 04 2007
Times Read: 1,169


It’d been a day full of bitter-sweet moments, from the moment I woke up, to the moment I sat down at 11:32 to write my final journal entry for the shoot.

I’d woken at 7:00 a.m., instead of the 6:00 I had done; in order to go to the dole, where it was reinforced to me, just how foolish honesty can be, when you say something like “I’m going to be filling for two weeks” in the dole and don’t get the appropriate form to fill in.

Then, once home, with a cold coffee inside me, I’d got my last lift off my Dad to the shoot, where there’d been little to do, except clean-up; tidy up; and clean a stove, while a few others shot a few remaining scenes.

And then, there’d been the after-shoot party, an impromptu affair, that will definitely have led to a few sore heads the next day: but boy, it’d been such a good way to end the week, or so! I had a good weekend myself… and although kept saying, “I don't do sociable”, I did though…




Day 9 of fiming and 'helpful zombies.'

00:29 Aug 03 2007
Times Read: 1,174


Yesterday, several wasps stung the son of one of the actors. And as his Dad wasn’t available, he’d come running for the next adult around who he trusted, me.

Today I was told ‘thank you,’ several times.

And I had to get off early for voluntary work, as a volunteers husbands had his knee done and she wants to be around for him.. so I was called in early.

And I I shot my final scene after several small delays, one aircraft, and then another went overhead, spoiling the shoot.

Finally, with the assistance of some very helpful zombies, the scene was shot and I’d got off in time to get over to Liverpool and ‘the project.’




Day 8 of filming "..weird!"

23:24 Aug 01 2007
Times Read: 1,179


“And if you go down in the woods today, you’re bound for a big surprise..” I’d thought, as the shoot continued, into midgie central, on a warm and pleasant day.

Then on my return to the Girl Guide camp, it was once more time for me to take centre-stage, for a moment, just to look weird.

Funny thing is, compared to the zombies, it doesn’t take too long to do me in make-up: and it’s them who call me weird!



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