Cadrewolf2's Journal

Cadrewolf2's Journal


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8 entries this month

22:35 Feb 29 2024
Times Read: 208

Thoughts are to be had; I was looking around again and find vacancy all around.

I sometimes wonder where this family has gone. my eyes seem to learn the miss haps of my families life, yet my heart cries for you as the times seem to be rough, yet every stone is in a rough and yet a diamond always seems to emerge with luster and beauty. For I hope the pains subside and the family shall return.

Deep thoughts of a elderly mind, glimpses into tears and they fall like rain upon the concrete sidewalks of earth, to nourish the plants that strive to break free and climb to the sun.... random thoughts of an insane man who cares where you all have gone. And yet weeps with every tragedy that must be told, for stories are our lives for if not to dream death shall blanket our bodies like a cool winter snow blanketing mother earth to sleep to rest yet to wake and strive once more.....

Sorry my mind sometimes rambles..............




22:13 Feb 28 2024
Times Read: 223

My head just shakes in this world, for comfort has not come from nowhere, our children’s life seem to be more complicated these days. The light at the end of the tunnel yet seems to close more and more, our older years, our golden years are just faded memories of the past. And death will enshroud those who seem to no longer, rest in the yards and at home.

For depression of the soul, a task not to be held lightly, for it strains the heart and the mind, creating feeble beings that once were strong individuals. My mind shudders at what we have become. For how long until death shrouds my soul that I shall regret this world and what of the life we are headed into. My mind the trickster relies on the past memories for enjoyment and pleasure.

Thoughts of the past that I smile at and yet brought back here to this office and this grey day. Random thoughts of life yet once again, holding no meaning except to me and the white piece of paper they are on. Random thoughts of an insane mind, tired need to take a vacation. So tired.




22:03 Feb 26 2024
Times Read: 237

For if stories are told, of lives we shall lead, do we not seem intrigued at bettering the story with lies. Nah live your life as you wish, do not seem to collect the stories of your friends to make your life more pleasurable and exciting.

I watch and learn for the society seems to flash in their busy life’s; to be had of a treasure that sometimes is unreachable, money is just a tool in society and yet we must face that with everyday life we must stop and give value to those who really deserve it. A lingering thought of life I call my own to rationalize my own query mind. To understand and move forward somewhere in the next tick of the clock we call life.
Thoughts in life are always consuming the parts of mind and body that should be held to a higher regard. As we grow older the clock of time seems to become a blur in the past. And only memories of the youth we loved and cared for seem to be glimpses of the mind of an insane person.




22:13 Feb 19 2024
Times Read: 280

Well today’s journals may seem a bit too harsh, it seems like the rain upon mother earth has wreaked havoc with everyone, emotions seem to flare like the fires that have plagued our earth, yet not dwindled by the rains which have created floods of mud upon our communities. A gentle tear forms upon this face at the hate and confusion that seems to dwell among the pages of VR. A place that brought joy to my life seems to be dominant in drama and hate in a new realm of new members that visit our pages. It is always calm before the storm and like the rain it may wash the hatred thoughts away.

It seems a lot of my dear friends have had a bout of bad luck, and my prayers are with them in their time of need. May my thoughts of tenderness cover them in their time of need and my friendship give them the strength they may need to battle Lifes misfortunates and the pain of everyday life.

For thoughts made without thought seem to trouble the minds of others, for if we embrace the hidden lines of the story shall we see the ghosts that touch our soul. The heat seems to draw out the evil in one's mind and the timid now becomes the aggressor of the mortals. For if we find strength in the eyes of friends and lovers shall we be washed away with the heat of the beings within our souls. Food for thought that may read these words, I have yet to find solitude within the walls of my thoughts. For the weather seems to disrupt the thoughts I put on these pages. for mother earth has found us a burden and the rains are to try and wash away the hate that society has brought with the flames within their souls.



23:26 Feb 20 2024

I really wish I could log on with laptop, hard to do journal on phone.


22:29 Feb 15 2024
Times Read: 311

This life compared to the years before seems to be tossed upside down. For the essentials of every day life have become more consuming and over bearing to say. The fast paced life seems to burden the mortals and the rush to survive seems ever to dwindle in the crash of this economy. Have our lives become so mundane that the society we know will soon fall into a mad house of the planet. Will we become dissocialized and revert back to the caveman lifestyle that has come and gone. Our countries leaders seem to place no care for those who are the work force of this vast concrete domain on mother earth, and it is us who carry the burdens of their office to make them seem powerful.

When shall we awaken from this nightmare and become strong enough to say enough, is it our fears that hold us back from an every changing society. Life is too precious to give up on and yet we are slowly squeezed until we can no longer breathe. At some time shall us as individuals take control to help our fellow mortals, to gain the strength in life to better ourselves. For our jobs seem to lack the respect that it once knew. And now we have become machines in a network of falling judgment in society. We work and get hardly nothing in return , work sleep and eat and the rich laugh at the mouses who scurry amongst their feet to find crumbs to feed the family.

I shake my head in disbelief, for life is precious and the ones in our lives’ become the ultimate treasure, our families and friends seem to go and come yet still remain attached to us in their own life. Memories in the mind of days long gone, yet flashes of pictures of those days still put a smile on this blank face.




22:01 Feb 13 2024
Times Read: 331

Why must mortals seem to disguise themselves in lies of luxury, for are we not the same as others, no matter creed, color or religion; what lives friends have, they do have their own problems too. I cannot fathom the stories I have heard lately from new people here. It seems their words echo with lies and mistrust.

I have minded my business and helped those who seek it, as a friend or someone to vent to. So they may feel better with their own lives and maybe understand the solution to a problem they have overlooked. Other than that why must they indulge me with the drama of life? For my life is my life good or bad it is my life and I don’t commit into making myself better than what I am. I hold no lies and I always speak my mind for the paths I have traveled have given me some wisdom in life of the horrors that have befallen me on my travels..

Drama is to be left out and the world should be judge on its beauty not on the political or irrational thoughts of the mass. we are not computers, we do not all act and think the same. Be yourself and look for the beauty in mother earth and the rest of the society. for than we shall have our inner peace.




23:01 Feb 08 2024
Times Read: 365

For what is this chemical imbalance in my head or a defect of a insane immortal. For this thing never comes to light only when moods are set and my heart is broken, or scared of what I call my friends may be saying negative about me{ for friendship I hold very dear to me}. Then this thing lashes out with so much fury that the sane part of me cowers in the recess of my mind, tell the beast withdrawals into its door. Than the scared and good side of me has to pick up the pieces of the destruction which has been left behind. For I’m riddled with guilt, sickness fills my being and the hurt I have caused to others is so over whelming that death itself could not hinder the feeling within me.

So how can I trap this thing within myself not to be seen ever again? To lose my emotions of my immortal soul, to give up what is so important to me; so that this thing will never come to the light of this unjust world. For some have told me that it was the imperfect childhood I had lived that this thing gets it’s powers from, for as a child, love was not a feeling I had ever felt, and the blackened skin of the hitting that I endured could have painted the sixteenth chapel two folds over. For the abuse of a child hood could drive a normal man insane, for I do not know. But my emotions are here to help those who need the attention, love or friendship that I hold so dear to me. For the lack of these growing up now makes me crave them like a drug, for each of these I can not get enough of. Or will I ever stop trying to get.

For like everybody else, I just want a niche in this big world where I have friends to talk to, and IM not so scared to talk in a crowd of people. For the mouse inside of me may yet turn into a majestic and strong wolf.



08:37 Feb 09 2024



22:19 Feb 01 2024
Times Read: 407

But is this only a dream, for like the words upon these pages were written long ago and these old and feeble fingers of my immortal hands can no longer scribble in print. These are my beliefs as life goes on for no woman or poem is sweeter than the one you can imagine or feel. For love is the most spell binding act of carnal love or lust of the humans’ life. Yet in my mind I have yet to reach an ecstasy that fills my being for I can not get enough of the smell, taste or warmth of the female species. For they are like the many flowers that haunt our country side for each in their own way is shaped and look different, and the aroma and taste of each bud is that of nothing that is purer in the heart of god.

But if my puzzle was in fact known to be true, than the craving of the female species is a sense of long ago urges; for is this all a dream? For we can’t do more than what we have already done in our past life, for if we could would that send a shock wave of uncountable proportion through the future or past. Puzzles or fact, for can you interpret your own life as a puzzle or mystery that has yet to be solved.

For when is a madman to be sane. This is a question I have encountered many times in my not yet sane world. For like a mouse that scurries around in the shadows of the kitchen floors, this is the way I feel like in this concrete maze we call earth. This DR. JEYKLE lives in one of the large wooden doors of my soul, and is released or comes to life when provoked. But for me it seems that this creature comes around when I’m scared of this outside world, for the slightest thing may trigger this madman to the surface. For I sometimes think that my emotions play a major role in his life force.

For I think he would not exists without the fire in my heart to call him out. For he makes me blue, and enthralls my anger to a point in which; I myself am very scared to see. For no time in my life did such a beast rage within my soul. For I care for the weak and love those who need the love or romance which they are missing in their life. For I know my heart is good and yet this thing evolves and breaks the chains that bind it.



08:37 Feb 09 2024


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