ChastityMaundrell's Journal

ChastityMaundrell's Journal


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10 entries this month

Venting Anger Time again

15:30 Jul 27 2012
Times Read: 487

Yea so lets put it like this. I am not going to be in no fuckin love triangle. This haunistly pissed me off is the dude like retarded or what. Turns out the other day he asked me out. After finally surposably ending it with the ho he had. Anyhoo turns out his father told on him it wasn't only me but two others as well. Not saying he took his dads fourwheeler and went and got the ho. But here is the question if they were on the fourwheeler where the hell was the baby. Listen here world and listen good. I be damned before I get played again got it. if all else not that is the one thing that pisses me off more than life itself is a damned player who lies and thinks one thing. Sometimes I wonder though WTF is his thinking. This chick even told the dumb ass she wants 500 buck to go and bail her lover out of jail again on his money. But does that hint in his brain hell no. Grrrs sometimes I think guys don't use there brains anymore there heads are only for a hat rack. Or at least that ones is. It is sad when the dudes parents who wanted him to get with me and all that cause they know I am good with his lil neaces and nephews and his family now sends warning not to because of how he is doing now. Why does things change so much in less than a year. Sometimes I ask myself that and hopes to someday answer it. But I know that ant gonna happen. Oh well though at least I have one lil man in my life that loves him mommy to death. And for now I am thinking that is the only one I need for a long time. Cause taking care of a baby is not easy. I admit sometimes I fill so alone but then when I see him smile and go with his usual mom mom mom mom and say luv u then I become the happiest mom alive. But now that I have vented again I fill so much better. I don't mean to send my drama to the pages but I need to get it out someway before I go Insane and take the world with me lol. But sitting here watching lil man play in his bed with the cars and trucks then finally getting all this that has been building up off my chest I fill so much better. I would like to also send thanks to all my friends who have been there for me during all this stressful drama's and all. Thanks to all of them and my family for being so surprotive and caring.




22:50 Jul 29 2012

we all get played, at times...

am sorry, you were.



01:27 Jul 18 2012
Times Read: 491

Yea so much has happened. I mean so much more has happened. I dread tomarrow when he gets his blood took for the first time. Hmmm I wonder is it finger or foot now. Oh well guess I will find out soon enough. So much to do and so little time. There is more to do then they are time of the day most time. Like exspecally now. Cause I have to make sure he eats his baby food then also make sure he has his naps and all that. They fold and keep the too smalls and too bigs out of the fits now clothes. Make sure he don't chuck his toys on the diddles and all that fun stuff. Sometimes it gets to be a challenge but one I fill hit head on and garentee I will win lol. But then too also learned thank you screenteam how to make cosplay outfits on a poormans budget. Now if only lol. I can have a wish and want list but wish is all I can do lol. I know that is soo lame but that is the story of my life lol. I admit sometimes i scare myself with how nerdy and geeky I am lol. Jk. Anyhoo. That is all I can think of for now. Wright more as I can.




yayz finally new reading material

01:06 Jul 18 2012
Times Read: 492

Okays I am like so happy. Finally got some of the new manga. I am loving it. Who would have guessed the turn of events in Naruto and the awesome lostness of Itchigo in Bleach. It is so awesome. And then too all the rest has a awesome story so far it is so cool. I am enjoying the awesomeness. Everything is cooking up greatly in my collection. I am loving it all 100%. Plus it gives me something else to do during down time as lil man naps or plays lol. Anyhoo as you can tell I am such a happy camper. Oh yea and they are all downloaded so no money more like poorman way lol.




Some New Thoughts

18:05 Jul 17 2012
Times Read: 493

Sometimes I just wish I knew what the hell was going on. So much has happened to me within a year that hell I am lost in traslation somewhere. Oh well this is just part of the life I live now I guess. I just have to hope the best and prepare to fight over the worse. This is my motto. I don't start the shit but shore as hell ant gonna fuckin take it either. I plain and think everyday what the hell is gonna happen next. It can drive a person buggy after a while. I am to the point now that I say what I think to those who piss me off. I don't care if it is liked or not. I am also plaining on looseing some of the weight I have gained. I look like a goodyear blimp and well not to found of the back pain it is all giving as well. But it is something that came with the birth of my loving baby boy. Who is now 7 months and on a sippy. Also who I am teaching a more wider vocabulary. Also how to walk as well. He can stand on a dime while holding onto the bed or anything really. The crawling he can but perfers not to lol. Way too cute. I have also been plaining ways to keep him from running outside and all that. Been working on farther baby proofing everything due to the fast improvments he has been making. I have been one buisey lil bee and working so hard to keep everything clearned and sanatized along with keeping him happy and feed as well. Who knew this was a challenge but one that is well worth it all. From what I have seen I will never understand how someone could give them up or harm them. Babies are so presious. I love mine to death. But all is back to normal. Well as normal as it can get I guess lol. Sometimes it is hard don't get me wronge but well worth it in the end. I just think it is so hard to beleive he is already 7 months and sure don't fill it lol. But this journey has just begun and maybe someday I will find someone who will except me and my son as we are. But then too currently I ant been looking hard. Many of my pack over here wonders why and all I know to say is that I can't leave my sons side yet. This life has been so awesome. I am loving it and everything it has been giving me. Well all the good at least.




happy occashions

17:16 Jul 16 2012
Times Read: 495

Okays so yea yesterday I went to my aunts wedding. It was cool minus the rain and the organization sucked ass but it was awesome. We were dressed in camo and lil man was so cute. Everything was fun and I got to see a lot of people I ant seen in a while and a lot that ant seen me sence I was lil mans age. It was so sweet though nowhere near traditional. it was fun and had lots of awesome time. Though the pics shows how huge I had gotten. Good lord and all things holy lol.




Questioning this game

23:36 Jul 13 2012
Times Read: 505

okays so yea I saw a cheat on youtube thought I would try on wizard101 still ant made it work. I had done everything right to the video. Damn I guess I am stuck on the lower level parts for like ever. Cause can't buy crowns or membership and yea tried all I know to. Oh well fuck it. I made it slowly to level 11 with level 1 and 2 some 3 monsters even though it fills like it takes forever. And can't even get anything new till 15 and then I can also get out of the dorms of the game if I can save up my coins on there and all that fun shit. Not as easy as it sounds though. But then too found some off the game site where I can gain some coins and stuff yea. Well I know this is kinda geeky of me but I love my geeky ways and games lol. I am a nerdy geek I guess. But I don't care my title I am happy. And on another quote the new robot unicorn attack evolution has me confused as hell. All the same moves z=jump x=dash. But after like 4 stars collected it turns ya to other animals like a panda than a wolf ant made it farther then the wolf though sadly. Then they are the wird medical games I play where ya perfer cyber sergerys but they are based on the real ones and is kinda awesome. Different I can tell ya that. Cause who the hell knew if ya have a c section that they stitch 3 layers of skin. The secondary, the fat, and then the skin itself. And then new knees the sergy is wird as hell. Good thing for most of them the people are out cold or it would be wtf for reals. But then to I am into wird and different games. Some I question with a passion. But some are awesome as hell too. New updates one games coming as soon as I wright then up and think them out. Takes a while to get all the facts I want to wright then put in my lingo and then reread and then add on here. Even though ones like this is not plained. I just wright it and then go with the flow. Even though at times then I bear off coarse and then crash off lol. But then too as long as I get my point it is all cool. But then too it means I am bored as hell and putting some random bullshit on here too. But mostly I am bored as hell and needed something to do to entertain myself. I am even getting better at my typing to the point I so don't even have to look at the keyboard and can go so much faster. Cool to me weather to anyone else or not. But then too been working on my skills while lil man will let me. Well while he is asleep or playing whichever comes first lol. Too cute way too cute. Shit there I go again lol. Bearing off corse again. Anyhoo back to the topic questioning games. They are so many to think of that I ant even figured out worth a damn. But maybe someone will know what the hell is up. Like I mean the whole bowzer level in Luigi's manchion I am still stuck on it damn that bowzer. Anyhoo and another one is on facebook the sims social I am still lost in translation there it is so not like the sims I was use to. I know it is in a way but in a way it ant either. So many games so little time lol.



00:40 Jul 14 2012

i play wizard101 too :D



22:44 Jul 13 2012
Times Read: 507

Yea today is one of the days ya just want to scream OMFG. Ya know the type of day when everything is going backwards to how ya wish. Ya kids listen about as good as the wall and ya slammed your finger in a door at 3 am in the morning well that is my day. I am bout to scream. But then think what damn good will that do wont make what happen unhappen. Cause if I thought it would I would have done that a while back. Well actually over a year ago when I said them 2 cursed words. Oh well something good came from the whole damn thing. Even though it has a tooth and knows how to use it and thinks it has to be held 24/7. And I hate naptime it is like a war to get him to calm down. Like now he fights tooth and nail and does anything to stay up. Kinda cute really. But in a way ya just sit and wish he would take the nap. Oh then knowing tomarrow will be awekward as hell. My aunt is getting merried and then I can almost bet she invited my ex bf. The awekward part is he knows the possiblities of certain things and he would be there with his now wife and year old daughter. What a way to know he was cheating. She is one and it ant been a year yet scence we were together can anyone say busted asshole. This whole thing is more like a WTF moment and so not looking forward to the heat. Lil man is cranky enough with teething lets add overheat to it. Yea what a fun day. Better news though we are plaining a vaccation for next year and I can't wait. Maybe by then he has simmered down a bit cause now can anyone say bratasourous. But I hope it is just a fase and will go away. I know likely not but can wish right. Oh well love him anyhoo I just deal with it. Give him love and toys and hope to hell he plays out. But then too he is probly pissed that I changed channels off the cartoons oh well he will be okay. Cause animal planet sounds better than whatever it is called IDK I don't watch lol. And with that said I shall add more later as I think of some random bullshit to write on here.






17:09 Jul 13 2012
Times Read: 509

Okay so yea I am so happy. Today is Friday 13th. Which is also the one day I have the best of luck. Yea I know I am nuts and a lil nerdy and geeky but I am loving it so yea who I am over here. Finally got the cabel in lil mans room so yea he is loving it oh so much. Even though I am also having to hear it I guess for his sake I will put up with it. Not my type I am a anime fan but I can put up with the learning shit for him. Anyone else I would say go to another room. But where he is too young too. I guess it ant all that bad lol. Anyhoo I am just living it up. I have only this time that he is small to enjoy his lil baby time. Cause it will be gone sooner than I would like lol. Already over the bottle and was on a passie for the first 3 days lol. Loving the sippy cup though no spill and easier for travel. Exspecally where next year I hear vaccation lol. I know one thing I will so love it. A cozzy cabin in the woods with all the touring and animals, zoo's and aquariums. Even maybe a few musems if I can talk my parents into it lol. In so many ways everything is coming into play and every so pleasently. Now if only certain assmonkeys would leave me alone lol. It can be so anyoing at times. But I can handle it. It is like a friend once told me I am strong enough to handle it. Oh well I guess he had a point all considering and the fact that I am serviving everything. I am having so much fun with this and never will regreat my decishions. I know my spelling is horrible but oh well it is good enough to get the message through lol.




Yayz finally cooling down

20:16 Jul 11 2012
Times Read: 510

I am like so glad the heat is dying down it has been way too hot but slowly getting better. Yea I am wrighting this cause I am soo totally bored to the point I am on GamesGames.com. Now that in itself is bordom lol. Oh well at least lil man is getting his first lil tooth and can get up on a dime lol. It is way too cute for words. Lets just say I am a proud mom.




Me is Excited

20:05 Jul 05 2012
Times Read: 514

Okays so day before yesterday I took lil man out to see the fireworks at Isom he loves them then the neibors shot some lastnight he would not go to bed he wanted to stay up and see then so at bout 1:30 finally got him to sleep lol. Now he is 7 months old today and can already stand on his on well by pulling up on his bed it is so cute. Not much longer and he will be running without the walker can't wait even though I know I will have a workout in a half lol.



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