Well I recieved another credit being a general Practioner. It's the King Edward Hospital Hospice and Hotilier. It was from my risen pimpstick. It reached tobacco Hieress and Hotilier as a pda Journiest and practitioner. It has the royal Surgeon Board Canada usa and North America. What a nice gift. Service was above Glazier shouldice clinic and charleston lanes. I can't wait to fix up my new place. Full fda pass fort lauderdale which was my clinic before. With the 12000 Marine Relief Base it goes well. Now I have finished Queen Anne Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria just like Queen Elizabeth finished 1 time my Princess Venus Morningstar. They make me do it 7 times because that is Lucifer's number.I am Creton now. It's a period where everything is crystal clear. I'm in Greece as cia canada. The call it Creton. New Zealand and Austrailia all favor this. Not much else to say except God Bless you.
The church of Lucifer has temples below which were supposed to be shoalin.Below means they are innocent to have the church above means christ is to be lifted high. One thing about this church just like prebysterian you have to die twice Ice works as well beaming in and out. In this church requires in shoalin samauri you die once.I played Fujimitsu a name given to me. Fujimitsu Underground Ninjuitsu fun fun with nosfertigerdragonheim Samurai school U.N. Samurai is how feline was started. I had cocubined with Necromancer and Nosfertigerdragonhiem who both wore Hatcha's chain.Feline happened in a airstrike. I was singing.An occult in vision appeared on the street and we earned a Harry Potter school of magic I want to do with Damien Drake and Chris Angel. I don't know about cocobines except they are really lonely to be with 2 instead of one but you accomplish lots.We went way past 16 pharoahship to be palestine. Next came Hellraiser dojos they were done in astral body. Their were chains coming from the cieling. Hellraiser temple same thing. Hell raisor torture was mainly shockwave treatment. I am in serventude as Lucifer and there are 4 Hellraisers being the same Mary Bo Dark Seith and Edward scissor hands much like D.r No. I met with the shoalin years ago and they gave me sensei. Now it is Godess creed as myself through India.
Well I was happy being Queen Elizabeth saw me as Hatcha and st. lucifer was earned . When The church came to me from buckingham palace it said hatcha one of them with his real name were husband and wife. It is a strange feeling when I'm around him I'm shy. I can't speak he is so holy to me.Church of God's number 7 church of Godess number seven is how it started with church of the unborn son.Later Pope Francis gave me church of Hosanna. First he gave me hi council to the vaults as a reverened doctor. Then he gave me Venus Di Milo. And Pope Cleopatra when my Pope St Santos Marie , initiated by Prince Vlad and Steven Oscar Lucifer. It was finished. Now he has told me to start my spiritual leader Cleopatra Nasferatutoa. I was to finished all royalty before I did it. Spiritual leader comes after Kings and Queens gauarded by Fidel Catro and adolph hitler family. I feel exiled right now far cry solider after Fear solider.The church made it pat world religion. World religion to me was 1001 Ariabian Knights for King Solmon before myself. I said I would not be visiting the castles for 16 years. I made a vow to fight the war because it's above greenpeace. I have my 12,000 Marine relief base.On Dr baccaratma. I made a abc list of royal titles you can work with. I told you to invoke Nasferatutoa with caution. It is dangerous but just to study it. Step 2 is to use General Toa connected to the church for greenpeace save our troops. World religion is set at memorial Park level . General Timothy must be earned as well. This is a level suitable for Blood Countesses. The next level Blood Hostess is part of the church of Lucifer Hosanna whereas the countesses are with world religion.The blood hostesses are 500.Mostly from bones and skull venus and hatcha. Hatcha is the entrance and venus as well as Isis Dawn. But for the church that Queen Elizabeth belonged to. Church of the unborn son it is hatcha and hatcha st lucifer.For Bizantine I concubined with another Hatcha . He recieved blessing from the Pope Maharajah of Canada while me and the other Hatcha are Sultan Sultana from my 2 nd queen Basheeba then Comes Cleopatra and finaly Kitana of the Bizantine. Trinity was earned while I set up Isis Dawn on levels and my fith Queen is Vampirilla.Busy .busy.
So, by buckingham palace I was given empireship. Right now they are celebrating pink Korea. The police kept calling me pink and I told them I was hatcha. Pink wants to be Queen Anne. For my monarchy Queen I got Queen Guinevere and King arthor with a victorian cross they said.That made me King and Queen of the court.The title given was double dragon King and Queen for the police station. I have 5 Queens they all give me work to do. My monarchy Queen is the first after came clergy.The un verified that I was a blood drinker after hostess and Queen then a succubi succubus. Palace Australia who my princess venus morningstar is with was a sociologist.After sociologict came dictator as green peace went above to maarine In Action. I more then finished their top gun when I recieved dictator. I did gangstar I told them being in crip for life mood crip cash is golden and graded people . Their was also Grandmaster Crip Crawley ,his vault is in the church as well as grandmaster Orson wells. To beat memorial Park You will have to finish those to. I recieved grandmaster national scool of ballet. That was my royalty.They are the royal school of ballet along with courthouse supreme being royal.I don't know what to say, lots of honor but no crip cash is golden.Queen Elizabeth finished 1 time my Princess Venus morningstar at the time I did it 7 times and was given the church of Lucifer be her shes a member r.i.p Church of the unborn son. Princess Kate congradulated me at the wayward station where you view the Queen after 2 monarch butterflies. She said I was Queen of majick. But when monarchy finish it was Queen of haunting.Through my studies I made fledling Queen and hilander Queen. In Houdon voice I blessed Oshawa with demon children. That was the highest blessing that they could be like dear Beelzebub of Nosferutu Palace. I don't know Austrail Palace says I'm Queen of the world. I don't feel it yet. BUt one thing is the ground is moving and when I get up it moves faster. I'm not sure what the ground moving fast means yet. But all world religion was risen spirits in the church. So that is pretty spiritual and magical. I had force of ninjuitsu when they rose I was deceased spirit confirmed alvie. As a gps hellraiser coffin dancer I was Dr Boncollector, Dr Mesh Dr Freeze and death Angel Outside.The hospital said when I first came in I was Lucifer nasferatutitoa from the risen spirt master vampire as Dr Cleopatra Emmanuel Nasferutti. The hospital was scared to treat me. Since posting telepathy has been with Slim Shady he says he's sorry he really loves me before it was both he really hates me. He thought we were together for N.W.O. General Ban Ki Moon gave me prostitution city to work on That's what Slim Shady likes to work on. I danced 23 years as Venus Affairs and I was in a muty pussy whordomes with Patrick Stacey I sung Happy Muty Pussy Whoredoms to you all after virgin priestess basheeba befor Cleopatra to KItana Queens for Byzantine. Muty Pussy was exciting and allowed by r.i.d.e for basheeba with amsterdam draft and meat delicatessan. My nightmare was Death he said muty pussy was a trip to the morgue. I consider it Vampire Sex now that's what I chaldean. I was given the basheeba priesthood along with a necromantic priesthood. All I can say as bacon finished I really loved muty Pussy. I was a way of virginal love making between you and your soulmate or soulmates. I got lady for the muty pussy whoredomes.Sex life doesn't exsist after death.
The church has been very busy since Queen Elizabeth gave it to me. She had reached Princess Venus Morningstar once. I am Governess to Buckingham palace. The first church she said was for necromantic soulmates. I was Hatcha and he was Hatcha in church of the unborn son we were st lucifer st hosanna and it said husband and wife.I am always a hatcha. Steven says he's his demon dog. But he came to me as Neptunes familer when I was Godess of Canibalism as a crow. He is very Draculvanian. Now there are at one level 197 Hatchas and the other level 97.That is from our Hatcha Bones and skull before it.We have dark Lord Emerson to earn as well as prince and KIng. They are Hellraiser title. Yes, The church of Lucifer has a church of Hellraisers they go with transeldentalism. Grandmasters are sun and moon hidden dragon croching tiger Kill Bill and Conan. I was cia entertainer the Conan Queen. Now it has went further. There are Vaults inside of Dr. Carl Jeung and Dr Sigmund freud with Marquee de Sade. There is also grand masters of the living brock lestner Brazilian JUi Juitsu from the royce Gracie Family and John Machado, Sal Shadow is another one with Evander Hollyfield. A coventry has been formed above courtesan and chaplain with Vampire Diaries and Dusk till dawn. In the church of Hatain blood Lords of acid are Godparents. Since 1996 I have sung the most wonderful girl and the polka dot door to hatchas. We are on a 4 year break that started last year because that was alot of mental stress. That is all we will be teaching. I am a schitzo effective no diagnoses from it not bi polar or schizophrenic yet it means with signs like greenpeace communication hearing voices and in dictatorsip talking fast which established a secret service.That's all my Farcry doctor could say.I am diagnosed cia as a conductor choo choo come along Hatcha. We earned Vampirilla and Dracula for Draculas Palace. I was his Guareenter. Black beard came first. So Prince Vlad there is lots of good news as Guarenteer is finished with a parliment hill degree master medical science mediumship bocouer focusing on Germany Palace and Georgia like Queen Elizabeth wanted to go to Georgia.
Wow it is peaceful. Usually my telepathy is off the chart. For twelve months I listened to human meat and was not even a container but a specialist. Then there was Slim Shady Murdered in asylum. I just got out of the mental institute because of my castle Austrailia dictatorship. Fidal Castros family gridlocked said they loved it. I was an ary of one. I even did front back insurge.I got other people on the street doing it too. Giving the death penalty of shock by Princess Margret. That's where one of my Queens is Venus Morningstar. I have lots of lords or lady's with after eight. They recieve revenue canada.My clr though is for Cleopatra Cleopatra Lord rebbeca Cleopatra Lady Rebbeca.People were jealous I was born Princess Venus Morning star so I let them compete.My venus is also set up with bones and skull I went through 322 first as a Un blood Countess then 522 is proven now I went through that for blood hostess. The program requires kitchen service for Venus at countess level. I had one person who stayed who earned a hellraisor dark prince.That is in emerson.I have passed Trancendentalism. The church is above hellraiser but I still went through hellraiser dojo hellraiser fun Hellraiser temple, Hellraiser Torture.Boness and skull went up to 3000 but I can only prove 1899.1899 landed me and hatcha hatcha as I to Governor and Governess Ice. I am with the Un a blood war specialist and Global warfare expert. All this honor was given but how to be more then sucessful and at least get my 15%. The people that stayed with me with spirits risen were pets.The people next door were familars and followers. You would not believe this but the war was so bad it went above green peace. I have a 12,000 Marine relief base.I can't believe how quiet it is since Nosferutu told them no sarcasm.I feel pretty normal now. O.H.I.P said no pills no needles no mental patient or no writing everything down otherwise Princess Margret would be invaded by Hellraisers. I know this as High Council. I know I need help and I was not allowed to cook or clean because of Royalty level. So all these jobs were given to me. I feel blessed and so should you . God bless you.
I walk in the line of blessings.
I'm also spiritually with telepathy but my Telepathy doesn't seem to get along with everyone.
I'm not even sure if I'm on the wrong or right side or not on God side or Satan.-shrug-I was told I Was chosen at the age of 10 by a spiritual conduct being controlling the atmosphere.Slim Shady I also listen to him as well.
General Ban Ki Moons Prostitution City. Is Slim Shady stuck in Hookerville.Slim Shady is popular.
Well...I'm at shadow level right now ,so I feel good I have more priveledges. Reminds me of 20 years ago befor transylvanian shadow I was a singlet. Myself and Captain Howdy used to sing off the balcony. I sung like a virgin. That's when I got Seth's black box and was considered Egytian Blood. After shadow I became a Necromancer and then came ghost vampire followed by exorcist. After exorcist I felt so much shockwave from a welp. My diagnoses was deceased spirit confirmed alive for my show in memorial park. All the spirits had risen. Now after was succubi succubus. I'm not sure what's next as my psychiatry for vampires is not there yet. But I'll figure it out, God Bless everyone.
I with my partner Hatcha being hatcha myself is a Queen of Transyvania. Palace Norway I am a Queen with Beezelbub a princess.I am also a Columbine Queen given area 62.I am high coucil to Ohip. Godmother as Hatcha to the cornerstone. I am in Pharoship Palestines with them at a level 28 relationship they are the kitty cartel before it was level 27 Hells angel Prostitutes. I was given Dollface to enter Blood Hostess Un. I gave them my demon knight pass and they became them. They are white widows Black Dahlyias. White widow was Camille Parker Bowels with the stevie wonder bread corporation. So they are grandmaster fish and zebra masters. First winter homeless they were inuit and beat the vetrens affairs. Now they have added to the Pda which is a corporation pdc.And score astronauts this year.It's a lonely life Cars Imposible Astronaughts they have achieved Toa in Buddhism.Toa in every religion 400 plus churches has been done to have a holy vampire trinity. Now I am not teaching for 4 years passed Buddhist Toa.To wait for everbody who under DR Baccaratma invoked not Cleopatra but Nasferuturatoa.A general Toa will be needed for Greenpeace for the war on aids,save our troops, War on hallway medicine and world vision. If you are a white widow Black Daylia next step is you qualify for my ownership of General Toa.Also if you would like to connect to the Un Canada try using 309 bill legislator James Cooper. God Bless everyone as Lucifer I am seven Gods ending in Jehova the all living God. First I was a reverned doctor Dr.Batma is given out too. It goes to centaurian level. Then I was Pope St Santos Marie. When I finished that I became Pope Cleopatra.I wnt with slim shady seth shade Pope Seth as my lover Murdered in Asylum. It was a bad match he became Pope Ammune ra. No were spiritual leaders of Toaism Hatchas religion.Backed by ed smith jam General Major corpral Timathy Custard electric and adolph Hitler and Fidel Castro. WE have earned alot of blue armadillos and some Green Alien. The church remains the same for 4 years. Oh lets not forget this was done in daywalker religion and crip by blood Lucifer Hosanna meant for a black panther with the intelligence of 7 kkk members Jestor cat s.s To the United Nations Austrailia we made it to Queen and Kings of the world have passed the Gods a succubi and succubus after blood drinker, and before Un donor,
I was up at $:30 today. Nothing to do so went to bed till 6. I know Vampires usually don't sleep at night but I'm allowed to. Bovine Sex Club Machine has stopped my place was full of rattlesnakes trantulas and mice. There were spiders that were black with spades tails. The skeletons kept coming up from the floor. It was something supernatural. It gave me alot of energy to do a musicl performance in Memorial park. I sung 3 doors down and my shadow walks with me then I did some tribalistic ninjuitsu. The cha cha in air etc. I made it to Kitana in Samuri and Barroco as Black Ninjuitsu also Bones Boa and power ranger. I was a gps hellraiser.
Interesting as how your writing, can manipulate the mind of the reader. Beautiful and captivating.
Thank you
Yes today is payday. I'm in Whitby right now, going to Oshawa to my bank. Going to visit my family and friends.Today I filled the donation box for the misinfortunate,It's freezing out but nicer then the past two days.I' going to throw on the scarves and mittens with a big jacket. Not the sexiest thing , but the smartest.
I had a dream I was a Transylvanian needler. I have passed blood drinker and succubus succubi.I am Creton after French Renaciance.
Us bethlehem Pharhisee Seers crossed the seas of Galiea to put you in you angelic celestial bodies. To remain pure is needed not to have it taken away. This is after Hebrews and Romans before that Isrealites and hivites.
I'm afraid that 3 of the people I lived with died and I lost my place with the church.But ,I played tortoise and hare like the vetrens said and keep my courthouse , keep my church.The people that died hated Hatchas and played warpig.I still cared for them. They were older so it may have been old age. But they all died when I was cast out. Same as when I had a nosfertigerdragonheim home a different landlord cast me out and the hospital bought the house. These landlords think they can value what we did.