Mr Grace tried his best to comfort Peter. Knowing they were both alone he sat on his bed and began to tell his own sad story.
I had lived a good life at home with my two sisters. It was the house we grew up in. It was in a nice quiet village in Hampshire. We had perfected the art of self sufficiency at home.
I had my own little business in town a nice antique shop. I loved my shop so much surrounded by art and objects and jewels from the past. I made a very good living from it.
I had my business for 20 years by 1974 times became hard. Money growing tight and my business was starting to suffer the effects of the cost of living. By 1975 I was in trouble financially. I was struggling to keep my head above water and I was in danger of losing everything I had worked for.
One day a man approached me with an offer of becoming a silent business partner. This man was a thief and knew exactly where to lay his hands on the best antiques.
He would steal the goods I needed and we would split the proceeds. I would often launder money for him through my business. I never asked questions about where he had obtained the goods I sold.
I knew what I was doing was wrong but I felt I had no other choice as I could not stand the thought of no longer having my shop it meant to much to me. My fortunes changed and I kept myself going by pushing my new life of crime to the back of my mind.
The summer of 1975 brought a large auction of 18th century jewellery. My silent partner was to obtain some of those pieces for me to sell. After the auction he returned with 3 necklaces that he stolen along with 5 rings and a very beautiful gold bracelet.
I remember the bracelet so clearly it was a gold chain with a beautiful gold heart with an exquisite sapphire in the middle. I remember thinking the 18th century lady who once owned it must of been the most beautiful creature to have something so lovely adorn her wrist.
I had to sell these items quickly and I remember receiving a phone call from a man who told me the bracelet had been brought at auction by a very wealthy man from London. This man was furious that it had been stolen.
I began to panic and I questioned my partner about the owner and if there was any way for him to trace the bracelet back to my shop.
This caused a terrible row between the two of us.
That night my shop was invaded by three men. They demanded the return of the bracelet. We both lied and assured them we did not have it and we knew nothing about it.
I was afraid these men had a strange aura about them. Something not quite human. I wanted to hand over the bracelet as I just wanted them gone but my partner refused to own up and he pulled a gun on them. This just caused them to laugh. Thats when things got out of hand.
Another man entered the shop and he was like something out of 18th century horror novel. You could see the evil in his eye's. I knew I was not going to fair well in this so I confessed to having the bracelet.
I remember scrambling around to find it. My partner became angry and shots from his gun rang out. I must of panicked and I ran from my shop and did not stop. I had no idea where I was going I found myself out on country road just running and crying.
I have no idea how long I was running for but I could see light in the distance so I followed that light and it brought me to Saint Micheal and I have been here ever since.
Peter looked at Mr Grace with a shocked expression as these events took place back in 1975 that was 50 years ago! How could it be possible ? Mr Grace had not aged.
Mr Grace suddenly confessed that he believed he was shot dead in his shop and his soul was sent to Saint Micheal. He was just like everyone els at the hotel just another soul that had been sent to wait out their punishment for crossing James Sutherland.
Mr Knight had always called it getting off lightly so it made him wonder what fate had befallen his business partner 50 years ago?
Peter began to realise that if everyone at the hotel was dead then he must of died too. He got up from his bed and walked out the bedroom and began walking back down the corridors he was closely followed by Mr Grace. He looked at the pictures on the tables and began wondering how all these people had crossed Mr Sutherland so badly that he trapped them here.
He looked at the portraits on the walls of the young 18th century girl and realising she was the one who had called him and brought him outside. She was wearing the bracelet Mr Grace had described in every portrait.
Peter asked Mr Grace who the girl in the portraits was? Mr Grace just simply replied that it was not polite to ask.
The two men walked down the stairs to be greeted by a crowd of residents watching as another man in a frightened confused state entered the hotel. Everyone made their way to the dinning room and Mr Mare took the new guest with them.
Mr Knight held his hand out to Peter and asked him if he understood now? Peter admitted he now knew he did not survive his car accident and he asked if he could go back outside into the garden as he wanted to see the girl again. Mr Knight told him there was no girl and he should just accept things for how they are as he could be at Saint Micheal for a very long time as only Mr Sutherland could forgive his sin's.
Peter walked over to another portrait of the girl and placed his hands on it and saying “I know she's out there” She's just like us trapped in oblivion
Peter did not recognise the soft female voice. The banging became louder and he sat up in bed and watched the bedroom door open slowly. Mr Grace was fast asleep so Peter felt this was an opportunity to leave the confines of the bedroom and locate the female voice.
Once outside of his room the corridor was ice cold and silent. The voice had gone but he decided to take a look around. The corridors were filled with antique tables pressed up against the walls. Photo frames filled the tables. Pictures of many people from Edwardian to Victorian times. And the 1920s up until more recent times.
Every wall had a portrait of the same young woman. Peter noticed how sad and lonely her face was. Her wide brown eyes and pale skin showed a lady of high class and so much elegance. He could not understand how a place would only have portraits of the same woman.
He could feel a cold breeze and the faint sound of a female voice calling out his name came back. He tried hard to follow the voice. The hotel began to fall into a strange kind of darkness filled up the corridors and staircase.
Peter continued to follow the voice down the grand stair case passing more portraits and his hand gathering up dust that rested on the banisters. Making his way around the lobby into the dinning room.
Nobody was around and the cold breeze began to turn into a strong cold wind that was using force to keep him from walking any further. He fought hard against the cold win and as pushed his frozen body he could hear the woman's voice calling out louder. He finally made it to the kitchen door.
Opening up the door to an immaculately clean kitchen with so many flower's and herbs growing in boxes that were placed around the kitchen. The voice became louder and more angered.
As he walked across the cold marble tiles he noticed a bright red light glowing at the far end of the kitchen. It illuminated an old oak door that was covered in scratches. The scratches showed that many must of tried claw their way out of this building over the years.
Peter was feeling very frightened and yet he walked on towards the door. The woman's voice was being drowned out by the sounds of men and women screaming and shouting the screams became so loud that Peter could no longer stand the sound. He fell to the floor with his hands over his ears and pushing his body towards the door.
At last he made it and in a frantic movement he got the door open. He managed to get up and walked through the door. It took him into a large garden. He could see the sun and blue sky. The garden looked out towards many yew tress that formed a creepy woodland.
As he looked out towards the many yew trees he could see a young woman stood looking at him and shouting him. As he walked towards her he could see that she was dressed in a tattered long white dress. The dress looked very old fashioned and her long blond hair was partly matted and looked liked it had not been brushed in years. Her eyes looked hollow and sad. The closer he got the more familiar she looked.
He could see her chest had a large hole in it. He could not stop starring at this terrible wound he realised this is where the human heart would be contained. Her face looked desperate and panicked. She reached out both her hands to him only to be stopped by some strange force that acted like a barrier between the two of them.
Peter could not go any further and the horrible realisation of knowing that they were both trapped either side of this barrier. Peter knew this woman was the lady in the portraits that hung over the walls of the hotel. Peter could not understand how any of this was possible so he asked her who she was? She did not answer she banged her hands on the barrier. He noticed that she was speaking but the barrier was preventing him from hearing her words or his.
Peter was so frightened and began banging his hands on the barrier and crying out that he just wanted to leave and go home. Tears ran down his face as he cried out for his wife and children. The woman's face showed kindness and sympathy for his plight as rested her face against the invisible barrier.
Peter was suddenly startled by a hand on his shoulder it was Mr Knight accompanied by Mr Mare. They insisted it was time to come back inside but Peter insisted that he needed to talk to the woman. Both men assured him that there was no woman and that he must come back inside. Peter refused and Mr Mare grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder and began walking away with him back inside the hotel.
Mr Knight waited for Mr Mare and Peter to enter the building once they were out of sight he turned to the woman. “ you know you can not keep doing this Maria” nobody here can help you! You have to stay on your own side because you know what will happen if he catches you trying to interfere.
Mr knight turned his back on Maria much to her sadness and she began to fade away into the yew tress.
Peter was put back in his room with Mr Grace. Peter continued to cry and Mr Mare informed both men they would be called for breakfast soon. Mr Grace tried to console Peter but he just continued to cry. Mr Grace was moved by Peters sadness so he checked to make sure Mr Mare had gone and he began to tell Peter how he had come to be at Saint Micheal.
We are often told we must pay for our sins and those we anger a severe punishment can be inflicted upon us and we can only be released if we are deemed worthy of release.
Peter Mayfield had always been a good man. He was happily married with two children and he had always worked hard and built up a good career for himself. Everything in his life had gone well until the day he was introduced to a woman named Janet Croft.
She was a very attractive woman who was seen as a valuable to the company Peter worked for. Janet soon began setting her sights on Peter and he was finding it hard to resist her.
An affair soon began to take place and Peter was soon drawn into her world of lies and scam's. Janet was manipulating Peter to her full advantage and soon she began devising a plan to steal valuable jewels from a wealthy client that Peter was representing at his firm.
Initially Peter was against this plan as he had never stolen anything in his life. Janet managed to manipulate him enough and make him believe that once they had the jewels they could flee the country and start a new life of luxury abroad.
The thought of leaving his family weighed heavy on his mind but Janets powers of persuasion made him believe that he could actually go through and get away with this diabolical plan.
Janet had found the client's home in the west country and she had begun watching the house and formulating a plan for her to gain entry and use Peter to keep the client busy whilst she robbed the safe and escape. She had no intention of running away with Peter he was just the perfect patsy.
Peter and Janet went over and over the plan for a couple of weeks. Janet made sure Peter was ready to arrive at the client's house with papers to sign and she would make good her entry to the house.
The night came for Peter to head down to the remote farmhouse and visit the owner with paperwork. Peter took one last look at his family and wave of sadness washed over him. He was really going to leave them and embark on a new life of crime. He felt he had spent his entire life doing the right thing and now he wanted some excitement.
He left his modest home and journeyed in his car down to his client's home. His heart was beating so fast he thought it might explode. The worry of would he really get away with this ?
Once he arrived he noticed Janets signal and he had to be ready to pull this off. Leaving his car and walking up to the old house front door. He was not greeted by the owner he was greeted by three men who claimed they were business associates of the client and they would entertain him until the client was ready to come down and see him.
Peter could feel something was wrong and his instincts told him to make an excuse and leave. All three men pushed him into the living room and insisted he sat down and talked business with them.
Peter was feeling nervous in their company so he tried asking questions about the house to keep them in the room with him. The men didn't seem to want to answer any questions they just starred at Peter making him more nervous.
As the minutes passed a loud bang from upstairs made Peter jump and he got up from the chair quickly.
Pater shouted out “What was that?” The three men just continued to stare until one spoke about how a heavy box of jewels must of fallen down and made the loud bang. Peter tried to stay calm but he knew they were on to him and trouble was on its way.
He could hear footstep's coming down the stairs and in the doorway his client emerged. The client's face was covered in blood and he was looking extremely angry. Peter was scared to death and wondering what had happened to Janet?
He knew it was too late to worry about Janet he needed to get out of this house and drive away as fast as possible.
Peter ran past the client as fast as he could and out of the front door to his car. He jumped in and sped away at full speed. All four men stood outside the front door watching Peter leave. The client ordered his business associate's to sort out the woman upstairs as she was still alive. As for Peter the client uttered the words “Saint Michael's”
Peter cried as he drove he knew Janet had been killed and he would be next. As he drove he noticed that was no sign of life anywhere. It was all just dark deserted roads with miles of woodland either side of him. He wanted to slow down and stop to look at his phone for directions but he was too afraid.
As he drove in a panic his car hit a small yew tree and for a short time Peter was left slumped over the wheel unconscious.
When he finally came around he noticed a large house in the distance. He could see lights from the house and luckily his car was still working. He drove slowly to the house and he pulled up in the gravelled drive two men dressed in dinner jackets walked up to the car.
They greeted Peter in a friendly manner and helped him from the car. They introduced them selves as Mr knight and Mr Mare. They both insisted Peter come inside the house.
As they walked Peter inside the house he tried to tell them he was in an accident and he needed to call home. Both men kept assuring him he did not need to worry about that. They had a room for him and they would give him dinner.
As Peter was walked into the grand house he noticed many people all dressed in very grand clothing and others dressed like servants.
Peter was presently surprised and asked if the house was a hotel? Both men just smiled and said “this is Saint Michael's”
They took Peter to a very large and beautiful dinning room and sat him at a table in a corner of the room. A young girl dressed as a maid brought over a drink and told him to knock it back as it was only medicinal. Peter did as she asked and drank the dark liquid quickly. His hands were still shaking so he asked her to get him another. She looked at him with furious eyes which caught Mr Knights attention. He snapped his fingers at the girl and told her “get Mr Mayfield another” Peter looked at Mr Knight puzzled as he had not told him his name. He asked how he knew but Mr Knight just told him not to worry about that.
Mr Mare brought over food and apologised to Peter for not being able to give him his own room to sleep in he would near to share. Peter insisted he did not need to spend the night he just needed to be able to call his wife. Both men informed Peter there were not any phones or access to internet. They said they did not want to disturb the other resident's as many of them would not understand the noise and they did not wish to scare them. Peter felt that this was one of the most absurd things he had ever heard. What kind of hotel does not have a phone or wifi?
Peter became very upset and insisted he must call his wife as she would be going out of her mind with worry. It was at that point an old man dressed as chef came over with food and tried to force Peter to eat. Peter became angry and knocked the plate to the floor and covering the carpet in gravy and chicken and vegetable's. The old man became noticeably distressed and he dropped to his knee's and began muttering in a sad panicked voice as he began scrapping up broken plate pieces and food with his hands. The other guests carried on their chatter and dining as the commotion unfolded. Peter noticed how unfazed they all seemed and the hotel was starting to give him the creeps.
Mr Knight put his hand on the old mans shoulder and told him not to take it personally and to go back to the kitchen and help the others make more food. Peter tried to leave the dining room but Mr Knight insisted he have some dinner and then he could go to his room and rest.
Peter sat and looked around the dinning room every picture on the wall was of a young girl dressed in 18th century clothing. He felt it odd to see the same girl in every picture.
Peter managed to eat some of the food he was given but all he could think about was getting out of this weird hotel and making his way back to his family. Mr Knight and Mr Mare escorted Peter out of the dinning room and took him up a very grand staircase as they passed many doors on the landing Peter noticed every room number ended with a 6.
Peter tried to ask why each room ended with a 6 but he was given no reply. Eventually they arrived at a room number 336 and the door opened. A middle aged man dressed in black silk pyjama's stood with his hand out to be shaken. He was very happy and introduced himself as Mr Grace. Mr Knight asked him to take care of Peter until they were able to give him his own room.
Mr Grace let Peter in and offered him pyjamas and an extra blanket for the single bed. Peter took them and asked him if he had a phone. Mr Grace went from being friendly to a little angered. He was adamant that he nor anyone els would not have a need for such a noisy thing. Peter didn't understand and tried to ask question's about the hotel. Mr Grace just told him it was best not to think about it and after a good sleep things would become more clear to Peter.
Peter laid down on his bed and tried to work out a way to leave the hotel. An overwhelming sense of fatigue washed over Peter and his eyes closed when suddenly he heard a loud bang and a woman's voice calling out his name.