Been quite busy all week. I have other things that have been taking my attention.
I don’t have time to babysit others.
So whatever you all are doing it doesn’t involve me. You all make your own choices to do and say what you do. You’re not putting that on me. You’re grown adults responsible for YOUR own choices.
My influence only extends a certain amount it is dependent on how much my words are respected but I will not be responsible for the actions of other grown adults human or Vampyre.
I was out today because it was fairly nice. I saw a male and female cardinal. I don’t see them often here. Not as much as blue jays.
Not all of the things I talk about bring me pain anymore. Yes they do sound painful, at one time they were. I can’t really explain it. Something happened the beginning of this past week. Certain things that bothered me and pained me don’t hurt me anymore.
Do you ever just get tired? I mean just exhausted from dealing with people?
I do. The difficult people test me. I think though that if it were not for these difficult people I wouldn’t learn anything about who I really am. You know the stuff I’m actually made of, whether good or bad. Difficulty and suffering brings out who people really are. As a huge example 9-11 all of the heroes that rose to the occasion but also those who sank to unfathomable lows when they boarded those planes with the intent to highjack them. Suffering is some kind of spiritual principle. As painful as it can be not every person feels it is a blessing in disguise. There is something in this being backed up against a wall that makes something rise in people. You might not like it. You may even call me a liar but it’s real.
You're not a lair. Some people have lived through hellish situations. Only to fight their way out with everything they have blood sweat and tears don't even begin to describe the fight. Their scares remind them of where they are so they won't fall back into that pit.
Its founded in courage to some extent, imo. And we hit a point of saturation of bullshit that blends in some righteous anger. And that's healthy- we get to defend ourselves from attack, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, and that's ok. It's justified. Embrace it and smack those MFs in the mouth.
I think this time it was more like a roar. lol
I swear Call the Midwife trying to take Fred Buckle out. I was ready to fight you all. Ugh
So I have a confession of sorts that maybe is already known.
I have dreams, visions and have a tendency to just suddenly say weird things to people off the cuff like.
It is something that has happened to me for a long time. I have in seasons and out seasons.
I understand some people don’t believe in that sort of thing and think it’s a touch of madness but I don’t care if I have some kind of understanding, wisdom or knowledge delivered to me. I will deliver it to whom I think needs to hear it.
Sometimes it feels like you have a Fedex business account for those deliveries...
Some people dislike me for the stupidest reasons I think sometimes they think just because I say what my belief is they can stereotype me or they expect me to follow that stereotype. Just so they can throw stones at me and put expectations on me. They compare me to others who have given my belief a bad name. That’s why I don’t tell people. Anymore in this world it’s becoming increasingly difficult to be a person who doesn’t have to be afraid to be themselves. So I can relate to everything that others are going through. I can understand the fears and also the persecution over not being like everyone else and having it used against you in a harmful manner. This shouldn’t still be happening to humans at this juncture in history.
Feeling tired going to take a nap been a long week and only halfway through.
As I get older, I feel like they get both longer and shorter at the same time.
Yes time seems to fly quickly or crawl slowly.
All these people judging me for things I did six or seven years ago. lol I’m not that person anymore. Just like you’re not the same person you were then. I’m not going to allow you to keep me held prisoner back there. I’m moving on you’re welcome to move on with me. Or you can remain stagnant and stuck in your past hurts. The only person you are hurting with that is yourself because after last night something changed for me. Your power over me is broken. You have no hold or sway over me anymore. No foothold. Who you’re talking about is not me. That’s some other person.
I feel your pain. There's people on here that hates me because they think a family member of mine that used to be on this website is me. They have spread their toxic lies to whoever will listen to them. I'm so sick of carrying his crap on my back for the last 7 years I've been here.
LunarTides the only thing to do is hold your head up and be the wonderful person you are. Heck with what people think it say. Most likely these very same people that's giving you a hard time has things in their own lives that's not so good.
Thank you for your encouragement. You are not your relative. You are not responsible for his burden. I hope you can find away to release that weight. It much be exhausting to carry. I know mine was until last night.
Okay, it must not have been that bad because my mental file is pulling a blank.
Whatever it was, it doesn't matter because I still think you're pretty fantastic. ;)
Aww I’m gonna squish your cuteness. ;)
You are great, in my eyes. Don't let the haters get the upper hand. There will always be mean, spiteful people who have nothing better to do than point the finger at others.
We all have skeletons in our closet from the past, the future is now, and I think your great
Thank you everyone!
I'd like to think that I dont judge people, but I do. It's part of protecting myself on the internet. I have to make a call as to whether I can trust, or at least, if I'm used, is it worth the cost?
But I judge based on how our 1-2-1 interaction happens today, not how their relations with others happen years, or even last week have gone.
We are our own connection and we get to build that for us, regardless of how others may view you, or me from whenever. Let's just be and well see who matters and who doesn't.
19:03 Nov 27 2024