Love is powerful ,
but for love to be powerful, there should be love in your life..
People says that inner beauty is good but nobody is interested in seeing it or at least having a look at it
Hey Everyone!
Please help, i have 168 honor then it goes to 100 then 50 . I don't what is happening, please help. .
As the month rolls over, you lose the Honour you were given. Honour only stays for a month.
okay, thanks Owlish, i wonder why that happens
Cancer changed it. I used to have upwards of about 90,000 honour, and the system changed. Now it's always based on your CURRENT... deeds? Currently the way you're interacting with VR? So if you get into a bit of a fight with someone, they give you heaps of negative honour, for example, in a month, it's al gone (as long as they don't keep giving it to you). Same works for positive.
the one that my life is searching,
is this destiny is that,
i should just stopped here,
why my heart is saying this to me,
i got new like feelings,
don't know what effect is this
i got one hope,
as someone accepts me,
some poet's poetry,
that give soul's peaceful moments
i got someone like this
like some lamani got a house,
the one that my life is searching,
is this destiny is that,
i should just stopped here,
why my heart is saying this to me,
i got new like feelings,
don't know what effect is this
i got one hope,
as someone accepts me,
some poet's poetry,
that give soul's peaceful moments
i got someone like this
like some lamani got a house,
the one that my life is searching,
is this destiny is that,
i should just stopped here,
why my heart is saying this to me,
i got new like feelings,
don't know what effect is this
i got one hope,
as someone accepts me,
some poet's poetry,
that give soul's peaceful moments
i got someone like this
like some lamani got a house,
I m crying,
let me be,
i m not smiling ,
let me be,
i m not crying,
let me be,
because crys have to stop a day, but not the sorrow
i m not smiling ,
let me be,
because smiles take revenge from you, they make you cry and fill your every moment in sorrow at how many times you smile
Let your tears come. Let them water your soul ...
Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts.....
Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by the letting of a little water ...