well verizon is pulling their bs again,however this time it looks like they arent wanting to bend at all and actually help on their end.
Ive sent them money kept them paid up.and yet my nets off again Im not sure when I can get it back up hopefully I can figure something out otherwise the only thing I do during my time of being bed ridden is gone.
So upon one of my sleepless insomniatic days this happens wtf
yes my blood flows threw you as it dos all are kind
thoe you where never able to see me in the flesh
On 10:37:35 Aug 13 2009 (-0 GMT) RazaelRiezen wrote:
your child ?
On 10:29:52 Aug 13 2009 (-0 GMT) dracula wrote:
hello my child i come to you in hopes to hear from you
woken up
bitched at
get bitched at more
all i have to say