Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 37    [ Give / Take ]


5 entries this month

05:00 Aug 26 2022
Times Read: 291

Waxing 🌕 is on it's way. And, I was thinking of a project. . . . .
I saw this atom split in a way that there were two dimensions formed. That was interesting. Trying to think, how I could use something like that.

Well, anyway.... Coons are ripping my tent everyday. So bad, that I was thinking of leaving. I'm going to try moving. But, there are coons everywhere, here. Such a deterrent from my project.

And, the rain is severe. So, I was thinking that one of the people I included, in May, are doing it. Not funny. 😁 Not that, at first, it was genuinely to hot, on Saturday.... before rain. But, we've had tons of rain all week. Had to move my tent, to parking area. Safe though, except for coons.

I didn't do much, after Sunday for planning the project. Threw up three times, and been sick everyday. Has to be something I'm consuming. I think it was the soda, I threw it out today. Funny, last week, I bought one bottle, and I was fine. That's why it took me so long to figure out what it iwas. Oh well.

I did do something Astral, that was different, during the want ng. I never wanted a family before. But, I felt that I'm missing out... So.... I decided to use the Greek Goddess Rhea. It actually worked. (Going to pause to find what I wrote down.)

........ Ok, let me paste..... Labrador, weeding, waters run high.
That is some of the pickups astrally. Then. I saw my hair start to thicken and braid tightly Which is common. Then I saw that fake image of a witch, I saw in the Stonehenge last astral pop across from me. Which is weird. So I threw the braiding on her. Then there was a white square thing that slid down to me... A box, or maybe something folded? 😁.... Maybe this rain is because of this astral.... Oh well.... She was the mother of Zeus, and Poseidon..... To name a few. The astral was interesting.

Also, there was a performer who died. And, her daughter died. . . . . Let's just say, I picked up, that her husband did it. I have to think if there is anything I can do ....

Let's get back to the project.... Let me look up that possibility.....

I'm going to make note in case. Almost didn't find it. It got buried in Facebook.Scientists blast atoms with Fibonacci laser to make an 'extra' dimension of time




23:19 Aug 13 2022
Times Read: 304

Well, I'll be back on the next waxing.
Coons wanted in. So had to put a better barrier. There is 7 aggressive Racoons. So, bought some double fabric, and gorilla tape. Gorilla Tape is horrible to get off the roll. 😁. Whew. Almost out, so I will have to wait to finish. Truthfully, I know the Coons are starving. Cuz, of lack of tourist. But, too agressive, they are. Day time, night time.... I usually, give eight handfuls of cat food, everytime I go to the bathroom. And, any left.overs they can have. (I just had to stop typing on my phone. Cuz, I left a foot open on the bottom of doorway, and a coon was grabbing my dogs corn beef hash. Unbelievable.) Last night, my dog rushed by me to go to the bathroom, an a coon went for his butt. So, after I put the dog back in, I went for him with a stick. Chased it into the woods. It runs from me now. I'm going to have to do that w all of them. Cuz, they stalk, and burrow.

Not to mention the Fire Ants. The Bangle's powder didn't work. With all the rain, they were swarming. So, I had to buy Ortho, this time. It smells bad. Left a covering over the spots laid.

Too tired to cut grass. 😁.

Sooooooo. Back to next project. Something with dimensions. I think.

Cutting this off in a few hours. See everyone on the waxing, in the ether. Will meet at the church!




23:19 Aug 13 2022
Times Read: 305

Well, I'll be back on the next waxing.
Coons wanted in. So had to put a better barrier. There is 7 aggressive Racoons. So, bought some double fabric, and gorilla tape. Gorilla Tape is horrible to get off the roll. 😁. Whew. Almost out, so I will have to wait to finish. Truthfully, I know the Coons are starving. Cuz, of lack of tourist. But, too agressive, they are. Day time, night time.... I usually, give eight handfuls of cat food, everytime I go to the bathroom. And, any left.overs they can have. (I just had to stop typing on my phone. Cuz, I left a foot open on the bottom of doorway, and a coon was grabbing my dogs corn beef hash. Unbelievable.) Last night, my dog rushed by me to go to the bathroom, an a coon went for his butt. So, after I put the dog back in, I went for him with a stick. Chased it into the woods. It runs from me now. I'm going to have to do that w all of them. Cuz, they stalk, and burrow.

Not to mention the Fire Ants. The Bangle's powder didn't work. With all the rain, they were swarming. So, I had to buy Ortho, this time. It smells bad. Left a covering over the spots laid.

Too tired to cut grass. 😁.

Sooooooo. Back to next project. Something with dimensions. I think.

Cutting this off in a few hours. See everyone on the waxing, in the ether. Will meet at the church!




23:18 Aug 13 2022
Times Read: 305

Well, I'll be back on the next waxing.
Coons wanted in. So had to put a better barrier. There is 7 aggressive Racoons. So, bought some double fabric, and gorilla tape. Gorilla Tape is horrible to get off the roll. 😁. Whew. Almost out, so I will have to wait to finish. Truthfully, I know the Coons are starving. Cuz, of lack of tourist. But, too agressive, they are. Day time, night time.... I usually, give eight handfuls of cat food, everytime I go to the bathroom. And, any left.overs they can have. (I just had to stop typing on my phone. Cuz, I left a foot open on the bottom of doorway, and a coon was grabbing my dogs corn beef hash. Unbelievable.) Last night, my dog rushed by me to go to the bathroom, an a coon went for his butt. So, after I put the dog back in, I went for him with a stick. Chased it into the woods. It runs from me now. I'm going to have to do that w all of them. Cuz, they stalk, and burrow.

Not to mention the Fire Ants. The Bangle's powder didn't work. With all the rain, they were swarming. So, I had to buy Ortho, this time. It smells bad. Left a covering over the spots laid.

Too tired to cut grass. 😁.

Sooooooo. Back to next project. Something with dimensions. I think.

Cutting this off in a few hours. See everyone on the waxing, in the ether. Will meet at the church!




16:22 Aug 12 2022
Times Read: 318

Jeffrey, I missed the full moon, with you. Sorry guy! I have a coon hood that I'm dealing with. Amongst other things.

I'll do something next waxing moon. I saw a movie named Caroline. (I think it's spelled that way.) The tunnel reminds me of something. 😁. Hope it reminds you of something. Haven't heard anything from Nemo. ???

Was too much rain. So I had to switch the canopy. I'm starting to look like the swamp monster. ( I made it to August. So, that's good. Couldn't afford an air conditioner, or find a used one. (Probably would have had a coon come threw there, anyway.) (No heat stroke!) (Did say fire, (sun), this time in circle.)

Been a lot of meteors, and asteroids. Only one I saw brightly. Bummer. Nothing falling. Maybe, cuz I called it safely. 😁

Have to come up with something fun to do. I was hoping the other two would suggest.

Oh, and what's with Astro.... Gained a bit of weight. Not like him. Maybe the many kids, or business venture that went sour. Hmmmm maybe I should include Astro. 😁. If I include him, I'll include Trelane. Let's see.



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