Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 37    [ Give / Take ]


40 entries this month

03:00 Dec 31 2022
Times Read: 349

I finished the movie, Godzilla: with a little Singing in the Rain, Myself. . . .
Someone let me use their car, and stacked, and packed: during the storm. Right now, I'm Still keeping the heaters going, to dry out the dampness. That was the third move this week. LOL.

The second move was pretty easy.

I just took a shower for the night, and maybe a little nip of medicine, for being in the rain, and water; for such a long while.

I don't like the spot I have, now. Funny, I saw an article that said it wasn't going to rain till noon. But it started the time I saw on the weather channel, yesterday. It was a downer at first. But, I had a chance to see where the dry spots were, during the rain.

I had a neighbor who was a big help. Hopefully, I was a big help. 😁.




23:33 Dec 28 2022
Times Read: 380

Oh no. I was talking about the next food gift for this place. But, there won't be anything left. We won't be able to rent here, is what I mean. It will have to wait till we come back. LOL. I just checked around. Next Sunday, only 3 spots here left, 3 spots at another left. Those for sure will be filled.

Which leaves unimproved, no electric. ( To me, it would be better to get a free site. But, Boo would have to do it. That's an impossible journey.) So, over the water there is pd unimproved. And, expensive electric. What is it lately w people camping. LOL.Everyone is buying RVs. Gasp. Cuz they can't afford housing.

Meanwhile, I could eat yesterday morning. Was a little nervouse trying, since I couldn't swallow since Christmas Night. But, the moving day around nine, ate a can of beef stew. Whew. Was a little worried.

So, will have a good night before the next move, tomorrow. The third move looks like a rain day. Then I have to move again Sunday. Unbelievable. The next one better be for a week. LOL.

If I have to go unimproved, I'd rather do the spillway, and fish.

Well, I did my lil astral thing this morn. Heh heh heh... For special people... Weakest time of year is over.😁

Oh, and saw the tan cat, and fed. Whew, he made it by the weekend. Good for him. He ate one plate full.

Miles - C. Perri instrumental... Supermassive Black Hole.




11:41 Dec 27 2022
Times Read: 397

I'm on the second day of recovery. I think yesterday and, the night before was the worst I ever had it. At least I can burp, so it doesn't feel like I have something stuck in esophagus. And, I drank a lil Coke, I bought yesterday. I don't know if I should try to eat. I have to move three times this week. At least I could sleep last night.

Didn't do anything astral, Yet. Let's see tonight.




06:08 Dec 26 2022
Times Read: 422

Well, after throwing up seven times. Still alive. But, I still feel something in my esophagus. Had to change my cloths. Now, I went out to throw bag out. And the water had stopped flowing again. So, turned on quick. It spurted. Luckily, I came out then. I put a thicker stream on it. Luckily, it was only 35degrees... Close to 32, though.

It's not food, anymore. It's air bubbles and that grease. I'll just have to wait till it subsides, before I eat or drink No midnight snack today.

Maybe, it's the vitamins, also. I didn't take one today. But, it could have contributed to this issue. They might not react well with grease. I'm going to throw them out.

Oh, and yes. I left posters on line of the stray cat. Three actually. One in Westwego. Also, I checked the nearby SPCA, to the other spot. Didn't see her. I didn't see the tan cat yesterday.

When's waxing moon. Gawd. I really have a lot of stuff to do.

Yessssssssss it's 6 percent. Finally.

Still throwing up. Tried coke. Threw that up.

I read the following. I have the same symptoms...

Dysphagia (swallowing problems)
Dysphagia is the medical term for swallowing difficulties.

Some people with dysphagia have problems swallowing certain foods or liquids, while others can't swallow at all.

Other signs of dysphagia include:

coughing or choking when eating or drinking
bringing food back up, sometimes through the nose
a sensation that food is stuck in your throat or chest
persistent drooling of saliva
being unable to chew food properly
a gurgly, wet-sounding voice when eating or drinking

The last time I ate duck was in New York, China town. A group of us from theater class split the duck, and sides. The one I ate was a bit tougher, but taste ok. Till I had a few bites.

I left the bowl in a plate outside, and some animal had a nice Christmas, was nothing left. Bird potatoes, and veggies, all gone. LOL.




02:12 Dec 26 2022
Times Read: 429

The morning was nice. But, after lunch things got bad. One there was a mistake cashier wise. Truthfully, I didn't see him do it but, there was money on the counter to my left, and he was to my right. So I thought that he must have paid, I just missed it..
Wasn't the case.

Plus, someone gave me a meal that I can't digest at all. I threw up a lot. But, there still must be lingering particals. I'm sure I'll throw that up to. Had trouble w chicken yesterday, not this bad. But, supposedly this was duck. Just too much greese. And, it's not going down. I'm sure I'll throw the rest up. Why did I try that food. I know better. My own fault. I have to stick to my own crap. Well, they meant well.




11:50 Dec 24 2022
Times Read: 448

Whoa. Cold, and my hand is dead from my cat laying on my arm simce six pm. LOL

The tan cat is here for his two plates of food.

I bought some catnip to go with the toys. LOL. My cat is doing that attack stance that he use to do as a kitten. LOL. I sprinkef it on the carpet so he rolled, and ate.

Couldn't put my phone on again. There is nobody in their office on the weekend. You have to be kidding me. Going to have to switch company, after I use the pay card I already bought.

I called the cute place. But, they have no water till Monday. Too Risky. Cuz Monday is considered a holiday. So, might be Tuesday. Too much money for no water. And, she said tent price wasn't correct.




11:50 Dec 24 2022
Times Read: 449

Whoa. Cold, and my hand is dead from my cat laying on my arm simce six pm. LOL

The tan cat is here for his two plates of food.
Poor baby, I wish that cat would be arrogant and come in. Only ate one plate today.

Ok. I either move twice. Or, that price is legit for tents. Which they never marked down on tents, before. But, I went into the system, and that price showd up again. Nice people there, too. If I have to move twice, I'll offer somebody ten each time I have to carry tent. Cuz I don't want to pull it apart. And, even though it's light, dragging is out of the question. Hmmmmm

I have my third heater on...




18:40 Dec 23 2022
Times Read: 463

It actually is very warm where I am.
. Like a terrarium.

But, tonight..
I forgot that we went to that cute place last year. And, I walked to the Specialty store there, for party food: for me and my pets. Bought a cooked chicken, and what knots.

I'm getting a much lower price this year. Can't be. 230 w tax included. Will call. Last year it was 290.

Saw fireworks there.

Uh oh, sun is going down.

So hard to check availability on a weak Webb site. Can't believe I had to wait a week to turn on phone. Cuz, I need another phone to turn on this one. How nice during the old days, when pay phones existed.

Whoa, it is freezing out there. Under the Coleman's, on top of the army gear we feel nothin. It's a lil cool inside, I could put one more thing on. But, I'd have to stay up, again.

Last year, it was so nice, New Year was great. This year is cold. Oh, what am I complaining about. I didn't feel cold till sundown . Luckily we didn't get that boom blast. And, the wind died down.

I better take a vitamin tomorrow, for moving. And, to think, I had a mosquito problem here, last year. I got a feeling that crazy lady grabbed my spot. Although, if it wasn't her, it would have beer someone else. Busy time of the year. Even in 25 degree weather.




08:31 Dec 23 2022
Times Read: 479

It's 2:23, just got back from my walk.. I had put the second heater on, before I left. And, at 41 degrees, I put the water on. When I got back it was off, again. So, I put it on more. Will check at 35 degrees.

Seems like the wind is at max. So far everything is fine.

On my walk... A Thousand Years song popped on. Awwwww. Reminds me of our fallen soldier Sonic.

Hope, everyone is ok.

Lonely, song.


Wasn't too bad last night. Let's see if the sun comes out Also, I see two white balls in the Solstice picture. I wonder if Jefar, and Nemo did something without telling me.

The tan cat, I saw going to my site... while I went for another walk . When I got back he was waiting. I fed him, his two plates. Couldn't get him in

Let's see what today brings...




08:31 Dec 23 2022
Times Read: 480

It's 2:23, just got back from my stroll. I had put the second heater on. And, at 41 degrees, I put the water on. When I got back it was off again so I put it on more. Will check at 35.

Sea like the wind is at max. So far everything is fine.

On my walk A Thousand Years popped on. Awwwww. Reminds me of our fallen soldier Sonic.

Hope, everyone is ok.




08:31 Dec 23 2022
Times Read: 480

It's 2:23, just got back from my stroll. I had put the second heater on. And, at 41 degrees, I put the water on. When I got back it was off again so I put it on more. Will check at 35.

Sea like the wind is at max. So far everything is fine.

On my walk A Thousand Years popped on. Awwwww. Reminds me of our fallen soldier Sonic.

Hope, everyone is ok.




04:33 Dec 23 2022
Times Read: 487

Wanted to listen to Pandora, while storm started. So far not too bad out. But, Trelane radio was front and center. LOL. I hate to say it, but, it skips all the songs. Figures.

Going back to Trainor.

Nemo, was on a good podcast. It's old, but, breathing.

Just wasting time till 40 degrees.




04:33 Dec 23 2022
Times Read: 487

Wanted to listen to Pandora, while storm started. So far not too bad out. But, Trelane radio was front and center. LOL. I hate to say it, but, it skips all the songs. Figures.

Going back to Trainor.

Nemo, was on a good podcast. It's old, but, breathing.

Just wasting time till 40 degrees.




09:36 Dec 22 2022
Times Read: 508

Stonehenge did it's thing. Hopefully, today's sunrise, here, will be enchanting, and clear. (But, it's sprinkling.) Then, what follows is 19 mph winds. I hope who ever took bandit puts her in.

Ok. Cut the bottom of an army sack. Fitted like a coffin. So, I cut the feet part, and tacked it closed; so I can leave it open. Not even going to try and cut the top. Too many feathers.
Boo gave it to me before Hidden Oaks. Actually, there were a lot of ex military men/women there. Flags all over.

Started singing while I tacked bottom up. The Ballads of the Green Berets. LOL.
Fighting soldiers from the sky
Fearless men who jump and die
Men who mean just what they say
The brave men of the Green Beret…

I put weight in, and out. I taped, stringed, staked. I have the army sleeper between to blankets. Plus, two Coleman's on top.
One Folded down. If I have to, I'll crumple some paper and insert in windows. Just waiting to see what direction the wind will be coming from. Boo says the back, is the North.

The Tan cat had two plates of food this morning. It came close. But, I doubt if it would come in. I hope he has a warm spot. I saw this thing where they say to use a tent if you lose electricity. A chamber in a chamber.

I downloaded Pandora. Saw a new video, on a subject I love. Will look up another one to listen to another.

Best Wishes to everyone. . . .




22:10 Dec 21 2022
Times Read: 518

For a Holiday, it is troublesome with that artic blast. Don't think I should have used Stonehenge, on waxing throw.

So, I did two throws, although it's very close... The Artic blast that is. I should be able to bump it, even though it's waning moon. Cuz, today is a sun holiday.

Well, I'll give it one more shot. I tacked everything down, to be cautious. I wonder if we have to let water run tomorrow, in case. Hmmmmm.

Bought my cat a bag of toys. LOL. He was so excited. Grey cat visited. Cute. He didn't play w toys. Oh, I forgot dinner food.




22:10 Dec 21 2022
Times Read: 518

For a Holiday, it is troublesome with that artic blast. Don't think I should have used Stonehenge, on waxing throw.

So, I did two throws, although it's very close... The Artic blast that is. I should be able to bump it, even though it's waning moon. Cuz, today is a sun holiday.

Well, I'll give it one more shot. I tacked everything down, to be cautious. I wonder if we have to let water run tomorrow, in case. Hmmmmm.

Bought my cat a bag of toys. LOL. He was so excited. Grey cat visited. Cute. He didn't play w toys. Oh, I forgot dinner food.




01:17 Dec 21 2022
Times Read: 533

England has already started the Winter Solstice. Where I am, will merge in at about five hours. England is six hours ahead of me. When I chime in, they will have Sun Rise.

Happy Winter Solstice!

Just made a Holiday image of the sun, with pliable greens. Rapped in purple ribbon and 3 ornaments, in 🎀. I hung it in the tent, so I don't bring attention. And, I put a log on my table. But, with all the rain, I don't think I'll be burning it.

The image of the sun looks like a wreath, so that's good.

England is close to Sunrise...




07:23 Dec 20 2022
Times Read: 545

Well, up again. Didn't know about that storm coming, till it hit. We did surprisingly good.

I ate dried oriental noodles for dinner. Maybe, I should make Baby and I a midnight snack. . . . Yeah why not.




18:47 Dec 19 2022
Times Read: 558

The Winter Solstice is coming...

Should I try something nice...

Well, anyway, we went back to the other place, and we had company. Cute. The man across the way let his grey cat come over. Truthfully, we were lonely. Missed all the trouble with Bandit. It's too boring. The cat checked out the grounds, and my tent. He was ok, just looked around. Cute.
My cat growled a bit, cuz that other grey cat chased. LOL. But, this grey cat has a nice RV.

Took Baby for a walk. But, it was too cold. I put the cat coat on. But, it seems a bit tight around arms. Might just recut, use, and then rethread.

I was going to put my phone service back on. But, Boo, forgot how to spell codes, locked out. And, it takes a while to get through to service. So might wait till weekend. Meanwhile, I'll just keep using an app to call out. I wonder why they haven't charged. Hmmmmmm

Can't believe the movie channel has the Godzilla, with singing in the rain song. Should be fun.




10:35 Dec 18 2022
Times Read: 575

Last day here. . . . Going to start packing up.

That poor stray cat.




At Bayou Segnette

13:39 Dec 17 2022
Times Read: 585

Let me explain the maintenance guy, who said he could fix the box. He said there was more voltage w a adaptor for the RV plug. False, it's the same as a a ordinary plug would handle. What was the other thing, he shows me a text at the bottom of the texts, said it was yesterday. Next, he told me Dosters sister was a vet.... We'll I guess he's very close to her. Hmmmmmmm. That she feeds lots of cats, now I know that's false. Always claiming she has no money. What else, what else... what does it matter. But, I got him two days ago, also. He'll find out.

So, when I checked out that cat place at the office. There was no cats sleeping. No food. Just that Grey cat following me. No wonder he cried so much, when he was at my tent. When he was brought here, had to be by them. I did feed him, though. Now how did he get all the way back here, from the office. .
. They like to play God with him, maybe.

So A Grub, came out, asked how did I get here. LOL. That night I decided to look for the stray. (And, she called me stupid, next day astral, that is.) Said under the beams, I'm walking looking for my stray cat. She didn't show infliction. Probably all the men she's had. And, didn't care. Just said that this section was closed. Thinking what if I wanted to walk to a convenience store, I pressed on. So what if I had a car, I asked... where would I go. She said, out the back. Well guess I'll head back. And, I took the short cut this time.
Oh... I forgot about her asking me if I'm staying here. Of course, site 33, I said. Do you need to check my email.

I said that last statement because she said astrally that I'm not going to get another email. Woe LOL what a brut. What ... She couldn't conjure... Talk about evil mundane. And, again didn't care about the missing cat. I guess they are a poor description of cat gods. So, if they don't like you. You better not have a pet here

Seeing that she likes men so much. . . . I have something special lined up for the email grubber.




08:53 Dec 16 2022
Times Read: 609

I cleared my conscious. . . . .

I checked the grounds almost all over. Cuz, the Dotster said astrally that she was going to bring it to the office
Actually, she threatened to cut my lock, also. 😁 There is an easier way. (That, I can call the police on. Breaking an entering. And, this is a nasty place.
Boo's a Satanist, so I know what to expect.) So she must be friends with the grubs.

The Dotster, is a bandit herself. I don't see her outside with the dogs, unless it's a quick leak. I saw her go to a trailer and try a door. But, it was locked. Another time, someone left a handicap chair in the bathroom stall. I threw my purse on it. While I was in the shower, I saw her slowly sliding the chair out. Cuz, I didn't close the second curtain. . . . There is a bench right there. Where she could have waited, I only take a few minutes. But,.... Was she going for the chair or the purse. Hmmmmmmmmm. . . . (I guess the grubs didn't clean her enough, or maybe she's a grub.) Bayou Segnette Staff.

Now before, the cat disappearance happened, I saw a cage astrally..... . .
Next day, she disappears. Truthfully, I always new someone would grab her. Nothing I can do. She's a stray. If I don't let her out she'll rip out.

I saw that Grey cat at the office. Bingo. All my questions have been answered. . . . .

Truthfully, she's not better w them in a way, cuz the grey chased her. . . . Predator. . . . But, she needs a place w solid walls, cuz she can rip, and has. . . . That's why Boo didn't want me to take her. . . . She ripped the old tent. . . . But, she can now last a few hours, inside . . . No more than that. . . . Unless it's raining. . . .

At Hidden Oaks there was a guy who had her inside a Hugh RV, he brought her out. . . . I was hoping he would say he will keep her. But, he didn't. . . . So, she got loose from him, and found way back. . . . But, like I said, she's a stray.

I tried to make a light leash. . . . Keep in mind I have two small and a long lead from the store tucked away. But my made one is lighter. I tried it on the stray, and she went ballistic. Ran and jumped circles around me screaming. I couldn't let go. Because. . . Lucy the dog got away from her owners with a leash; got caught deep in the woods. If I hadn't found her she would have to stay there. So, I had to wait till the stray stopped fighting. Then I picked her up gently and took it off immediately. This, the day before she was taken.

In a nice world, she could roam and say hi to everyone. But, this is not a nice world.

Well, that's it, I'm leaving Sunday. If Boo pays for it . . . . he can live here. I'll walk if I have to. . . . Maybe, it's better to be a feather in the wind.

I need to put my name in for housing. I'd rather do it at the other place. A close bus exists. His promise didn't hold through, about getting an apt. I suggested another. But, he paid for this place, again gawd. He claims cuz he's dying. (Well there is a guy that threatened him astrally to kill him. I didn't avail. Cuz, Boo never protects me astrally. That guy said.... If the the dog dies you die. . . . ) He had a nasal in fection. And problem with eye. (Could be work, or drug related.) I suggested easy things. But, can't tell a Satanist anything
LOL. Knows it all.

Oh, there is one more thing that guy said. . . You will see my real face before you die.

Hey, I had to deàl with the Dotster yesterday. He can...




13:33 Dec 15 2022
Times Read: 617

Amazing Day Yesterday


Harley Quinn - Gangsta's Paradise.

. . . .




09:31 Dec 14 2022
Times Read: 643

Well, the Wells Fargo Wagon is a C'mon down the Street I wish...

What a song. I am buttoned down. But,... It's ....

I didn't do another ritual. I was thinking of that song, and 😁

Wells Fargo Wagon - Music Man 1962

Prior, I did two... During waxing . . . . Last one was a continuation.

Oh the Wells Fargo Wagon is a coming
Now I don't know how I could wait to see
It could be somethin' for someone who is no relation
But it could be
Somethin' special
Just for me

I'm very Sorry. Couldn't, . . .

In The Year 2525 - Covid Massive Lockdown - Music Video Clip in 2020

Very Sweet. . . .


The system of 🌪️, are actually pretty exciting. . . .

Never heard anything like it before.
It's like Alfred Hitchcock's Birds. The sound, that is. Amazing.

It quited down. But, there might be more till 7.

I saw that Gretna, and St. Charles had touch downs. . . .

Cry Little Sister - Remastered is perfect right now. How great the 80s were.




22:21 Dec 13 2022
Times Read: 654

Well. I tried to get Bandit in this morning. But, it was a no. The leash made her hate me. So.....

I went to do laundry. When... I tried to walk around to get Bandit back while the wash was going. That smiley lying Bastard was there not with his special needs son. .

After, I looked for Bandit again. I went back to the laundromat.....

Someone coated the floor, without ringing out the mop, w pure bleach. The stench was so bad, that it made me feel flu. Plus the girl cleaning was dressed for a dance. Black dress, fancy sweater, clod hoppers. So, I had to stay to finish the wash anyway. Bastards. While shoving cloths in the dryer, two peices lighty glazed the floor. They were ruined. They went bright red with bleach. Ain't that nice... A baggy pair of shorts, and a very nice label sports shirt ruined. I hurried up an went back. Bandit is no longer around. She would have fed by now.

Fat boy may have got her. I tied the tent down, and locked everything in place, in case the storm is bad. Meanwhile, no signs of Bandit. Awwwwww. Poor baby. I shouldn't have tried the leash. But, I can keep her in either, if she wants to go out. So......

Well, one of the workers, after I tied everything down came to fix the box. Is that sarcasm or what. Two days after call. I told him politely.... Someone pure bleached the floor, and I just lost cloths. Pleas please go away. I'm leaving Sunday, and they can fix it then. (If that was really his intentions.)

Well anyway, I walked far for the shower. Some crap came in to check the bathroom, if I will revenge... 😁. Walked back, still don't see Bandit.

Of all days for someone to grab her, before the storm. Awwww I hope the person doesn't leave her out in it. But, I'll hope for the best, and think someone gave her a nice place. Couldn't control her anyway.

I did walk completely around again to looks for her. That's what I would do for my cat. But, no signs of her. Well, I did as much for her that I could. At least she exscaped the leash training. 😁




09:17 Dec 13 2022
Times Read: 673

Omg. This black guy pulled up to me, while I was walking to the office. Near the dead pool spot. Said we talked a lot before. I said, "I really don't remember you." I explained that of course nobody showed, when they said they would, a bunch of times. Fighting going on. . . . Gawd, I hate this place.

I don't think he wanted me to go to the office, cuz his son, isn't doing it. And, that's who came, the guys son, when it was still raining. And, the father talks like the Dotster. Oh my.

He tells me well, he can do it. He's the boss. Well... Luckily, the power snapped back. Maybe, dried out from the rain, who knows. Just need to keep the crazsters, or Satanists, at bay.

How does that go, keep your friends close, your enemies closer.

I remember him now. . . . While I talked with his assistant, he came back w the part to fix the toilet. He is Maintenance man. I don't think I talked to him ever. (But, I have been at several parks.) Not, that I remember. So, he's another Queen of Hearts.

Talked about some blonde I fed a group of cats with. No. Dotster doesn't feed cats... , just says she does. And, there was only two. Which I don't see. So, someone put them down.... A calico, and an all black.

I noticed the wood planks, have Hugh cover ups, nobody has a saw, I guess.... to cut planks to size for the patios. Or, maybe the state is broke. Who knows. Although, they are busier here, than the other place.

Well, like I said. I have to batten down... Storm coming...

My Ulcers are never, never, going to have a break....
Well, up side.... I'm losing weight....

Oh. . . I woke up. . . I saw that roach from Crystal Lake. . . 😁. . . . He walked up the wire and out of the tent. He's lucky, I was going to squish him.

Wait a minute, wait a minute. . . There was a guy, two sites over, I think. Actually, that site, I could nestle. Way back about winter solstice time. I did talk to him. He had a better tent, and my cat liked to watch him. Gawd, I didn't think that was him. But. Maybe. Could be. And, yeah he saw me starting to walk Baby. Huh. Didn't think they were the same person. Didn't have a son. A girlfriend was w him. . . . Maybe. . . .




02:38 Dec 13 2022
Times Read: 683

Bad storm coming. They are telling people that they shouldn't stay in RVs. I'm doomed. Hopefully, what I did will hold. I'll do something again tonight.

Tomorrow, I have to plan for the worst. Truthfully, I'd rather be nestled in trees. But, the news is stating to go high. I'll have to tie down. Although, I think Baton Rouge will get the worst.

I just finished my cats winter pull-ons. And their new cat play leashes.

The leashes worked well w Baby. But, Bandit didn't want to be bound. At first she played with it. Then she tried to get it off her. Awwwww. Will try again tomorrow. But, I need them to rest for the storm.




02:38 Dec 13 2022
Times Read: 683

Bad storm coming. They are telling people that they shouldn't stay in RVs. I'm doomed. Hopefully, what I did will hold. I'll do something again tonight.

Tomorrow, I have to plan for the worst. Truthfully, I'd rather be nestled in trees. But, the news is stating to go high. I'll have to tie down. Although, I think Baton Rouge will get the worst.

I just finished my cats winter pull-ons. And their new cat play leashes.

The leashes worked well w Baby. But, Bandit didn't want to be bound. At first she played with it. Then she tried to get it off her. Awwwww. Will try again tomorrow. But, I need them to rest for the storm.




02:36 Dec 13 2022
Times Read: 684

Bad storm coming. They are telling people that they shouldn't stay in RVs. I'm doomed. Hopefully, what I did will hold. I'll do something again tonight.

Tomorrow, I have to plan for the worst. Truthfully, I'd rather be nestled in trees. But, the news is stating to go high. I'll have to tie down. Although, I think Baton Rouge will get the worst.

I just finished my cats winter pull-ons. And their new cat play leashes.

The leashes worked well w Baby. But, Bandit didn't want to be bound. At first she played with it. Then she tried to get it off her. Awwwww. Will try again tomorrow. But, I need them to rest for the storm.




02:36 Dec 13 2022
Times Read: 685

Bad storm coming. They are telling people that they shouldn't stay in RVs. I'm doomed. Hopefully, what I did will hold. I'll do something again tonight.

Tomorrow, I have to plan for the worst. Truthfully, I'd rather be nestled in trees. But, the news is stating to go high. I'll have to tie down. Although, I think Baton Rouge will get the worst.

I just finished my cats winter pull-ons. And their new cat play leashes.

The leashes worked well w Baby. But, Bandit didn't want to be bound. At first she played with it. Then she tried to get it off her. Awwwww. Will try again tomorrow. But, I need them to rest for the storm.




00:28 Dec 12 2022
Times Read: 696

Boo has been sick for over three weeks. One of them is perm. The Perm, my mom had, and I explained what he has to do. But, of course, he isn't going to listen.

My electric quit on me. I thought it was the cord, last night. Cuz, I had to do the breakers, a few times, with the space heater on. And, truthfully, I usually can use two heaters without a problem. But, ever since Crystal lake, the plug was a lil damaged. (They have their plugs, without a cover, and there was two big storms.) So, I had to forgo my phone, again... And buy a new plug. But, it wasn't the plug. I found out, if I hit the side of the box.... It pops back on. Nobody fixed it today, just came to talk.. So I cut the outside lights, to just the inside, w one space heater. It's holding. The box on the side of me hasn't been fixed, so I have a bad feeling.

I really didn't think we were going to be able to stay...
But, Boo got another week. LOL. Wait till the Red Queen finds out. (I can't name her.) She's going to say... "Off with her Head..
" 😁😯. For sure...

Speaking of Red. I watched the Exorcist, the other night. It's been a long time. Started to think of the production. Maybe, I thought too much. Something tried to punch a hole in my solarplexes, astrally. So I healed and struck back. Then, it put it's red cape on me.

Didn't feel no surge. Just regular astral. Typical. Ok oh hum

There is a storm hitting California soon. Hopefully, I can brace here.

The WS is coming....

Actually, though, this is the weakest time of the year for me...




08:11 Dec 09 2022
Times Read: 709

I saw this old movie, that I had forgotten about. It stared Angie Dickinson, named Dressed to kill. All I remembered is my mom saying, they should have named it undressed to kill. I could see how my mom could be jealous. Angie had wrinkles, and was still hot. LOL. Typical scene, gay guy slashing out at attractive woman. In one form or another, that happens. When I started watching, I thought.... Oh yeah Michael Caine is the killer. But, I watched anyway. Amazing how Angie got second billing, even though she died at the beginning. The two stars were the woman, and the kid. I saw that kid in some other movie, that was good. Can't remember the title. Will have to look up. ...Nancy Allen, and Keith Gordon... Oh yeah.

God, I just saw that damn roach again. Believe it or not, it came from Crystal Lake. The only park I've been to that has roaches. Surprised this little guy didn't die yet. I've moved a few times.




20:11 Dec 08 2022
Times Read: 720

Well, every day, I'm trying to find a new outlet. Two, said I have to go down. Of the two, one claims they just give referal numbers. The 3rd claims they don't help whites. Another one sent a ton of bogus mail to my phone. Lol. How can I take out a lone if I'm not working. Just shut that connection off. Will try another tonight. Who knows.

I started a cat coat. Not done, yet. Plus, I want to make it cuter.

I bought small rope, hotpink, to train my new cat. But, I haven't used yet. Worried that she'll be afraid of me. But, I cut it in half... That way, both cats will have 12 1/2 feet. Should be very light. I know my cat will be fine. I had a wire one on him, when the sites got busy. I have to do both alike. No jealousy here. I have a litter box. I wish the new cat would use it. Mine showed her how. I guess she's not interested. But, if we go in, she has to use.

The Winter Solstice is coming. Maybe, I should interrupt a certain group. 😁.




18:32 Dec 05 2022
Times Read: 735

Well, I had toast, the first time in over a year. Nice. But, it coast twenty, and tax.

Well, anyway.... I used a new setting for my circle calling. Last month it was the sun, with the quarter elements.

This month, I stated at each quarter. Plus, I used the sun in the south. Plus, I did the unthinkable and used Stonehenge... as a backing. And, one other.

The temperature shifted good. Not like last month, the storm month.

Last night my bottom lip swelled up. Maybe, a sting. Don't see a mark. And, eyes are a little blood shoot. LOL. Probably food allergies to those 🌭 s. They weren't too good. No more of those.




19:12 Dec 04 2022
Times Read: 765

The guy that's been paying for everything, didn't tell me he had the money for the week. I had everything packed, and ready to go. Ordered the site. Just had to stop at the library, and Walmart.

Although, Walmart doesn't have a counter, in the fishing dept. .. Anymore. I would have had to go to the sporting good store.

The sewing needles are against the wall in the back towards food. (I needed that to make pet coats.) The pet food is near the grocery. The soap is near pet food. No cheap ones. The Christmas lights are expensive.

So, seeing I'm not going primative. Which, if I had I could have got my phone on. Plus, he didn't tell me he wasn't going there, this morning. So, what I had set it up with My License. Which means, the gov. probably will not let me have a spot there, again. Plus, I was all packed, and undone. Had to redo, and unpack. Mean Jean...

Well, my new coffee maker that he made me get at Walmart, didn't work after two weeks. I tried to fix. But, everything looks in place, underneath. It must be the heating unit. Which I would have to order, from company.

So, I bought a burner and cheap pan; which costs twenty. So, I have to live on peanut butter, jelly, half eggs, margarine, two loafs of bread, potted meat, pickles, chips, 2 dollar sweet things. I think that's it. Oh, one pack of hotdogs and 3 ramens, cheap oatmeal. LOL.

I would have gotten the license to get fish. But, Walmart doesn't do it anymore. Bummer.

Walmart, so disappointed me.

Well, it doesn't look like MJ is going to find me a plac, like said. So, I'm going to have to find another outlet on Google. My chore for the week.

OMG. There were writing pads for 50 cents. LOL. It was a employee note book, they left w the rest. Took pictures of notes. LOL.

New circuits
#6-65 equal Blu

And so on....
Kitchen wall 14-22
Left side door 30
Right side door 8


And so on.....
Next page....
Ele room LID, LD L402

And so on.....

Of I didn't have such cheap WiFi, I could have got the pictures of notes on.



The end of this horrible day. . . .
My plug didn't work to charge phone. Probably, cuz I had it in my bag.

So, I looked for another.

If I didn't find one, I would have had to do, what I did at Crystal lake. I didn't have my head phones, nor WiFi.. So , I cut a plug wire, took off the casing, then uncased the 3 wires, about two inches. Twisted the wires together, so I could stick it in the earphone port. And, it worked. . . . I heard, and taped the radio.

Would have had to do somewhat the same, for the plug .

Maybe, working on the old brain cells helped.

Today, I bought two blankets that they had for pets. They were 1.25 each. Going to make coats for my cats, for winter. Going to use paper to make a pattern first: Then cut and sow.. . . . Pretty thrifty




19:12 Dec 04 2022
Times Read: 766

The guy that's been paying for everything, didn't tell me he had the money for the week. I had everything packed, and ready to go. Ordered the site. Just had to stop at the library, and Walmart.

Although, Walmart doesn't have a counter, in the fishing dept. .. Anymore. I would have had to go to the sporting good store.

The sewing needles are against the wall in the back towards food. (I needed that to make pet coats.) The pet food is near the grocery. The soap is near pet food. No cheap ones. The Christmas lights are expensive.

So, seeing I'm not going primative. Which, if I had I could have got my phone on. Plus, he didn't tell me he wasn't going there, this morning. So, what I had set it up with My License. Which means, the gov. probably will not let me have a spot there, again. Plus, I was all packed, and undone. Had to redo, and unpack. Mean Jean...

Well, my new coffee maker that he made me get at Walmart, didn't work after two weeks. I tried to fix. But, everything looks in place, underneath. It must be the heating unit. Which I would have to order, from company.

So, I bought a burner and cheap pan; which costs twenty. So, I have to live on peanut butter, jelly, half eggs, margarine, two loafs of bread, potted meat, pickles, chips, 2 dollar sweet things. I think that's it. Oh, one pack of hotdogs and 3 ramens, cheap oatmeal. LOL.

I would have gotten the license to get fish. But, Walmart doesn't do it anymore. Bummer.

Walmart, so dissapointed me.

Well, it doesn't look like MJ is going to find me a plac, like said. So, I'm going to have to find another outlet on Google. My chore for the week.




11:10 Dec 04 2022
Times Read: 774

Today is D day. Saw the site on video. But, I'm sure the water line has receeded. Goin to be cold. But, looks great. Just need a printout of the Gmail.

Made a list.... Of needs. Tp, pt, H20, wood, lighter, foil, lights. . . . Hat, gloves, warm cloths,... Got a feeling, after all of this.... Not much for my food. Oh, cat food.... Everybody had animals off leashes. Woods, are unsafe for them.

My stray cat is too active this morning. LOL. Killed a mouse, yesterday.

I thought about my x. Maybe, he's goin to a convention. Although, I think there was something about Boston. Why, the young athletics stuff?

Well, I'm up. Need to start....




12:11 Dec 03 2022
Times Read: 797

I haven't seen that tan, oooops grey cat since the people across left. I bet he was theirs.

Well, yesterdays, wash experience, left much to be desired. First, a chair that someone dropped a drink in... Just great. Left the wet on top, as a warning to the next victim.

Then, the dryer went off after 25 minutes. Luckily, I had only one wash. (Not even half the time.)

Next, I washed my cup in the simk. And, the same black stuff, that's in the chair, came out the wall. Plus the sink looks nasty. They should leave a sign up... Not to use...

First, and second day I used the first shower... The water was cool to very cold. Then, the other two days I used the second shower... Where the water was hot, to extremely hot.

I hate to try the third shower... And, this is the expensive park. How I miss the other one.

Maybe, this is to prepare me for primitive tomorrow. Cuz, Boo was sick.

Funny, I dreamt of my X this morning. He must be thinking of me. Aaaargh. LOL. Played soccer. Nope. Bad knee. Well not bad. But, not great.

We had diner, of course. And, took in some athletics. Not me though. Maybe, I should say hi, in my own way. Won't be doing much next week.

No TV for a week, so made sure that I watched Poltergeist this morning, and I noticed Queen of the Damn, has been added.

Have to right down a camping list. . . .

Go over fish.... Although, I doubt that I'll catch one.

I still have Boo's knife w a heavy metal handle. But, it's not sharp. Hmmmmmm Could use it to knock my imaginary fish out... And filet them. Plus, I have to think of fire .. didn't look like wood was about. And, I'm sure no grill.

Timber, and dead grass was too wet. Had to get my candle, and use wax. Even the cave set up of twigs didn't work until the wax. Everything made, expecting rain.




23:02 Dec 02 2022
Times Read: 805

Well, I checked out shrimping, for my primitive camping... But, you have to get a ez fly net, for shore fishing...

Plus, after the permit, .....
There is the pole, wheel, line, hooks, weights...
Or a rod, line, hook, weight...
Plus bait....
Then the killing and clean up stuff...
Club or blunt object
Sink or cleaning station
Rubber gloves (optional)
Fish spike
Small knife
Filet knife

There won't be water. Hmmmmm
Steak knife

This looks like it's going to be too expensive.





13:45 Dec 01 2022
Times Read: 818

My hard core camping is coming. Checked AccuWeather, there are 3 cold nights starting Wednesday.

It looks like it's saltwater fishing. But, will call to make sure.
I always thought that was freshwater.

I started to enter my name, to see the cost of the license. It's so cheap. And for both. Cool. Just need a pole. Checked Walmart, and they have ten dollar ones.

Now to see how to fish, and shrimp.

I remember how to clam. We use to go to Colts State Park. Throw a tire tube, w a window screen, on top. Then... Shovel, and shake. Easy.

Don't think I fished though, the men usually did that near Slater Park. Catfish. Yum. But, they are boney.

The worms and weights are the final thing.

Need to watch some Utube videos.

LOL, I watched a quartet, and a single.
I saw a challenge, where the guy got a reel, rod, and line for ten.

The other just had a rod, and a premade line.

Saw some fishing. Won't be in a boat, though.

The spillway guys had dark lures. The guy w the rod use weight, hooks, maggots.




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