Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 37    [ Give / Take ]


30 entries this month

20:29 Jan 31 2016
Times Read: 1,261

Lol. Went to go into membrane and saw something different. Lol. A tent for what nots.

Was watching Logan's Run. When I got up to the cat capital building, I thought of the word terrarium. Haven't thought about that in years.

It started when I took a class from a witch from Salem. Truthfully, maybe I shouldn't have, my coven was kicked out. Lol. Don't get me wrong, I protect them. The head, of my coven, was implicated w a missing staff. Yup, from a lead in Salem. Don't really, know the story, but, supposedly, when she went to bring it back. The Salem lead, refused to talk to one of my coven. Hmmmm. Hopefully, mine didn't steal it.

Well, after, my lead wanted everyone third degree. But, I was still initiating in the Dawn. Lol. A double dose.

So I broke off, went on my own.

Back to Salem. Many years after, Saw that the Salem lead was really into, the crown thing. Took a class on how she did up her book. Someone one had already told me about the cover.

Well, anyway, there was something about the English banquet, so on. Later, remember being told to practice w a terrarium. To create the world wanted in an enclosed space. Well, boring story.

Actually, I think there was another coven, when I was a child. Remember, seeing the woman closing my bedroom door.

Need to get some cleaning supplies. Lol. Guess it is a boring day! What a world!




01:08 Jan 31 2016
Times Read: 1,265

Watched Interstellar. Wow. Love the ending. Awesome.

What does it mean when you close your figures an bend them, at the knuckles so that they form a flat plane, horizontally. Then you meet it with your other hand, figures closed folded over, at the knuckles to connect. Meeting the figure tips.

Maybe figure shadows, on the wall. Lol




19:21 Jan 30 2016
Times Read: 1,270

The other morn, mr drone, fell off the wall, lol. Astrally, of course. Him and that cross. Lol.


I'm vicious, not passive aggressive, I've got my fingure on the pulse, starin straight into the hole,and I get it. And I'm a savage,its automatic. I got a way of makin noise, the power to destroy, with no static. Cuse victory is all you need, so go to cultivate and plant the seed. Hold your breath and count to ten, just count to ten. I'm goin to make it rain, so ring the bell. I know it all to well. Switchblade at the end of your wrist. Can I get a witness. Cuse agony brings no reward, for one more hit,and one last score, Don't be a casualty, cut the cord..... Shinedown




15:02 Jan 27 2016
Times Read: 1,289

Well, up again! Tried todo ritual in stone circle. Lol. Was awfully, windy. Then I went back. Saw stone circle again, started quarters. Heard a man scream. Maybe My astral projections are getting weird. Saw a bunch of images. Where I live. A window, with someone carrying someone by. Breathing was irregular. Hmmmm what was all this about.

Well, back out to job hunt. Lol. What a world, what a world. Maybe, I shouldn't say that. Been raining. Lol. Well, I will have to risk it. Looks like a pants day.

Oh, yeah, not paranoid about blacks. One of the problems, at my last job, said something astrally about, I don't know, her sister or something, with the funny face. I got the image of the girl in Cox. The one w the teeth problem. Actually, she said that she was ugly or something. I said it nicer. Truthfully, her and I never was together. Lol. What a world, what a world.




15:43 Jan 26 2016
Times Read: 1,296

Man, took a long cut yesterday. Instead of one an a half hours, It took 2. Lol. Well back up and out.

Another day to go behind enemy lines!




14:26 Jan 25 2016
Times Read: 1,300

Another day. Cloths drying. Need a little tea. And off I Go.

Truthfully, lol, I have so many people after me. Started with the voodoo, then the English, the Satanist, now the black. Lol What a world, What a World. Really, I need to move out of this state.

Lol. Soon I expect the scientist, to be after me.

Poor little me!

Why is drone showing Nemo, my child. Lol. Ooooops, she likes him. . If he was to remember correctly. All of that started with the eleventh dimension. Lol. Sort of separates. Huh. Not forever. Just a year and a day. And what was that hand shake problem. C'mon now. Drone has to work w someone else. My boyfriend doesn't even want to work w me. Lol. He doesn't show me anything. But, that cross, smoke, spinning thing. Lol.

The only reason why he moved my hand is because drone and him had me completely intralled. So...... Time to get




16:32 Jan 24 2016
Times Read: 1,310

Sitting down, listening to the latest Stevie Nicks. Didn't know she made a New Orleans song. Lol. Probably, cuz the great reception she got at the Festival. So many people sitting there. On sides even. Lol Somehow I got to almost the front. Mid. But, yuck, mudd. Won't do that again.

Einstein's Mirror on my table. W a cup of pumpkin tea. So determined . Guess I should throe on a dress. Lol

Hope all had a great full moon.....




19:09 Jan 23 2016
Times Read: 1,318

Was looking at the stone circle, astrally, and saw two books labeled, slayer. Hmmmmm lol. Honesty, that could have been Jerome. He has been going off on me. Lol

Did another astral ritual. Yup. With the stone circle. Full moon today. Actually, the year link will be over May. Ending the stone circle. Thinkin, about Nemo, next.

Need to go out and get new ideas for work. Listening to a little Bach.

Finally, saw the new Poltergeist. Kind of bad. Couldn't fall in love with their fam. Boy, needed a shrink, so did kid, and dad. Lol. Touched on parallel worlds. Although, first one was best

Book ratings provided by GoodReads:

3.51 avg rating •

63 ratings

Synopsis: They are your friends and neighbors, your teachers and your lovers. They are the beautiful ones, the ones alone, aloof. The ones living on the edges of society. The ones you suspect the least. The spawn of an unholy union between the mortal and the profane, they have taken the art of blood-drinking--and murder--to chilling new heights. And they are about to inherit the earth. They are slayers. And they have never questioned the creed of their work, nor challenged the words of their elders, until now...until him...

Prepare to hunt the hunteReader's Praise for SLAYER:

"From the moment I started reading this novel, I knew I would not be able to put it down. This book, in my opinion, rivals such great novelists as Anne Rice...I can hardly wait for the next book to come out! I recommend it to all my friends. If you've got an interest in the dark side, and the macabre, this is the book for you." -- Joyce, Ontario, Canada

"This book rocks! It's written so well. Haven't seen it's like since The Crow. Most excellent read." -- Missy, New Zealand

"This devilish slice of carnal bloodlust which I devoured entertained and enthralled me...I dare to ask for more and submit myself to this horror once more. In time my body will recover from this fear but my soul is forever captured in this bloodlust of SLAYER." -- R. Z.

About the Author: KAREN KOEHLER is a self-taught New England writer of SF, fantasy, and horror short stories and novels. Early in life she was exposed to some of the most prominent writers of modern literature today, including Bram Stoker, Isaac Asimov, and Ray Bradbury. Her novel SLAYER has garnered many reviews and much public attention as the next evolutionary




04:42 Jan 23 2016
Times Read: 1,323

Ok. At the bar. Yup I read this. Although, the symbol on, I think 44, lol. It's. Dark I see the symbol on the circle, on Ra's dressing. In ancient Egyptian imagery.

And yes, lol. Boyfriend is singing. Hmmmmmm




03:23 Jan 23 2016
Times Read: 1,325

Lol. It was freezing when I left the library. Then, my friend called late for s bite, so I endured and went out. Was a little cold on the bike, just couldn't get blood heated. Now he is coming back to play his guitar, at a local bar. I think he is sad, so, going to get redressed again, to watch him play. What I do for love! God..... I Hate Being Cold!

Have two push off from reading Parallel Worlds.




15:36 Jan 22 2016
Times Read: 1,330

EMS broadcasts, last night. Nothing much happened. Just some thunder and heavy rain, for a short while.

Was waiting for the sun to peak. But, patience is giving out. The wind died down. But, hear gusts.

Friend took me to spillway, the other day. Bonne Carre, I think. Was rapid. Water is up to the levee, here. Never seen it so thick.

Aaaahhhh I see the sun, finally. Awesome!!!




16:25 Jan 21 2016
Times Read: 1,348

Hmmmm went off on my own, yesterday because boyfriend, is tired of the job hunt. lol

Found something, but, could be nonsense job. Let's see. What I mean, is a sign to bring something in.

Saw King Kong, pounding his chest....

Guess all is well. Yup, the infamous, Nemo.

Haven't done anything science/ritual/dimensions yet. Must focus in job hunt first.... then.....

Someone tried to link me to president. NOOOOOO WAYYYYYY. lol




11:50 Jan 18 2016
Times Read: 1,358

Sachet Lemieux

You know, I was thinking about something like this, the other day. The movie awards were slandered. Because they don't nominate enough blacks. That worried me. Because in the state I live, blacks have mostly took over. Lots of all black stores, restaurants, hotels..... Why, is it, when they say equality, it means segregation. Are we better off. Look at the Mexicans, Spanish, so on. You sit in a cafeteria, and everyone sits with their ethnic kind. What makes us do that. Is it because we hold onto are roots. That we see our race as supreme. That we are afraid of other races. Or is it just our matrix. Should, blacks hold onto slavery. Or is it the hate.

I recently, saw that Salem, mass found in the woods, the place where they were tried, where carnage developed. I thought, if nobody, will drop their hatred, nor will we



12:24 Jan 22 2016

They are nominated only for preformance there are a lot of black actors and actresses that everybody likes,


01:57 Jan 17 2016
Times Read: 1,369

Started looking at String theory in a video. Starting to grasp it. Everything runs on strings. The shortest way between two points is a straight line. But if the fabric of that line bends, than the shortest connection would be a worm hole.

Lol. Guess I was the worm hole when those two guys met. Astrally. Instead, of going from one point to another, they bent the fabric, and I became the center. Hmmmm.

Have a text book on physics that I skimmed. The other is Einstein's mirror. Think I'm going w the mirror. Both are needed.

Watching the Gallows, then Gravity.

Note: The disk has no plugs or wires. The energy has to be generated within. The goo would have to be the catalyst. Maybe microchip to connect. The center would move it forward.




15:35 Jan 16 2016
Times Read: 1,371

Watching, Stonehenge Apocalypse. Not bad. Looks old.

Someone showed me a material that glows. Actually, did look like the way the disk circles lit up. But, each circle was for something. So there has to be a connector.

Tried physics testing. Got a lot right, But, have to admit. Guessing. The quiz gives a brief statement. Like in mass, length, time. Like M Squared equals L squared, if.... Started gravitational, gravity. But, honestly. Lol. Guessing.

What I am thinking, is that the disk has to do with time. And no. Lol It's not because I Saw the movie. Saw it way before I borrowed the movie. Although, what a coincidence.

Working with RA, again, in ritual.

Was, looking for work. Decided, to hit the thrift shop for more of a business look. Had a lot of choice. Boyfriend came along and choose an expensive one. Lol. He bought it. And gave me a 25 dollar Starbucks, gift card. Sweet.

So ready for interview, for next week. Also, heard back from health care place. But needed, old software for chat. And there is one other. But, it looks like outside sales. So....




15:27 Jan 15 2016
Times Read: 1,378

Quiet night 🌃, last night.

Noticed, that raven didn't sleep, in between my legs. Truthfully, I just gripped around her like she was a hand and pulled away. She was so cute. When I woke up right away.

Truthfully, I was dreaming of a guy who kept hitting a post, I was behind, w his car. Then I saw him coming up to me, when he grabbed me . Someone else grabbed his hand. Thus my cat. Lol I never connected that strong before.

So a program in physics that I didn't think downloaded. Lol. Started playing w it.

Liked my thing yesterday at the circle a rocks. The water wall was sweet.

Looks like a beautiful day!




15:11 Jan 14 2016
Times Read: 1,382

In the pod... out of the pod..... Back in the pod..... Come now, I'm gettin sea sick. Lol. What the hell happened last night. A car chasing me. Some weirdo saying we have to work together. Lol. Felt a hand grabbing. Grabbed my cat. Lol. That was a first.

This astral stuff has to stop. Till I find a new job. Lol. Except for me. Lol

Had to leave last job. Black chick for sure was goin to steal from draw. Cuz idiot owner said it had to come out of tips. Lol. She kept leavin. Didn't want to take customers. Definitely was hungry. Ate and looked like a oinker. Lol. What do I look like. Don't answer that. Lol

Don't mind the pod, Nemo. Lived in worse places. Lol

Still waiting for my String Theory, for dummies book. Lol

Alright, ready to go back to work. Maybe part time, so I can look for a good job and keep both. A plan.




15:11 Jan 14 2016
Times Read: 1,383

In the pod... out of the pod..... Back in the pod..... Come now, I'm gettin sea sick. Lol. What the hell happened last night. A car chasing me. Some weirdo saying we have to work together. Lol. Felt a hand grabbing. Grabbed my cat. Lol. That was a first.

This astral stuff has to stop. Till I find a new job. Lol. Except for me. Lol

Had to leave last job. Black chick for sure was goin to steal from draw. Cuz idiot owner said it had to come out of tips. Lol. She kept leavin. Didn't want to take customers. Definitely was hungry. Ate and looked like a oinker. Lol. What do I look like. Don't answer that. Lol

Still waiting for my String Theory, for dummies book. Lol

Alright, ready to go back to work. Maybe part time, so I can look for a good job and keep both. A plan.




19:51 Jan 13 2016
Times Read: 1,387

Like playing w new toy. Just can't get the center to light up. Or maybe center isn't an acivator. Hmmmm. Love the disk.

Got check. Lol. Had thoughts. Tip was still there, amazing. Have to admit, I cheated a little to get everything.

Finally, stayed awake for stone circle opening. Laid on stone slab. Just messin around.

Doin ritual tonight. Moon phase is waxing.

Put a bunch of apps in online. Yesterday. Even more today. Put, more than for me, for my boyfriend. Lol




15:48 Jan 12 2016
Times Read: 1,395

Re read the drug companies info. At first, says that they will give you equipment. Then states that you have to buy it, and they will refund. Lol. Couldn't even do the AOL account. Phone number wont go in. To bad. I use to be married to a Dr. In New York. Knew how to do sales. Lol. W lots of food and goodies. Yup. You got to bribe them. Lol

Well, going to check moon phase. And move on.




06:44 Jan 12 2016
Times Read: 1,400

Still don't know what that disk and the light does. Need to do a few trials. Tried looking at disks. Antimatter. What was in the disk was active chemical. Hmmmm.

Meanwhile, still playing w the stone circle. Also, saw a stone circle movie. Lol. Has a round disk, that is separated into 4 pie. But, the one I saw was four rings and w a center circle. Coincidence? Could have been through, Captain Nemo. Or someone of the stone circle, or something I brought back, from a journey. Told back when I had a journal from my real name.


Read another of Nemo's books. Almost done his library. Now going off a little w Time and Thermodynamics. And a pleasure book, the Human side, with Albert Einstein. Stephen Hawking just came out w a new paper, in regards to black holes. Interesting.

Before New Years, I think Drones(nickname) was playing w a scuba doll, astrally. Lol. We snapped, don't understand why he persists.

Well, going to watch stone circle again. Fun. They had so much trouble w crop signs. Who knows. Lol.

Have interview on phone scheduled for tomorrow. 20 an hour job. But, already told him that equipment couldn't go into where I live. And I tried downloading the app he gave me. But, doesn't work on my phone. I don't think my phone is compatible. I'm sure I need that new Network link. The phone number can't be typed in. So, maybe I should cancel the interview. Think I need an Applephone, or advanced Microsoft.




23:48 Jan 10 2016
Times Read: 1,407

Watchin Chronicles. Probably they will learn to overcome. Pretty good. You know I often thought if you link w an object you become immobile. So you need an intermediate. People are unstable. So magnets move objects. So to become magnetic.

Used mechanism. With rings. Saw two peoples face with it's light. Hmmmmmm




02:27 Jan 10 2016
Times Read: 1,413

Ok. Gave bad news to Jerome. Lol

Or maybe, good news.

OK. Meet at library tomorrow.

Lol. On way home bike hooked on a wire. Lol. Flew off. Damn. First time. Luckily it wasn't my neck. Lol. Was attached to a electric pole, but, sticking out. Checked myself out, ok. Didn't ecven reck the pants.

So, goin home to come calmnmmmmm down.

Ok, when at home goin to meditate on what I saw. Electronic mechanism. The outer ring, when stroked. Lit up. Then, the next ring inside, when strocked lit at stroke and little sound also. Ten the next inside, then the next inside that ring. Then a press in the center that looked like a button. So..... I tried to do it and felt something, so I called that the human ring. The second time I stroked it, the second ring in, it showed a bright light. The third ring, in, I think means antimatter. Hard to describe. The fourth, I had to stop at, to do mundane stuff.

So, going to try stroking it again. To see what it does. Maybe I can make one. For real!!!!

Meanwhile.... Back to the acid pit, in House on Haunted Hill. Lol. One of those days. Then stone circle.




23:54 Jan 09 2016
Times Read: 1,416

Lol. I never log a job, unless it is goin to end soon. Yup. Cop a Donut is ending soon!😝 Now, I'm being den mother, to ridiculing kids. Yup. I have resorted to this. What a do for love. A kiddie job. Well, Jerome will appreciate the end. He has been so sweet. I almost think, this job is holding him up.




16:13 Jan 08 2016
Times Read: 1,423

Feelin yucky!😐 Have headaches, so took aspirins. My own fault, bleach. Got to leave early, few stops to do. Library, so on. Jerome showed me a short cut. Lol. Lets see. But, it doesn't go near the 79 cent giant energy drink.

Saw someone new, kick off. But, a usual, like Anselmo. The whole cup thing.

So, still with Nemo.

Lol. People. Wish they could find something better to do.,.... Workin w time, moving things, black holes, stone circles.... Lol




00:43 Jan 08 2016
Times Read: 1,426

Did some reading. Watched some videos. Did an astral projection. All of a sudden heard my foot touch ground. Sounded like stepping on gravel. Lol. Yup, back at the stone circle. Last five months.

Someone called me w a job. Supposedly. But, per son called and hung up twice before he answered. And sounded foreign. So, that was a no.

Haven't heard much from those who like to scare. Luckily. At the donut 🍩 Shoppe, anyway. It's been slow lately, need lots of business.

🏨 💤 ⛵⚡ 🌑🐞🐞




15:14 Jan 06 2016
Times Read: 1,430

🏨 😔 👻 🕗 😪 😫 😶 🍵 😊 🍝 😺🐩 🛀 💃 🚲 👮 🏠 🍞😏 🚗 😈 😎 💔 💋 😫 🏨 👻




15:55 Jan 04 2016
Times Read: 1,441

Doing laundry. Woke up w Frère Jacques. Alias, Captain Nemo. 🙉 Dreamt that I was at some diner gathering. But, truthfully, I don't drink much. If at all. I lose part of my memory, when I do. So rarely ever.

Uh oh, heard there was a Hose of Shock person, where I'm working. My arch enemies. Uh oh. lol. Got to watch out for Lex Luther, in that group. Yup. Those who love to scare! Or... B Scared!👽

Didn't do anything last night w my stone circle. Boy. Am I getting boring. Have to work on that!😆




15:15 Jan 02 2016
Times Read: 1,452

Boyfriend bummed out for New Year, guess he is gettin old.😒 Been gettin few hours here, few hours there, with new job. Then slept to long, lol.

Pets are mad, because wasn't pettin enough, lol. Well, gettin up! Cut my soda intake down for the year. Lets see if I can do it😊 lol, drank a 2 litter diet coke over night last week, still swollen from that.😒 lol. Must drink water, yuck!😒

Well, up I go!

Second Day of the New Year😏

Tried astral circle different. Using symbols. 🔼🔳⚫➖ , or was it ▶ ,◀, 🔻, 🔺.😫




Happy New Year

04:58 Jan 01 2016
Times Read: 1,393

Woe. One last weird thing happened this year. Left at right time. But, I seemed to have lost a little time today. Weird.

Timed myself yesterday. Did well. Oh well, I'm sure that 2016, will be much better



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