Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 38    [ Give / Take ]


27 entries this month

10:57 Jan 30 2022
Times Read: 552

My Boo and I went to a local store for material, for the woman cave. Put it on. . . let's see. My idea, soooo. . . .

Meanwhile, didn't eat much but, a lil pie and soda, yesterday. Heartburn City. And, started w a lil more. Will open ham later: for Pets, and I. Yum!

Frosty outside. But, good in cave. New England had a blizzard, hopefully, all is well w them.

Tomorrow, is a Holiday! Woohoo!🎍.

I'm so getting hooked on Penny, The Talking Cat, on Tic Toc. Too Funny.😂 Funnier then Mr. Ed. 😯




14:11 Jan 28 2022
Times Read: 576

Imbolc is Tuesday, the 1-2

And, the monkey lady was on again. W a different story. One story was on Prime. Where she said she touched everything. The other was on Iinside Edition. Where she states a monkey spit, at her only.

Did someone silence her. Or. . . .

I think the first one, before these two stories: said that one monkey escaped, don't touch it. The others were back. The last story said 3 escaped. Out of those, 2 killed, one recaptured.

Wonder which story is true. This is like something from the X Files. Lol

What they all say is that the monkeys came from Africa, and that CDC was supposed to get them. ????????

I looked for the original take, on the monkeys. I didn't see it on my YouTube library. Although, I'm sure that's where I caught the one where there was one monkey loose. Maybe, I didn't give it a thumbs up. Hmmmmm

Looked again, and yeah, I think it was the ABC News one, and yes I forgot to thumbs up.. . . .

The Covid Death Count went up a week ago. When did the monkeys get here. And, it's still in the high 40s.




11:15 Jan 26 2022
Times Read: 595

This looked interesting. . .

An oldie. But, goodie!

Not bad out. LoL the woman cave had to be wiped down, after all that rain. Reset went well, after I did laundry. Boo cam and gave ride. Just made it back. Need to check on blackie to see if I can Savage his stuff.

There was a few articles, about monkeys; on YouTube. A Woman who was helping, got very sick after. There was a crash, or something. Then monkeys we're loose. They got almost all the monkeys back. One monkey, they still need to find. Turns out they are lab animals. Poor monkeys, poor woman, and poor us. Another Outbreak?

There is a hundred, two deaths toda, due to Covid. Hopefully, that includes Saturday, and Sunday. And, not just yesterday. Wow, that is like the count when Covid started. Maybe, they should shut down the parads. Or, maybe those monkeys are adding. We had such low counts ????????




11:27 Jan 25 2022
Times Read: 618

I have to put this first. Because, of the content. I almost feel as if the story was made up. Because, the artcle said, that the police let the crazy woman go. And, one article has doubled content. I didn't check any others but those.

Before I start: I thought that a Facebook article was the same as the YouTube article. The one I am referring to is: where the mother died, and the son went into her home, and found a baby in the freezer.

But, this story is not the same. Look up Kylie Patten, in Facebook. Once you Facebook her, you'll see some nice pics. But, if you look at her profile picture, and the Babies profile picture, you'll see that she made the picture to look dead, w demons, and bugs. . . . Which the baby was, in fact, dead. . . . Touch the baby's picture, and you will see a bunch of crazy demon looking pictures. One talks about a cat eating it's babies. (Find that hard to believe.)

In her story, it claims that the neighbors called for a welfare check . . . . Because, they heard the baby screaming. When the police finally showed up, they found the baby in the freezer. Something like the one on YouTube.

Now, I, being Half a Salem Witch: I don't believe in Satan. But, mentally ill people do exists. The other half, Golden Dawn, believes as such, also. So her pictures are not terrifying. But, they are concerning, to say the least.

Now the article does say, that she lost her brother, when he was four months old. So maybe it's the same disease, or maybe she killed it, or maybe the story is fiction. Not sure.


My woman cave, is not going to take 26 hours of rain, already having problems. I'll be swimming to the bathroom. LoL.

So damp and wet. (Not flooded) Still raining, and it's almost has been 24 hours.




15:45 Jan 24 2022
Times Read: 630

Google had a story about December 11, 2021, when author Anne Rice passed away. And, the proceeds of, Interview with a Vampire. She will be missed. Can't believe she was 80. She had her Halloween Balls, till a very late age. Wonder who bought her Mansion. I remember going by it once.

My bottom cushions were wet last night. Yet, just now they are dry. Weird. Was going to do chores. But, somebody hogged the room yesterday. I am sure there is a line waiting. . . . So maybe should wait.

Tried the new coffee stuff. Was ok. Maybe was too dark. Had it in a tea cup.

Mardi Gras is coming, so have to build plan B's, if problems occur.

Keep seeing the same stuff for dwelling. Nobody can afford to fix.

And, Saturday. . . . Covid deaths had dropped to 40s. But, that is still a Hugh jump to where it was.




20:16 Jan 22 2022
Times Read: 642

Warm in my woman cave. Closed window again. Whew. Had to shut off heat. 😁.

Can't believe people went running, today. Heard them grunting. Crazy, was about 34 degrees.

Can't eat much still. So bought soda, and coffee, w this time Carmel macchiato creamer. ???? First time trying. And, I bought dollar cookies. I think one of them made me sick once. But, taste good. Boo got me my favorite, for breakfast.

Luckily, they had regular pet food. And, the tasty kind for Poe.

Going to enjoy the Sun. Speaking of, I saw Cardinals again, on my walk. Boo said there were two around woman cave when he came.🌹, Lovely. My favorite!

Freezing outside, at 11:00pm. Bless the Beast and the children.




07:53 Jan 21 2022
Times Read: 658

This looked interesting. . . .
Havana Syndrome: Mass Psychogenic Illness and the Real Story Behind the Embassy Mystery and Hysteria
Book by Robert E. Bartholomew and Robert W. Baloh

And, definitely doing a copy over my phone, didn't work. LOL. A long shot.

Plus, I hate to be the bearer of bad news. . . . But, Covid deaths jumped to 51, in Louisiana. (According to the CDC.) So much for the vaccine.

Boo Boo stepped on my new Coleman. Aaaargh. (That he gave me😏) Left a foot print. And, had to clean up the fried chicken crumbs all over it.

Speaking of. . . Mr. Poe, my dog. . . . Ate an awful lot of the
fried chicken. Thought Boo was goin to kill me. But, he never eats that much. I think he was trying to impress Boo. Poe, likes him better. Even Baby slept w Boo, while I was up all night w heartburn. LOL. I was stuck w the fried chicken skin. Heartburn City.

Boo gave me a pillow. So I gave my small one, w the mosquitoe blood drop, to Blackie. He knows how to move things, so it is up to him. Is cold for the strays outside.

Still cold/windy. Drinking coffee to warm my throat up.




07:53 Jan 21 2022
Times Read: 659

This looked interesting. . . .
Havana Syndrome: Mass Psychogenic Illness and the Real Story Behind the Embassy Mystery and Hysteria
Book by Robert E. Bartholomew and Robert W. Baloh




11:15 Jan 19 2022
Times Read: 678

My Boo wants to stand guard this weekend. But, storms are Thursday, Friday. Hmmmmm

Oooops misunderstood. Friday, no one is working at his job. Awwwwwww. Storm day! So Thursday, Friday.

Been drinking too much coffee. So now back problem. Got to stop coffee intake for a while.

Problem w back so late, feeding Blackie.




17:06 Jan 18 2022
Times Read: 693

235, and everything is frozen out there. Poor blackie. It definitely isn't 45. Degrees.

Slept good tonight, it's warm in the woman cave. But, poor strays.

Did something two nights ago, one more day to go.

You know. . . I keep doing a link for a safe apt. But, I'n Louisiana, I am sure there isn't one. But, I am still trying.

Gawd. I had two mosquitoes, stings. . . . But, squished them. And, that's because I was play chasing Baby around outside.

Gave food back. Someone admitted to leaving it. Was the person who wasn't getting enough food on card. And, finally govt gave her more. But, she doesn't need to give me the shirt off her back. Plus Covid. Dangerous. Partially my fault: I told her that I needed to block the wind from my woman cave. Can't use glue, or something too light or something too heavy. I'll figure it out.

Lots of voodoo around me. LOL. Checked my favorite place for next week. But they are booked. I wonder if they are doing a Mardi Gras thing, like they did Halloween activities.

Miss the poboys🤥. Love the Cajuns!




08:39 Jan 18 2022
Times Read: 697

235, and everything is frozen out there. Poor blackie. It definitely isn't 45. Degrees.

Sleep good tonight, it's warm in the woman cave. But, poor strays.




14:23 Jan 17 2022
Times Read: 707

It is white outside. Whew. Luckily no wind. It's warm in my woman cave. Shouldn't have kicked the wasp out. Awwww.🌹

I did that spell, using a copy, for the weather. But, . . . .

It must have froze after 4am. Weird




17:18 Jan 16 2022
Times Read: 726

Somebody left a bag of food. Unbelievable. I just shopped yesterday. I just gave all the pets that 3 dollar ham in a can. Plus, I had a ham sandwich, w a peanut butter cup, and 2 puddings. The store was getting a shipment when I went in. Also, Boo, and I had Those 5 dollar have it your way before I shopped. I left the bag outside. That way, nobody else will leave anything. If they left it for the stray, then OK. Just left my best towel, and couldn't get yesterdays, cuz someone is there, and it might look weird. Hopefully, blackie will be fine. But, it is very cold out. . . . It would be better without wind. I spent 68 dollars yesterday. And got a video w both Paul Blart movies😯, for five.

What I really need is a heat spell. Last day. But I am missing an ingredient. (W Stonehenge, that is.)

There was a wasp in the water bowl. Maybe, the one that landed on me. LOL. Grabbed a fork, lifted him out, and he started to move, so out the door he went.

LOL. The wasp wants back in. Left picture. LOL

Had to turn heater down.

Poe did something new. He was cleaning his food area w his nose. LOL. He must have watched me brushing, w the pan. LOL. Cute. But, I think he is saying. . . . No more ham.

Cold outside, right now. At least the wind stopped. But, sneezing, sneezing, sneezing. Was too cold, w the harsh wind.




21:56 Jan 15 2022
Times Read: 734

My Boo said he felt a cold breeze, at the gas station. (Only a matter of minutes.)

I am watching Paul Blart, Mall Cop. Out of season. But, I love the part at the Kiss game. LOL.




19:06 Jan 14 2022
Times Read: 751

I thought about it for days, and didn't even check the radio out. So, I gave it back. I really have a lot to move. Added a coffee maker two weeks ago. (In the other Park, I use to move myself. I just lucked out w truck offers. If it was a tiny, fit in pocket. . . . But, I have that, w my cell phone. Wouldn't mind some cheap DVDs. But, would have to go way out for them.)

I really believe that the guy, next door, is stealing blackies, and the Calico's plates. Improvised. Now I know why people talk about trailer trash. Poor things. It's not bad enough that they are freezing at night.

I may have to adjust my woman cave. Storm coming. Although, the worst may stay to the other side. Have to prepare. After that. . . Looks like clear sailing.

St. Bernard had a oil leak. . . . Poor fish, and wildlife. . . .

Poe, and Baby is a lil mad. Usually, let them out more. But, lots of people around. Can't let them run much.

I wonder if Boo is going to try, and do everything before storm. I thought about blackie. In Rhode Island they use heat pads. But, sometimes that makes them have a cold. Plus, I would have to be there. I don't think Boo boo, will want to do that. There is one thing I can do for blackie. But, mum's the word.

Plastic sheet would hold heat better, for me. Hmmmm

I have to find a safe place for us, and the two cats. Got to keep trying.

What's that Moto from Galaxy Quest. . . . .




22:43 Jan 13 2022
Times Read: 770

I saw something that Trelane wrote. And, had an explanation. All I have to say; is someone bullying u Trelane. Awwww. Tell them to put up there dukes. And, walk away. Cuz who GAF what they think. LOL. A Christmas Story, shows another way to rid a bully.

Next month is Holiday. . . . Cha Cha Cha

I hope Boo Boo remembers a mask, when I see him. Can't go into store with out one.

Speaking of. . . . There is a Mayor who got Covid, even w boosters, and the vaccine. Said he was feeling bad. His weight doesn't help, much. Hope he makes it. (Deaths are still a little up.)

Was freezing last night. Poor blackie. Someone took his plate, on top of it. Awwwwwww.

Full Moon in a few Days.

Watching, As Good as it Gets, such a fun movie.
Meanwhile, watching Cake Boss, and Dr. NOW. LOL. WHAT A COMBINATION.

OMG Vampires asked him to make a cake. . . .
Labeled. . . A coffin cake fit for a vampire/Cake Boss
LOL. That was too good. They have great taste!🌹




16:01 Jan 12 2022
Times Read: 784

It was good weather, last night. Waiting for the Sun. . . . Maybe going to wait a while.

Did everything very early. I even, fed Blackie and his girlfriend. (He looked better, today!)

When I saw the mask mandate, back in effect, in New Orleans. . . . . I thought, that it was from all the testing. I've seen test places close, when they run out of test. The lesser Covid, is causing money problems. And, after all this time, the CDC said we had about 30 death, yesterday. It was down to 7 - 9; with a some time 17, over the weekend. Probably New Year party goers. Awwww.




16:24 Jan 11 2022
Times Read: 809

I had to reset my phone. Such a pain in the butt. I thought clearing the cache would work. Maybe it did. But, Boo claimed he was jammed. Would have called sis, for a test. But, she still has a line phone. Lol. An old Chum, was at his phone. (Which was great) Text came in fine. Truthfully, I have a lot of problems w the updated text messaging. It's nice to have the factory reset one. The gifs appear with in the texting. The New version doesn't have that. I have to download. Back w Facebook, messenger, Twitter. . . Maybe will download a word game, again. Must beware of WiFi, that's when the upgrades come through.

Was real cold, for a day and a half. Wind, cut down this morning. (Nice to defrost.) And, need to feed Blackie. Poor thing. It's a lil cold for outdoor cats.

Well, saw a Female Cardinal. (Not all red) And, I saw a bunch of brown finches, that flew, very close over my head. Then, I saw a Bee fly on my leg. When I straightened my leg, to look at it: looked multi-colored. (Wing and all.) Then it flew closer to look at me, on my leg. And, yeah it had like a pearley muli-colored glow. But, no mistaking the striped tail.

Was hoping to see some of the birds flooding Texas. . . . But, no. . .

There is some kind of animal underneath, where I am. Must be an Armadillo. Heard a lot of rustling. And, another 🐸 jumped in my coffee pot. (Smaller than the last.)

Life, living in a Woman Cave.)

The bee could be: USGS.gov
Augochloropsis metallica, F, Back, U | U.S. Geological Survey or an orchid bee. Sort of wasp.

And that other bee, I saw the other day, could be a Carrier. It had something bright green, about the same size. I thought a leaf cutter. But, it was big enough to be a carrier. It looked almost like a bright green lava. Hmmmmmm

Somebody left me a radio. Looks like from a flea market. Still has 4.99 on it.
Food is easy to shrugged off. But, this was left on the table 20 feet back. Maybe, some needs money. Hate to give up my waiters though.




06:35 Jan 10 2022
Times Read: 831

I am surprised, that there wasn't a storm yesterday. I saw some lightening, at 10:30. (But, no rain.) Temperature is dropping, though.

Sinead O'Connor reveals her son Shane, 17, hanged himself after escaping from hospital. I didn't know that Ms. O'Connor was bipolar. That is very hard to deal with. My heart goes out to him. (Surprised the hospital released him. Although, it's cold to put your child in a mental institution.) Bless his spirit, and soul. Everyone at one point of time, has had an issue.It is ashame that he couldn't ride his. (What a tragic ending.)

Uh oh. . . . 06/24/22. . . . .Elvis Presley Movie

They should have set it for 6/26 the anniversary of his last performance.

Elvis Presley - Trouble (Film King Creole)




13:18 Jan 09 2022
Times Read: 861

I had too many slugs, in my Hawking's astral. So, I'm going to have to do later. Just will have to go back in time. 🌞.

Boo boo, came w a sponge, the size of a twin mattress. Mr. Poe is going to like that. (Orthopedic)

Hot today, so much for the all day rain. Supposed to be cold tonight.

Fixes my candle, maybe I should add.

Poor Poe, I swatted at a bug that landed on him. Just so it would fly away. But, scared Poe. I have a good picture of it. Sort of waspy. But, it was carrying a big green thing underneath. Maybe, a Cutter Leaf Bee, or a small Carpenter. Was more interested in my wood stand. Hmmmm

I never new this. . . . But, every year, people sing happy birthday to Elvis, at Graceland! How sweet.🌹. Happy Birthday King Creole

. . . .I have to put that on my Bucket List. . . .
For now I'll just sing. . . .
There's a man in New Orleans who plays rock and roll
He's a guitar man with a great big soul
He lays down a beat like a ton of coal
He goes by the name of King Creole

You know he's gone, gone, gone
Jumping like a catfish on a pole
You know he's gone, gone, gone
Hip-shaking King Creole

[Verse 2]
When the king starts to do it, it's as good as done
He holds his guitar like a tommy gun
He starts to growl from way down in his throat
He bends a string and that's all she wrote

You know he's gone, gone, gone
Jumping like a catfish on a pole, yeah
You know he's gone, gone, gone
Hip-shaking King Creole (King Creole)

[Verse 3]
Well, he sings a song about a crawdad hole
He sings a song about a jelly roll
He sings a song about a-pork and greens
He sings some blues about New Orleans




06:26 Jan 08 2022
Times Read: 874

It actually isn't too bad tonight. Although, I just put the heater up. And, just read that it is Stephen Hawking's Birthday 🌹. Blessings. Miss him.

So, today I am going to try to reach, via Stonehenge. In the cavity, there is a fallen stone which I use. Let's see if my vibes can be shot to the stars, and above, to find him.🌹.




12:02 Jan 07 2022
Times Read: 889

Wind, and cold! Brrrrr☕ Back to warm weather tomorrow.

Should I feed pets this early🌄. Uhm, why not.

Ohhh. I'm off behemoth already. That sucks. I was on the other, for months. Awwww

When I was looking up the pretty Robin, to make sure it was a Robin. . . . I caught a glimpse of a white and black woodpecker. And, what did I just see. . . . A Downy Woodpecker! It tapped twice and flew.




07:12 Jan 06 2022
Times Read: 906

Omg. The Treasure Hunters bought out 5 and Below Store, and gave all those toys out for Christmas 2021. What a wonderful group. They gave raffles, cloths. And, I thought there wasn't anyone good, anymore. Sweet. I hope people, who had stuff they bought: cools off with this jesture!

That ugly type of bug (that I've seen before), got into my female cave, last night. Tried to let it crawl on my hand. But, it flew. Left door open, and still couldn't find it's way out. It flew in back of coffee pot, and I started wondering what it's called. I then started thinking nymph.

Turns out, that the bug is called a leaf footed bug nymph. Not, a locust, like I thought before. Finally, I took my folder and slipped him on and off to the outside. (Was a baby one.)




11:04 Jan 05 2022
Times Read: 926

I finally turned to a Behemoth. Yeah. Already, put a pic for this one.

And, I put water in my coffee pot, and saw something floating. So. . . . I took out my light, after dumping the water. LOL, There was a cute baby 🐸. Left a pic. Cute, and means good luck. Put more water and dropped. That time he went out. I didn't want to squish him, by grabbing him. LOL.

It is warm tonight, actually, lovely. I have been sleeping so we'll, since I have been back. But, time to be up, again.

Oh, and I saw those very small brown birds. Could be Finches, hard to tell. Saw them at Yogi Bear. But, I could have, for once, got a wonderful picture of a Robin. I Saw the Robins close-up, and steady. (Lovely they are. Mean Renewal.)

Ever since a patron left, 3 days ago, I've been looking at a table he left behind. Picked up the top: a wood shelf that was left in the water, at one time. And, a 🌲 trunk: that was surprisingly light.

Plus, the bathrooms have been surprisingly clean.

. . . . I don't see the car of a worker, I hope their Covid isn't severe.

Been watching, on YouTube: a couple that bites neglected storage units. (Interesting) I started watching them when they aired a dollar flea market. Wouldn't mind joining. But, they are out in Virginia.

So interesting, how they open all the boxes, and sort. Some peices they sell in auction, others go to their dollar flea market. Cloths, and medical supplies, (unless expensive) are given away for free. Sometimes, they give back personal papers. And, of course, perishables: go in n the garbage.




11:17 Jan 04 2022
Times Read: 944

Slept till Satan's hour. . . . No wind, so isn't bad. Just had an early breakfast, and Cappuccino. Had to do Ramen. (Drank a Red Bull, a few days ago, and have a hard time swallowing, again.)

The spitters moved. . . . But, I don't think far. Cuz, on a walk: I saw a light spin around, and walk back, to back of building. Girl was giggling. They must be retarded. (Not to be mean.) (I am carrying weapons. But, for defense.)

My favored coven: said something about a disjointment w/Voodoo people. We've come a long way, not to be brought back, to an uncivilized cult. They will have to catch up, some day. We stand side by side with a lot of faiths. But, this one, is to be left alone.

My other coven, don't stand w/any besides it's own. LOL. (Very Business, and for their type of community.)(They have to stand w my other coven. Cuz, I do, and they are legit.)

Waxing moon phase, currently.

Was freezing the night before. Tonight, it was liveable. Probably, will have to put the fan on later. Typical Louisiana weather. . . . Need 3 different types of weather cloths, in one day.

Need to start working on a lot of things. Especially, astral. 🌹☕

Fed Blackie. The people in the side lot, said get out of here. But, I was in the prior lot. And, the young guy, in in the State Park Cats lot, said I could feed them there, when I tried to get them away from there. Mon Dieu.

Wasn't my fault that Backie, and the Calico was goin to the other lot. LOL. Maybe, they thought I was talking to them. Mon Dieu.

Had 4 cups of coffee, and fan is on!




22:38 Jan 02 2022
Times Read: 963

What a wind. Wouldn't be bad at all without it. Buckeled up! Hibernating soon. Back near Boos place.

Really, wanted to be at St. Bernard. But, hey, I'm off the ground. And, it's better for Boo Boo. . . .

He bought me an extra blanket, and ready to make coffee, in the morning.

Left Yogi Bear Jellystone Park. Really loved it. Fed the ducks, before I left. Grabbed some coffees. . . . Even gave Poe a shower. Ground was Nice and dry under my girl cave! It was so nice. No mosquitoes!

Oh, and fed Blackie. The people there are sweet. Glad he had someone, while I was gone.🎀

1:30. . . . Woohoo, cold. Think if I peed in the woods, it would have froze. LOL. Plus, I still have those baggy shorts on. But, I did put the thick socks on, that boo gave me. Could make a cup of coffee. But, I'll have to go again. What did I buy, cappuccino, I think. I left the cheap coffee maker on. . . . Hot hot hot!☕




Happy New Year's

06:54 Jan 01 2022
Times Read: 892

My first entry of the year🌹

2nd is New Moon!

Left pictures of fireworks, at the front street pond!!!!

It was nice at midnight!


Wanted to make the day special. So. . . . Walked 2.2 miles, to Roberts, and back. Got cooked meat, cake. Walked back munching on a bake tamale, and a Red Bull. ( Lucked out when I went in store, the water was gushing off the roof, on way out. Must have been a hard rain.) Mr. Poe, and Baby helped to devour the meat.

I feel like Heidi today!

Boo Boo, said he would pay for another week here. Awwwwww. But, it really is to far for him, so I said no. Nice though. It is a great back up. Mardi Gras is coming.

Wouldn't mind going back to the first. If I walked to Roberts, I could walk to Dollar General. Hmmmmmmm

Happy New Year 🎉 Y'all!



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