Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


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12 entries this month

04:15 Jan 28 2023
Times Read: 333

My sidekick was sick again today. He said he was healthy. But, he's throwing up like I do. Hmmm odd. Was good juicy gumbo lunch to. I'm thinking COVID-19. Will see.

Meanwhile, this guy I saw w the troubled white guy is here again. He can barely talk. I gave him a place. But, seems unable to respond correctly. Maybe, special needs. Maybe, that zombie drug. I don't know. He's black, with beard. I wonder if someone is missing him. I tried to call a number he wrote, and let him talk. But, when I took phone person hung up. It maybe incoherent.

I meant to ask people inside. But they were already shut down.

Saw him w chubby white guy yesterday, who threatened him. Then gave him his spot. Today, he stood w me, and legs. Gave him some blankets. And, food. Not sure what else to do.




00:45 Jan 25 2023
Times Read: 363

Threw up the beginning of a three slice sandwich.

But, got everything else down after twenty minutes.

Still no medicade.

Though, I got approved for gov. Assistant. Not sure how I'm going to do the medical training.

Wish it was warm here. Supposed to be a storm coming.

Crazy man near by. Just great.




07:04 Jan 18 2023
Times Read: 407

I just finished my chickpeas, and rice, falafel, marinated broccoli 🥦. French fries, couldn't finish the coconut sweet.
Damn good.

LOL still thinking about that drug help line. So, where they get the stuff?

Well, couldn't afford the pills for potty. But, I bought mushroom soup. That fungi should work.

Oh, and I forgot, about this time yesterday. . . . . There was a bang bang on the ramp. . . . Then another bang. . . .when another car hit the first accident. Then, there was a much louder bang, when a truck hit the first/second car crash. Then the truck swayed back and forth, hit the railing, the railing splintered. But, didn't give. And, it looked like the driver was knocked out. Cuz the truck coasted. It finally came to a stop, and I saw the driver run to the original accident cars. Unbelievable. It looks like they put a temporary rail up. That truck came so close to flipping off. Took a long time for help to come. They all went together. A fire truck, a pull trailer, and finally, the police. Later, there were ramp repairers.

Oh, and once my paperwork comes in. I was told to go to the Unit. That this place, where I'm going to, isn't as good. Need to ask for a V, and H.




08:11 Jan 17 2023
Times Read: 429

Woke up early. Cuz I dreamt that my snuggle partner packed up due to rain. Weird.

I Have some new clothes from last night. And, a warm jacket, Which I terribly needed.

Yesterday, we were given fried chicken for a MLK treat. The bag had gloves, hat, and other items. Plus Valentine candy. Yum

And, my GA gave me some exlax. I so needed. Moving to the city hàs it's tolls. LOL, tried a qaurt of prune juice which didn't help. Maybe tension.

Maybe I'll switch to a heavy dress and tights, tomorrow. Or tights with big baggy shirt.

Elvis Presley's daughter died. 🌹🙏 A few days ago. Sad. Heart problem runs in family.

LOL. Someone told us there was food. LOL. So me and Legs waited. Then while waiting; Chris asked us to get a rose for her. . . . ???????. Had an Idea. . . . . We were in a needle, and stuff line. . . . So We get there for Chris, hoping nobody asks us our names. . . . . They didn't. I got her a rose. And legs got her a rose, plus needles. But, she didn't get the needles.

Anyway, after. .

There really was a food drop. All great Arabic food yummy. Too heavy though. They let us take two deserts, that weren't they were pastary sandwiches. (Reminded me of the Arab restaurant. Very Nice.) And, someone gave me a lil money, so I have enough for exlax, or whatever. I think.....




10:31 Jan 16 2023
Times Read: 444

My GA saved my cat today! So owed him. When I went to get litter, my cat sprinted in locked building. Was two ways to get in. GAs was fastest. My cat was caught on fan.

Living like a Gypsy is a lil ruff. But, do able....

On the freeze, I got to try a shelter. Was nice.....

Can't hardly go to bathroom 🤪 since I came here last week. Trying prune juice.

Will soon be going for the morning breakfast run, soon. . . .

And, I did all paperwork, last week. So this week is job search, and waiting for mail. This was a holiday weekend, so may be a while.

Acquired two new thrift outfits, were so needed.

And, now there is three in our pack.

Birds of a feather, flock together.




06:13 Jan 12 2023
Times Read: 463

Well, today I started working on getting a place to live. Not much... But, a few to work on. First I need a transcript. So, today I have to file for it. And, work on something else.

I finally have a mail address. That's good.

I had such great food. Haven't eaten that good in a long time. Just ate camping food. Had a chicken dinner. Was so good. And, a spaghetti feast. Had so many fancy spices. I had gotten an extra one for a girl that eats a lot. But, she didn't show. So, gave it to another.

Had a lil trouble last night. Had to take out the Mace. Guy skipped off.

Tried calling the place that let's u bring pets; nothing was available.

My GA, was with me all day again. Don't know what I'd do without him. He also watched my 🐈.

. . . .




11:28 Jan 11 2023
Times Read: 475

Well, still alive. Someone tried to attach last night, and took out the Mace. Asked him to politely leave.

Well, I left park in poring rain, and as I was leaving... A woman insisted that I My cat, and I ride with her. She took us to a shelter. But, no pets. So I just stayed for food, and off I went. A Guardian Angel (GA) filled me in, where the safest spot is. Cool.
Met w him, next morning. GA showed me help center.

First day didn't do much there, just tried to get phone going. GA let me use his to talk to rep. Boo won't respond to her, so have to get a free phone, when I can.

Day two went almost to plan. But, medical was done which took up my time. I have a prescription (was sent into pharmacy), and I have too make an appt. Just waiting for my card. I'm going to have to have something stuck downy throat to see about the blockage. Not too anxious about that.

Meanwhile, someone mentioned Dotster. LOL. Found out truth about her.

There is a place to stay that includes pets... But, need phone to call them. I will have to wait.

Meanwhile, working on getting myself out of ditch.

My cat, is doing well. Walks all over the place.




11:32 Jan 08 2023
Times Read: 498

This is the last cue, before I go cold turkey. Was a good warm night. Didn't see the tan cat for the last feeding.

Going to shut off my VP, before I leave. I'm wishing myself luck.

If I had enough pocket money, I would try to thumb to New York. At least my education means something there. And, jobs, jobs, jobs. Too bad that professor isn't alive, over there. Maybe, I could stay at the Vanderbilt.

Like a feather in the wind. Somebody said they came here w only ten in his pocket. He built a small empire. Who knows. . . . Still, I'd prefer to thumb to New York.

A feather in the wind.




01:20 Jan 07 2023
Times Read: 516

Phone charger is malfunctioning. There is no way it could be 51. Jeez. Well, I have to move again, tomorrow. And nobody showed up at the sight, that I left, for the last two days. Maybe, the office was getting even. Last day tomorrow.

The guy w the grey cat, I guess doesn't want him anymore. He use to walk him, and buy runners.

Baby, is pulling a Bandit, tonight He wanted to go out. LOL. Must be the new food. I guess I can walk him, again. But, got a lot of lifting, tomorrow.

The people I was going to give my stuff to, left this morning. I'm sure her son needs it. He's having problems, and talking to himself. Not, a biggy to me. I've seen worst. He just needs to relax, and lay off the stimulants. Plus, I noticed a droopy eye. Poor baby.

The woman, I call Karen, gave me a water heater. Said it pops her electric unit. It worked great in the laundry room. I used in in a plastic travel cup, and it heated up the water fast. May take that with me as a souvenir. Plus she gave me grits, to kill fireants

There is a man looking for something for me. I'm trying to hold, to see if he finds it. Said he would bring it back to me.

No Webb, at the other spot, for tomorrow, also. I'll probably lose the money on my pay card, if not already, soon. Wouldn't it be nice if there were telephone booths like, in London. Then, I could have done the
phone activation. Waste of thirty three.

Dotster said something as she passed. I didn't get a chance to video tape her. Maybe, next time. My chum heard her. She said something, again, after she passed by. I had to meet another insane one. Whatever.

Did my obligatory full moon thing, last night. Went good.

Can't see Jafars podcast. Would have to go back to Twitter. Plus, the Webb here, doesn't include YouTube. She'll have to wait Jafar.




23:45 Jan 04 2023
Times Read: 529

I really have to get my phone activated before my pay card dies. What to do, what to do.

My chum gave me fried Hugh cauliflower. Yum. Trying not to eat the franks, cuz, ate potted meat.

Gawd, got to move again, tomorrow. For two days before I move the last. Charged my charger to hold phone charge. While in unapproved, I mean unimproved. LOL

Meanwhile, on Facebook. Someone, claimed they had my stray cat. But, w no collar. I saw the picture, I can't tell. Markings on body is right. But, she has a small head. The picture looks like the cat has a full face. But, like I said, it's too far away.

The storm wasn't bad, at one last night. That cabbage, and black eyed peas must be working.

Wanted to do microtubules last night. Not sure what happened.




12:44 Jan 03 2023
Times Read: 540

The Dotster is here, somebody pulled into my parking spot to warn me. Said she's stalking.

Another, wonderful day in Louisiana.

Meanwhile, ... I'm back to a feather in the wind. No texts, or calls to Boo. Just waiting to leave. Although, this time I'm mad. Thinking of giving everything to someone prior, to Sunday. Just going to be quite, and patient till the end of week.

Hope the cabbage, and black eye peas work. 😁

There is supposed to be a storm coming today. But, I guess, tonight. That's why I had to move back to electric. Let's see.

The guys, grey cat is so funny. When I closed the tent, it jumped on the door. LOL. Too cute. All I could see were the shape of the paws imprinted.

Introduce my cat to someone, and her son. Seemed at ease w both. Awwwww

Oh,. The Shining is on Tubi. But, Webb isn't at this location. Bummer.

Well, my new friends said two. My weather said 7. But, last time I looked, it said 12, heaviest rain at 1am. Let's see. There was a little rain at 11:30pm.

My goodness, the nice woman gave me an apple fritter. Awwwww. I don't want them doing that, too nice.

Ate it for dinner. LOL. Heated in pan. Yum. . . . A lil heart burn, but, yum.

I think that Dotster gave one of them a dirty look, and they said something. But, that's nothing. They just recognized her.

They said something about Karen. LOL. I explained my meeting. And, I explained the new one w a health issue. She's try to sell post cards, jewelry classes and what not. She will make her rounds.

Well, it's almost midnight. . . .




23:28 Jan 01 2023
Times Read: 565

Well, I guess it was New Years Resolution Day!
Had to move again. But, I'm much better at it. Then, just shopped quick, different foods. First thing I ate is peanut butter, on good bread. Then someone gave me an old soft rug, that he us to use, during construction. It wasn't ripped or worn. But... I washed it 3 times. LOL. Almost got it perfect. Just one large spot. Need to scrub before next wash. Could be grease or oil. Then it will be perfect. And, light to carry. The guy who let me use his car, gave it to me. My cat loves it. Maybe if I scrub with gooe.

Plus, the nice lady who gave me shrimp, and sausage, stopped me w food. I said I really shouldn't. But, she insisted. Because, you have to eat cabbage, and black eye peas today, or bad luck. 😁. That's so awesome. It really went down great. But, like I said, the last mishap could be partially cuz of the vitamins, and grease. Or, could be allergy.

Anyway, that was a great New Years! I gave them a cooked chicken. Not so great. But, good. Looked like he was doing 31, sign said 20. But, there was no construction going on. So.... Best wishes.

I saw Jefar w his friend today. LOL. Only went to introductions.

Well, Happy New Year, Y'all!

Tomorrow, I move again. But, close by. And, Baby has a friend here. That's good, he was lonely.

Oh, I think Boo has a thing for the woman in the window. Twice I bought something w my food money, and he claims he did, and tells her it's for her. I guess he forgot the others. LOL. Very rude. And, I'm not buying something for each. Was a group thing. Unbelievable. Obviously, I can't give to the office staff. But, he could have bought it himself, if he wanted to flirt. LOL. Too old for this. Plus, she let him off w 60. LOL. You know what Sigmund F. Says about stuff like this. Although, this week is an overcharge. But, it's because of this constant switch.

Plus, the boss lady didn't do anything she said she was going to do. So it's keep away w that. LOL.

And, I saw a flash near a site on the road, while Boo was driving. Not saying much about that. Hopefully, it's not, you know.

There is a place, a little over a mile from here I have to check out.



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