Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 37    [ Give / Take ]


21 entries this month

07:09 Jan 30 2025
Times Read: 38

A plane/helicopter crash at Regan Airport. Videos all over X.

Some think there was someone very important in helicopter.

Well, meanwhile... Found a forty can fish variety, at store. For once I didn't have to pick threw cans, and do individual scans. Then bought a trial snack box for the cats. Four soups, four packs., and 3 meaty packs to try. Plus tuna, and I already have dry treats. Oh, and friskies had new flavor. Was happy w their shopping.
.Damn, I have a money order to give someone, and need to go to an office. It's supposed to rain badly. Hopefully, news weather is wrong.

What a week what a week

Think it's new moon today..Thank God!




17:39 Jan 28 2025
Times Read: 72

Man, I can't believe Trump is 81, and is doing what he is doing. Amazing. Here I am, thinking two years more tops. LOL. I have to eat more Burger King, and play more Village People. Amazing at 81.

The young girl cat I took in, is a mountain lion. Lol. Eats like one. She was playing all morning w my older cat. Sweet.




16:33 Jan 25 2025
Times Read: 88

I saw a few more than three cats yesterday. I can't believe they made it. It truly was too cold.even the young white calico was alive. It was cold last night. Hope it warms up again, for them.

They want to make you by healthy ebt. Lol. I have scar tissue on esophagus, and ulcers. Yogurt is out. Many fruits are out, salads, and dressing. Healthy isn't good for me. Not that I get much of it, anyway.
Guess, it wouldn't matter. Got all that sickness, during COVID.

Had to put heater hi. Chilly! So happy snow almost gone. I hate snow.




06:21 Jan 24 2025
Times Read: 100

I can't believe the rescue kitten, and my BFF are chasing each other, in lay. And, glad I didn't throw out the cat tent. It turns out to be a kitten tent. Good, sometimes I feel so bad, I don't play w baby as much as I should. Now he has a young friend. Awesome. Later today, going to clean up a lil mess. And, I'll be able to put the box back in bathroom. Plus, the rescue didn't like klaatu. But, she likes buttons.

Plus, Buttons doing well health wise, and she seems to like the cat food, now. Although, gave her human food, on top of cat food.

Tomorrow, things should go back to usual. As far as snow goes. I hate snow.




08:15 Jan 23 2025
Times Read: 113

I was playing games on my phone. . . When I realized I had a cat sleeping on my leg. Other is on side of me. So sweet.

And, my little rescue, ate more cat food, and of course my food..

Baby is much warmer today.

There was too much snow. Hope it melts tomorrow.




08:15 Jan 23 2025
Times Read: 114

I was playing games on my phone. . . When I realized I had a cat sleeping on my leg. Other is on side of me. So sweet.

And, my little rescue, ate more cat food, and of course my food..

Baby is much warmer today.

There was too much snow. Hope it melts tomorrow.




08:15 Jan 23 2025
Times Read: 115

I was playing games on my phone. . . When I realized I had a cat sleeping on my leg. Other is on side of me. So sweet.

And, my little rescue, ate more cat food, and of course my food..

Baby is much warmer today.

There was too much snow. Hope it melts tomorrow.




08:51 Jan 21 2025
Times Read: 137

Well, it's ice rain outside. I started to water drop from faucets. I hope this works, they used to tell us to run water like a pencil.

Snow was supposed to start at 9 am. But, it was hailing, now.

Well, the kitten eats everything that I eat. Even, pot pie. Too funny. Baby, still putting her in her space. But, he hasn't touched her. So, I think it will work out. I just keep giving hugs and kisses to both.

I took down the cat tent. Finally, a cat is playing in it. Yeah. Was going to throw it out. Baby doesn't like his stuff touched. But, she seems passive.

I hope it doesn't snow.




15:54 Jan 20 2025
Times Read: 155

Well, breakfast was served. Nobody wanted crab. Klaatu, didn't want Baby s indoor favorite. So, cooked low sodium bacon. She ate that.

Watching, inauguration..... It was pretty great. Never watched before..

Well my new kitten. Ate a porkchop and candy. Never seen this before.
Too cute. Couldn't get the other kitten . Nor the parents. But, tried to overfeed them. Best I can do. I have no porch. Hopefully, it won't snow. If it starts, going to cook 🍕, and fill thermos. I don't think electric will hold.




08:31 Jan 20 2025
Times Read: 164

Ok, Klaatu softened Baby's bed for thirty minutes. Lol. She fell asleep. I put a blanket over her. But, when I got up. . . She got up. So I cleaned up, and put her on my bed. Baby didn't hiss. She jumped off, and went to litter box. Yeah, yeah. . .

But, she just wants balona, and dry food. . . .

. . . I have a ton of toys, and she wants to play w balona.
She's too much. They are both asleep. Baby with me. She's in bed in kitchen.

Well, I'm trying to take care of the four Ps.

Poor other cats tomorrow. Hopefully, it won't be too cold. I don't have a porch for them. Plus, they live at other dwelling. I'll try again later.

Looks like someone left or moved. Maybe, she was that person's cat. She too friendly.




13:23 Jan 19 2025
Times Read: 181

My first check for outside cats... See none. Already, a cold wind. I'm thinking the calico is owned. He looks fed, And, too friendly. Lol

Next check in two hours.

Went all day looking: saw two adults, and one more kitten, those are run aways. Finally, at the same time I saw him/her, yesterday: he/she appeared. I picked him/her up, and brought in. Boo said the cat tried to get picked up by him. So did a tenant here. So wanted in...

Already put flea drops. Going to introduce litter box.

Named him/her Klaatu.

Klaatu, is a tortie cat: looks like female from behind. Lol. Didn't like my snacks. But loves bologna, and cheese. Too funny. Yeah a girl. I'll have to give them a nice candlelight dinner, soon.

Klaatu, just made it in time for storm. Yup, naming cat Klaatu. Going to try to put picture.




11:32 Jan 19 2025
Times Read: 187

Oh my. We are going into a state of emergency. It says winter storm. But, we don't need much here to cancel everything.

There was a kitten who wanted to come in yesterday. Cute. But, he's so friendly, I thought maybe someone owns him. I'll give shelter for a few days. I have lots of flea meds. Let's see. Cute calico.

I don't think the black one will come near me. But, like I said they look good. Hopefully, they have a warm spot

Luckily, Boo got me to shop early. Everyone was coming at the same time. Lots of wait time, finding basket, and moving in store. What a weekend.




00:28 Jan 16 2025
Times Read: 210

Well, the president, and his endorsing friend... Are endorsing diet coke. Lol. I wonder how much they got paid. Already, there is Google writs. If I think about it... I wonder if burger king was an endorsement. Nobody in media shows labels for free.

Truthfully, all diet sodas have tasted good to me. But, I get a massive headache after.

I stopped looking at the California fires. It breaks my heart, that many of the super rich, left their pets to burn. Terrible. All of United States wasn't on fire. Just some of California. They could have stayed at a truck stop temporarily, w them. I saw someone save all his horses. That a lot harder. Even Paris Hilton brought her pets. Maybe, she shouldn't be trying to reunite burnt shelter Pets, w their owners. Pets you can put on laps, floor, window. If walking, then leash, luggage carrier. The super rich😡.

Someone walked down I-10 w a rifle. Was picked up before harm was done.

Cold coming back Monday.



01:06 Jan 16 2025

No one willingly left their pet to die just for funsies here. You have no idea how quickly these fires moved, how people scrambled to just get themselves and their families out alive. You also have to take into account that these fires started during the workday on Tuesday morning, so maybe people just weren't home to save their animals. I assure you, no one wants to leave their pet behind to burn in a fire. And it's not just the "super rich" suffering during all of this. People of all income brackets are losing everything they own. These are some of the most devistating, destructive fires LA has ever seen. Maybe don't talk about things you have no idea about. And if you do, do better research.


04:42 Jan 13 2025
Times Read: 231

Well, wolf moon tonight. Already did my shing dig.

Went to book store. Went to late to look around. Had to grab and go. Found (the jokers) book. Couldn't find any (Jafar) books. Will have to order next month. Couldn't find (Sonics) double hard cover. But, did buy one to start restock. I was thinking some of it was too old. But, after I got home. . . . Saw that it had been updated. Awesome. One of books, I think is forth time buying

I never bought the Time machine, Wells. Saw the movie. Will add to book list.

Was watching a documentary, regarding Elf Waves. I didn't know that others other than the 1800s Tesla: had been working w it, as such.

It talked about the last time California dried out. Showing cracks in the dirt. The theory was that the Russians may have created the machine. . . . . And caused drought. Although, the theory claims that it would also effect the Russians weather. Truthfully, a lot of weather problems have occurred since helping the UK seems like it's possible w ionization.

We have two facilities. . . . Haarp. A Theory claiming that it would effect weather in US, if tested weather control, and may have been tried.

I read, a while ago, that when Tesla died. . . . His notes disappeared. Truthfully, his machine was to provide free electric. But, it looks like, that it makes a better weather machine.

Some claim that it could even be used for time travel. Remarkable.

I remember when Tesla"s dial collapsed (years ago). I think some people claimed that they were going to make the building, a museum. Never checked.




04:40 Jan 13 2025
Times Read: 232

Well, wolf moon tonight. Already did my shing dig.

Went to book store. Went to late to look around. Had to grab and go. Found (the jokers) book. Couldn't find any (Jafar) books. Will have to order next month. Couldn't find (Sonics) double hard cover. But, did buy one to start restock. I was thinking some of it was too old. But, after I got home. . . . Saw that it had been updated. Awesome. One of books, I think is forth time buying

I never bought the Time machine, Wells. Saw the movie. Will add to book list.

Was watching a documentary, regarding Elf Waves. I didn't know that others other than the 1800s Tesla: had been working w it, as such.

It talked about the last time California dried out. Showing cracks in the dirt. The theory was that the Russians may have created the machine. . . . . And caused drought. Although, the theory claims that it would also effect the Russians weather. Truthfully, a lot of weather problems have occurred since helping the UK seems like it's possible w ionization.

We have two facilities. . . . Haarp. A Theory claiming that it would effect weather in US, if tested weather control, and may have been tried.

I read, a while ago, that when Tesla died. . . . His notes disappeared. Truthfully, his machine was to provide free electric. But, it looks like, that it makes a better weather machine.

Some claim that it could even be used for time travel. Remarkable.

I remember when Tesla"s dial collapsed (years ago). I think some people claimed that they were going to make the building, a museum. Never checked.




10:00 Jan 10 2025
Times Read: 249

Uh oh, wind kicking up. Hopefully, there will be rain. And, my àir conditioning cover stays on.

Fàn expo is coming. Wish I hàd known about it longer. Won't be able to make this one.

I have to see if I càn change my insurance. I think one of those doctors have the one I'm thinking of. This, is going to be a problem, and a wait period.




08:18 Jan 09 2025
Times Read: 262

Whoo. I put the heater up. Cuz, my cat thought it was too cold. I put it on high, half, where it shut off. That's when I felt the wind coming threw the air conditioner setup. 🥶. So, put it higher. And threw a blanket over it, and threw another blanket on floor of door. Luckily it went off so I could feel the breeze

This is nothing compared to the poor people, in the Palisades. So, sad. I can't believe they left their pets. There is ways to bring them awwwww. Luggage carrier, leashes, carriers. Sad.

Maybe, the government should think that these fires are terrorists. A bomb placed in a bad wind. Now, Hollywood is on fire. Terrible. I hope they take their pets with them .

A lot of schools closing. Cuz, of cold.

I have so much to do to start my year off. Now, I have to change my insurance. The government is going after them for millions. Luckily, I have a lot of pills left, due to stomach problems. It's going to be a bumpy start.

What a bad beginning of the year for many.




In light of someone's Passing. . . . .

06:12 Jan 06 2025
Times Read: 278





15:30 Jan 03 2025
Times Read: 307

Well, a relative just past away... Not someone that would call you up and say how you doing, what's up. Not even before the fight. Just laid a curse on him, that he would suffer like the person that he said he hated. Wanted him to live that curse... If it was a curse. I'm afraid I feel no loss, in his passing. Wish the best for his siblings. Blessed Be!

Well, setting up my own doctors Monday.

Ever since I opened up the new container of treats, my cat has been throwing up. Odd. Put, regular dry instead, and will open a can of tuna . Have all else regular food down. . . .




18:31 Jan 02 2025
Times Read: 334

I'm sure many will be watching the Sugar Bowl game, today. More than usual. Hope all keeps safe.

As breakers, the city is using water breakers to protect pedestrians.

I hope the government is going to check out, the others in the military unit, where the two terrorists met. So crazy.




Happy New Year

13:41 Jan 01 2025
Times Read: 360

I was going to start with something funny. But, no... 35 people hit, ten dead. Reports saying to stay off Bourbon, and Canal. OMG lots of cop vehicles. They said suspect was killed. But, guns, and bombs involved, Yet they say it's not terrorist. Sis called, claims FBI said terrorist. Cantrell said terrorist. Looks like she was right.

This was like the truck that hit recently. Think it was Germany... Not sure.

Was going to be a funny day, regarding I wanting the Trump fish for my Birthday. Oh well....



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