Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 37    [ Give / Take ]


20 entries this month

11:53 Mar 31 2020
Times Read: 1,018

Have to keep shutting off phone to save energy. Not able to even do laundry. Door is locked. So back to sink. I Think we are spiking, w virus. Made a mask. Do not laugh w Olaf fabric. Was only a Dollar. Cut wrong. So the snowman is laying sideways. In pieces. Looks like Olaf is dying. Lol. Or, Oluf? Have to find some way to go back to New York. My chore for year. Had a maniac depressive moment. Gee. . . . Wonder why.




10:13 Mar 24 2020
Times Read: 1,047

Well journal. Just a reminder. If you get checked and get the coronavirus signal, then you HAVE to stay in isolation for 14 days. Per sis talk. And, if you get it, you have to fight it yourself. Because, there is no remedy anyway. Till or if you need the respirator. Which might or might not work. There are 2 hugh ships that are on there way. To New York and Ca. W med supplies. But,. . . . Plus, people in China had to pay there medical bills when put in isolation. What a world what a world.




05:00 Mar 24 2020
Times Read: 1,056

I only had to clean a snot rag and sandwich bag. And, my landlord called me at a good Time. . . Turned out, it was allergies. And, I found a migrane med that puts me to sleep at the dollar store. Man. Anxiety. So, I guess I can handle it. Will try the government. Because the Perf. Arts and Conv. Center are down. Just have to stay away from people. Had one guy say go to Dots. Didnt tell him they are closed.People who do Drugs, man . . . . So trying for gov assistance w millions. What are my chances . . . . Was a job in kenner inquiring. So gave my number. But, back to Kenner, if she calls. . . . Cant pull up two screens w phone. . . But, hit reply and answered. . . . So many people infected here in Louisiana. But, like in this building, many dont care. . . . Party people. . . . Over 800 cases. . . . On the other hand, I wanted my farewell song For Jafar. It was the scene before the professors go into the school. The song that the kids are dancing to. Before the bomb. In Evolution. Cant find. And, to the shrink, you didnt want me to tell anybody about you. So bye. Luckily, i am not a child. I could never hold secrets. Well, lets say. . . He does like you all, only in his sequence. LOL. AND, to the fingure man, why bother.




03:53 Mar 23 2020
Times Read: 1,078

Was so much garbage pile up, in stairwell. So put my mask on and gloves, and put in garbage.. . . . Oh, and when wearing a mask, make sure you have minty fresh breath. . . . . LOL. . . . Had to run to store, cuz someone locked the laundry room. . . . . Bus drivers all wearing a mask. . . . . When I said, good idea, I wish I had some. . . Lady gave me some. Been wearing since. . . . . Wuhan, w there germ warfare, did so much damage. And, they are supposedly, more advanced. . . . . CURFFEW SOON AT 5PM. . . . . On the other hand. . . . A tree stands alone. . . . Hmmm . . . (Odd, w the connection w Freud. Because, Jung is associated w a tree. Maybe Freud, gave Jung that vice.)
. . . Also, READING electric book. TESLA. . . Saw a tunnel, where it is suppose to be safe. In a car, going on stone ridge, INSIDE. But, people were ahead. So safely backed up. . . . THOUGHT AT FIRST, THAT I WOULDNT BE ABLE TO BACK ON CURVED RIDGE SAFELY. SORT OF A CLIFF ROAD IN A MOUNTAIN.




09:34 Mar 21 2020
Times Read: 1,091

Wow. Saw lots of sick people when I had to go out. The cashier said that he wasnt coming back. To many sick in store. Truthfully, I felt real bad by the time I walked there. I feel better now. Again, after I walked by McDonalds. Wonder if it is poison for bugs, on grass. New Orleans is in lock down. I have to admit . . . Saw a lot of sick people, myself. Would not have to go out if there was stuff on shelves. Still no TP. LOL




13:39 Mar 19 2020
Times Read: 1,112

2 days ago, this white old lady coughed in line. This black guy in front of me, said meanly that she should take it out of there. She could have the virus. She said she did w a grin. And, maybe he should leave. She is old. So the debate kept going. Finally, I said. . . . Knock it off, you two. Unbelievable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meanwhile, almost done w Freuds book. Back to case studies. There was only one thing else I picked up, at the beginning. . . . That Freud, was afraid of sick people. But, Jung, was never afraid of any sick people. The only astral reference to Jung. Today, I picked up something about, a tree stands alone. . .



14:09 Mar 19 2020

That's terrible


01:39 Mar 19 2020
Times Read: 1,127

Fort Salem tonight. Get your gear. LOL. . . . Went by an officer who does traffic. And, looked at him in a why expression. He is up there in age, and there are masks and gloves littered around. He said he is not needed anymore. His family is fine. . . . How sad. . . . . I started sneezing around McDonalds. Could be something they put on grass, bleached I used or . . . . Went into the Farmers Market. . . . They taped in front of tables, so you cannot go near. . . And there is a girl at entrance that checks people out. . . . Got some honey, incase. . . .




20:34 Mar 14 2020
Times Read: 1,146

Got aleach at Dam. Doll. Thank you. But, libraries closed 2 days before I thought. So cant check for jobs nor charge phone. Ochner opened a resp. Check. And, I saw a vehicle that w a trailor for high risk cases. Guess they are sdtting up now. Got 5 more days towards cat food. And, 2 more adds for dog. 3 weeks for dry. And 50 dollars more for land. . . And, found a roll of toilet paper. Yeah. Have kleenex and napkins from before. And have my favorite dollar meds. Whew.




17:38 Mar 12 2020
Times Read: 1,157

To Nemo. . . . SNL
Star Trek: The Last Voyage - SNL . . . . LOL

Well, I don't think New Orleans will have a problem, they got threw the Black Plague. This is a lot less potent. Although, I saw something that said that it isn't in control in that parish, so, need to stay away from that chapter.

Looking for maybe convenience, but, most is foreign. Let's see....

Read next section of Sigmund Freud, on Sex. Really, is sort of non-sexy. Especially, when he mentions, mucous membranes, copulates including farmers that mate, with it's stock, people who lick fetes, and what not. LOL. Actually, I can't see why Jung, objected. Seems pretty accurate. Oh, well Freud.... Gin Wigmore - Black Sheep (Official Video).




20:11 Mar 11 2020
Times Read: 1,171

Well, my buddy called and said that the City Officials canceled lots of public gatherings, in Louisiana. There.... goes that job.... no wonder he said April. Mon dieu.... so far they say, there is 6 here, maybe.

Saw a video on what to buy. Got a lil check this week. Following week better. Not to forget four legged, on Covid19, journey. And, Landlord.

New job search. . . .

I haven't dream't, I don't think, in a few nights. Really, can't recall any dream. Really, tried this morning to recall,.... nothin. LOL. odd. "I'm Alright" Kenny Loggins "Caddyshack Theme”

Read further in Freud's book. Into the sexual part, just saw, astral, a dark haired woman, with boobs. LOL Probably, is wife. The B-52's - Love Shack (Official Music Video)




21:51 Mar 10 2020
Times Read: 1,187

Came from interview. Feel dizzy. Maybe food issue. Job pays good, if I get it. But, the product will bring in sick people. Really. When he shook my hand, was worried. Lol. He looked healthy. Lol. Tulane has notice about virus. Maybe I should look closer to home, if there is a freeze. What is it w computers and my phone lately. Always malfunctioning.




19:00 Mar 08 2020
Times Read: 1,201

Started reading from my cot, a Freud book. Slipped into sleep, and heard a Door Opening. A few chapters in, later, I read about his doorways. LOL. GUESS, NO COW. This time when I slept, I remember going threw rooms in a chamber. One of the rooms, had a old woman inside, w short blonde hair. Outside the door was water accumilating. I went in to see what I did to my chamber, that is when I saw her. She said that I paid the wrong person the rent. LOL. This connection is grand. He doesn't think I am crazy. Just a victim of peril.

Wonder how my writing is. He says that he can start a chain.

On p. 76, somebody typed w ho incorrectly. Wonder what that means.

Page 92. Intern....

0:12 / 0:57
harvey 1950 - ending LOL




22:22 Mar 07 2020
Times Read: 1,209

Had to chase my black cat boo, down the hall. He ran into someone else's apt. LOL Asked if someone could just pick him up, he's nice. LOL. Young boy picked him up. He is getting so aggressive. LOL.

Got another interview this week. Uh oh. Bought incense there before.

Feelin pretty good.....




Charlotte Lawrence - Joke's On You (from Birds of Prey: The Album) [Official Music Video]

22:16 Mar 06 2020
Times Read: 1,230

Well, thank you again, Llewellyn Worldwide. Yes, I went back to an entity that you addressed many years ago, did my spell and went Astral. In the astral, I did what the article said to do, the walk in the forest, only it is almost a full moon. Tried to visual the taste w/items of bread, butter, and honey. Went up to the crossroad, and...... was hugged by the sign. LOL. Guest that is a good sign... Eat that Coronavirus.... Truthfully, I used her long time ago with the dark energy.... Was a few storms....

Let's see.... on to the next....

Harley Quinn - Stay High




Britney Spears - Break The Ice

21:33 Mar 05 2020
Times Read: 1,238


Two old rituals, gonna do!

One which the link always works, but, the link is temperamental.

the other,

Why not, I did a Summer/Wintler Solestic at Stonehenge. Why not Winter/Spring. HMMMMMMMM , . Got check. Something wrong. Only see that Sat. Well. Got to give mo for it anyway. Still didnt think of a job out of custumer service. But, applied for those anyway.

Got to get those ties up!




21:01 Mar 04 2020
Times Read: 1,245

I have a lil time before I go in to work. Yup they replaced me for the 230. So easily replaced. .. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .To finish the story about the ritual happening. Something went Bad. LOL. Ended up in a circle center w a guy, him and I had a stick in hand w a lit tip. Hmmm. Not, I think for CoronaVirus. So I blacked out. I did feel something but, I dont think it was a good cone. Later, went back and thru cone, closed circle. Hmmm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . So, i may do the next circle like May Day. Black energy would work like nature anyway.




10:17 Mar 03 2020
Times Read: 1,256

Worked yest till 8. Got home about 930. Fed pets. Got boo out of couch, again. Mon Dieu. Cleaned. Laid for a lil while. Dried cloths. Ran for 225am bus. Didnt come till 305am. Luckily, made it back to work at 335am. Whew. Double fed pets in case.




10:13 Mar 02 2020
Times Read: 1,267

First. . . I got home, flung off my coat, and phone lands in the dogs water bowl. After carrying 2 litter bags, bleach, cloths cleaner, . . . LOL. THANKS FOR CVS 5 MINUTE RICE. So I did long physical spell. Even used the pink hima.salt for casting. Got in the astral church and drew circle w staff all around. Did sea salt, salt and sea of ill stay free. . . Laid candles all around church in case people stay in seats. What I mean. . . . I called quarters. . . Set up unbroken circle spell for astrals Coming. And waited, Young girl w piece of paper came. Nice. She didnt want to take active role, but, I did get her and spell off ground. Other group came late. Someone came w healing ball. But, explained that it had to be linked to something that would heal. So linked it to the blue stone, in Stonehenge. Those belief balls never work.Sorry. So group came and we stood in circle. What I wanted was everyone to take the lead. . . . Will get back to this story later. Let me check on the full moon date also.




19:51 Mar 01 2020
Times Read: 1,280

I will be at the astral church around 11. Will do banishing of CoronaVirus around the Witching hour. Might call dark energy in. But, no grabbing at it. Whoever wants to perform banishing, can either do it from the benches. Or, meet me on the alter. Later!




19:44 Mar 01 2020
Times Read: 1,283

I will be at the astral church around 11. Will do banishing of CoronaVirus around the Witching hour. Might call dark energy in. But, no grabbing at it. Whoever wants to perform banishing, can either do it from the benches. Or, meet me on the alter. Later!



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