Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 28    [ Give / Take ]


15 entries this month

01:22 May 29 2016
Times Read: 1,239

Saw a vid. That was on youtube. Where in the future they plan on using chips to enhance your mind. Reminded me of a movie, when I was young. Couldn't remember it. And what do you know, they have it on Comet. Disturbing Behavior.

Wonder if Einstein would have been as brilliant, with a chip to enhance him. Hmmmmmm




13:57 May 27 2016
Times Read: 1,248

Bought a few more mirrors. Need to check sumthing. Far away. Hmmmm

Its not what you see when lookin, into the mirror.. But, in the glare of it, when done right.




11:43 May 26 2016
Times Read: 1,264

Headache gone, last night. Walked to the store after having dry Ramon noodles, and two barritos, all day. Lol. But, carried a twenty pound bag of litter, amongst other things, on a 30 min walk.

So guess im fine.

Funny, found a new

person on curiosity stream. Used cards, a make shift devil, blue and red balls. Fun. Thought there were more than two on quantum physics, but no.

Saw an old one on another. And another one I saw skating, at Rockefellar center. Lol really thought he was bull about that. How wrong I was. Only thing I did there , is the periodic watching and Evelyn Crab tree. Sweet




22:48 May 25 2016
Times Read: 1,272

Omg. Boss gave me such a big treat! If I was a dog, I'd lick his face. Lol wow. Have a long vacation, till next Tuesday. Awesome. Not fully paid but awesome. Sweet




18:36 May 25 2016
Times Read: 1,274

Today headache is better. Comes and goes. Must get off of the dogs diet. Or maybe make a new one. Lol.Was thinking of a liquid .... but...




01:10 May 25 2016
Times Read: 1,281

Surprised, I am doing this. Had a headache for two days, dull but....

was looking at the time machine info, within a certain book. said something about an infinite sphere.

What I liked was the statement about parallel universes. . . . It claimed, if you changed history, that another history would be created in a parallel sense, not in the original sense. So, so in other words, you would create another space, where you created a change. But, there would also be a space, with the original history. Wonder which one one be the real one. I like this, it makes sense to me....

But, again, I need treatment from Hannibal. lol




17:16 May 21 2016
Times Read: 1,288

Oh hum. Need to get up to get litter, think that big bag. Maybe see about new pillow for dog. Library, and home. Goin to set some mirrors up to do a little work.TONIGHT. SHOULD BE INTERESTING. JUST NEED A LITTLE HELP FROM MY BLACK BOX.




00:28 May 18 2016
Times Read: 1,301

Woe. This morn. Went by a policeman and he asked if I called. Said no. Went on my way to work. Meanwhile, thinking that it is funny that I couldn't remember hearing anything prior. Funny, I thought, all day.

But, around noon. Ooooops. Yup. Around 4:00am, I heard someone scream, help me and bang loudly on a door, to the right of me. But, she stopped after one shout, so I thought it was over. Actually, sounded like the woman who kicked in the door across from me. That woman, across from me, got tired of her breaking her door, and one day started to walk towards her with a knife behind her. Lol. the door breaker was afraid of that. It was the only time she ran off. Funny, how I didn't remember that earlier. Definitely, I need to talk to Hannibal.



07:08 May 18 2016

Say Whaaat? O_o


05:49 May 15 2016
Times Read: 1,306

Found out who the guy with the candy bars is from. The candy bars is from this segment, of a paraplegic trying to control a robot arm w her mind. Lol. Not towards her, but him. He can't beleive that I rate him that high. Can't remember what he called him... something like teriyaki. Lol. His is better, he claims. How, my questio, does he know What I rated. Lol. He should take a valium. Lol. A white guy, with dark short hair, he is. Lol.

Mitsubishi, thats what he called him. Looks a little like Danny Davito.

The first time he did something like eat them. Do I want to eat them, or something like that. Lol




05:51 May 12 2016
Times Read: 1,309

Woke up and gave dog a bath. At least he is barking, again. Started barking, at me this morn. Probably, washed flea stuff off, just now

And other pets are eAting better. Will, give them human food again, this week. Seems to help.

Had a few astrals, lsst night. Only, remember the guy w the candy bars. Made me think of that Robotic arm. Was used to feed. Saw Nemos monkkey smilin. Is OK.

Goin to do one important spell. Should have included me: Before.




00:39 May 11 2016
Times Read: 1,315

Mr. Drone, gave a deliberate threat. Humpf. Not even worried. He said he is waiting for the waxing moon phase. For what, I don't know. Like a bad penny, just keeps coming back. Hopefully, he will leave SH, out of it.

Saw some vids on AI, something like I Robot. Cute. And they really, are making the robots cute.

Reading Einstein's Cosmos, Easily read and enjoyable. Funny, my English professor had said that you can find out about someone, by how they write. This one.... not sure. The words seem regular, but the way that it is written is different. Guess, I can study that.




22:10 May 06 2016
Times Read: 1,327

Landlord, really is driving me crazy. Thought, I was goin to loose it last night. Saw foot prints on floor. How could that be. People have been goin into the apartment, with out telling me. And, I have pets. Which, it is clear, that I would need to be there. Like the Woman Strangler, and I agreed upon. But, they started to go in without me. The hot water was back on. And, seeing that it was the third time around for problem, I thought I should handle it myself.

Looking for a good psychiatrist, someone like Hannibal Lector, is Welcome. Then, need to get my pets one. Landlord said I'm not taking care of them any more. Have to show him, I guess.

Starting to really project, not just pet friendly. Need to have a semi-yard, for my lousy dog. Sorry Poe. Definitely, not a guard dog. No wonder, he was goin to the SPCA for the third time, when I took him. Maybe I should dress him like Elivra's dog. Give him a Mohawk and some chains. Truthfully, they haven't been eating well since this started to happen, so last night have tuna, potted me. And this morn, poe had an extra of his favorite the dogs in a can.

Meanwhile, Commander Nemo, surprised me, the weather has been beautiful. Maybe, I will let him in on something else. What a Sport.




10:25 May 03 2016
Times Read: 1,337

Found my chubby cat, Scooby. Thank all that was looking for him, for me. Kisses. Now to ask around about an apartment.




04:54 May 03 2016
Times Read: 1,341

Well, leaving this apartment, looking for a pet freindly. Noooooo crazy people. Lets see . Cant sleep lost a pet. Will go out to look later. Again. CALLED The Police.he roaches have been a loosing battle. Anyway. Amune to everything but two.

In the connection w Nemo, have been picking up something I lack. Love it. Not strong yet. But, .... love the feeling.




22:07 May 01 2016
Times Read: 1,345

Projecting sun, might be nice. Seeing no Pod. But, yeah, I need it cool. Day 1. My rose has been laid. Lol. What a swim. Kisses.



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