Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 37    [ Give / Take ]


17 entries this month

07:23 Sep 27 2022
Times Read: 329

First, of course, I did the circle, in the complete floor. It's one thirteen.. . . . I have established the cell on the alter, starting with the reflection of candles. Also, I have called from each region of the brain to strengthen, and make more powerful the microtubules of the brain cells. (Doing it like calling the quarters of the brain. )

Day one. I laid out the ground work in the astral church, and did it physically. Still, it is a low percentage of the waxing moon.

My prowess is to make the astral church an outlet: to make the microtubules more powerful, and stronger ....

It's dark in there still....




23:06 Sep 26 2022
Times Read: 346

I didn't do a practice, yet, for tonight. I figure midnightish time.

I've been in luck the last two days between 4-5:30, there has been clouds. If I new it was going to be like August. . . . I would have been doing a moon, instead of Sun, again. (In the quarters.)
Been checking availability for next month, in many areas.)

So, ok, I'm going to switch off again. But, will meet at the church every night till full moon astrally. I just have to get the matrix down, for the repeated spell.😁🎃

Ok. It's 11:51. Let's say one O'Clock exactly. Starting to set up the spell now to awaken more fluently the microtubules.




02:25 Sep 24 2022
Times Read: 375

There is so much about the royals, in media. I can't understand the ones living here. That concludes their royalty, I would think.

I did feel bad for Harry, and his fam... Once. When he was told that he couldn't use the Royal name in France, for his business. I thought the Royals were just being petty.

But, I just saw something,,yesterday; that explains why. Heinz Ketchup and other brands have to stop using the Royal Logo, due to the Queen's passing. Now they have to wait for the new Monarch's permission. So, if Harry was using that, then I can understand why they said no.

Charles must have been doing most of the work, for his mum. Just before passing, she couldn't even slice a cake. So, truthfully he has rights. Then, the next in line living there, is stepping up to the plate.

All interesting shorts; Candid shots. Food choices, and much more...

On top of it, 😁 I've been watching DCC series. It's like Donald Trump's,... Your Fired Series. Why do these girl do it. They don't make much, after. Maybe it's a TV thing. Who knows.
--- if I had a daughter who wanted to do The DCC kick line. I'd say, I'd rather you try Radio City. After auditions, your hired. Why do that months of auditions. Same idea, same height, same weight.... Dancing. Only much better.

Just. . . . Wasting my time till New 🌕.




00:09 Sep 22 2022
Times Read: 390

I investigated using light.... Last night.... Fracting it from above. While I sit comfortably in the church, last night.

I read this from a scientist.... microtubules — tiny structures in brain cells — can allow quantum phenomena to influence how neurons behave.

So truthfully, that means we don't need the light.

Honestly, we do go into two different places when we astral project.

But, to see if we can advance let's try what this scientist says. Let's start working with our microtubules. Maybe, some of us would like to see again, someone who has passed. . . .

Tonight, I'll meet the group, in the old English Church. At the usual time. . . .

I'm going to do something just before. So I'll throw it on the ones attending.

Let's see if this Scientist is right.

There are a few that want to wait till waxing. I could. Seeing that requires an enhancement, maybe I should Someone else wants to wait till tomorrow.

If I do the enchantment correctly. . . . Maybe, I should. It's going to be for everyone present. Today's the 20th. Only four more days. Just thinking this through, the light I could do on waning. . . . But, this requires a spell. . . . Ok, I can wait. . . . . Let's meet on the 26, it will give some thrust. And, continue adding strength till the full moon. . . . I'll try to do something Evey night after. . . . .till the full. . . .

Sorry, about the light. Not much happened last night.




22:30 Sep 20 2022
Times Read: 413

My cat jumped of his chair, in a way that it fell, and so did he. On the way down, he clipped me hard; on my lower leg back. I saw the blood oozing out. And, thought about the hearse, yesterday, for the Queen. 😁 The newswoman said, it wasn't actually black. But, a dark red. Truthfully, I saw how that could be.
Never has my blood been so dark, and thick. So, after reading, I took an aspirin to thin my blood. Weird how things remind you of other things.




14:08 Sep 19 2022
Times Read: 436

The footage was Amazing. . . . The Cathedral, The Speakers, Choir, The Piper, King Charles, Pallbearers, the Procession, the Attendance, the Queens Jewel Ornaments. It's Amazing how Prince Charles, in his seventies walked all that way. It's 8:00, and they are now bringing her to the Crypt. 😪🌹. I hope we get to see some of the Private Funeral, later. Mostly, I hope I don't see another Royal pass, in my lifetime. God Save The King.

That procession took to 10:25, where now THE FORMER QUEEN is in St. George Church. Be hind Windsor Castle. So sad. It's now 6:30, for the English.. . .Awwwwww they are removing the Scepter, Orb, and Crown ....now King Charles placed the Gaurd Colors, and The abreaking of the Wand. Sweet.....then the person playing the bag pipes retreated. And, King Charles was than after given the blessing of the Church of England. And, it's over. The public display, anyway. Oh, The former Queen was lowered In the Vault. It was all a Great and Beautiful Send Off. I'm sure she's still there with him in Astral, for a little while. The Energy Goes On.

Ahhhhhh to finish my night off. . . . One of my favorite detectives. . . . . Columbo - Dagger of the Mind 😲😁.




04:59 Sep 19 2022
Times Read: 450

Haven't seen the coon yet. He was a bad boy yesterday. And, I had to play the thunder storm misic, to keep him away.

Nobody sprayed for mosquitoes, so it's been nasty. And, I forgot to buy mosquitoe spray, so I've been trying to stretch last week's can. 😲

The Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II
The State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II will take place at Westminster Abbey on Monday 19th September at 11am. The Funeral Service and the associated ceremonial arrangements will pay tribute to The Queen’s extraordinary reign, and Her Majesty’s remarkable life of service as Head of State, Nation and Commonwealth.

So, their eleven, is our 5am.

I thought it would be Sunday. But, no.

Someone mentioned to do the Stonehenge Wormhole with her. But, astrally, I don't believe she cared much for it. If she was more interested. And, even if I changed my mind..... I do believe it's waning moon, and it would be deflated. Maybe, I thought about it again today. Ok, I did.

New moon is on the 25th, for both of us




04:59 Sep 19 2022
Times Read: 451

Haven't seen the coon yet. He was a bad boy yesterday. And, I had to play the thunder storm misic, to keep him away.

Nobody sprayed for mosquitoes, so it's been nasty. And, I forgot to buy mosquitoe spray, so I've been trying to stretch last week's can. 😲

The Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II
The State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II will take place at Westminster Abbey on Monday 19th September at 11am. The Funeral Service and the associated ceremonial arrangements will pay tribute to The Queen’s extraordinary reign, and Her Majesty’s remarkable life of service as Head of State, Nation and Commonwealth.

So, their eleven, is our 5am.

I thought it would be Sunday. But, no.

Someone mentioned to do the Stonehenge Wormhole with her. But, astrally, I don't believe she cared much for it. If she was more interested. And, even if I changed my mind..... I do believe it's waning moon, and it would be deflated. Maybe, I thought about it again today. Ok, I did.




18:20 Sep 17 2022
Times Read: 465

Sunday night, is the Queens Funeral. 🌹 So....😂.... Let's reschedule for Wednesday, again. I forgot about...Trelane,: he is English. So, actually, that's two Englishmen. Jafar, I mean Jeffrey, is the other.😁 It used to be Three. Lost an important one, a few years ago. I hope you all aren't too sad ....

I missed the latest speech from King Charles. ABC News, said it was great. Although, he fired a lot of servants. (Probably, the Queens.) And, the American Relations, wasn't invited to the reception. Maybe cuz.... Protocol....

I noticed one of the kids, looks so much like; King Charles father. .... Wow!

Well, anyway, picked up orange marmalade, for the first time! 😁 Only, I like it on Crackers. Hope Queen E II pardons me.😁

And, turns out that the soda is making me very ill. With, the help of the vitamins. Maybe I should drink blood😁. 😂. Well bought some more extra strength Rolaids.




23:12 Sep 13 2022
Times Read: 483

The Paddington Bears, and marmalade sandwiches, was so sweet of a gift to the Queen's passing.😪 They should have collected the bears, and gave them too poor children. Awwwwww. Instead of cutting that off.

Oh, there is a Englishman in the group. And, I didn't know about the ten day mourning. So the Astral will definitely be on Sunday night. All respects to the former Queen. Will be back on Sunday.

You know, It is so Egyptian, to leave articles of food, wealth, love.... I did for my Dad, in case of reincarnation. There's no way to put that in her tomb or coffin. Well, there is. But, London would have to stand for the tomb. Personal items left, so that you'd be with them, in another life. ..... For my Dad, I left my lucky charm, and prosperity powder, w something personal. Hid it under his coat, and in wallet. 😁. Better safe than sorry!!!!




07:53 Sep 12 2022
Times Read: 505

Woke up fast. Ran to close windows. Whew. Short storm. Was a test for new gear. Seems fine. Was worried, it was cheap.

Didn't puke my brains out this week. 😁 That's a plus. Was nausea's Saturday,. So I bought extra strength rolaids. Seems to work.

Going for a walk,. When I come back, will work on possible Ether Project.

King Charles, in media regarding trivia. Him demanding a table to be cleared. Truthfully, I didn't see a problem. Their highly paid hospitality people. Wonder how this got leaked. . . . Noticed Carmella didn't jump in on that one.

Was something else. But, had to do w spite, media wise.

I shouldn't have walked the liong way. But, I hate the mud. I had Bandit, and the Tabby following me. I wish the Tabby wouldn't come to eat at 3am. I don't want the coons, and rats coming near my site. Damn. Plus, he can eat a plate full. So I have to stand gaurd. Daytime is best. I think I scared him, when I yelled at the possum. Well, at least Bandit is in, again. I need to put drops on her, in morning.




07:53 Sep 12 2022
Times Read: 506

Woke up fast. Ran to close windows. Whew. Short storm. Was a test for new gear. Seems fine. Was worried, it was cheap.

Didn't puke my brains out this week. 😁 That's a plus. Was nausea's Saturday,. So I bought extra strength rolaids. Seems to work.

Going for a walk,. When I come back, will work on possible Ether Project.

King Charles, in media regarding trivia. Him demanding a table to be cleared. Truthfully, I didn't see a problem. Their highly paid hospitality people. Wonder how this got leaked. . . . Noticed Carmella didn't jump in on that one.

Was something else. But, had to do w spite, media wise.




19:21 Sep 09 2022
Times Read: 525

My Free TV, PLUTO, and TUBI are great.. Both had the Thanksgiving Service for the Passed Queen Elizabeth. And, the new Address from King Charles III. Very Exciting, and Wonderful. Plus, I Didn't know that woman ranked high in the Catholic Clergy, in England




21:17 Sep 08 2022
Times Read: 546

Because of Queen Elizabeth Passing, I am not going to do anything till Wednesday. How sad. The Throne will never be the same.

I was just reading about a Seer, who saw her death, many years ago. Or, it's how people interpreted it. God what was his name.....


Truthfully, people put the name to what he said. But, funny, I looked at his name up two days ago, and saw the death of Queen Elizabeth Ii, I think it says that Putin is goin to commit suicide, or something..... Google the name, and it's there.

I hope Charles steps up to the throne Gracefully, leaving trivials behind. How his toothbrush, and gin got into the news before, is beyond me.... He's made of more than that.





10:21 Sep 07 2022
Times Read: 556

Well, been up tonight. Not defending my fortress from coons. Pluto, played Murder on the Orient Express. Most Divine Movie. I think I read every Hercule Poirot book, when I was a kid. This movie depicts him perfectly. So Awesome.

Anyway, dog is better, and so am I. Will be working on project for full moon.




07:36 Sep 06 2022
Times Read: 577

I got up, to go to bathroom. And, someone is parked with their lights on, at the end of street. Hmmmmm. Plus, I saw a coon near my tent. I had the heavy fly swatter, and hit something close by, to frighten it in the woods. I feel bad for it. But it does me no good to feed them, if they are going to rip my shit right after. . . . I did leave a lot of leftovers in the garbage can. Not the garbage bin. Poe went out w me. Seems ok. Let's see if the coon is goin to try. I don't think the establishment sprayed for mosquitoes this week. Mon Dieu. Seen quite a few.

The stray that was so terrified of going into my dwelling, is now living with us. I just had to get an extra chair, Cuz, she took over Baby's chair. She still wants to be outside during the day. But, now she stays close. I don't think I could possibly put a leash on her. That will take a while. She, just walked me to the bathroom, and back. Sweet. If it's a Rainey day she'll stay in all day.

The tan cat, that is injured, I usually don't see much. I hated seeing him at the other site w all the Coons around. But, this site..... I fed him two full plates today. One in the morning, and night. I figured he hid down here somewhere. He doesn't come near me, he just asks for food. I probably will get some bug drops, in case, for him, like I do the others.




01:28 Sep 06 2022
Times Read: 588

Been throwing up again this week. Could be food poisoning, or I forgot.... It could be those vitamins I've been taking. I forgot about them. I stopped five days ago. I think.

Plus, my dogs nostril bled today. Worried. Can't be cancer, he's eating good. Will see tomorrow.

The only other thing, is the fire ant killer that smells like a decaying body. I've, used it a bunch of times.

The last site, I started to swipe at coons. Cuz they are always trying to break in, even when I feed them. So far, they haven't found me at this site. I bought a fly swatter, in case.

The tan cat found me. I'm glad, that last site was bad for him, and he has a gash near his ear.

Well, anyway, why say all this.... Cuz I was thinking of backing out this full moon Ether Project. But, I can do it on the waning, also. So let's see. I have to do a practice shot on my own first ...

I'll know soon ... If it's a go, then we meet at the church.😁.



04:40 Sep 06 2022

Is everything OK????

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